Note: The actual location of these homes will not be mentioned to protect the privacy of the current residents.


This photo was taken in 1935 of the house in which my great-grandmother and grandmother grew up in. My great-grandmother's family moved into it in about 1905, so it is at least 100 years old today. This is a photo of the same house taken today. Notice how much the scenary around it has changed as well as the look of the outside of the home. It now has vinyl siding among other modern additions. The basic structure looks the same, though, and they even kept the ornamental wood around the porch.
This picture was taken in the late 30's or early 40's. This is the home my grandmother's family moved in to after living in the above house. After my great-grandparents died in 1946, my grandparents moved in and raised my mother and aunt in the house for about 17 years. Today, this house looks the same structurally. The main changes to it are the shutters on the windows, the downsized and "homely looking" (compared to the original) front porch and the vinyl siding. My great-grandparents moved into it new so it must've been built in the late 30's.


Old Buildings in my Area

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