MI6 still spying on European partners
                                                                        Insight into MI6's European spying

All anti-European operations are given the generic codename "Jetstream", and are accorded the same level of secrecy and need-to-know indoctrination as highly sensitive Russian casework.

Jetstream operations are carried out by all MI6 officers working in European countries and are supported by a UK station. It is believed that there are  approximately ten officers based at Vauxhall Cross, which carries out natural cover (undercover as businessmen, journalists etc) against the European target.
Much intelligence is gathered from "unconscious" informers who are aware that they are giving away confidential information, but believe that their case officer is a journalist or businessman, and that their information is to be used only in specialist technical publications or trade journals.

As you will see, many of MI6's operations in Europe break European law and are against the spirit of the European Union.
MI6's main European intelligence targets are Germany and France, though there are also requirements against Spain, Italy and Switzerland.
Target Germany
Target France
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