Resume For Michael Carter


To aqcuire a Financial Management position to assist in company growth after I graduate.


Overnight Operations Supervior, The Home Depot (Current)

District Supervisor, Local Knowledge LLC. (2011-2016)

  • Assisted in growing the company $284 million in 3 months.
  • Exceeded the sales plan for the year for my district of 12 different locations.
  • Maintained all employees payroll.
  • Skills

    Languages: English

    Technology: Quickbooks, ADP solutions, Kronos, Peachtree, and Proficient with Microsoft Products.


    Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL. 60625

    My College Comparison

    Time Between Colleges
    NEIU Wright College
    Bachelor's Degree Associate's Degree
    3 Semesters4 Semesters

    Short term goals:

    To enter the corporate world of finance and start gaining experience with investing and begin my career.

    Long term goals:

    To be able to transition to becoming a full time day trader, move where the weather never drops below 50 degrees, and become my own boss.


    Playing basketball, working out, day trading, reading books, hanging with friends and family.

    Contact Info: Address: 4436 N. Christiana Avenue, Chicago IL. 60625 | Tel: (860) 510-2688 | Email: [email protected]