The Zacharias Club Blog
This interactive blog is for members (and prospective members) of The Zacharias Club.
Entry for October 27, 2006 (The Great Divorce)

In Chapter 5 of The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis), the cultured ghost, in a place very near Heaven, is having a conversation with one of the Bright People; someone from Heaven who knew the cultured ghost back on Earth.  The White Spirit is inviting the ghost to repent, believe, and come with him to Heaven.  They’ve been talking and then the White Spirit says, “…for I will bring you to the land not of questions but of answers, and you shall see the face of God.”  “Ah, but we must all interpret those beautiful words in our own way!” replies the ghost.  “For me there is no such thing as a final answer.  The free wind of inquiry must always continue to blow through the mind, must it not? travel …is better than to arrive.”  “If that were true, and known to be true, how could anyone travel hopefully?  There would be nothing to hope for.” – replied the White Spirit.  During my years of public higher education, how often did I hear this taught?: “What’s important is the journey, not the final destination.”  I confess to actually saying this myself from time to time (how trite is sounds and how shallow).  Certainly the journey is important – but what really counts is arriving at that final destination, and finding the final real truth; White Spirit: “We know nothing of religion here: we think only of Christ.  We know nothing of speculation.  Come and see.  I will bring you to Eternal Fact, the Father of all other fact-hood.  Are we being immature or unsophisticated or anti-intellectual to believe that there really is truth; that God really is there; that there really is a final destination?  I, for one, want there to be something beyond this earthly existence, something awesome and astounding (and true) – to look forward to.  I’m grateful for life and the here and now; but it is so fleeting, and as I get older, time seems to be going faster and faster – too fast in fact.  But, I want us to have peace, to have assurance that this isn’t all there is – that it is really just the beginning.  For all my evangelical Christian friends and my LDS friends; if you haven’t yet read The Great Divorce; I highly recommend it.  Mark Zacharias  *Lewis’s description of Hell will resonate with those who are LDS, as it, in some ways, mirrors the idea of the Telestial Kingdom – combined with Outer Darkness.

2006-10-27 18:14:30 GMT

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