RPJ2; Undercover Phase by nja3 First week of April; spring still having a hard time settling in to East Coast The Office; Tuesday, 8A Scully is usually very organized and efficient while at work. She moves through her routine; checks her email and voicemail, reviews any folders left in the inbasket on Mulder’s desk,…”Mulder’s not here yet”, she pauses in her routine. “Skinner’s not going to be in a very good mood if he’s late for this meeting.” She goes back to the folders. She opens the first one, sees the final report, sees the words on the page, but there is no comprehension. She’s viewing, but not processing. She puts the folder back into the wire basket. She is jumpy this morning. She assumes it is because of their upcoming case with another Agent. She has not told Mulder about this development. She chastises herself from keeping it from him and tells herself that she did so because she didn't want to ruin their last day together.They are rarely assigned to work an entire case with someone else. Three is a strange number she muses. She then wonders whether the new case is the entire reason for her feeling on edge. She sits in Mulder’s chair, her arms on the armrests and sighs. Unbidden, freeze frames of Sunday night at the Big Sky Planetarium are going through her mind; the shutter advancing rapidly. Mulder’s look of excitement when they arrive. The man dressed all in black ushering them inside. The “stars” overhead as she sits in the chair while Mulder arranges his surprise for her. Mulder’s fingers in her hair. Mulder feeding her a chocolate covered strawberry. Mulder moving closer… Thoughts of Monday play through her mind next. Little moments; big feelings. Their subway ride, their bodies close, the private club at The Ritz. She is in another place, another time. She needs to cool off! She leans back in Mulder’s chair and places her feet on his desk. As she leans back, her eyes close. The phone ends the picture show in her head abruptly. Her eyes open, she rouses with a start. She sees Mulder leaning against the door frame with one hand on his hip. He is smiling mischieviously. She grabs the phone, her face flushed, “Scully.” “Agent, I need to see you and Agent Mulder in my office now.” Skinner hangs up before she can answer. “Welcome back to the real world, Scully”, Mulder smiles. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Skinner’s Office; Tuesday, 8:30A Skinner has several folders open on his desk when Mulder and Scully walk in and sit down. “Agents, I have a new case for you. You are going to be working with a Field Agent on this case. You will be travelling to Rye, New Hampshire later this week. Rye is a small town on the eastern edge of Portsmouth very close to the ocean. You will all be in deep cover. Agent Mulder, you will be leading the team.” “Sir, what is our case?” Scully asks. “We’ll get to that in a minute. In the meantime, as soon as this briefing is over, the three of you will go to the Deep Missions Office for your new identities. You will spend the next few days learning all you can about your covers, the town and the case.” “Some would like to think of this as an X-File. At this point, I just don’t have enough information to make a definitive statement on that. However, the Field Agent will fill you in. He should arrive any minute now.” Scully is looking down at her hands. She furtively glances over at Mulder. He is staring off into space. He senses her gaze and returns it with a slight smile. They both look away simultaneously. Skinner’s assistant comes to the door. “Sir, the Field Agent is here to see you.” “Show him in.” Scully and Mulder both look to the door. Two sets of eyebrows raise in amazement. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Skinner stands. “Agent Ritter, please come in. I believe you know Agents Mulder and Scully?” Field Agent Payton Ritter has the good grace to momentarily look toward the floor and then says, “Uh, yes, Sir, we all know each other.” Mulder starts to stand. Scully reaches over and lightly places her hand on his arm. He remains seated. Skinner moves them past the possibly indendiary situation. “Let’s clear up any misperceptions and judgments before we proceed. Field Agent Ritter was sanctioned by his home office following the case he and Agent Scully were assigned to last year. He has redeemed himself since that time. He needs our assistance since the current case crosses state lines. He needs your unique skills, Agents.” Mulder is thinking about how Scully almost lost her life because of the redeemed Agent Payton Ritter. Scully is not sure of Ritter’s willingness to work with either of them based on the comments he has made regarding Agent Mulder. Mulder and Scully both know that protesting the assignment is detrimental to their future employment at the Bureau and continued status with the X-Files. Neither one says anything. “Let’s move over to the table so Agent Ritter can fill us in.” Skinner observes the non-verbals among the Agents. He briefly wonders about the wisdom of partnering these three. However, no matter what he shows externally, he has the ultimate faith and confidence in his Agents’ abilities to put aside personal issues for the sake of the case at hand. The four sit around the table. Skinner sits next to Agent Ritter on one side; Mulder and Scully on the other. “Agent Mulder, Agent Scully; I’m going to work very hard to make this work. The New York Field Office desperately needs your help.” “Okay, Ritter, enough with the niceties”, Mulder is antsy, “Get on with it.” Scully tries hard to remain silent. “Ok, Agent Mulder is right. Here’s the story. Dr. Brenton is a surgeon of some repute at New York General.” Before he can continue, Scully says, “’Some’ repute? He’s a reknowned surgeon. He does general surgery, but his specialty is neurology; especially those cases related to brain functions. I’ve heard him speak and read some of his papers.” “That’s him. The problem is what’s been happening to his recent surgery patients. As Agent Scully said, he specializes in brain surgery. In the last year, he has completed approximately 50 successful brain surgeries. Of the 50 patients, all went to recovery with strong vitals and no outward appearances that anything was out of the ordinary. Once they went home, the peculiar behavior began.” “Define ‘peculiar’”, Mulder says with a small smirk on his face and a not-so-small edge in his voice. Agent Ritter looks slightly flustered, glances at Skinner and then continues. “By ‘peculiar”, I mean that once home, families, partners, friends started reporting strange behavior. While Dr. Brenton told each patient that she or he could expect some lasting effects; mainly dizziness, nauseous or feeling a slowing of movements, he did not warn them about what they were experiencing. They appeared to be mind reading those closest to them.” Agent Ritter pauses. He looks at each face at the table. Agent Scully has her lips pursed and her right eyebrow raised slightly. Agent Mulder is trying to look anywhere but at Agent Ritter. Only AD Skinner is looking directly at Ritter. He remains silent. When he does not get any questions or comments, he thinks “tough room, Ritter” and continues. “While cases of people close to one and other having a special connections is not unheard of, these people reported that the surgery had made it possible for the patient to actually quote specific thoughts. The strangest part of the case is that these patients then disappeared. They cannot be located anywhere. The disappearances occurred within 48 hours of their return home. There do not appear to be any similarities among these patients. We pulled data for age, sex, living environment, family size, family medical history, place of employment, schooling; no overlaps. Even our interviews with the families and friends showed no consistancies other than the anecdotal reports of mind reading.” “And we’re going to New Hampshire for the scenery?” Mulder asks. “When the heat got turned on at NY General and in New York state, Dr. Brenton also disappeared, seemingly without a trace. He is now practicing at Mercy Hospital in Rye Beach as Dr. Baines. Although neighboring Portsmouth has a much larger hospital, Mercy has continued to serve the smaller outlaying areas of West Rye, Rye and Rye North Beach. It is somewhat more conservative, but has a strong track record medically. The area is economically well-situated and can afford to provide state-of-the art techniques. We believe Dr. Baines chose a smaller hospital in which to practice to keep the heat off.” “Are there any questions? Dana?”, Ritter asks. Scully looks him in the eye, “It’s Scully. And, no , there are no questions; yet.