Profiles written in part or full by me:
    1. Abominable Snowman
    2. Acrobat
    3. Adam-II
    4. Agent L
    5. Agent M
    6. Agent of 1,000 Faces
    7. Agent X
    8. Aguilar Institute
    9. Airjet Cycle
    10. Airstrike
    11. Aldebron
    12. Caleb Alexander
    13. Carrie Alexander
    14. Alien champion
    15. John Allen
    16. Almost Reno
    17. Amber
    18. Ame-No-Kumari
    19. Captain Andre
    20. Android X-4
    21. Julie Angel
    22. Sister Angelique
    23. Animen
    24. Anti-Charge Bazooka
    25. Anti-Cosmic Flying Wing
    26. Anti-Gravity Device
    27. Anti-Vision
    28. The Ape
    29. Apollo
    30. Apparition
    31. Aquanoids
    32. Aquarius
    33. Aquarius
    34. The Arcane Order of the Night
    35. Aries
    36. Aries
    37. Aries
    38. Aries
    39. Arko
    40. Armless Tiger Man
    41. Mike Armstrong
    42. Lord Arno
    43. Mr. Arons
    44. Arsenal
    45. Artemis
    46. Athena
    47. Aurelle
    48. A.U.T.O.F.A.C.
    49. Avengers of Earth-Once and Future Thor
    50. Sally Avril
    51. Axon-Karr
    52. Lee Baker
    53. Sedara Bakut
    54. Balinor
    55. Banari
    56. Minerva Bannister
    57. Bantam
    58. Moose Barclay
    59. Barehide Kid
    60. Baron Blood
    61. Baron Blood
    62. Baron Samedi
    63. Baron Strucker LMD
    64. Baroness Blood
    65. The Barracuda
    66. Barrier
    67. Lucy Barton
    68. Basilisk
    69. Sgt. Bass
    70. The Bat
    71. Batch-13
    72. Barney Bates
    73. David Bealer
    74. Beatles Imposters
    75. Colonel Bel-Dann
    76. Bela
    77. Danny "Drummer" Bellaman
    78. Louis Belski
    79. Bengal
    80. Sammy Bernstein
    81. Betatron Bomb
    82. Bradley Beynon
    83. Beyondersbane
    84. Clay Bickford
    85. Big Thunder
    86. Bigfins
    87. Miriam Birchwood
    88. Bishamon
    89. Bill Bishop
    90. Bison
    91. Bitterhorn
    92. Black Brother
    93. Black Mariah
    94. Black Talon
    95. Blackout
    96. Blackwulf
    97. Blackwulf
    98. Blackwulf
    99. The Blank
    100. Blare
    101. Blastfurnace
    102. Blind Faith
    103. Blips
    104. Blitzkrieg Squad
    105. Blitzkrieger
    106. Bloackade
    107. Blood Brothers
    108. Bloodshed
    109. Bloody Claws
    110. Bludgeon
    111. Bludgeoner, Compressor, and Transformer
    112. Bluebeard
    113. Bollix
    114. The Book of Many Things
    115. Boothroyd
    116. The Bouncing Ball of Doom
    117. Bounty Hunter
    118. Thomas Boyd
    119. The Brain
    120. Brain Leeches
    121. Brainosaur
    122. Moira Brandon
    123. Solemne Brannex
    124. Yelena Brement
    125. Brides of Dracula
    126. Brides of Set
    127. Agent Briggs
    128. Billy Briggs
    129. Brightsword
    130. Bristle
    131. Dr. Oliver Broadhurst
    132. Brother Royal
    133. Brotherhood of Hades
    134. Bennington Brown
    135. Rachel Brown
    136. Bruce Banner's Robot
    137. Yuri Brushov
    138. Brute
    139. Brute That Walks
    140. Bruttu
    141. Brutus
    142. The Bullet-Proof Man
    143. Mr. Burge
    144. Officer Burnatt
    145. Burnout
    146. Burstarr
    147. "Cabbie"
