Moises Sotomayor-Munoz

5500 N Saint Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
Cell Phone: (773)-583-4050


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Background Information/Future Plans/Interests
"I am currently a college student in the process of attaining my bachelor's degree in the science of Accounting. I will be the first in my family to attain a degree in a four year university. I come from a family of hardworking individuals that understand the importance of perseverance and patience. My parents moved to the United States in hopes to live their American Dream and I am now taking part of that expedition.
As my own individual, I am hoping to professionally attain a position at an Accounting firm, as an accountant officer, where my organizational skills and time management abilitiescan be utilized to help the company attain organization goals. To fill a position where my interpersonal skills, openness to new ideas, and ability to learn can be set forth to grow professionally.
In my personal life I enjoy working out. I love to swim and do yoga. Moreso, I enjoy having fun with friends and family by going out on weekends and having brunch at new restaurants in the area."

Education Background

Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

December 2017 Bachelor of Science in Accounting GPA 3.80/4.0

College of Lake County, Grayslake, IL

May 2016 Associates in the Arts GPA 3.90/4.0 Phi Theta Kappa Scholar

Employment Experience

Server/Bartender/Trainer/Marketing Lead

California Pizza Kitchen, Deer Park, IL (full time) February 2016 � Present

  • Interact daily with guests that visit our store to provide excellent customer service.
  • Train and facilitate training materials to all new and incoming staff members.
  • Work directly with the community to provide fundraising opportunities and marketing strategies.

Assistant Aquatics Director

Foglia YMCA, Lake Zurich, IL (full time) August 2013-Decemeber 2016

  • Trained and supervised a staff of over 50 employees in three different sub-departments
  • Facilitated trainings for upper-management including senior management, regionally.
  • Analyzed and assisted in constructing monthly, quarterly, and yearly budgets.
  • Deliberately instilled branch-wide communication as chairman of the Staff Involvement Committee.
  • Designed and developed organizational files for departmental payroll capabilities.

Car Salesman/Finance Specialist

Ole Auto Sales, Palatine, IL (full time) August 2013-March 2014

  • Provided aid and customer service attention to customers seeking to purchase a new vehicle.
  • Served as a representative for different finance groups to attain loans for customers in need of financing.
  • Provided administrative support to buying manager and operations manager on a day to day basis to attain weekly goals and make changes when necessary.

Languages: English, Spanish, & Italian

Technology Skills: High Level profiency in Microsoft software: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, & Access 2016
Software Skills: Experienced in payroll systems; KRONOS, ALOHA, & CCC.

Related Coursework

	Intermediate Accounting I & II	Business Law
 	Managing Information Systems	Managerial Accounting
 	Cost Accounting I	2014 FASB Update GAAP course

Short Term Goals Vs Long Term Goals
Short Term Goals Long Term Goals
Graduate NEIU & Enroll into a Masters Program Work towards taking the CPA Exam
Move out into the city Find a promising company to commit to for years to come
Graduate with an honorable GPA from NEIU Apply all knownledge to a non-profit organization
Purchase a new and reliable vehicle. Continue to attend seminars and workshops for GAAP

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