Jumping Jennifer

From: [email protected] (SamPast) and (Don A. Landhill)

This story is told from two different points of view -- Jennifer's and her father Charlie's. The events are the same, but the perspective is a bit different. Both co-authors contributed to each POV.

This story is a work of fiction. The author does not endorse or encourage the actual spanking of real children in any way. All characters are the products of the author's imagination.

Do not copy or distribute this story without written permission from the authors. Permission to keep one personal archive copy is hereby granted. Do not write other stories using these characters without permission from SamPast.

Send any comments to [email protected]

Jumping Jennifer -- A Twin Story By SamPast and Don A. Landhill Copyright (c) 1999, All Rights Reserved.

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[Part 1 Jennifer's view]

I was sitting up in my bed, wearing only my pantsies and a t-shirt. I was supposed to be resting and thinking about what I had done today. What I had done! It wasn't that bad, not really. But Mommy had been so angry; she didn't even want to talk to me.

It wasn't that bad. But when the vice-principal called her to come pick me up early, Mommy was not happy with me. I don't know why. After all, it was an "accident." I wondered if Daddy would be angry, too. As I was thinking this, I heard him come home.

I heard Daddy call out, "Hello? Anyone home?"

I knew I wasn't allowed to leave my room, so I just waited. I put my jeans back on 'cause I didn't want him seeing me in my pantsies and getting the idea that I was gonna have another accident. Finally, Daddy peeked his head in. He saw me sitting on my bed.

He said, "Hi, baby. What are you doing? And where's Mommy and Robin?"

"They're down in the basement doing laundry. They'll be back soon. Mommy said that I had to stay in my room, because of what happened at school," I answered.

Daddy asked, "Jennifer, what did happen today at school?"

I took a deep breath. Then I began, "Okay, well, you know that game where you play jump rope, and you jump on each letter of the alphabet, and when you miss, the letter you miss on, is the letter of your boyfriend's name?"

I paused. I waited to see if Daddy knew what I was talking about. I looked over at him. He was nodding, so I guess he knew the game. He then asked me to continue.

"Well, today at school... when it was my turn to jump, I missed on the letter p, and... well", I paused, looking very embarrassed, "when I got to the letter "p", I peed on myself. It was an accident, Daddy, really. The other girls were completely shocked. And the boys started pointing and laughing and teasing me. There was a big puddle and everything."

I waited to see what Daddy would say. He asked me why Mommy had sent me to my room. I decided to go around his question and asked him a question of my own.

"Are you angry, Daddy?" I asked.

"I'm never angry about a real accident, you know that. Is there something I should be angry about? I sense that I'm not getting the whole story here," Daddy said.

I paused. I mean, how much did I want to tell him? Well, I would have to tell him the whole truth. So I said, "Well, Uh... I was so embarrassed, I ran all the way across the field and hid there."

I stopped. Daddy was staring at me. I knew I had to tell him the rest.

I looked down at the floor and said, "And I stayed there, and the vice principal had to come find me. And I, um, uh, I didn't want to go with him. Because I don't know him, and I was embarrassed. But he made me. Then he called Mommy to come get me. And she was mad."

Very quietly I asked, "Are you mad, too?"

Daddy put his finger under my chin, lifted it, and made me look at him.

Then he said, "Well running away is always a bad thing to do. We have told you about that before, you know. And cutting class is bad, too. You are not allowed to hide, or not go to your classes at school. You know that, Jennifer."

I started feeling guilty. I said, "I know, but I was embarrassed and scared, what should I have done?"

Daddy replied, "You should have gone to the nurse or a teacher. Don't run away, get help if you need it."

I didn't like where this conversation was headed. "But, but, but." I started to say.

Then Daddy continued, "And you certainly should not have stayed out after the end of recess. And there are no "buts" about that, young lady."

I could tell Daddy was getting angry with me.

"So, you are angry?" I asked.

Daddy explained, "Yes, I am upset with you for running away, but not for having an accident. You know that we will never be upset or angry about a real accident. Did your mommy punish you already for running away and hiding?"