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Skinner continues with the case details, “Agents Mulder and Scully will fly to Boston’s Logan Airport on Wednesday morning. From there, you will receive a an SUV. You will drive it into Rye, New Hampshire. This vehicle will be part of your cover. Mulder and Scully will each have an apartment in a Victorian house on Cable Road. Agent Ritter will be living on the next street over, Central Road. He will fly straight into Portsmouth.” Mulder is fidgeting; he is getting too many details without the bigger picture. “So, Scully and I get to drive while our man Payton here wings it in?” Mulder refuses to lessen the animosity he still feels toward Agent Ritter. Skinner notices and attempts to move past the tensions. “While the three of you will naturally interact in such a small town, it would be much too obvious to have three newcomers all arrive on the scene together,” replies Skinner. He continues, “I’ll ask a final time before you all head to Deep Missions; are there any questions?” Scully looks up questioningly, “Sir, Field Agent Ritter has stated that there are no common variables to the patients. What about their medical procedure? Surely ‘brain surgery’ is a broad term encompassing many different conditions and subsequent protocols and procedures.” “That’s just it, Scully, their surgeries were all different, yet the final result was the same”, Ritter replies. Mulder and Scully stand. For them, the meeting is at an end. Although they are still concerned with their new partner, they are anxious to begin their new assignment. Scully starts to head out the door first. As Mulder begins to follow, Ritter stops him. Scully, sensing that Mulder is no longer behind her, pauses and turns around. “Sir, I’d like to talk with Agent Mulder alone, if I may?” Ritter asks. Skinner merely nods once and ushers Scully out of the office, closing the door behind them as he leaves Mulder and Ritter alone. Mulder stands, hands on hips, his suit jacket behind his hands. Ritter is looking somewhat sheepish, but tries to hold his ground. “Agent Mulder, I think we need to clear the air here and now if we’re to work together.” “No, Field Agent Ritter, I don’t think we need to clear the air. You have been redeemed, your superiors speak highly of you. Agent Scully and I will treat this case professionally. However, I will remind you of what I’ve said before, ‘you were very lucky’ your first time with Agent Scully. Do NOT tempt Lady Luck for a second time. Am I making myself perfectly clear?” “Yes”, is Ritter’s only reply as he heads for the door. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Deep Missions Office, 9:30A Monday The man behind the reception desk looks up as the three agents enter. “Yes, may I help you?” Scully, anxious to get underway, speaks first, “We’re Special Agents Scully and Mulder and Field Agent Ritter for the New York City Office. We’re here to receive our cover assignments as prescribed by AD Skinner.” “Ah, yes, Agents; please follow me. Agent Scully, you will be working with Specialist Nona Harkins. Agents Mulder and Ritter, you will be working with Specialist Bart Smith. Since Agent Scully’s cover is much more involved, she will need to work very closely with one Specialist. The three of you will remain in this complex for the remainder of the day. The first part of your briefing will be intense. After today, you will begin to assume your new roles and interact with each other in those roles only. Are there any questions, Agents?” The Agents walk away with their Specialists. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Deep Missions Office; Specialist Briefings “Specialist Harkins”, Scully begins. “Please, call me Nona; the other stuff is quite a mouthful, don’t you think?” Scully smiles, “ok, Nona, just what will my role be?” “You will be Dr. Baines’ chief medical/surgery nurse. Given your background and training as an MD, it would make the most sense to have you establish a close working relationship with the man. He’s in his early 50’s, salt and pepper, blue- grey eyes, about 6’3”. He comes across in a very mild-mannered, charming way; especially to the women with whom he works. Unlike some of his counterparts, he is not usually intentionally demeaning to women. He works hard to treat his nurses and fellow doctors appropriately. He does, however, have a slight reputation as a lady’s man, if you catch my drift.” Scully ‘catches’ it alright. She’s thinking Mulder won’t like that aspect one bit. Nona continues, “You will become Dana Katz. We’re going to darken your hair to more of a medium brown; you’re red hair will make you much too ‘memorable’. Given the conservative, yet monied nature of Rye, we’ve created a new look for you.” Nona pulls out three jewelry cases. Inside are a choker, bracelet, and earring of small seed pearls with gold spacer beads. “These will be worn all the time; your ‘signature’ as Dana Katz. They show a classy, yet moderately well-off woman.” Scully is always a bit skeptical of what she views as ‘sweeping generalizations’ made from something so insignificant as jewelry or hair color, for example. However, she defers to Nona who has much more experience in this area than she does. “You have just moved into town with a long-time, but casual, friend; that will be Agent Mulder. You received your nursing diploma from the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington. You have been most recently practicing out West in New Mexico where you also received a certificate in advanced training from NMU School of Medicine. You have moved back east to be closer to your family. Ms. Katz is athletic; she runs daily, usually in the early morning. She also likes an occasional glass of wine with dinner and has a fine sense of humor. Agent Scully, this means you will need to let yourself smile more. Now, to make Nurse Katz a little more interesting, she needs to have a slightly wild side that is apparent, but only in appropriate settings.” Specialist Harkins waits for a smile. She doesn’t get one from Scully. Scully thinks, “oh brother…” Nona tells Scully that from this point forward, Scully will need to live her new role. Scully and Nona head off to “wardrobe” for her hair and clothing changes. Meanwhile, in the next set of rooms, Mulder and Ritter are getting their assignment briefings. Specialist Smith begins with Mulder. “Agent Mulder, you will become Fox Masters. You’re new to town and have arrived with your long-time, casual friend, Nurse Dana Katz. You have been on the east coast while she’s been nursing in New Mexico; although the two of you have visited frequently and been in touch the entire time. You’re helping her settle into her new position in Rye and you may stay around for a while. You are looking for a job, but are in no rush to do so. Your family has some money. You will end up teaching psychology at the nearby Portsmouth Community college. We’re going to give you a somewhat more ‘rakish’ look; let your hair fall forward a little more, buzz the back, do the v-neck sweater with the pushed up sleeves over nice trousers look. You will exude boyish charm.” “Agent Ritter, you also have a colorful role to play. You wll become Peter Roden and…” Before Specialist Smith can continue, Mulder bursts into laughter. “Well, Ritter, I mean Rodent, guess some grand poobah got your number straight!” “That will be enough, Agent Mulder”, Specialist Smith continues describing Ritter’s role. “You have been hired as the chief of hospital maintenance. In that role, you will be Agent Scully’s major on-site contact.” Mulder is not happy about this development. Ritter seems to make note of this fact as he smirks in Mulder’s direction. Smith continues as if he doesn’t notice the chill in the air. “In keeping with the hospital appearance codes, we’re going to shorten your hair considerably. You will wear the hospital uniform. Your backstory is that you have recently been widowed and fallen on hard times. You have moved here to put as much distance between you and your past so you can make a new start. You will need to casually ‘meet’ Dana and Fox as quickly as possible so you can make some contact in public.” “Now, I suggest that you both get to wardrobe and begin to review your roles. From this point forward, the three of you will live your new roles.” Mulder and Ritter head off to wardrobe for their new looks. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ “Wardrobe” Section of Deep Missions Office, 10:30A Monday Scully is escorted to a room equipped to resemble the local hairdressers. She is given a permanent wave and her hair is dyed a warm brown with some red highlights. Once it is dried, she’s given a dark brown velvet slim fabric headband. Her hair is slicked back from her face and the band rests behind her ears. She puts on the seed pearl jewelry. She then disappears into the Closet. Nona helps her select her street clothes. She chooses a chocolate brown just above the knee length suede skirt, brown hose and a mocha satin stretch button down shirt which she tucks in. Nona suggests chunky heeled brown suede slip ons. Although this is a departure from Scully’s usual style, she finds she is comfortable with it. The hair is taking her longer to adjust to… She has her make-up redone. Nona gives her a casefile on her new persona and takes her to the library section to read. Mulder has his hair re-styled. A little gel and a dryer allows the stylist to give him the rakish look. His hair is buzzed in the back. He is given a hunter green v- neck cashmere sweater and tan lightweight trousers. They are fitted through the waist and hips, but drape from his backside to his brown loafers. He pushes up the sleeves of his sweater. The ‘V” dips down slightly below his collarbone. He keeps his watch, but is given a marine link gold chain for his neck. Ritter’s dark brown hair is cut very short and close. He wears jeans and a white polo shirt. They are each given their reading material and head for the library. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ The Library Section of Deep Missions Office, 12:30P Monday Scully finds a table in the corner. She chooses a chair facing the door so she can see when Mulder and Ritter enter. She has her file laid out in front of her and is learning the details of Dana Katz’s life prior to her arrival in Rye. Her newly-brown hair falls forward from her headband and her legs are crossed at the knee under the table. She pulls on her wire rim glasses and takes notes as she reads. Mulder is thinking of how many ways he can use Ritter’s new last name. He also starts to play his new “rakish” role. “Hi, I’m Fox Masters”, he swaggers. Ritter is not far behind him. He wonders just how they’ll pull this one off with Mulder’s open anymosity toward him. He believes that he can handle Scully, but Mulder is an unknown. He’ll have to report on his progress with them. They both reach the Library and look around for Scully. The Library appears mostly empty except for one man at the first table and a woman in the back corner in this section. Ritter tells Mulder he’ll go around the other side to see if he can locate Scully. Mulder nods and walks in. He automatically checks out the woman in the back corner. She draws him to her. He stops and chastises himself. He is finally making headway with Scully and is looking at someone else. She’ll kill him. As he approaches the back table, the woman glances in his direction. She puts her pencil in her teeth, smiles shyly at him and then wraps her lips around the pencil as she take it out of her mouth. She puts her hair behind her ear. Mulder's blood pressure appears to be on the rise. They both stop. They realize who they are looking at each other. Mulder wonders how she can be anymore exquisite and gives himself a brief reprieve when he realizes he was attracted to Scully! Scully checks out his new look with open admiration. She stands and walks over to him. He notices her outfit and gives her the once over. She extends her hand to him and tosses her hair back behind her shoulders. “Dana Katz, nice to meet you Mr.?” She says. “Dana Katz, long time, no see; it’s me, Fox Masters”, he purrs to her. They know they are supposed to remain in their new characters but they are having so much fun checking each other out. Scully wonders absentmindedly when Mulder’s hair grew in. She’s so used to seeing it combed back. The way the front part hangs down over one eye and the extremely short back is very…interesting she thinks. “Let me show you my antique book collection back there in the stacks, Dana”, he says as he guides her around the corner to the shelved books. She whispers, “what are you doing, Fox?”, as she walks backwards toward the stacks. He walks with her, toe-to-toe, backing her into the wall. He is developing his new persona. He not-so-gently pulls her arms over her head up against the wall. He holds her wrists with one hand. Her chest is rising and falling noticably; theatening to open the buttons on her satin blouse. He wets one finger and slowly places it inside the pearl choker. He runs his finger along her neck. When his hand reaches the back of her neck, he tilts her head up. He teasingly kisses her lips lightly. Then he kisses her more deeply. She wimpers his name. He brings her arms down and puts his hand lightly over her mouth. “Remember, Dana, I’m not Mulder.” He smiles, kisses her forehead, and walks back to the outer section. “Mulder”, she whispers and then grabs the shelving for support. “This is going to be one interesting undercover assignment!” she thinks. When she has cooled down and composed herself, she walks back to her table. She finds Mulder and Ritter sitting there. Unbidden, she thinks that Ritter looks rather handsome in a boyish sort of way. She thinks this assignment is going to be trouble. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Making Arrangements to Leave Town, Tuesday, 9A Scully’s Apartment Scully is reading over her information about the case for the hundreth time. She’s thinking about “Dana Katz” and trying to keep herself in her role. She’s chosen her outfit for travel; something comfortable that can go from flight to drive. She finds herself wondering what Mulder will look like, “Fox Masters”; she chuckles at the sound of that name. She decides it’s time to call her mom since she’ll be out of town and undercover for at least the next month. “Hello?” “Hi, mom; it’s me.” “Dana! What’s new?” “Well, I actually called to let you know that I’ll be out of town for the next month or so. You’ll be able to reach me by cellphone only during that time.” Maggie Scully is quiet. She realizes this means that her daughter is embarking on another (probably dangerous) case. She understands that Dana can’t discuss her business, but she worries nonetheless. She secretly hopes that Fox will be with her daughter. “Are you sure you’re going to be ok, Dana? Should Fox go with you?” Scully smiles into the phone. Her mother is very protective. Her smile fades briefly as she realizes that her mother is worried about losing another daughter. “Mom, yes, Mulder will be with me.” “Can you at least tell me what state you’ll be in?” Maggie pleads. “Ok, Mom! We’ll be in New Hampshire. If it helps you feel better, we’ll also have another Agent with us.” “Dana, it sounds serious!” the thought of additional help, intended to help her mother feel that Scully will be safe only makes it worse. “Mom, I’m a big girl, I’ve worked for the Bureau for a long time and I know how to take care of myself. I’ll be careful.” “I love you, Dana.” “Love you too, Mom!” Scully hangs up. She grabs the picture of the family taken the Christmas before her father died and puts it in her luggage. On her way to her bedroom, she passes a mirror and does a doubletake. It’s taking her awhile to get used to her new hair style. She reflects that Mulder and Ritter seemed to like the change. She picks up the pearl jewelry and puts it on. As she clasps the strand of pearls around her neck, she remembers Mulder’s finger against her neck as he fingered the necklace. A shiver runs down her spine. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mulder’s Apartment Mulder drops a long-feed tablet in his fishtank and says good-bye to his golden scaled friends. He picks up errant tapes from his famed video collection and puts them in the closet with the others. He feels a little like Biff from Death of a Salesman. He hopes he looks better. Scully didn’t seem to think he looked half bad in the Library yesterday. He realizes he’s going to have to get used to her new look so he reacts normally to her. He doesn’t want to admit how turned on he is by her new persona. He admits that a little wild thing in the stacks definitely crossed his mind. Luckily, his Bureau training gives him willpower to overcome his potential dalliances… He cancels his paper and mail deliveries for the next month. He decides that he and Scully should work on their new roles somemore. He breifly wonders if he should be magnanimous and include Ritter. He just as breifly thinks “no way!” Fox Masters would definitely know how to cook a little something for his close friend…Even if it’s just a late lunch/early dinner in his very tiny kitchen. “Mulder, what ARE you thinking? Your greatest skill lies in punching the phone buttons for take out. Just delete the ‘cooking’ aspect of Mr. Masters’ life.” “Hey Scully; I mean Dana. What’re you doing right now?” “I’m reading more information about Mercy Hospital and Dr. Baines. Why, Mulder, what are YOU doing?” “Well, I’m thinking that we will probably both need to eat something later today. I mean, we have this big case coming up and will need our wits about us and our strength and” “Mulder, do you want to have lunch or dinner together?” “Um, yeah, Scully. How about if I make us a late lunch/early dinner at my place?” Mulder is suddenly very nervous about Scully’s reaction and response. She pauses and takes a deep breath away from the mouthpiece so he doesn’t hear her gasp. Half-laughing, but trying very hard not to, she replies, “Why Mulder, I didn’t realize you liked to cook! I guess you’ve been hiding that side of you from me all this time, hmm?” “Scully, I don’t cook that often, you know how busy we are.” “Ok, Mulder, it’s a date; I mean deal. Tell me what time and let me go finish my reading.” “Be here at 4:30P Scully and don’t be a minute late.” “Mulder, am I ever late?” “Bye, Scully!” Scully smiles and then falls onto the couch laughing. The lengths this man will go to for her. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In Mulder’s Kitchen; 2P Mulder is pacing in a state of near panic. He has just invited the woman he’s pretty sure he loves over to eat at his place. “What’s wrong with this picture, Mulder? For starters, you haven’t cooked anything more complicated than Ballpark Franks and a can of beans in the last year. For another, you don’t own any real cooking items. He**, you don’t own any food right now! What does Scully like to eat? Where do I buy non-fat tofutti rice dreamsicles? Can we just order take out?” A rush of crazed thoughts fire through his mind. He then remembers something his mother used to say when she and her dad had friends over for dinner, “Always keep it simple and provide what you’re most comfortable with. Remember, they’re here to see you and a little presenation is everything.” “Ok,” he thinks, “I can do this. Just need to be a little creative. Sneaky, coniving and cunning wouldn’t hurt either”, he thinks. First, he needs to make the kitchen look like it is used. This means some signs of food, cooking, activity. He takes the one quart saucepan that serves as almost his entire cookware collection and places it on the stove. He then takes the 10- inch fry pan and does the same. He needs flatware, dishes, stemware (although in his mind, he needs plates, silverware and glasses). What are neighbors for? He walks across the hall to Mr. and Mrs. Stephens apartment. As he explains what he needs, Mrs. Stephens takes pity on him. She’s always had a soft spot for Fox. If she were just 20 or 30 years younger and not married, why, she doesn’t know what she’d do with him, but it would be oh, so, fun! She goes inside and invites him in. He looks around at the exact mirror image of his apartment done in early grandmother. Lace doilies on the furniture, quaint lamps, wall-to-wall carpeting and two, big, plump, grey cats sleeping on the sofa. She returns from the kitchen with a full place setting for two of her best Currier and Ives stoneware, flatware and stemware. Mulder’s arms struggle to hold everything without dropping a piece. He thanks her profusely and wonders how she knew he only needed two of everything. All he asked for was “some plates and stuff”. He doesn’t worry about a tablecloth. One of the few nice pieces of furniture he owns is his small, rectangular, mahogny kitchen/diningroom table. He guesses it will look okay with the dark blue and white of the stoneware. He sets the small table in his pseudo-dining room. Now, he just needs the food. “Relax, Mulder, it’s only 2:30P, you’ve got two whole hours.” He grabs the phonebook, heads for the yellow pages under “Delicatessens”. He calls Dardens and places his order. He returns to the kitchen and puts away his pot and pan. This late lunch/early dinner is well on it’s way! Now he can’t figure out what to wear. Undercover Fox would probably wear sweats as he’s wearing now, but he needs to get inside Fox’s head for this late lunch date. He decides some wide wale corduroys and a soft pima cotton, long sleeved pullover should be fine. “Ok”, he thinks, “small clothing problem. You don’t OWN wide wale corduroys and that cotton pullover.” Mulder heads two blocks down to the Brooks Brothers. He figures that his clothing allowance for this case can afford the new digs. The hair thing is driving him nuts, but Scully did seem to like it… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Scully’s Apartment, 3:45P Scully plans to take a cab to Mulder’s apartment. She is also seriously trying to become Dana Katz. She sweeps one side of her hair up and back with a barrett and lets the other fall naturally. She puts on a black, mid-calf length skirt with leather boots and a eggshell cropped angora sweater. She puzzles over what scent to wear and chooses her basic lavender. She’s nervous about this lunch thing. Ostensibly, they are merely further learning their new roles. That’s a good thing. Underneath, she’s turned on by the whole thing. Her senses where Mulder’s concerned are on high alert. (She smiles inwardly at that phrase. She hasn’t heard it since her father passed away. Her upbringing in a military home provided many such phrases over the years.) They have both made attempts to talk out their situation, but always seem to get interrupted. Maybe this trip will give them some time to talk. “Ok, Ms. Katz, let’s go sample some fine Masters cuisine! Yeah, right!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mulder’s Apartment, 4:15P Mulder has found chocolate brown corduroys and a tan pullover. There is a knock on his door. “It can’t be Scully; the food’s not here!”