    148. Caber
    149. Cadaver
    150. Caduceus
    151. Calculus
    152. Cam-Bot
    153. Cancer
    154. Cancer
    155. Cannibal Catch
    156. Vera Cantor
    157. Capricorn
    158. Captain America
    159. Captain America imposters
    160. Captain Avenger
    161. Captain Britain
    162. Captain Forsa
    163. King Carelius
    164. Major Carlson
    165. Ronson Carpenter
    166. Rufus Carter
    167. Cat
    168. Cathexis-Ray
    169. Censys
    170. Centaurs
    171. Cerberus
    172. Cerebrac
    173. Ceyote
    174. Chaka
    175. Dr. Chandra
    176. Channel Master
    177. Charon
    178. Cheiros
    179. General Chen
    180. Hu Chen
    181. Chi Demon
    182. Herbert Cholmondeley
    183. Kathryn Cinnibar
    184. Circus of Crime
    185. The City of Seven Dark Delights
    186. Clancy
    187. Clark
    188. Adam Clayton
    189. Mike Clemson
    190. Cleopatra
    191. Jeff Cochren
    192. Codabac
    193. Code: Blue
    194. Isadore "Izzy" Cohen
    195. Cole
    196. Collective Man
    197. Skip Collins
    198. Walter Collins
    199. The Colony
    200. Colosso
    201. Colossus
    202. Combat Kelly
    203. The Combine
    204. Comicsville
    205. Commanda
    206. The Commission on Superhuman Activities
    207. The Conclave
    208. Concussion
    209. El Condor
    210. Captain Shelley Conklin
    211. Ken Connell
    212. Captain Conner
    213. William Conover
    214. Teri Cooper
    215. The Corporation
    216. Corpus Derelicti
    217. Ralph "Hoss" Cosgrove
    218. Cosmic Commandos
    219. Cosmic Power Siphon Harness
    220. B.J. Cosmos
    221. The Cougar
    222. Cougar
    223. The Council of Seven
    224. Count Tagar
    225. Delphine Courtney
    226. Dr. Earl Cowan
    227. Michael Crawley
    228. Jonas Cray
    229. The Creature From Krangro
    230. The Creature From the Black Bog
    231. Creatures From Krogarr
    232. Crime-Buster
    233. Crimson Cavalier
    234. Crimson Dynamo
    235. Crimson Dynamo
    236. Crimson Dynamo
    237. Crimson Dynamo
    238. Crimson Dynamo
    239. Crimson Hawks
    240. Crooked Face
    241. Crooked Man
    242. Crule
    243. The Crusher
    244. The Crusher
    245. Cult of Kali
    246. The Cult of the Jackal
    247. Curzon
    248. Jamie Custer
    249. Oliver Cutlass
    250. Cyber Ninjas
    251. Cyberwarriors
    252. Cyrene
    253. Damocles Foundation
    254. Dampyre
    255. Elias Dane
    256. Sheila Danning
    257. Dark Dweller
    258. Darklens
    259. Daydreamer
    260. De'Lila
    261. Deacon
    262. Deadeye
    263. The Deadly Dozen
    264. Death's Head Satellite
    265. Death's Head Squadron
    266. Deathtoll
    267. Deathwatcher
    268. Defensor
    269. Dehman Doosha
    270. Carl Delandan
    271. Kristian Delano
    272. Delphos
    273. Delta Force
    274. The Deltite
    275. Deluge
    276. Demeityr
    277. Alex DePaul
    278. DePrayve
    279. Jacques Dernier
    280. Desert Dwellers
    281. Alan Desmond
    282. Destructon
    283. Arcadia Deville
    284. Devos
    285. Diablo
    286. Lionel Dibbs
    287. Dionysus
    288. Dirge
    289. Disintegrator
    290. Dittomaster
    291. Dr. Doom's Killer Robots
    292. Dr. Druid's Followers
    293. Dr. Zeus
    294. Dogs of War
    295. Dracula
    296. Dragon-Lord
    297. Dragon Lord
    298. Dragon Lord
    299. Dragona
    300. Ulysses Dragonblood
    301. Dragons of Klarn
    302. Dreadbusters
    303. Dream Demon
    304. Dredmund Druid
    305. Dromedan
    306. Droog
    307. Druig
    308. Dude In The Really Rad Armor