Okay, I had to think fast. What if I said yes? Then it would all be over. Think fast, Jenn, I said to myself. Usually I could lie at the drop of a hat, but it wasn't working right now. So I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Ummm, yes?" Oh boy, did that just sound as bad as I thought it did?

Daddy asked, "What was your punishment?"

Um, what was my punishment? If I said Mommy spanked me, Daddy might check. What should I say? Daddy was staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"Ummm, let me think, it was, um, uh, .", I said. I knew I looked guilty. I decided I'd better tell the truth. It's always better in the end. "I guess she didn't," I added.

Daddy put his finger on his chin and said, "I see. Were you trying to get out of a punishment by telling me that she had already punished you, just now?"

I knew I was caught, but I said, "No! uh, maybe?"

Daddy said, "I think 'No Maybe' Means 'YES', doesn't it, Jennifer?"

The way he asked me made me feel really bad. We both knew what I had tried to do. I felt very ashamed right then.

"WAAAAH, you're right, I'm sorry!" I admitted.

Then Daddy made it worse by saying, "I asked you if Mommy punished you. You lied. You know what that means. Lies are never acceptable, and lying to try to get out of punishment just makes things worse."

Even though I knew I wouldn't get away with it, I made one last ditch attempt to try to get out of being punished. "No, she did, she did punish me, I just don't remember what she did," I said, sobbing.

Wouldn't you know it? Just then, I heard the door open, and Mommy's and Robin's voices. Maybe Daddy hadn't heard them come in.

But he did. He asked me if he should ask Mommy whether she had punished me or not.

"NOOOO!" I yelled. "Please don't, Daddy!"

But he did. He called out to Mommy in the kitchen, "Lisa! Did you punish Jennifer yet for her antics at school today?"

"No, I was waiting to talk to you, hon. I just didn't feel up to dealing with her, I was so mad," Mommy said, appearing in the doorway of my room.

I looked down. Both Mommy and Daddy were staring at me. I hadn't even felt bad about what I did at school. But now I felt bad because I had lied about it.

Daddy turned to Mommy and said, "I see, well she just lied about that. She tried to tell me that you had already punished her."

"Daddy! NO, I'm sorry!" I tried to stop this. I did not like the way things were going. Not one bit. I knew that I was about to get into real trouble, and hoped that a quick apology would head off some of it.

"I think she has earned a spanking for running away and hiding--" Daddy continued.

"--No, please!" I tried to beg my way out, but that never works -- especially not when they're really mad. Then Daddy started talking about SOAP. And Mommy agreed. She had been real mad about having to go down to the school. I knew that I was in for it unless I could do something quick.

I definitely did not like where this conversation had headed. I was going to put a stop to it right then.

"But Daddy," I sobbed, "you said you wouldn't punish me for having an accident!"

Daddy told me I was being punished for running and hiding, and then also for lying. I was not a happy, little girl.

He took me by the hand and led me to his room. I stomped the whole way. He told me I was making it worse for myself and told me to take my punishment like a big girl.

I didn't want to take my punishment like a big girl. I didn't want a punishment at all.

Daddy made me tell him WHY I was being spanked. I always hate that -- it makes me feel so ashamed.

Daddy sat on the bed, pulled down my clothes, and put me over his lap. He spanked really hard, over and over again. It hurt!

"OW! That hurts! Stop!" I yelled.

He was lecturing me, but I don't know what he was saying, because I was too busy kicking and screaming, and crying.

"I won't do it again, if you just stop, pleeeease!" I shouted.

This time I heard him. He said, "I'll stop when I think you've had enough, and not before, Jennifer."

He said my name real long, and made sure to spank me a lot when he said it. I was crying so hard by now. Hey, I was only seven years old. I didn't deserve such a hard spanking.

Daddy was saying something about not running away, so I yelled, "Okay, I got it! Are we done yet?"

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said it the way I did. But I don't think that was reason enough for Daddy to take out the hairbrush.

"NO! NOT THE HAIRBRUSH! I'm sorrrreeee!" I yelled.

