This is a proposed alphabet that is meant to be used for writing of Chiwere or Iowa-Otoe-Missouria. It is now in a very early stage of development, so some changes may occur to it in the future as the creator see fit. For any questions please use the email link below.

The Chiwere alternative orthography

Devised by: Michael Fustumum (michaelpeterfustumum(at)


Proposed letter

Current letter



A a

A a


2 Ą ą Aⁿ aⁿ [ã]
3 B b B b [p~b]

C c

Ch ch


5 Cʔ cʔ Ch^/Chˀ ch^/chˀ [t͡ʃʼ]
6 D d D d [t~d]
7 Ď ď Dh dh [ð]

E e

E e


9 G g G g [k~g]
10 H h H h [h]
11 I i I i [i]
12 Į į Iⁿ iⁿ [ĩ]
13 J j J j [t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ]

K k

K k


15 Kʔ kʔ K^/Kˀ k^/kˀ [kʼ]
16 M m M m


17 N n N n [n]
18 Ñ ñ Ñ ñ [ɲ]
19 Ŋ ŋ η [ŋ]
20 O o O o [o]
21 P p P p [pʰ]
22 Pʼ pʼ P^/Pˀ p^/pˀ [pʼ]
23 R r R r [r]

S s

S s


25 Sʼ sʼ S^/Sˀ s^/sˀ [sʼ]

T t

T t [tʰ]
27 Tʼ tʼ T^/Tˀ t^/tˀ [tʼ]
28 Ť ť Th th [θ]
29 Ťʼ ťʼ Th^/Thˀ th^/thˀ [θʼ]
30 U u U u [u]
31 Ų ų Uⁿ uⁿ [ũ]
32 W w W w [w]
33 X x X x [x]
34 Xʼ xʼ X^/Xˀ x^/xˀ [xʼ]
35 Y y Y y [j]
36 ʔ ʔ ^/ˀ [ʔ]
There would not be letters f, l, q, v, z, which would be only used in loanwords or replaced by p, r, k, b, s, respectively.
Long vowels are doubled (aa).
Stress vowels are marked by an acute accent (á).

Text example
Comes Walking (From Creation)

Hą´we ťréje cįdóiñe náhùje gigéjeñe ke. Ñíkʔé hédą pi ʔų ñe ke. Hí ahádaʔiñe iyą´ ki ʔų ñe ke. Máwagikʔe ída jína hą´we ťréje wawágaxe ʔų ke. Ná-gíxe hédą náhùje hédą bróge dasénawahiñe ke. Máhakʔòje kʔáñe ke. Maďéiñe ristójeñe ke. Nóbrahge ťʔídawère maďéiñe arásʔogeñe ke. Bímàsi hįwárujewi ke. Cí éʔsą bróge rujígeñe ke. Bígų`ďe ťátągi hįgúwi ke. Gasų´n wáʔų bróge rustą´ñe hñe ke. Úta hąwegi wáʔųñe ke.
