Lacrosse Indiana
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Photos from Culver Military Academy vs. Berbeuf Jesuit(Indianapolis, Indiana) and Yorktown vs. Landon (Yorktown, NY)

      Welcome to the official site of Lacrosse Indiana.  We are dedicated players, officials, and fans alike promoting the sport of lacrosse across Indiana.  We promote both field and box lacrosse for 5th grade ages and up.  Our goal is to introduce youth, young adults, and adults alike into the sport of lacrosse.  Many college freshman men and women pick up the sport for their first time in their life when they get to college.  Ball State's lacrosse team is a perfect example of this theory with over half of its roster being new participants to the team and the sport.  Lacrosse Indiana is helping Indiana High Schools establish the sport of lacrosse for both men and women.  Lacrosse is a spring time sport that complements both football and soccer.  Many athletes use lacrosse to cross train for both football and soccer.  NFL great Jim Brown played lacrosse and football for Syracuse and many believe that he was a better lacrosse player than a football player.  Atlanta Falcon's Defensive End Patrick Kerney attended University of Virginia on a lacrosse scholarship before making the switch to football and becoming an NFL player. 
        Our mission is to unite the growing  lacrosse community of Indiana through the power of connectivity from the Internet.  This type of convergence (lacrosse and technology) will help the sport grow with the help of technology and those dedicated to the sport.  Here you will find people willing to take the time to meet your interests and needs for playing, coaching, officiating, and watching the fastest game you'll ever experience. 


Lacrosse is the oldest sport on the North American continent, the Native-Americans played the game to settle disputes among tribes, heal the sick, and also practice religious ceremonies.  These tribes played the game, from as far south as Mexican Kickapoo tribes to the Huron tribes of Canada.   Many tribes had different names for for the game of lacrosse.   The name "lacrosse" was the given name by the French missionaries who witnessed the Huron tribes practice the game; they described the sticks to resemble "sticks with a bishop's rosary on its end, which was used to carry a ball or a rock." To these indigenous tribes, lacrosse was a very important part of their life.  Like the Iroquois, the Cherokee's believed that lacrosse was a very spiritual part of their game.  Indigenous lacrosse games could have as many as 100 players per side and the field could be miles in length, the object was to get the ball into your opponents goal (represented by a goal or a pole sticking out from the earth) and games could last for days.  Today the game has more civilized rules that were modified by Canadian Dentist George Beers.  The rules are very similar to hockey; with a penalty box, line changes, and set field dimensions.  Field Lacrosse is a 10-on-10 game, it is played on a 110 yard field with goals at each end that measure 6'x6'.  Men's Lacrosse has 4 positions; Attack, Midfield, Defense, and Goalie 
Too see basic lacrosse rules click here
Vennum Jr., Thomas.  Little Brother of War: American Indian Lacrosse. 

 Whats going on?

                                     Summer Box Lacrosse  in Indianapolis, Indiana 

      Box lacrosse will be hosted at the Sports Zone with a high school league and adult pick-up lacrosse.  Please contact us if you have any questions or interested in playing, officiating, or watching "America's Fastest Sport on Two Feet." 

All participants under 18 years of age must be a US Lacrosse member.
Membership requirements:
-Must be US Lacrosse member DOWNLOAD US Lacrosse from Acrobat Reader
-Must provide their own equipment ATTENTION new players: get factory discounts and used equipment for less.
School-Club teams currently established: Carmel, Park Tudor, North Central, Zionsville, Hamilton Southeastern, Pike, Chatard*,Cathedral, Westfield, Ft. Wayne Snider, Ft. Wayne Bishop Luers, South Bend St. Joseph's, Culver Military, Berbeuf, Concord*, and Noblesville*.
*=new teams as of 2002/03


        We are currently running beginner camps for new clubs that wish to organize a team.  Our camp is designed to either host or come to your city or town with experienced players, coaches, parents, and provide your team or club with all the equipment
needed for players to beging playing.  Our only requirement is that your club or team have at least 15 participants or more and provide us with field space at the location of your choice.  If field space is a problem please contact us so that we can make arrangements to host your camp.
                                           Lacrosse Equipment

This the equipment that participants need (knee pads, back and kidney guard optional).
Please inquire about equipment packages to receive discounts of up to 50% for all new players.

Ball State Lacrosse
US Lacrosse 
National Lacrosse League   (If you would like to view televised games please contact your local cable company)
Major League Lacrosse
Indiana High School Lacrosse Association 
Meta Search 


Contact us

Updated 01/16/03                                             Email Webmaster

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 This site is not affiliated with any middle school, high school, or college regarding our programs or objectives.  Lacrosse Indiana is an independent non-profit organization designed to promote the sport of lacrosse across Indiana.  All teams are on club status until a school decides that it will support our cause.
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