Daddy told me the hairbrush would teach me a good lesson. I didn't want any lessons with hairbrushes.

"Please, Daddy, stop! I'm sorry. I won't do it again!" I yelled.

Daddy finally stopped spanking me. It felt like my bottom was on fire. I sobbed and sobbed. Then quietly I asked, "Am I forgiven?"

Daddy pulled me up and held me to him and hugged me. I always liked this part of the spanking, because it made me feel loved. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

He was saying all kinds of soothing things. But the best thing he said, was, "That's okay. But don't ever act like that again." And then he hugged me back.

I thought I was home-free now. "Can I go watch t.v. now?" I asked.

Daddy looked at me like I was crazy. He told me my punishment wasn't over yet. He said there was still the lying.

Daddy took my hand and led me into the bathroom. I didn't have anything on now except my tee-shirt, and I hated to be all bare in the hall.

Daddy made me sit on the toilet lid, bare bottom. He put a bar of soap in my mouth and told me to sit there until he called me. I felt like I was sitting on sand paper; my bottom was so rough.

The soap was so disgusting, I took it out and said, "Yuck!"

"Jennifer!" he yelled at me.

"Okay, okay, I'm doing it," I said, as I put the bar of soap back in. It was so gross. Do you think they make soap taste so yucky just for this reason? Of course, most children probably don't have to put it in their mouths.

Daddy came back in five minutes, at least he said it was five minutes. When you're sitting there with soap in your mouth, it feels like five hours.

Daddy said, "Okay, you can take the soap out now."

I spit the soap out. "Patooey!" I washed my mouth out the best I could. I was crying and sobbing the whole time the water was running.

"There, there," was all Daddy could say.

Now that I was forgiven, and the punishment was over, I was a little mad at him. After all, I had only had an accident at school, not that big of a deal. I mean, why did he hafta blow the whole "running off" thing out of proportion.

Daddy asked me if I knew he loved me. I nodded. He said he would be right back. I don't know where he was going, but suddenly I felt very mad. I ran back to my room and slammed the door.

He came running back in and asked what I did.

"I'm mad at you. Aren't I allowed to be mad at you?" I asked, a little too snotty.

He just looked at me. He said that slamming doors were not acceptable in our house. He also said I was allowed to be mad at anyone I wanted, but I had to be polite.

Then Daddy put my pantsies back on me. He told me I had to stay in my room until dinner time.

Very nicely, I said, "Daddy, I'm mad at you. Please leave my room."

Daddy was a little surprised. Usually, he kissed me on the cheek and tucked me in, when I had to take a nap. But I didn't want him to this time.

He started to walk out and then said he hoped my attitude was better by the time we had dinner.

After he closed the door, I started feeling funny. I had never laid down for a nap without Daddy kissing me. Suddenly, the mad feelings went away, and I wanted him.

"Daddy! Wait!" I called.

Daddy peeked back in and asked, "What? Do you want to talk to me now?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry, Daddy! I love you," I said, opening my arms up for him to come and hug me. He did. He said he loved me too.

"Do you forgive me, Daddy?" I asked, quietly.

Daddy nodded. He answered, "Yes I do. I am upset with you when you misbehave, and I have to punish you to show you what is right and wrong, but I will always love you, no matter what you do. Okay?"

This time I nodded. "Okay, Daddy."

I was getting sleepy. I laid back down on my bed. As he left, he kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I love you, Baby. Have a good rest."

[End of part 1]


Part 2 -- Charlie's View

I came home that afternoon in a good mood. I wanted to have some quality time with the twins. I had been working late too many nights and hadn't seen as much of them as I would like. But that day I got home by 4:30 in the afternoon. I came in to find only Jennifer in the house. She was sitting on her bed with an unhappy expression on her face, and I knew that something was up.

"Jennifer, where are your mother and Robin?", I asked.

"They went down to the basement to do the laundry. They'll be back up soon. Mommy said that I had to stay in my room, because of what happened at school."

"Jennifer, what did happen today at school?"