. He walks toward the door, then walks away, cursing quietly. “Darden’s delivery.” Relief floods through Mulder. Their timing is perfect. He pays the delivery person and tips handsomely. Darden’s saves his butt! He places the salads in the chilled stoneware from Mrs. Stephens and returns them to the refrigerator. He puts the still warm sourdough rolls in the cloth lined basket and puts it on the table. He takes the lemon thyme broiled chicken breast and rice pilaf and puts them on plates he sets in his warm oven. He’s forgotten a vegetable, but hey, they do have salad! The spiked rum raisin gelato goes into the freezer. The blush wine is already chilled and in an icebucket by the table. “All is right with the world, Mulder”, he thinks. There is another knock on the door. He looks through the peephole to see Scully standing there smiling right back at him. “Scully, you’re right on time. I didn’t see your car downstairs.” “That’s ‘cuz I took a cab, Mulder. Can I actually come in or are we eating in the hall? Not that halls are such a bad place for us, Mulder.” Mulder grabs her by the arm and pulls her into his apartment. “Are you hungry, Scully?” Scully smiles and says, “lead the way, Mulder.” He takes her hand and they walk into his kitchen. She is impressed and amused. “Mulder, I didn’t know you owned such historic china.” “There are some things a man just have to keep hidden, Scully”, like lies about owning anything resembling cooking and eating paraphrenalia, he thinks to himself. He pulls a seat out for Scully and brings the salads out of the refrigerator. They are already dressed with a low-fat, yogurt vinaigrette. Scully tastes a forkful and smiles as she chews. “This is excellent, Mulder. Whose recipe is the dressing? I’d love to get it from you.” He is sitting across from her. “Well, it’s really easy, Scully. It’s just that yogurt stuff you like to eat at lunch.” The lies come a little easier once you get going, he thinks. Scully pauses with her fork halfway to her mouth at that response. She stops chewing and raises one eyebrow, looking up at him from beneath her hair. She then resumes eating. He pours them some blush wine. At least he actually purchased this himself… To give the illusion of dusk, Mulder has pulled the living room curtains partially closed and lit some candles on the kitchen counter. The overhead lights are out. They sip the wine and look at each other. “So, Dana, what have you heard about Mercy Hospital?” “Well, Fox, it’s cutting edge, I mean really state-of-the-art and the staff is top notch (did I just say ‘top notch’, Scully thinks). This Dr. Baines is a leader in his field.” Scully is trying to use Dana Katz language and inflection. Fox Masters, on the other hand, is just admiring Dana Katz. “So, Dana, what type of relationship have we been having prior to Mercy Hospital?” She has kicked off her boots. She runs her bare foot up against his shin. The thick wale of the corduroy is deep and thick. Her unspoken response to his question startles him; catches him momentarily off guard. Her foot moves to the inside of his lower leg and heads for his knee. She finally speaks her response, “I hear I have a slightly wild side that exhibits itself only in appropriate places.” She smiles and leans back in her chair. “Maybe we should skip to dessert, Dana?” The chicken warning in the oven quickly forgotten, Mulder gets up, rather quickly, and heads for the freezer. He pulls out a large, balloon goblet with the spiked rum raisin gelato and grabs two spoons. He then moves his chair a little closer to the other side of the table. He spoons some of the gelato and leans toward her. He places one hand under her chin. He brings the spoon closer to her lips. She parts her lips, looking at him the entire time. When the cold gelato touches her tongue, her eyes close. The taste is as exquisite as the company… She follows suit, feeding Mulder some of the gelato. They feed each other a few more bites. She moves her foot against his leg again. This time, she moves her foot above his knee. He draws in breath sharply and his eyes close. She moves her foot between his legs and then ‘massages’ his inner thigh with her toes. She can see and feel his reaction. “How’s dessert, Mulder?” He reaches under the table and grabs her foot in his hands. Now, it is her turn to inhale sharply. His hands are cold from the goblet of gelato. One hand holds onto her foot. The other moves to her ankle, her shin, her calf. When his fingers touch her behind the knee, she tries to pull back. He smiles at her with a “cat and mouse” kind of look. “Dana, what’s the matter? Don’t like it when someone beats you at your own game?” She smiles back cunningly. “Fox, who said anything about ‘being beaten’?” She stands up, bends over and tries to put her boots back on. Mulder comes up behind her as she’s bent over, trying to grab her boots. He places his hands on her waist. He sits down in her chair and pulls her onto his lap. “Scully, say ‘uncle’”, he taunts. “Mulder, no way! You know I don’t give up easily, don’t you?” “Ok. You’ve got a point there. Just tell me one thing, Ms. Scully; oops; Ms. Katz. How do you see yourself getting out of this one? I’ll wait very patiently and quietly while you figure out your answer.” Mulder waits patiently, but does not take his arms away from her waist. She is squirming, trying to find something to distract him or hold onto so she can pull away. She’s very strong, but he has her from behind in a sitting position with no shoes on. Her feet barely reach the floor, so she has no purchase to stand up. He’s enjoying her struggles in more ways than one. The sensations she’s creating as she squirms to get free have him very aroused. She decides to turn his own game back on him. She stops struggling in hopes that he will relax his death grip on her. She slowly turns to look at him. She places one arm on his shoulder and behind his neck. She leans back slightly and blows lightly in his ear. He does not loosen his grip any further, but she does notice the very physical and visible differences in his body. “Scully, you’re good”, he whispers, “but not good enough to break free!” She then tongues his ear lightly. She tells herself she’s just trying to stay in character as Dana Katz. If she’s honest with herself, she’s probably even more turned on then Mulder is. She’s alternating between softly blowing in his ear and tonguing it. She leans in to his neck and gently bites and sucks on his warm, soft skin. She whispers in his ear, her lips barely touching him, “Mulder, you taste very good.” There is a loud knock on his door. Both Agents are shocked to reality. However, Mulder doesn’t let her go. Scully is momentarily glad; she has just been so badly jolted, she’s afraid she won’t be able to stand on her own. His hold on her is strengthening (as well as a huge turn on). “Mulder, someone’s at your door.” “I know, Scully; they’ll go away when I don’t answer.” He smiles and tries to kiss her. The knocking continues. Scully wriggles free of his arms and heads to the door barefoot. When she looks through the peephole, she is very surprised by who she sees. Mulder is now behind her. She turns to him and motions toward the door with her head indicating that he should look for himself. “Oh, jeez, it’s Rodent himself.” Mulder slicks back his hair, looking rather exasperated. Scully is standing between the two Agents looking from one to the other. Finally it is she who speaks, “So, Ritter, what brings you here?” “Skinner called. He said he’s been trying to reach you two, but wasn’t having any luck. He asked if I knew where you were. I went to your place first, Da- I mean, Scully.” “Ritter, we both have our cellphones on and Skinner does have our apartment numbers. I can’t imagine how he tried all four numbers?” said Scully. She wanted to respond first because she was a little concerned what Mulder’s response might be if allowed to answer. Ritter ignored her response and started looking around Mulder’s apartment. The two Agents followed him as he headed for the kitchen. “Mmmm, smells good in here, Fox. Didn’t know you were a cook, too! Scully, your boots seem to have fallen off during dinner”, Ritter smiles. Scully smiles briefly and looks at Mulder. She thinks Ritter is trying to lighten the mood, but they still do not know why he has come over. Finally, Mulder can wait no longer for the explanation. “Look, Ritter, what’s really going on?” “Seriously, Skinner’s looking for you two. Look, I may not be your best friend, but the fact of the matter is that we’re assigned to work together. Since we’ll all be undercover, it’s essential that we interact effectively, convincingly. I’m willing to give it a shot if you are?” Mulder sizes Ritter up. He then says, “Ok, Ritter, I’ll give it a try, but remember what I told you before. I’m dead serious