    309. Dan Dunn
    310. Dutta
    311. Dwarves
    312. Dyna-Disk
    313. Dyna-Soar
    314. Earth-Adam-II
    315. Earth-Hannibal King Lord of Vampires
    316. Earth-Vision Not Dismantled
    317. Earthshaker
    318. Ebrok
    319. The Ecdysiast
    320. The Editor
    321. 88
    322. Horst Eisele
    323. El Toro Negro
    324. El Toro Rojo
    325. Electro
    326. Electronic Mass Influencer
    327. Elektro
    328. Emotion Charger
    329. Encephalo-Gun
    330. Encoders
    331. Enigmo
    332. Epoch
    333. Equinus
    334. Lt. Erikson
    335. Ethicals
    336. Vinnie Evans
    337. Everyman
    338. Executioner
    339. Exiles
    340. Sam Exmore
    341. Fabrikant
    342. Fah Lo Suee
    343. Lindsey Falmon
    344. Fangs
    345. Fantasti-Copter
    346. Fantastic-Kids
    347. Lucius Farnsworth
    348. Leslie Farrington
    349. Fat Man
    350. Fearsome Foursome
    351. Fenris Wolf
    352. Fer-De-Lance
    353. Festung von Furcht
    354. Barney Fiddler
    355. Judge Franklin Fields
    356. Daniel "Fireworks" Fielstein
    357. Fin Fang Foom
    358. Edward Finelli
    359. Firebolt
    360. Firefist
    361. Fireproof Natives
    362. Michelle Fisher
    363. Fixer's robot
    364. Flagwatch #133
    365. The Flame
    366. Flashpoint
    367. Captain Flint
    368. Flying Fortress
    370. Fomalhauti
    371. The Forgotten One
    372. The Fox
    373. Fox Division
    374. Frankenstein's Monster Robot
    375. Lt. General Fredricks
    376. Freedom's Five
    377. Larry Freese
    378. Freya
    379. Frightful Four Wannabes
    380. Fu Manchu
    381. Jack Fury
    382. Nick Fury LMD
    383. Nick Fury LMDs
    384. Nick Fury's Ferrari 330/P4 Berlinetta
    385. Future Man
    386. G'uranthic Guardian
    387. Gaea
    388. Galactus' Fantastic Four duplicates
    389. Gambit Doppelganger
    390. Professor Justin Alphonse Gamble
    391. Gamecock
    392. Gargoyle
    393. Garm
    394. Glory Garsen
    395. Donna Garth
    396. Burt Garthwaite
    397. Paul Garwood
    398. Gatherers
    399. Gemini
    400. Genegineer
    401. General Fang
    402. General Ten Per Cent
    403. Genetic Bomb
    404. Genii
    405. "Greasy" Jimmy Genova
    406. Georige the Gyp and Richie Cool
    407. The Ghost of Midnight Mountain
    408. The Ghost of Ravenlock
    409. The Ghost of Silver City
    410. Gregory Gideon
    411. G.I. Max
    412. The Giant Monster of Midnight Valley
    413. Giganto
    414. Giganto
    415. Gigantus
    416. Dr. Gittelsohn
    417. Gladiator
    418. Gladys
    419. The Globe of Ultimate Knowledge
    420. Glump
    421. Gnit
    422. Gnobians
    423. Goblins
    424. Gods of Weirdworld
    425. Godstalker
    426. Godzilla
    427. Golden Angel
    428. Goloks
    429. Googam
    430. Goom
    431. Gordy
    432. Gorilla-Man
    433. Gorlion
    434. Gotham Game Club
    435. Grabber
    436. Dr. Graham
    437. Grappler
    438. Reverend Graves
    439. The Great Cataclysm
    440. Great Mother
    441. Great Video
    442. Hubie Green
    443. Lucas Green
    444. Green Thing
    445. Grey Fox
    446. Grithstane
    447. Grithstane
    448. The Grizzly
    449. Grizzly
    450. Grizzly Grogan
    451. Grogg
    452. Grogoom
    453. Gron
    454. Gronk
    455. Groot
    456. Grottu
    457. Mark Gruenwald
    458. Grundor
    459. Gryphon
    460. Gullin
    461. Gun, Fist and Blade
    462. Gypsy Moth
    463. Gyro Cruiser
    464. Haab
    465. Haag
    466. Haazareth Three
    467. Rufus T. Hackstabber
    468. Hadley
    469. William Haines