"Okay, well, you know that game where you play jump rope, and you jump on each letter of the alphabet, and when you miss, the letter you miss on, is the letter of your boyfriend's name?" Jennifer was babbling, clearly not wanting to get to the point.

"Yes, so what happened with this game?" I asked, perhaps a bit impatiently.

"Well, today at school... when it was my turn to jump, I missed on the letter p, and... Well", she paused, looking very embarrassed, "I peed when I jumped on p, and missed, and all the kids made fun of me, well actually just the boys , the girls were completely shocked. There was a big puddle and everything."

"I see, you had quite a day. But why did your mother tell you to say in your room?"

"Are you angry?" she asked, with a quiver in her voice.

"I'm never angry about a real accident, you know that. Is there something I should be angry about? I sense that I'm not getting the whole story here."

"Well, Uh... I was so embarrassed, I ran all the way across the field and hid there, and wouldn't go back to the classroom, and the vice-principal had to come looking for me, and I wouldn't go with him, 'cause Uncle Jack wasn't there, and Mommy was mad when he called her to come pick me up at school."

"Well running away is always a bad thing to do. We have told you about that before, you know. And cutting class is bad too. You are not allowed to hide, or not go to your classes at school. You know that, Jennifer."

"I know, but I was embarrassed and scared, what should I have done?"

"You should have gone to the nurse or a teacher. Don't run away, get help if you need it."

"but, but, but."

"And you certainly should not have stayed out after the end of recess. And there are no "buts" about that, young lady." I was beginning to be upset, as much about how she was making me work to get the story, as at what she did.

"So, you are angry?" she asked, fearfully.

"Yes, I am upset with you for running away, but not for having an accident. You know that we will never be upset or angry about a real accident. Did your mommy punish you already for running away and hiding?"

"ummm, yes?" Her voice was far from sure, and I immediately suspected that this was not an accurate statement.

"What was your punishment?"

"ummm, let me think, it was, um, uh, .", she paused, looking guilty, "I guess she didn't."

"I see. Were you trying to get out of a punishment by telling me that she had already punished you, just now?" I was very disappointed by this attempt to lie her way out of a punishment. I intended to show her that this would NOT be tolerated.

"No, maybe!"

"I think 'No Maybe' Means 'YES', doesn't it, Jennifer?" I wanted her to admit what she had tried to do.

"WAAAAH, you're right, I'm sorry!"

"I asked you if Mommy punished you. You lied. You know what that means. Lies are never acceptable, and lying to try to get out of a punishment just makes things worse."

"No, she did, she did punish me, I just don't remember what she did."

As Jennifer tried this further evasion, I heard the door to the apartment open and Lisa and Robin come in with the laundry. I said to Jennifer, "Shall I call your mother over and ask her?", hoping to get her to admit to her lie once and for all, and tell the whole truth.

"NOOOO!" she yelled, in complete denial.

I called out to the kitchen: "Lisa! Did you punish Jennifer yet for her antics at school today?" Lisa stuck her head into Jennifer's room in response to my call.

"No, I was waiting to talk to you, hon. I just didn't feel up to dealing with her, I was so mad."

"I see, well she just lied about that. She tried to tell me that you had already punished her."

"Daddy! NO, I'm sorry!" Jennifer interjected. Clearly she did not like this turn of events.

"I think she has earned a spanking for running away and hiding--" I continued, over Jennifer's interruptions.

"--No, please!"

"-- and some soap for the lie. Do you agree, hon?"

"Whatever you say, dear. I am fed up with her right now - it put my day quite out of order to have to go down to the school early, and I would be just as pleased if you would deal with her and let me get on with supper. I'm sure you'll give her a good lesson." With that she went back to the laundry.

Lisa sounded tired, and exasperated, and it was probably a very good idea that she hadn't tried to deal with Jennifer, I thought.

" I'm sorry!" Jennifer was very unhappy, clearly wanting this to just go away.

"Okay Jennifer. Come with me to the bedroom." I led the way to where I intended to punish her. She STOMPed loudly as she followed, deliberately making it clear how unhappy she was.

