[musashi] gurai ichinen to san-kagetsu [mountsinai] mazi de??? igirisu ni mo sukottorando ni mo sundeiru? setumei site [mountsinai] makoto ni, boku mo nihonzin zya nai you [mountsinai] isuraeru zin da yo [musashi] izuraeru jin desu ka? sugoi! [mountsinai] wakatta? [musashi] "israel" ? * jabbar thinks we're not in kansas anymore [mountsinai] sou da... isuraeru zin... ima nihon no saitama ken ni sundeiru [mountsinai] I S R A E L [musashidoll] asi I needs only document of SB (i thinks) and hummm [mountsinai] jabbar... are you Jordanian? [musashi] Furu: help yourself to anything you want. [jabbar] ore wa mareshia-jin desu, yoroshikuu onegaishimasu [rafaga] heh [jabbar] did that came out correct? [_Parker__] yo jabbar [_Parker__] mareshia sounds like it could be Malaysia, yeah :D [mountsinai] malezia zin... dou site nihon go syabereru no? [unreal_idiot] woot~ Garnet Crow rocks live!! [mountsinai] Came out correct.. yes [musashi] I love garnet crow [jabbar] woohoo [_Parker__] 'mareeshia' = malaysia [_Parker__] you're missing one 'e' :) [jabbar] my country has no diplomatic relation relations with israel [unreal_idiot] i want their concert vid [musashi] I want everything I can find by them [unreal_idiot] hmm, anyone has off-vocal tracks of theirs? [jabbar] slskjapan page is updated [_Parker__] Parker wakes up at 8am even when he has nothing pressing to do [jabbar] somebody please go there and check if there's any mistakes [jabbar] either the simplistic design or the content [_Parker__] ryoukai [mountsinai] Actually, Malaysia rejects Israelis visa applications... I even met a few Malaysians in Australia who said that TV in Malaysia does not allow programs or news about Israel... [_Parker__] hey, there's a design now? :) [jabbar] stupid design [mountsinai] I am sorry everybody... I know it was a short one... but I do have to go... today the cinemas are half price in most of Japan, and we might go see a movie... [jabbar] there was a short news-type program showing the israeli election [mountsinai] besides, it's fucking 9pm, and I am still in the office... [musashi] lol [mountsinai] so have a good one, and see you around. [musashi] have fun sinai [mountsinai] thanks [_Parker__] jabbar: I don't see anything wrong after skimming it :) [good_run] Hello hello , anyone have any "Mono no aware"? [jabbar] i bet sinai is a great guy, too bad his country is run by an ultra-right wing coalition that oppresses the indigenous people there. * jabbar lays off world poltics [jabbar] for now anyway [rafaga] :) [jabbar] not fun subject to discuss [_Parker__] thanks, world politics make me unhappy :) [_Parker__] especially at 8am in the morning ^_^ [musashi] sinai told me off for using the hepburn romaji system [musashi] instead of whichever system he uses [musashi] I'll stick to the one I know, thanks >.> [jabbar] his system was the old system i noticed [musashi] yep [jabbar] site [jabbar] ore ha [musashi] rather than shi [musashi] and ti rather than chi [jabbar] tu rather than tsu [jabbar] ok, enough of that [musashi] yep [musashi] it took me a while to work out what he was saying though [musashi] together with that and the fact that I don't really know dictionary forms of verbs [_Parker__] I don't like the old roomaji system myself either :D I don't consider that politics or anything :) [musashi] I'll just stick with the one I'm being taught ;) [jabbar] ixnay on the p-word, Parker [musashi] go with what the lecturer says...it always helps with the grades. [_Parker__] grades-schmades :) [_Parker__] hahaha jabbar :) [musashi] grades = degree [jabbar] i went to a toy store today, i wish i was a kid again so i can buy that char aznable zaku ii [jabbar] i also got my graduation pics back from the photoshop [jabbar] i looked ugly [_Parker__] :( [rafaga] show me show me! [jabbar] it's not scanned * jabbar doesn't have a scanner [rafaga] ok [jabbar] but i do have scanner [jabbar] cover of scanner from hide [jabbar] lol [rafaga] :) [_Parker__] musashi: eh, true :) but conforming to what school tells you to do just for grades still goes against my principals -- you can definitely do what they want you to, but choose your own path in your own life is all I'm saying :D * jabbar goes back to listing the new releases from the people-servers [_Parker__] in this case, I preffer 'shi' instead of 'si', 'tsu' instead of 'tu', 'chi' instead of 'ti'...just like you :) [musashi] Parker: oh I do...but for something as simple as spelling.... [musashi] speaking of uni [musashi] I should be working on 3dmax [musashi] >.