    470. Montague Hale
    471. Halflife
    472. Roland "Ace" Hamilton
    473. Caleb Hammer
    474. Hammerhand
    475. Shu Han
    476. Hans
    477. "Happy Pants" Black Panther
    478. Hardaway
    479. Hardball
    480. Red Hargrove
    481. Professor Harker
    482. Chester Harrigan
    483. Toni Harris
    484. Edward Harrison
    485. "Hammer" Harrison
    486. Rolfe Harrison
    487. Harvest
    488. Vernon Hatchway
    489. Hate-Monger
    490. H.A.W.K.
    491. Hawkeye
    492. General Lewis Haywerth
    493. Headless Horseman
    494. Headsman
    495. Heat-Image Tracer
    496. Hebe
    497. Helio
    498. Aaron Heller
    499. Hephaestus
    500. Hera
    501. H.E.R.B.I.E.
    502. Herbie
    503. Hermes
    504. Hermod
    505. Jose Hidalgo
    506. The High-Zero
    507. Highnote
    508. Adolf Hitler
    509. Hkkkt
    510. Hoder
    511. Hulk Hogan
    512. Jordan Holiday
    513. Horst
    514. The Howling Commandos
    515. The Hub
    516. H.U.B.E.R.T.
    517. Hudaks
    518. Albert Poole
    519. Hulk Robot
    520. Human Robot
    521. Hump
    522. Hunger
    523. General Hunt
    524. Jerry Hunt
    525. Hunter
    526. Hurricane
    527. Hydra Island
    528. Hydra-Piller
    529. Hydra-Ram
    530. Hyper-Wave Bomb
    531. Hypno-Fish
    532. I.B.P.
    533. Iceworm
    534. Id
    535. Idunn
    536. Image Projector
    537. Impact 739
    538. Impala
    539. Inari
    540. Incinerators
    541. Indestructible
    542. Indigo
    543. Odysseus Indigo
    544. Inferno-42
    545. Infinity Union
    546. Insidio
    547. Invincible Man
    548. Anastasia Inyushin
    549. Ion
    550. Iron Curtain
    551. Iron Mask
    552. Iron Monger
    553. ISAAC
    554. Isle of Silence
    555. IT, the Silent One
    556. Ajanii Jackson
    557. Andrew "Jock" Jackson
    558. Mrs. Jarvis
    559. Jason
    560. Jed
    561. Dr. Lionel Jeffries
    562. Jake Jensen
    563. Tyrone Jessup
    564. A Joe Named Guy
    565. Colonel Johnson
    566. Corporal "Rickets" Johnson
    567. Jolly Roger
    568. Fred Jones
    569. Reno Jones
    570. Jordana
    571. Dr. Segismund Joshua
    572. Joystick
    573. Juniper
    574. Jonathan "Junior" Juniper
    575. Roger "Buddy" Juniper
    576. Justice
    577. Juvan
    578. Kaaris'a
    579. Kai-Ra
    580. Kali
    581. Kallusians
    582. Queen Kalthea
    583. Kaminari
    584. King Kamuu
    585. Jack Kaper
    586. Dr. Kar-Sagg
    587. Karal
    588. Katos
    589. Kazantra
    590. Keeper
    591. Keeper
    592. Keewazi
    593. Louie Kelt
    594. Khatylis
    595. Killer Volkswagen Beetle
    596. Amara King
    597. Garrick King
    598. King Solomon's Frog
    599. King Solomon's Tomb
    600. Kublai Khan
    601. Khonshu
    602. Khult
    603. Kid Cassidy
    604. King Arthur
    605. King Kobra
    606. Jack Kirby
    607. Shinji Kizaki
    608. Colonel Klaue
    609. Sgt. Hans Klaus
    610. Eric Koenig
    611. Ilsa Koenig
    612. Inoshiro Kondo
    613. Vladimir Korda
    614. Inspector Korngold
    615. Koto
    616. Kraa
    617. General Kragg
    618. Krang
    619. Kratos and Bia
    620. Kreeg
    621. James Kreig
    622. Krogg
    623. Kronans
    624. Klaus Krueger
    625. Leonard Kryzewski
    626. Jack Kubrick
    627. Simyon Kurasov
    628. Kwirkegard
    629. Lady Lotus
    630. Lady Trident
    631. Al LaGuardia
    632. Lalique
    633. Lamia
    634. Landar
    635. Dave Landers
    636. Mark Langley
    637. Laomedon
    638. Jerry Larkin
    639. Jacques LaRocque
    640. Lassiter
    641. "The Last"