"You are just making it worse for yourself. Stop stomping," I warned her. "Now take your punishment like a big girl. You hurry up and get over here -- I'm waiting." I said in a firm voice.

"I'm here, Daddy!" she said, coming up to stand beside me as I sat on the edge of the bed. She looked both apprehensive and defiant, still.

"Okay. Why are you getting this spanking, Jennifer?", I asked. I try always to make sure that the twins know why they are being punished. I think that it makes the punishment much more meaningful, a true correction.

"Because I ran away and hid, and didn't come back when I was called.an.. an I made mommy come down to the school for me." she said slowly.

"And? What else?"

"Because I lied to you about Mommy having already punished me?"

"That's right. Running away and lying will always get you in trouble. And now it's time." I pulled down her pants and her protective underpants ("Pantsies", she calls them), and bent her over my lap without any more delay.

<Swat> <Swat> <Swat> <Swat> I started the spanking with my hand, smacking the tops of her cheeks sharply and rapidly. I was not in a mood to go easy.

"Oh! That hurts! Stop!" she yelled. But I paid no attention. This was discomfort talking, not repentance, not yet.

<Swat> "Running away" <Swat> "is very bad." <Swat> I started to scold, punctuating my lecture with spanks. "People were worried" <Swat> "about you." <Swat>

"I won't do it again, if you just stop, pleeeease!" I still didn't hear any true remorse in her voice.

"I'll stop" <Swat> "When I think" <Swat> "you've had enough" <Swat> "and not before" <Swat> "Jennifer Lynn" <Swat>. I continued to scold, and she started to sob. <Swat> "It is important" <Swat> "that we know" <Swat> "where you are" <Swat> "at all times." <Swat> "Otherwise," <Swat> "we can't take proper," <Swat> "Care," <Swat> "of you. " <Swat> "And that applies " <Swat> "to the school teachers, " <Swat> "While you're in school. " <Swat>

"Okaaaaaay! I got it!" she said in a pained, yet somehow still snotty, tone of voice.

<Swat> "Embarrassment happens" <Swat> "but running away never helps." <Swat>

"Okay! I got it! Are we done yet?" This time her tone was positively sarcastic, which I wasn't about to put up with.

"Your attitude" <Swat> "needs some improvement" <Swat> "young lady." <Swat> "You will speak to me" <Swat> "in a proper" <Swat> "tone of voice. " <Swat> "I don't want" <Swat> "to have to mention this" <Swat> "to you again."

She started to sob loudly. I paused and said, "I am going to make this spanking very memorable for you. I don't want you ever to do this again. The next time you are tempted to run away, or lie, remember this!"

Then I turned and picked up the hairbrush. She has always been very impressed by a hairbrush spanking. Once it was reserved for the gravest of offenses, but, as the twins become older, I think Lisa and I will be using it more and more often. A simple hand spanking just isn't enough anymore, it seems.

"NO! NOT THE HAIRBRUSH, I'm sorrreeee!" she yelled. She did NOT like the sight of that brush at ALL.

I started the hairbrushing. I was hitting harder than I had with my hand. I kept up the scolding, though. "Maybe this" "will teach you" "a good " "lesson." I wanted to bring home to her just how unacceptable her conduct had been, and I was a bit scared for her, too. Off on her own, anything could have happened to her.

"It has. I won't do it again. Am I forgiven?" This time I sensed some sincerity in her tone, some real remorse. Her bottom was cherry read, and it was time to put a halt to the spanking. I gave her five last s the hardest of all, and then put down the brush.

"Okay, that's the end of your spanking, Baby," I told her.

"I'm sorry.", she sobbed out, throwing her arms around my neck, and hugging me tight.

"That's okay. Don't ever act like that again." I hugged her back. "I want you to promise me. You know we love you very much, don't you?"

"I guess so", she said, still a bit sulky, "Can I go to my room now? "

"No, we still have your lie to deal with, Jennifer Lynn."

"No! I hurt, please!"