< [musashi] I suck at 3d max. [_Parker__] just like I laugh my ass off when I see 'Beijing' written as 'Peking' and somebody says 'Look, it's PEE-KING', bwahahahahaha [musashi] lol [musashi] you'll laugh more now [_Parker__] are you modeling musashi? or texturing/lighting? [musashi] I thought they were separate cities. [musashi] all of the above Parker [musashi] remember Thpike? [musashi] the character I was designing a few weeks ago? [_Parker__] hehehehe musashi, I am laughing :D [_Parker__] yeah? [musashi] good good [musashi] my geography sucks [musashi] I'm not afraid to admit it. [jabbar] peking is beijing in cantonese dialect [jabbar] i think [_Parker__] that's okay :) It's the stupid romanization systems [musashi] I learn something new every day XD [musashi] but anyway [jabbar] mandarin is the most widely spoken chinese dialect [musashi] but anyway, Thpike has to be built and arranged in four "action" shots on 3d max. [musashi] this is our second semester of mac. [musashi] er, max. [musashi] but the first semester was like, really basic stuff that i missed most of [jabbar] but there's a big community that also uses cantonese (hk, macau, etc) [_Parker__] jabbar: peking is the wade-giles romanization of 'Beijing'. either way I believe it's pronounced 'bay-jing', if I'm not mistaken [musashi] most japanese in this country speak cantonese, we have more cantonese than mandarin...so I'm teaching myself as I go... * jabbar has passed basic mandarin course, but never bothered to continue to the next level [musashi] (the last bit was in reference to 3d max) [jabbar] yes beijing is bay- jing [jabbar] but peking is a valid name as well [musashi] either way, people will know what it means at least [musashi] apart from if they're like me, and dumb. [musashi] :) [Godzilla] umm... * Godzilla is kinda bad at geography :) [musashi] I uised to be good at it [Godzilla] but I`ve seen worse people :) [musashi] but we only really did UK and Europe [_Parker__] musashi: sounds like a blast. but you're in your second semester and you're doing character modeling with IK setups? that's pretty cool :) [_Parker__] musashi: actually, my school had one and two month intensive courses in its structure so when I think 'second semester' I'm actually thinking 'second month', so maybe it's entirely feasible to do character models in a second semester :D [_Parker__] for example, my formal max training consisted of a single month :) * jabbar is stupid engineering graduate, only knows about laplace transform, modelling in time and frequency domain, stuff that people never cares about [_Parker__] admittedly it was 8 hours contact-time per day of Max, but still... :D [electr0ns] max or 3dstudio [_Parker__] jabbar: XD [_Parker__] 3dstudio max [_Parker__] not max the audio application [musashi] well we get about 1 hour [musashi] I'm going to do that this summer [c.kyu] musashi: read my info [musashi] just sit down with it and bang it into my head [musashi] okay kyu * jabbar should've taken medicine/pharmacy while he had the chance, his chem grades are pretty good actually [c.kyu] it's what I'm feeling right now ppl. Read if you're bored outta your mind ;_; * jabbar probably ended up like those people in 'scrubs' [_Parker__] electr0ns: I did study cycling's Max in my first school though :) [electr0ns] max/msp is nice [electr0ns] i don't have a mac so i use pd [musashi] kyu: lol [electr0ns] i used max/msp at school tho [musashi] I don't have a mac [jabbar] the only program with max that i know is maxplus II [_Parker__] max/msp has advanced pretty far since I had used it [musashi] I use pc [c.kyu] =P [musashi] 3d max. [jabbar] to simulate electric and electronic circuits on a PC * jabbar is a sad person [_Parker__] in fact, I was using max before MSP came out -- when it did, I was like 'holy dope-ness', and I was really excited [musashi] macs aren't as advanced as they used to be anymore [musashi] pc's are catching up and overtakin [musashi] g [electr0ns] the korg KARMA is based on a max patch [_Parker__] but then I started using supercollider, and I liked supercollider more than I liked max & msp :) [electr0ns] supercollider and pd have one major advantage over max/msp...they're free [Godzilla] supercollider is a band :) [_Parker__] musashi: PCs in the high-end film/video world are actually dominant [electr0ns] they got their name from the app [musashi] yep [_Parker__] electr0ns: fair enough :) I quit music before pure data came out -- how's it doing? [electr0ns] it's christian vogel and another guy [musashi] macs are good - but they just didn't keep up [electr0ns] pd has been out just as long as max i think [electr0ns] most max/msp advances came from pd [jabbar] supercollider is an apparatus for nuclear energy * jabbar truly is a sad person [Godzilla] hmm... I guess I`ll name my band lightwave :) [electr0ns] the guy who came up with the original code