    642. The Last Disciple of Thanos
    643. Last Knight
    644. Lindon Laswell
    645. Jorge Latham
    646. Leatherneck Raiders
    647. Gwenny Lee
    648. Stan Lee
    649. Legion Accursed
    650. Leir
    651. Lenz
    652. Leo
    653. Leo
    654. Lethal Legion
    655. Lethal Legion
    656. Levians
    657. Leviathan
    658. Major Debra Levin
    659. Lianissa
    660. Liberators
    661. Libra
    662. Lilith
    663. Colonel Ling
    664. Kathy Ling
    665. Jay Little Bear
    666. William Liu
    667. Living Totem
    668. Laurie Livingston
    669. Lizard Men
    670. Locus
    671. Lofn
    672. Richard Longtree
    673. Lord Raven
    674. Lord Votan
    675. Lorelei
    676. Lou
    677. Cyril Lucas
    678. Lump
    679. Lupal
    680. Lupinar
    681. Vaun Lysander
    682. M'Daka
    683. M'Ndavians
    684. Dr. Myron MacLain
    685. James MacReedy
    686. Mad Slayer
    687. Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots
    688. Mad Viking
    689. Madame Death
    690. Madame Hydra
    691. Madame Menace
    692. Madbomb
    693. Madcap
    694. Dr. Caitlin Maddox
    695. Maelstrom
    696. Maelstrom's Minions
    697. Magneto
    698. Allie Magruder
    699. Mai-Pan
    700. Major Love
    701. Sam "Mother" Majowski
    702. Makesh
    703. Malachi
    704. Marty Mallen
    705. Jake Malloy
    706. Dr. Karl Malus
    707. Mammoth
    708. Man-Fish
    709. The Man in the Mystery Mask
    710. Man-Killer
    711. Man-Killer
    712. The Mandarin's android
    713. The Mandarin's killer satellite
    714. Dino Manelli
    715. Vincent Mangano
    716. Mangler
    717. The Manipulator
    718. Felix Manning
    719. Victor Marshall
    720. "Snake" Marston
    721. Martian Who Stole A City
    722. Martika
    723. Captain Jack "Mad-Dog" Martin
    724. Masked Maverick
    725. Flip Mason
    726. John Mason
    727. Master Hate
    728. Masters of Evil
    729. Masters of Evil
    730. Masters of Evil
    731. Masters of Evil
    732. Masters of Evil
    733. Masters of Evil
    734. Teddy Masterson
    735. George Mathers
    736. R.G. Mathieson
    737. Matter Mobilizer
    738. The Maulers
    739. Maurglon
    740. MAX Armor
    741. Max the Axe
    742. Lee Mayer
    743. Norman McArthur
    744. Man-Mountain McCoy
    745. Sgt. Bull McGiveney
    746. Mech-Crab
    747. Mecha-Rodents
    748. Mechamage
    749. Medusa
    750. Medusae
    751. Megataur
    752. Klaus Mendelhaus
    753. Mentac
    754. Mer-Mutants
    755. Joy Mercado
    756. Merlin
    757. Metabo
    758. Metallo
    759. Tristram Micawber
    760. The Midgard Serpent
    761. Midnight Sun
    762. Mikaboshi
    763. Mike
    764. Milk and Cookies
    765. Millennius
    766. Michael "Bullseye" Miller
    767. Mindsinger
    768. Minister Blood
    769. Misery
    770. Misfit
    771. Missouri Marauders
    772. Mist Mistress
    773. Mister Abnormal
    774. Mister E
    775. Mister Fish
    776. Mister Lightning
    777. Mister Morgan's Monster
    778. Mistress Love
    779. Molten Man-Thing
    780. Mona
    781. Monster Cephalopod
    782. The Monster in the Iron Mask
    783. Monsteroso
    784. Monsters of Bald Mountain
    785. Monstrobot
    786. Monstrom
    787. Moon Thruster
    788. Moon Tractor
    789. Moonstalker
    790. Astrid Mordo
