Mike Crowl's Poems in Process

Lying still,
winding down from making love,
I heard the room - for the first time -
And realised it was not
cold, insensate,
knew it knew me
knew me naked,
in intimacy:
in getting up and dressing,
undressing, lying down,
swapping shoes for slippers
slipping trousers on,
ferreting in the dark for underpants,
lying buff in summer
in winter pyjama-ed.

All walls have ears, eyes -
this room smells me, is tender towards
me, feels me in itself where
love is most hard to make
and simplest.

Opening a morning window
it sings me to the world.

Written late one night in my head and written down the next day.  Possibly Monday 21st May - but what year? !!

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