MIA Phreaking Group of N.S.W


Wafer Card 1 MM2   SOME INFO ON THIS CARD FROM Maxking Interfaces Limited
PIC16F84A + 24C16 EEprom (16K)
Use VX Multi or FX or 16F87 programmer to program and select for the EEprom size 24XX16. When using the FX always program the EEprom hex file first, then the PIC 16F84A. Use EEprom setting 24XX16. With the 16F87 programmer you need a loader.hex file for the 16K Eeprom.

Some knowledge on SmartCards is necessary in order to fully understand the essence of our assignment. In this chapter we will describe what a SmartCard is and what we use it for.

What is a SmartCard?

A SmartCard is a little plastic card, much like the credit cards that are currently (1998) used. A big difference between a credit card and a SmartCard is that a credit card has a magnetic stripe on the back, which is used for data-storage, where the SmartCard uses a microchip, that has some storage-space as well. Besides the storage-space, it also has a microprocessor, which gives the card its name: "SmartCard". It is not a dumb data-storage device, the processor enables the card to protect the data that is stored inside the chip by cryptographic computations and grants users access to certain areas of the card.

At this moment, there are different types of cards in use. In an average purse, one can find cards like a telephone card, one or two banking cards, an identity card, one card used for shopping and another one used for fuelling. The amount of different cards is not only unpractical, it is irritating as well. That is why a lot of research is being put in the combination of cards. These cards are known as "Multi-application cards" or "Multi Function Cards" (MFCs).

More and more applications are being integrated into one single card, instead of a different card for each application. In the near future, SmartCards will probably be used to store medical records, to serve as an electronic purse and to guarantee someone's identity, all in one. This is not easy to do. It is important that each application has its own protected space on the card and that outsiders cannot access the (usually) private information that is stored.

SmartCards and security

SmartCards can store passwords in a way that they cannot be read from the outside. In general a SmartCard can protect its data using one of the following methods:

The first method allows reads and writes of certain data on the SCC, using a certain key. Data can be read and written enciphered, using a certain key, so that only the receiver can decipher the data with the same key. The outside world is unable to read and understand the enciphered data.

The second protection method provides the integrity of the data. The output of a read-command will consist of the data and a Message Authentication Code (MAC) computed over this data with a specified key. With this mechanism, the receiver can check if the data has been tampered with. Computing a MAC over modified data will result in a different value.

The third way of protecting a card's private data is by asking the outside world for a "Card Holder Verification" (CHV). The CHV is also known as "Personal Identification Number" (PIN), but does not necessarily has to be a number. A CHV has a length of 8 bytes. If a four-digit number is used, only the first 2 bytes are used. The SmartCard can store two CHVs per application. One CHV should normally be sufficient, but the second one can be used to unblock the first CHV, for instance. By entering a correct CHV, the card can give access to a certain area.

Access can also be restricted by presenting a challenge (a random number) to the outside world. The outside world now has to be able to present a cryptogram to the card. This cryptogram is the result of a computation over the challenge (the random number), in combination with a secret key. If the outside world can create a proper cryptogram, using the secret key and the random number, the card knows that the outside world possesses the right secret key, after which access will be granted to certain areas on the card. The opposite can be possible as well. If the outside world wants to know if a card is genuine or not, the external world generates a challenge and presents it to the card. The card now uses this random number and a secret key stored inside the card to create a cryptogram, which will be presented to the outside world.

SmartCard internals

In this section we will first compare the storage space of a SmartCard to a floppy-disk after which we will compare the chip on the card to a little computer. This comparison is made, because the concepts of a floppy disk and a computer are already known to most people.