for max, miller s puckette, codes pd [rafaga] osX is very good ... it is the the processor speed that is not up to date [electr0ns] macs don't need to keep up [electr0ns] people will buy them for the brand name anyway [_Parker__] electr0ns: I know that he codes pd, but I really didn't think they were out as long as each other...hmmm [electr0ns] it's pretty close i think Parker [electr0ns] whenver msp quit doing max he started doing pd [musashi] atom: not anymore. [musashi] not as much anyway [musashi] not if they're trying to work towards industry [electr0ns] well, i sold audio gear and people came in everyday telling me how much they wanted a mac [electr0ns] and imaging apps are just as bad [musashi] um [musashi] we're talking about graphics, I thought [musashi] hence 3d max. [_Parker__] electr0ns: I did know that I was a PC user when I studied at the conservatory, and I had max as part of my coursework, and when it was discussed what PC users could use c-sound was the primary tool and PD wasn't mentioned [electr0ns] i was talking about macs being bought because of their name/reputation [electr0ns] and i was talking about max which is audio [_Parker__] electr0ns: and my teacher was very active in the max world, so I do so think that I at least existed in the gap between max/pd :D it may have been small though, you could be right! [musashi] well we were talking about 3d max as in the 3d graphics thing [musashi] because I bitched about it ages ago [electr0ns] well, there's more than just pd Parker [electr0ns] there's jmax too [Godzilla] lol [_Parker__] musashi: maya is available on Mac's velocity engine (or will be soon, I could be ahead of the game) [electr0ns] which is an ircam thing i think [musashi] yeah [musashi] maya is okay [musashi] but I have to use max unfortunately [_Parker__] electr0ns: yes, but back then PD wasn't brought up, that's all I'm saying :P [musashi] so I'll just get to know it - eventually [electr0ns] i think a lot of people ignored pd because it was for nt [electr0ns] and linux [musashi] then um [_Parker__] there's nothing wrong with 3dsmax :) it's good at certain things, and it will take you very far if you let it :) max has a higher penetration rate than maya in studios [musashi] it's not a "main" thing then is it so much? [_Parker__] although that will change with Maya's new pricing structure [musashi] yeah it does [musashi] I love max really [musashi] I just need to know it better. [musashi] I'll get there [electr0ns] csound is a pain to use [electr0ns] but it does things that a lot of apps can't [_Parker__] electr0ns: well, we had a linux box in the studio, but I suppose our conversation is absolutely stupid XD I simply haven't used PD! :D [_Parker__] musashi: exactly ^_^ [electr0ns] :) [musashi] :) [_Parker__] musashi: my modeling skills are pretty awful nowadays :) I had to model some headphones at work a little while ago and it actually took me two false starts to do it :) [electr0ns] i used to have 3dsmax but i never used it [musashi] my skills are pretty awful [musashi] just generally [musashi] lol [_Parker__] and then I couldn't even figure out how to circle it with a camera...and I'm a professional animator, geez. I just hadn't used a 3D app in so long it was confusing me!! [musashi] lol [musashi] I don't know how to do that either XD but then we haven't learned jackshit about animating yet [musashi] that's next year * Godzilla never did any 3d animations... [musashi] we're just building and modeling right now [Godzilla] only static pictures... [musashi] we have a module starting next week when we go back (spring break this week) called virtual environment [musashi] so I'm assuming that'll be on max too [_Parker__] then I was like 'OH, I just move the camera's pivot point from the heirarchy menu and use the rotation tool to set keypoints'. just like in 2D animation. bleh :) [Godzilla] and I think the most complicated thing I did was a room with a table, two chairs and a cupboard :) [_Parker__] but I can't do character animation or anything [musashi] we're supposedly learning how to set up a character for animation right now [_Parker__] I'm good with the material editor, lighting, rendering, but my modeling skills are rudimentary [musashi] but they hardly taught us anything, so I'm going to just wing it [musashi] materials I'm fnatastic at [musashi] lol * rafaga rembers all that crazy amiga software [musashi] especially chrome and glass etc. [rafaga] *remembers * Godzilla was using amiga software :) [musashi] my entire project for 3d max last semester was glass and chrome and reflections [Godzilla] ahh... glass, I think my speciality :) [musashi] and that, at least, worked out very well [_Parker__] musashi: setting up a character for animation isn't too difficult, it's modeling the character properly I think :D [musashi] well it gave me a godo grade. [musashi] yeah [Godzilla] first glass I made was looking better than any of those supplied with the program... [musashi] I never even looked at the ones supplies [musashi] -d [Godzilla] most are crap :) [musashi] yeah [_Parker__] glass isn't too difficult... good rubber is a more difficult texture in general. the way light bounces off rubber is infuriating :) at least to me [Godzilla] I remember I did a shiny wooden floor from some piece of greenish crappy wooden tiles... [musashi] I haven't tried rubber yet [musashi] we had to do a module on textures in first year though [musashi] so um yeah [musashi] I'm going to have to try and do leather for Thpike [musashi] matte leather [jabbar] clara_cent is sharing 3dmax stuf [_Parker__] the secret to good glass is using white planes outside the FOV of the camera to lend shape to the reflections of the glass :) [musashi] my lecturer suggested to just scan a section of the leather from the boot [musashi] I did XD [musashi] but my planes were grey [musashi] because that was what I wanted [_Parker__] just like you would do in a photo-shoot for glass! [musashi] I feel clever now XD [_Parker__] well, it depends on how much you want the glass to pop out :) if you want it to pop like a product shot, white...if you want it to be more like in a realistic setting then grey is certainly a better colour :) [Godzilla] hehe [musashi] well my entire thing was in greys and silvers [_Parker__] scanning textures is definitely a good way to do things ;) [musashi] and pink/purple [_Parker__] you can easily pull a bump-map from the texture you scanned and everything [musashi] yepyep [musashi] the main problem will be trying to scan bits of a boot [musashi] xD [electr0ns] so i was talking to my ex the other day and i made this joke about how she could sell her panties for money [musashi] ... [_Parker__] hahahaha electr0ns [electr0ns] and i think she actually put some up on ebay so she doesn't have to get a job [Godzilla] lol [electr0ns] she wants me to make a webpage for it [_Parker__] oh man, that's great [electr0ns] on the bright side, that means she's not selling her eggs [electr0ns] which took a lot of convincing on my part [musashi] o.o [electr0ns] i can't believe she wanted to do that [Godzilla] eggs? [musashi] her eggs [musashi] the female reproductive bits [musashi] lol [electr0ns] yeah, it's the female version of sperm donation [musashi] thank youy [electr0ns] and it's HELLA dangerous [musashi] I couldn't think how to describe [Godzilla] nah, I know... I just didn`t know you can sell that... [musashi] you can sell anything nowadays [electr0ns] yeah, you get like 5 or 6 grand for it [electr0ns] more if you're pretty/smart i think, which she is [Godzilla] how much wood could chuck a woodchuck if woodchuck could chuck wood? * Godzilla thinks the quote day continues :) [Godzilla] that one`s from monkey island 2 :) [electr0ns] i wish i had one of those huge japanese style bathtubs [electr0ns] the best quote ever was from this guy i used to debate with in HS [KrazyKat] Godzilla, where is mi2? [KrazyKat] where in mi2 they say that? [electr0ns] when confronted with the bible's inconsitencies he said "the only explanation i can come up with is that jesus was around at the same time as the dinosaurs" [electr0ns] i was speechless [Godzilla] at the woodsmith place... [Godzilla] you can ask him a question like that... [Godzilla] it`s almost at the beginning... [Godzilla] then he replies with even longer sentence... [electr0ns] if i was him i'd say "get the hell out of my woodsmith shop" [KrazyKat] heh [Godzilla] then you ask him again with even longer questrion :) [KrazyKat] ^_^ [Godzilla] but it was too long for me to remember it otherwise I`d quote whole conversation :) [KrazyKat] write those please? ^_^ [musashi] why is winmx taking so long to connect? >.< [KrazyKat] ok [Godzilla] I`ll try next time... I htink I have a savegame before that... [Godzilla] first time I`m playing second part... [Godzilla] I finished the first one at least 15 times :) [KrazyKat] heh [Godzilla] graves at cementary are also cool... [Godzilla] here lies the unknown pirate [Godzilla] here lies the unknown cabin boy [Godzilla] here lies an unknown drunk guy that was found dead on the beach with face in his vomits [KrazyKat] lol [Godzilla] I tend to check everything about every possible thing... you never know what you`re gonna find :) * Godzilla checks mail... [Godzilla] phew, I was affraid there would be more than 130 mails... I didn`t check it for a while now :) * musashi is teaching mother how to use slsk