The Zacharias Club Blog
This interactive blog is for members (and prospective members) of The Zacharias Club.
Entry for October 18, 2006

Day by day we are all inundated with the clamor from the mass media...which grows ever more sensational as they try to lure in listeners and viewers -- not only to influence our thoughts and views, but, more importantly, to expose us to their advertising.  Unrestrained capitalism and "free" enterprise rule of the day -- money is being worshipped as never before.

How can we find balance and peace in our lives (in the midst of all this)?  I think places like this are one way.  Places of safety and security where we, as friends, can share our thoughts and views with one another...without fear; knowing that we will be listened to, our thoughts taken seriously.

If we base our understanding of Iraq on what we are being told by the media; then there is no hope.  Iraq from start to finish is a total disaster and failure -- and things will never get better there.  From my own understanding of the history of that area, I do think we were somewhat naive in thinking that our vision of democracy would take hold there.  The history and culture of Iraq is far different from our own; we don't come from a common place; therefore we really cannot understand the people there -- or their ways.  Certain faulty assumptions were made at the very beginning, and now the piper is being paid; in my opinion.

Can things ever improve there?  I think so...; but it won't be because of the United States -- it will have to be because of the Iraqi people and what they want; they will have to do it themselves.  True liberty and freedom always come from the inside, it can never be imposed.

On another topic: have you seen the reports regarding "Amendment E" in South Dakota?  What an incredibly interesting development -- and this movement isn't confined to S.D., it will be appearing in other States as well. 

Here is an L.A. Times article that describes Amendment E pretty well.  I'd love to hear your thoughts:,1,192282.story?c...

If you have any trouble opening this link, please let me know, and I'll send you the text as a plain text e-mail message.

Hope you all have a great day!

Mark Zacharias


2006-10-18 13:56:17 GMT

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