    791. Morfex
    792. Jim Morita
    793. Morning Star
    794. Priscilla Morrison
    795. Commander Morton
    796. Moth
    797. Mother Night
    798. Mouse
    799. Farley Mowat
    800. Mud-Butt
    801. Murder Machine
    802. Murkandor
    803. Mutant Liberation Front
    804. Mutator
    805. Mycroft
    806. N'Gamo
    807. N'Garai
    808. Dr. Carter Napier
    809. Charlie Nast
    810. Nathaniel
    811. Navarro
    812. Nemesis
    813. Neptune
    814. New Immortals
    815. The New Seed
    816. Nidhogg
    817. Night-Fangers
    818. Nightfire
    819. Nightgaunt
    820. Nightmask
    821. Nimrod
    822. Nirvana
    823. Nobilus
    824. Ned Nordstrom
    825. Mary-Lynn Norfolk
    826. Norns
    827. Number 16
    828. Matthew O'Brien
    829. Randy O'Brien
    830. Chief O'Grady
    831. Seymour O'Reilly
    832. Officer Z.E.R.O.
    833. Ojo Macabra
    834. Old Man
    835. Operation: Artificial Powers
    836. The Order of the Golden Dawn
    837. Orini
    838. Otomo
    839. Outlaw
    840. Overkill Horn
    841. Owayodata
    842. Pacifier
    843. Paibok
    844. Pail
    845. Pandara
    846. Pangorians
    847. Panoramic Glasses
    848. Panther
    849. Para-Troop
    850. Paratron
    851. Lo Parino
    852. Mia Payne
    853. Ben Payton
    854. Valida Payton
    855. Peace Corpse
    856. Peace-Monger
    857. Peacekeepers
    858. Peeper
    859. Peko
    860. Armand Pelps
    861. J.C. Pennysworth
    862. Petrachnus
    863. Phaeder
    864. Phaedra
    865. Phantom Eagle
    866. Phantom Raider
    867. Phantom Rider
    868. Pheragots
    869. Phobius
    870. Phone Ranger
    871. Photon Disruptor
    872. Pickman
    873. Lt. Colonel Pinkerton
    874. Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton
    875. Zelda Pinkley
    876. Pisces
    877. Pisces
    878. Pit Bull
    879. Pit-Viper
    880. Planner
    881. Albert Poole
    882. Derek Porter
    883. Power Tools
    884. Cliff Powers
    885. Presence
    886. Prester John
    887. Price
    888. Primal
    889. Prime Skrull
    890. Primus
    891. "The Professor"
    892. Project: Earth
    893. Project: Vanish
    894. The Protectorate
    895. Psi-Force
    896. Psi-Hawk
    897. Pstun-Rage the Vigilant
    898. Psychotron
    899. Psykos
    900. The Pterodactyl
    901. David Purcell
    902. Purple Phantom
    903. Liza Pyne
    904. Q-Bomb
    905. Jason Quartermaster
    906. Radek
    907. Raksor
    908. Robert "Reb" Ralston
    909. Rammatpolen
    910. Raptor the Renegade
    911. Anthony "Mad-Dog" Rassitano
    912. Cedric Rawlings
    913. Razor-Fist
    914. Razor-Fist
    915. Razor-Fist
    916. Red
    917. Red Fox
    918. Red Raven
    919. Red Soryll
    920. Red Wolf
    921. Red Zepplin
    922. Gary Redek
    923. Jim Redfield
    924. Reducta-Craft
    925. Charles Reigel
    926. Terry Reiker
    927. Ren-Tech
    928. Renegades
    929. Replicoid
    930. Repulsor Watch
    931. Rex
    932. Rhapsody
    933. Rhino Tank
    934. Buck Richlen
    935. Hiram Riddley
    936. Holly Riddley
    937. Brian Rinehart
    938. Ringer
    939. Deborah and Donald Ritter
    940. K.C. Ritter
    941. Vince Rivers
    942. Thomas Rizzo
    943. Road Warriors
    944. Roaring Bear
    945. Robin Hood Raider
    946. Roboids
    947. "Robot on a Rampage"