and I always keep my promises.” Feeling just a little short in her bare feet between two very tall Agents, Scully heads for the kitchen to get her boots. She also gets her cellphone and calls Skinner. “Skinner.” “Sir? Special Agent Ritter tells me that you’ve been looking for me and Agent Mulder? Our cellphones have been on all day.” “Agent Scully? What? I have not been calling you. There must be a mistake. However, as long as I’ve got you on the phone, I want to make sure the three of you are all set for your roles and the case. I cannot stress enough the importance of this case. I’m counting on you, Agent Scully. You will have your hands full with Agents Ritter and Mulder along for the ride.” “We’ll be fine, Sir. Now, I need to go find out how Ritter got so confused about your phone call.” Scully has put her boots on and put her phone away. Mulder comes in the kitchen alone. “Scully, what’re you doing?” “You mean, why did I put my boots back on, Mulder?” “I think we know the answer to that question”, she says. She then moves a little closer and whispers, “Besides, Mulder, you lost that one.” “Only because Rodent showed up and you know it”, he smiles back. “Mulder, I just talked to Skinner. He didn’t call either of us. He did say that he expects us to work well together; all three of us! Remember, Mulder, you’ve been regaining some of your perspective and judgment. Use them wisely.” “Well, now that you mention it, Scully, I think I’d like some additional classroom experience; especially on the good judgment part.” Scully smiles and shakes her head as if helping an errant student, “Mulder, how many times do I have to tell you, it’s just ‘judgment’; there’s no ‘good’!?” “Scully, I really thing you should rethink that stance. Philosophically speaking, everyone has judgment, right? Right. If I’m to continue to be a strong Agent, I would think my judgment should be better than neutral; it should be ‘good’. I think that makes a lot of sense. I mean..” “Mulder, as usual, you’re right. Now, let’s go talk with Ritter.” When they come out of the kitchen, Ritter is nowhere to be found. They are both puzzled. Mulder walks over to the phone and calls Ritter’s cellphone. “Ritter here.” “Ritter, this is Mulder. Where are you?” “I’m down at my car. You two looked pretty busy, so I was heading out.” “Look, Ritter, Scully talked to Skinner. We both know he never called us. Did you think we werent’ even going to follow up?” Ritter is silent. He then says, “Well, I knew he’d want to talk with you, so maybe I was just helping him make the connection.” “That was lame, Ritter, lame; even from you! Look if you just wanted to come over and play, you should have called. Now that you’ve had your fun, go home. We’ll see you at the airport in the morning.” Mulder hangs up. Scully has heard the whole conversation. They both decide to laugh it off; for now, anyway. They are both somewhat concerned that this type of game among Agents undercover can turn out badly. “Mulder, I really should go.” Scully is sitting on his coffeetable facing him on the couch. She leans forward and gives him a quick kiss. “Aww, Scully, you’re no fun. Just think about what could have happened if Rodent—“ “Mulder, stop calling him that! Give the man another chance. I know you’re much more magnanimous than you let on outwardly.” “Ok, Agent Ritter. Now, if he hadn’t shown up…” God, he could be like a dog with a bone that wasn’t going to let go! “I’m going, Mulder. I’ll see you at Ronald Regan Airport in the morning.” She picks up the phone to call a cab. He puts his finger on the switchook and ends her call. “Mulder, what’re you doing? I need to go.” “I know you do. I just figured I’d save you the money and drive you home.” She contemplates his offer. She decides to turn him down. She needs to sleep and she knows that that will be the last thing on his mind-or hers-if she lets him drive her home. “You’re sweet, Mulder, but no, I’ll get a cab.” He watches her walk down the hall. He closes his door, shaking his head. He smiles and reaches his hand up to his neck, rubbing it lightly. He winces slightly as he realizes she’s bruised him. The pain is delicious. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ronald Regan Airport; Washington, DC 9A Wednesday The three Agents meet at the gate to check in. AD Skinner is there waiting to see them off. “Well, I see the three of you are in your roles already; a wise plan.” He is amazed at the physical transformation in his two Agents and Special Agent Ritter. He also admits, somewhat grudgingly to himself, that Agent Scully looks quite, “oh, heck Skinner, she looks hot! Mulder’s going to have his fragile ego bruised a little, I think.” Skinner walks a little closer to Mulder. “Agent Mulder, you’re injured.” Mulder is caught off guard and does not know what Skinner is referring to. Scully is walking back and forth; two steps away, two steps back, to keep from laughing. Mulder has a good, old fashioned, hickey on his neck! Let him talk his way out of this one, she thinks. “I’m fine, Sir.” Scully looks into Skinner’s eyes and can see the rare sense of play there. He is enjoying Mulder’s discomfort. “No, Mulder, maybe you should let Agent Scully have a look. You cannot jeopardize this case if you’re ill. If need be, Special Agent Ritter can fill in for you.” Skinner and Scully watch the light dawn for Mulder. Ritter is slow on the uptake, but realizes what Skinner is looking at just after Mulder does. “Sir, can I talk with you privately about my ‘condition’?” Mulder tries to move Skinner away from Scully and Ritter. “Really, Agent Mulder, I think Special Agent Ritter and I will go have a seat while you and Agent Scully head for the first aid station so she can get a better look.” Scully knows that Mulder is going to kill her, although he didn’t seem to object yesterday… Scully tries to lead Mulder away. He reaches up and touches his neck. He winces slightly. He smiles broadly, “Scully? This score has yet to be evened…” “Hello and welcome to United Flight 55560 with service to Boston and connector flights to Montpellier, Kittery,Portsmouth and Montreal. We will begin boarding our first class passengers and those passengers with small children or in need of special attention now at Gate 15. Please have your tickets and boarding passes ready. Thank you for choosing United.” The three Agents move toward the gate 15. They are all travelling first class; Mulder and Scully as far as Boston and Ritter on to Portsmouth. The boys in Auditing will have a filed day with this case’s expenses! In keeping with their new roles, they are all seated separately. While Mulder and Scully actually have an undercover relationship, it would be better that they not be too obvious until they reach their destination. Mulder and Scully both think about changing their seat assignments, but realize that their job must come first. Ritter ends up on an aisle seat right across from Mulder’s aisle seat. Scully is directly in front of Ritter. She glances back at Mulder and smiles. Her look at Mulder isn’t lost on Ritter. He is sure there is something between them. He is also wondering how that will affect their work. He plans to keep AD Kersh apprised of the situation. While he knows that Skinner trusts his work, he also knows that Mulder and Scully are on the top of Skinner’s “favored Agents” list. He has already talked candidly with Kersh because Ritter’s own reputation is at stake with this case. Everyone knows that personal relationships between Agents is expressly forbidden. He files that information away for future use, if needed. The three settle into the flight. Scully sleeps, Mulder watches ESPN on the seat back screen. Ritter is looking out the window to his left. Scully drifts off to sleep worried about this case. Something doesn’t feel quite right to her. Oh, she feels the case is legit; she’s done her homework thoroughly. She can’t help but continue to wonder about Ritter’s “visit” yesterday and the precise timing of it. She decides to shelve that thinking for now. Besides, that’s more her partner’s baliwick. As she falls asleep, she pictures Mulder as Masters, the