"That's what happens when you misbehave, Jennifer," I told her, "spankings hurt. Now follow me." I said, getting up and heading for the door of the bedroom, "And don't bother to pull up your pants or pantsies."

"Waaaah! okay, I'm coming!" She followed me, dragging her feet a bit. She was NOT eager to take this punishment, not at all.

I led her down the hall to the bathroom. "Now sit on the toilet lid, on your bare bottom, and take this soap bar in your mouth." I said, handing her a fresh bar of the generic soap we use.

"Oh, yuck! do I hafta?" My look was evidently answer enough for her. "Okay, I'm doing it, yuck!" She sobbed and put the bar well into her mouth. She knew better than to screw around at this point.

"Bite down, and sit there quietly until I call you."

She opened her mouth enough to say "Yuck! This tastes awful!"

"Jennifer!" I used the 'last warning' tone, and she closed her mouth and bit down. Her next protest was unintelligible

"Mmphmmmpmhp" she said, or words to that effect.

I left her alone to contemplate lies, and the taste of soap. Five minutes later, I returned. Her eyes were tearing, and there was a foam of soap all around her mouth.

"Okay, you can take the soap out." I told her.

Quickly she removed the soap, and rinsed her mouth several times. She was crying and sobbing as she did so. She sounded more like a four-year-old than a little girl of seven.

"There, there, it's all over." I said, trying to comfort her, and show her that she was still loved, is spite of her punishments -- actually, it was because of my love for her that I had punished her. But I wasn't sure if she would accept that.

"I thought you weren't gonna be mad! Now, I'm mad at you. I'm going to my room!" She marched down the hall quickly, almost at a run. SLAM! came the sound of the door to the room she shares with Robin.

I followed her down the hall and into her room. I was not about to let her get away with that sort of behavior. I do not tolerate fits of temper from either of the twins. "Young Lady, is slamming doors acceptable around here?"

"No, sir, I'm sorry, aren't I allowed to be mad at you, though?" she said, half reasonably, but with a touch of both pout and whine in her voice.

"Yes, you can be mad at anyone you want to--" I started, but she interrupted me.

"Fine, then I'm mad at you." The whine was more pronounced than before.

I continued, without allowing her to take over the conversation, "--but you must be polite, even when you're mad. Is that clear, Jennifer? And you had better stop whining, unless you'd like a return visit to the bathroom."

"Okay, then", she said nicely, "I'm mad at you, please leave my room." Since she had dropped the whine, I didn't make an issue of it further.

"Okay, but I want you to take a nap, and put on your pantsies, please." I knew full well that she usually drifted off after a spanking, and I didn't want another accident. This was our usual routine after a spanking, so I could trust her to do it without supervision, I thought.

"Okay, g'nite! Oh wait I'm not talking to you." I chose to ignore the last part of these, thinking that she would get over it shortly. She put on her protective panties as I watched.

"Stay in your room until dinner time, Jennifer. And I hope your attitude is better by then." I told her, and turned and walked out of the door. I hadn't gotten five feet, when she called out to me.

"Daddy! WAIT!" Her tone had changed completely and I knew that we were over the hump, this time. But I needed her to admit that out loud.

As I came back in to her room, I said, "What? Do you want to talk to me now?"

"Yes, I'm sorry! I love you," she said, and threw her arms around me in a positively fierce hug. I hugged her back with all my heart.

"That's OKAY, Baby. I love you, too."

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes, of course I do. I am upset with you when you misbehave, and I have to punish you to show you what is right and wrong -- but I will always love you, no matter what you do."

I put all the feeling I could into those words, wanting her to believe them through and through. Besides, they were the truest words I'd ever spoken.

"Okay, g'nite, Daddy!"

"G'nite, Jennifer." She lay down, and was clearly headed for sleep. That is just what she needed, I thought.

"Remember, don't come out until dinner time." I admonished her. "Love you baby. Good night." I said more quietly as I left the room again, closing the door quietly behind me. I hoped that this little spat was over -- and I was right.

Of course, there was another time, but that is another story.

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