    948. Robot X
    949. Douglas Rockwell
    950. Gayle Rogers
    951. Jack Rollins
    952. Hans Rooten
    953. Rorgg
    954. Rover
    955. Margarita "Rigger" Ruiz
    956. Ruler of Earth
    957. Gail Runciter
    958. John Running Bear
    959. Rust
    960. Rustler
    961. S.S. Recovery
    962. Saboteur
    963. Sagittarius
    964. Hubert St. Johns
    965. Colonel Sakata
    966. Salvation-1
    967. Adrian Sammish
    968. Donald Sample
    969. San Francisco Slade
    970. Orville Sanderson
    971. Philip Sanderson
    972. Sangre
    973. Satan Claw
    974. Satan Squad
    975. Satan's Eggs
    976. Savage Elves
    977. Captain Simon Savage
    978. Sawbones
    979. General Samuel Sawyer
    980. Scaleface
    981. Scatterbrain
    982. Schizo
    983. Wilhelm Schmidt
    984. Karl Schroeder
    985. Schutz Heiligruppe
    986. Scorch
    987. Scorpio
    988. Scorpio
    989. Scorpio
    990. The Scorpion
    991. Sculder and Mully
    992. Scylla
    993. Sea Witch
    994. Second-Story Sam
    995. Section Leader B
    996. Seeker 3000
    997. Sharon Selleck
    998. Sentry #459
    999. Servo-Guards
    1000. Seth
    1001. Seymour the All-Seeing Astrologer
    1002. Shadow Realm
    1003. Shadow-Stalker
    1004. Shadowoman
    1005. Shamrock
    1006. Sharr
    1007. Valentin Shatalov
    1008. Shatterfist
    1009. Carter Shaw
    1010. Jericho Shaw
    1011. Jordan Shaw
    1012. Shaya
    1013. Fyodr Shelkov
    1014. S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop
    1015. S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Wedge
    1016. S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers
    1017. S.H.I.E.L.D. Mobile Armored Tank
    1018. Howard Shigeta
    1019. Shock Troop
    1020. Shockwave
    1021. Short Circuit
    1022. Short Circuit
    1023. Shreekar
    1024. The Si-Fan
    1025. The Sibyls
    1026. S.I.C.C.A.E.L.
    1027. Sidereus
    1028. Sigyn
    1029. Raymond Sikorski
    1030. Silencer
    1031. Silencer
    1032. Silent Fox
    1033. Silent Ones
    1034. Silhouette
    1035. Harlan Silverbird
    1036. Sgt. Simmons
    1037. Agent Simon
    1038. Emory "Snakeye" Simpson
    1039. Siobhan
    1040. Sir Porga
    1041. Sir Steel
    1042. C. Thomas Sites
    1043. The Six
    1044. Six Million Year Man
    1045. Skagerackrakor
    1046. Skar
    1047. Sketch
    1048. Skinhead
    1049. Skoll
    1050. Skragg
    1051. Skrull pilot
    1052. Skullcrasher
    1053. Skull-Face
    1054. Skullhuggers
    1055. Sky Dragon
    1056. Skybreaker
    1057. Slapstick
    1058. Slaymaker
    1059. Sledge
    1060. Sleepers 1-3
    1061. Slime Thing
    1062. Cecil B. Slinkard
    1063. Tom Smith
    1064. Wildcat Smith
    1065. Smuggler
    1066. Snapdragon
    1067. Lou Snider
    1068. Sol-Mac
    1069. Sons of the Serpent
    1070. Soul Masters
    1071. Michael Souris
    1072. Colonel Gullivar South
    1073. Sparrow
    1074. Spectre-Suit
    1075. Spider-Slayers
    1076. Spitfire
    1077. Splice
    1078. Sporr
    1079. Spotlight Costumes
    1080. Spy-Ray Lens
    1081. Spyros
    1082. Staak
    1083. Fabian Stankowicz
    1084. Starblasters
    1085. Star-Blazer
    1086. Star Masters
    1087. Starbrand
    1088. Starforce
    1089. Starhawk
    1090. Starr the Slayer
    1091. S.T.A.R.S.
    1092. Steel Spider (MC-2)
    1093. Dr. Steinem
    1094. Stencil
    1095. Andrea Sterman
    1096. Tatjana Stiles
    1097. Stimulator
    1098. Stone Cutter
    1099. Lt. Marc Stone
    1100. Roy "Blarney" Stone
    1101. George Stonewell
    1102. Stonians
    1103. Major Strasser
    1104. Ward Strongbow
    1105. Sub-Atronic Time Displacer
    1106. Sub-Mariner 2099
    1107. Suicide Squad
    1108. Inger Sullivan
    1109. Sundragon
    1110. Sunstroke
    1111. Supreme Hydra
    1112. Supreme Hydra
    1113. Surf
    1114. Dr. Svenson
    1115. Carla Swain
    1116. Swamp Serpents
    1117. Swamp Tank
    1118. Sweat Shop
    1119. Dr. Sweikert
    1120. The Swine