SmartCard architecture

Just like a floppy-disk, a SmartCard has a directory-structure. Each SmartCard has a masterfile (MF), containing pointers to the rest of the information stored on the card. In the analogy of a floppy-disk, we would call the masterfile the "root" of the floppy. Furthermore there are dedicated files (DF) which can be compared to directories and there are elementary files (EF) which can be compared to the "normal" files on a floppy-disk. This structure can be seen easily in the next figure:
The directory structure of a Student ChipCard

So, a SmartCard has a:

  • [Master File] (MF) - Also referred to as the root directory
  • [Dedicated File] (DF) - Also referred to as application directory. It contains SmartCard applications consisting of data, in some cases also executables.
  • [Elementary Files] (EF) - Also referred to as data files, containing the actual application data.
  • The SmartCard processor

    As said before, the processor on the SmartCard can be seen as a little computer. A SmartCard has the following components ([SCSol]) as can be seen in the next figure:

    The SmartCard has control over the access to application data by using a secure operating system, safely stored in the ROM.
    Layout of a Secure Single Chip

    The safety of a SmartCard

    SmartCards are said to be very safe and protected against unauthorised access, but this is not true. It is possible to attack a card physically (a tamper) and it is possible to read private data from the card, without even attacking it. The attacks are not part of our subject but they are needed for an understanding of the safety of SmartCards in general and in particular in comparison with software only solutions.

    We will explain a bit more on the physical attacks possible to break a SmartCard ([Anderson]). Although it is hard to physically attack a SmartCard, it is possible. There have been attacks that show that it is possible to remove the chip from a card and to get rid of the epoxy layer on top of it, without damaging the chip itself. After that, there are attacks possible like changing the voltage, the temperature etc. It is possible that after such attacks, the card will release the security-bit. Some devices with an on-chip EEPROM will release the lock-bit when UV light is focussed on the security lock cell, which is located sufficiently far from the rest of the memory. These simple attacks will not work on the newer cards, but the protection of the newer cards is not much better.

    In 1995, a description was given how to break a single-DES key, with a key space of 64 bits, in 35 hours, using a brute-force attack. A machine that would be able to do this would have costed 1 million dollars at that time. However, the current SmartCards have the ability of performing triple-DES cryptographic computations with a double length key. Therefore, breaking a triple-DES key succesfully is less likely feasible. For the StudentSmartCard this method is not very effective, because you only gain access to one card with this method.

    So, SmartCards are relatively safe. What is possible, however, is to read a lot of data from the card. After each transaction, a log file is kept on the card. For instance, with a home-made card-reader (details described at the homepage of "Hacking In Progress (HIP)" [HIP]) it is easy to read this log, containing the following information:

    Although the national banks say that private information cannot be read, the above shows the opposite.

    The Chipper, the ChipKnip and the GSM-card

    The Chipper and the ChipKnip are the current (1998) electronic purse systems used in the Netherlands. At this moment, these cards are not yet integrated. The main reason is that the cards are not compatible. It is not possible to use the Chipper to pay in shops, where the ChipKnip cannot be used in telephone cells etc.

    The Chipper is the SmartCard of the Postbank and the ING. It is developed by the Postbank and KPN-Nederland and is a true example of a multi-function SmartCard system. It offers a "Service Box" that contains a number of service slots which are available for specific applications such as parking, loyalty schemes or transport ([Chipper]). Card holders can safely add up to ten different applications on the chip. Currently, the Chipper can be used in telephone cells (with additional memory space for telephone numbers) and busses. Payment methods will be available for parking. The Chipper is currently used in the Netherlands and in Australia.

    The ChipKnip is the SmartCard of the other Dutch banks, and is a copy of the Proton (a SmartCard used in over 10 countries). The ChipKnip is better integrated for payment in shops.

    The GSM-SIM card is the card used in GSM-telephones (digital cellular phones). The SmartCard used in the GSM is called the SIM (Subscriber Identification Module). This SIM is capable of functions like storing abbreviated telephone numbers, storing of short messages, etc. In April 1998, the code of the GSM was cracked, which took about six hours. Still, it is easier to circumvent analogue cells than digital cells, but it is a nice example of a bad design.

    The future of SmartCards

    In the future, SmartCards will play an important role in the authentication of individuals. All kinds of information will be stored on these kinds of cards. The cards will become MultiFunction Cards (MFCs) which means that multiple applications will use the same card for various goals. For example: medical records in combination with electronic purse applications and identification information will be stored on the same card. Practically anyone will be in possession of a SmartCard. There are currently approximately 10 million DES-cards in the Netherlands, used by the Dutch banks as electronic purse. A smaller amount, but more important for us is the number of students with a SCC (a total of 150.000). The question is where the DES-SmartCards fit, since the crypto-world seems to be heading for asymmetric cryptography and RSA-SmartCards ([JanEnRoy]).

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