    1121. Sword
    1122. Geoffrey Sydenham
    1123. Symbionic Weapon Suit - Mark Two
    1124. Synthesizer
    1125. Synthoids
    1126. Taboo
    1127. Tabur
    1128. Russ Talbert
    1129. Talisman
    1130. Tom Tanaka
    1131. Tangle
    1132. Lord Tantalus
    1133. Tar Baby
    1134. Tartarus
    1135. Loralee Tate
    1136. William Taurey
    1137. Taurus
    1138. Taurus
    1139. Kimberly Taylor
    1140. Roland Taylor
    1141. Teen Brigade
    1142. Ten-Thirtifor
    1143. Tharamus
    1144. Theater of Genetics
    1145. Theoric
    1146. General Theresa
    1147. Thialfi
    1148. The Thing in the Mud
    1149. The Thing's Exoskeleton
    1150. Father Thompson
    1151. Senator Thompson
    1152. Thongor
    1153. Thor Girl
    1154. Those Who Sit Above in Shadow
    1155. Threkker
    1156. Throk
    1157. Thunderbolt
    1158. Tick-Tock
    1159. Tiger-Claw
    1160. Tiger Division
    1161. Tim Boo Ba
    1162. Time-Bot
    1163. Time Reversal Ray
    1164. Time Variance Authority
    1165. Titan
    1166. Titanis
    1167. Tomazooma
    1168. Tommy
    1169. Touchstone
    1170. Torg
    1171. Torr
    1172. The Totem
    1173. Toxin
    1174. Tricephalous
    1175. Trieste
    1176. Yuri Trifanov
    1177. Anton Trojak
    1178. Wayne Tucker
    1179. Tutinax
    1180. Tyndall
    1181. Typhon
    1182. Typhoon
    1183. Tyr
    1184. Tyrak
    1185. U-Car
    1186. Ultra-Robots
    1187. Ultragirl
    1188. Underground Legion
    1189. Underground Mutant Safe-System
    1190. Universal Compressor
    1191. Uroc
    1192. Urrpo-Fish
    1193. Ushas
    1194. U.S.S. Sea Wolf
    1195. Vaegnr
    1196. Valkyrior
    1197. Valley of Diamonds
    1198. Van Doom's Monster
    1199. Varua
    1200. Dr. Aloysius Vault
    1201. Colonel Alexi Vazhin
    1202. Velanna
    1203. Venus
    1204. Vesta
    1205. Vira
    1206. Virako
    1207. Virgo
    1208. Virgo
    1209. Void-Eater
    1210. Philip Nolan Voigt
    1211. Von Frankensteins
    1212. Hermann von Reitberger
    1213. General Heinrich von Ronstadt
    1214. Vormund
    1215. Vortex Bomb
    1216. Kali Vries
    1217. Larry "Hillbilly" Wagner
    1218. Walking Stiletto
    1219. Walrus
    1220. Wanderers
    1221. War-Yore
    1222. Wargod
    1223. Warhawks
    1224. Warhead
    1225. Senator Warkovsky
    1226. Warlord Kaa
    1227. Quigley J. Warmflash
    1228. Tracy Warner
    1229. The Warriors of the Thousand Galaxies
    1230. Warroo
    1231. Miles Warton
    1232. Doc Watson
    1233. Weird Sisters
    1234. Weirdworld
    1235. Wendigo
    1236. Werewolf
    1237. Zane Whelan
    1238. White Room
    1239. Debra Whitman
    1240. Mark Whitman
    1241. Whyteout
    1242. Lon Wilcox
    1243. Wild Bill
    1244. Aces Wilde
    1245. Wildstreak
    1246. Wildwind
    1247. Captain Wilhite
    1248. "Will This Be the End of the World" world
    1249. William
    1250. Duane Wilson
    1251. Wipeout
    1252. Barry Witherspoon
    1253. The Witness
    1254. The Wizard of the West
    1255. Wolfgang
    1256. Wolverine Jet
    1257. Worldengine
    1258. Bernard Worrell
    1259. Captain Warren Worth
    1260. Wraath
    1261. Wrecker
    1262. Wulfbuck
    1263. X, The Thing That Lived
    1264. Xartans
    1265. Xavier's Explorer Wheelchair
    1266. Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters Rejects
    1267. Xcon Iron Man
    1268. Xenith
    1269. Xenos
    1270. Xiao
    1271. Xlyym
    1272. Yagg the Slayer
    1273. Yannroth
    1274. Sam "Yakkety" Yates
    1275. Yellow-Crested Titans
    1276. Dr. Yen
    1277. Yirbek
    1278. Young Gods
    1279. Jim Young
    1280. Zabyk
    1281. Zagan
    1282. Zalaski
    1283. Zamu
    1284. Zardok
    1285. Zarthon
    1286. Queen Zartra
    1287. General Zedrao
    1288. Zelda
    1289. Heinrich Zemo
    1290. Zemo's Androids
    1291. Zirksu
    1292. Zodiac
    1293. Zodiac Cartel
    1294. Zombie
    1295. Zon
    1296. Zona Rosa
    1297. Zzutak

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