look, the taste of his skin. Ritter is thinking, too, as he gazes out the window. Somewhere deep inside, he knows that he nearly got Scully killed on the case of the photographer death chaser. He got careless. If he digs a little deeper yet, he knows he let his hormones dictate his actions on that case. He had heard about Agent Scully’s reputation from colleagues. He had also heard about “Spooky” Mulder and his reassignment to background checks. Word had it that the two partners were more than that. The case started out well enough, he reflected. He appreciated Scully’s analytical mind and ability to cut to the chase. Somewhere along the line, it became about trying to pull her away from Mulder, too. So, Ritter knows he has to do this pretty much by the book. He knows he is a good Field Agent. Skinner has also told him he needs to keep his focus. Undercover work should be the perfect way to focus. Scully stirs in her seat in front of him. He feels his resolve waver, but reigns himself in. The flight hosts make their way down the aisle bringing light refreshments. Scully wakes and asks for hot tea. Mulder takes a cheese danish and a large coffee, black. It appears that he does not really need the caffeine as he is now bopping along to something lively through his headphones. Ritter passes and continues to gaze out the window. Scully gets up to use the restroom at the front of the plane. When she returns, Mulder beckons her with his finger. She smiles and walks over to him. “What’s up, Mulder?” He takes the headphones off and places them on her ears. “Listen to this”, he slightly yells. Scully momentarily pulls the headphones away from her ears; he has the volume turned up very high. He is listening to “Light My Fire” by the Doors. Scully hands the headset back to Mulder and starts to return to her seat. Mulder sings, slightly off key, "C'mon baby light my fire." “Agent Scully, I’d like to talk to you about our roles and interaction at the hospital”, Ritter motions her to the window seat next to him. Scully knows it is risky to have a visible relationship with Ritter prior to arriving in New Hampshire, but she agrees since it has to do with the case. Mulder, trying to look as if he isn’t noticing, is noticing. He glances over as Scully squeezes infront of Ritter’s knees and sits down. She catches Mulder’s gaze and raises her eyebrow in question. Mulder tries to smile, but doesn’t quite succeed. “So, Ritter, what do you want to talk about?” “Well, unless we determine an initial point of contact, it’s going to be difficult to explain how the Chief Med/Surg doc’s nurse hangs out with the Chief of Maintenance, don’t you think?’ “Ok, you’ve got a point there. From the floor plans, it appears that Med/Surg is on the 5th floor and the Maintennce Operations office is in the basement.” Scully begins. Ritter cuts her off with, “Guess that won’t be a problem for you, you being used to the basement and all.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he looks over at Scully. She sits turned toward him wth her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her face is dead serious as she looks at him. Just past him she can see Mulder who has removed the headset. Mulder appears to be restraining himself from leaping across the aisle. Scully sends him an, “it’s ok” look. “Agent Ritter, I thought we were pretty clear on trying to work this out. You do not know me in any way that could be misconstrued as having a friendship on which to base your statements. While our cover roles may require a more personal relationship, I would advise you to back off that line of approach with me. Have I made myself completely clear?” Ritter, not wanting to appear to have been redressed, holds her gaze. He simply says, “Point noted, Agent.” They continue discussing their meeting and the establishment of a relationship. “I imagine that Human Resources will have some type of new employee orientation. That would be an ideal place to connect”, Scully proposes. Ritter considers her suggestion, but has a concern, “I’m still not following how a powerful nurse, connected to the top doc, will associate with the lowlife.” “Well, then, I guess you’ll just have to turn on the charm, won’t you?” Scully makes a perfunctory smile, stands and returns to her seat. Now it’s Ritter’s turn to cross his arms across his chest. Mulder seizes the opportunity and moves over next to Scully whose seat mate has decided to visit someone in coach. “Scully, maybe this won’t work and Ritter and I need to switch roles.” “Mulder, that ugly green thing called ‘jealousy’ is rearing it’s ugly head…” “That’s not it, Scully, though I do admit that I’d rather be working more closely with you. “ “Mulder, we’re going to be living in the same building!” “I know, Scully. It’s just that I still don’t trust him as far as I wish I could throw him.” Scully grasps Mulder’s forearm and smiles at him. She is greatly touched by his concern. “Mulder, you know I can take care of myself, don’t you?” “Yes, Scully, I do, but…” “Look Fox Masters”, she whispers in his ear, “I’m going to tell you this one more time and one more time only; trust me to work this out. I’ll have you to come home to. Ok?” Before he can reply, she kisses him on the cheek, places her fingers over the black and blue mark on his neck and smiles at him. She makes him return to his seat. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Logan Airport, Boston Noontime Wednesday “Hello, this is your Captain. We are on approach for Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. The current time is 11:50AM, the weather is a chilly 50 degrees and very breezy. They are predicting heavy rains for the Boston and northern areas tonight. The flight attendants will come around to give you the gate numbers for the connector flights. Flight attendants, please prepare the cabin for landing. Thank you for flying United and enjoy the rest of your travel.” “Ladies and gentlemen, please return your tray tables and seat backs to their upright position. Fasten all seat belts and turn off any cellphones or computers.” The flight attendant walks through First Class and stops at Ritter’s seat. Sir, your connector flight to Portsmouth will be at Gate 10, off the plane and turn right.” “Agents, I’ll see you in Rye.” Ritter grabs his bag from the overhead compartment and deplanes. Mulder and Scully follow and head for Baggage Claim. Once Ritter heads for his connector flight, Scully says, “Mulder, I can’t shake the feeling that Ritter’s up to something. I keep thinking about his outright lie to us about Skinner trying to reach us and his quirky disappearance from your apartment. I know that’s not much to go on, but that’s all I’ve got.” They head down the escalator toward the United Baggage Claim area. Mulder smiles and shakes his head. “Scully, you sound like me. You must admit I’ve been pretty quiet where Ritter’s concerned. Remember, that my perceptions of him are slightly influenced by the fact that he nearly got you killed. So, anything I might say in agreement would be suspect, would it not?” “Mulder, you know that I trust your judgment. So, what DO you think?” “I think that things are not as they seem. I think we will need to be at the top of our game and one step ahead of the wonderful Janitor, Mr. Rodent.” They stand at the baggage claim carousel. They don’t say anything more about Ritter. Mulder grabs their larger bags and Scully carries the carry-ons. They head for the government agencies rental vehicle area. They board the shuttle to the outlaying lot to pick up their vehicle. “So, what do you think Skinman has waiting for us?” “Mulder, you know he doesn’t do the reservations. It’s from Deep Missions. I’m sure it will fit our covers and our location.” They pull up in front of a black 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee with black leather interior. Before Mulder has a chance, Scully hops out of the shuttle and grabs the keys for the Cherokee. “Hey, Scully, I think I should drive.” “Why is that, Mulder? Could it be because you drive all the time? Could it be because you think you do a better job driving than I do?” Scully smiles as she keeps the keys and unlocks the vehicle. Mulder takes the luggage to the back compartment and lifts the hatch. Scully joins him with their carry-ons. Mulder cannot resist one more attempt, “C’mon, Scully, you can rest all the way there.” When he doesn’t see her moving to hand him the keys, he tries again. “I’ll let you drive when we hit the border.” Scully is standing there with her arms folded. When she thinks he has stopped pleading, she walks around to the driver’s side and gets in. She leans over to open the passenger door for him. He gets in and buckles his seat belt, smirking sheepishly. As Scully starts the vehicle, the clouds roll in. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ On the Road; Route Interstate 495 to Route 1 Wednesday, 1P Mulder assists by navigating. After leaving the airport, they follow the signs for 495. It has started to rain lightly. “Scully, I’m hungry.” “Mulder, you’re always hungry”, she smiles at him, “I’d really like to make it by early evening, can we do drive through somewhere?” They pull into a McDonald’s. “May I help you?” “Uh, um, yes. We’ll have a grilled chicken salad with Lite Vinaigrette, a double bacon cheeseburger, extra large fries and two Diet Cokes.” Scully drives up. They pull into a parking space to have their lunch. “Mulder, just answer this; where DO you put all the gross food you eat? You never seem to put on even one pound!” “Scully, it’s genetic. I just have good genes. My body knows how to convert all of this into beneficial nutrients so I am always in peak form.” “Oh, yeah, Mulder, ‘good genetics’…” Scully thinks, “you’re damn right about your peak form”, though, but only smiles. “Mulder, I’m heading for the restroom. Mulder, I have the keys, so don’t get any ideas.” Once again, they are on their way. They make good time, initially. Once they are close to the Massachusetts/New Hampshire border near Newbury Port, the rain becomes relentless. It is so heavy that Scully has a hard time navigating or even seeing the highway. “Scully, maybe we should pull over at a rest stop for a little while until this clears up some.” “That’s a great idea, Mulder. I can barely see the road.” The sky has darkened considerably since they left Boston. Scully pulls into a rest stop with a winding entryway that leads up quite a hill. The area is densely wooded with pine trees. The parking spaces overlook a meadow and are quite removed from the highway down below. The overhead lights start to flicker on due to the encroaching darkness. Mulder finds an oldies station. A block of Chicago is playing. “Color My World” is on. Scully is still sitting with her hands on the wheel and her seatbelt buckled, staring out the window. She suddenly realizes just how tired she is. The last few days with Mulder have been a real (enjoyable) roller coaster. Then, the sudden call back to duty by Skinner, the meeting and assigned case with Ritter and now, driving in the pouring rain. She is exhausted. “What’re you looking at, Scully?” Mulder unbuckles his seatbelt and turns toward her in the seat. The leather is very soft. He leans over a little closer to her; trying hard to ignore the stupid gear shifter console. “What, huh?” Scully looks at Mulder and seems a little dazed. “Here, Scully, let me help you”, he says as he takes her hands off the stearing wheel. He reaches down to unbuckle her seatbelt, but she stops him. “I’ll get it, Mulder. Besides we won’t be here that long.” The rain continues to fall steadily almost to prove her wrong. Mulder doesn’t say anything. He moves closer and puts his arm on her shoulder. He gently moves her out from behind the wheel and helps her over to his seat. “This is kind of nice, Scully, isn’t it?” Scully seems to come alive again as if merely moving from behind the wheel has awaken her. “Yes, Mulder, it is. It’s so quiet here except for the rain. Almost peaceful.” The Chicago block has ended and Earth, Wind and Fire is on. “That’s the Way of the World is playing. “I’ve always loved this song, Scully. Isn’t it beautiful?” Scully gets more comfortable. She slides down, putting her feet somewhat awkwardly, over the gear shifter into the driver’s seat until she is laying back with her knees bent and her head resting in Mulder’s lap. He is moving her hair back from her face and rubbing her arm. “You’re not going to sleep on me, Scully, are you? I might have to drive, then.” “Mulder, do you ever know when to shut up?” “Oww, Scully, you wound me—again, I might add!” Mulder feigns personal insult. Scully slowly sits up, moving onto his lap, facing him. She places her hands on his leg and looks at him. “Mulder, kiss me”, is all she says. He holds on to her arms and pulls he closer to him. She is flooded with excitement and sparks. “Damn, he does this to me every time”, she thinks. Just when she thinks he’s about to kiss her, he pushes her slightly away from him again. She looks puzzled, but says nothing. “I don’t think you heard me, Mulder…” “Oh, I heard you alright, Sully. Have you ever heard of delayed gratification, woman?” “Well, if that’s the way it is today, Mulder, maybe we should just get back on the road.” She attempts to move back over to the driver’s side. As she tries to pull free of his grip, he pulls her closer. He moves her so she is sitting even closer to him. He kisses, then sucks on, her lower lip. He does the same with her upper lip. She feels as if she has just reached her boiling point. She is trying to kiss him, too, but he has his own agenda. He releases her arms and places one hand on either side of her face. He runs his hands into her hair, pulling it back from her face on both sides. He turns her head and kisses her earlobes and her neck. She feels his hot lips on her neck and thinks he’s decided it’s payback time for the little “gift” she gave him. She is breathing so fast she is sure he can actually see her heart beating. His kisses make her skin tingle. She needs to feel and taste his mouth and turns toward him. “There is something about his mouth”, she thinks… Mulder briefly notices that the windows around him are completely fogged. The rain continues its steady, heavy beating on the roof of the Cherokee. “Scully”, he pants, “wait, stop a minute.” “Mulder, you’ve picked a strange time to talk and; just for the record”, she pants, “isn’t that my line?” He looks into her eyes and sees the desire. He also remembers that they still have not finished their discussion from Monday. His love for her will not allow their situation to get out of control without both of their approval. What he would like to do now and what he should do now may be two very different things. “Scully, I want this more than anything; I hope you know that. However, I want it because we are clear with each other about what it means for us. We have both talked about the problems a relationship can present for our jobs. I just want us proceeding with our eyes wide open.” Scully smiles. She knows why she loves this man so much. “How much of ‘this’, as you refer to it, do you think we can take before our rationale minds are taken over by our not-so-rationale bodies, Mulder?” Now it is his turn to smile. He kisses her again. “Hey, Scully, after 6 and a half years, this is very exciting; don’t knock it!” “Mulder, you’re a first class rat!” Scully laughs. As Scully starts to move back to the driver’s side, she reaches down, briefly touches and then squeezes, Mulder’s upper thigh. “Well, then here’s a little more ‘excitement’ for you, Mulder.” Mulder looks at her and then down at his thigh as she moves. “I think that was very direct excitement, Scully. Do you think they have showers at this rest stop?” The rain has slowed some, but it is enough for Scully to see the road. They head out. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye, New Hampshire Wednesday, 4P “Hey, Scully, we’re ‘Entering Rye’” Scully slows down. They both look around. The rain has almost completely stopped and a hint of late afternoon sun is peeking out of the clouds. The streets are broad and tree-lined; large oaks and maples. From Route 1, they turn left onto North Road which turns into South Road a little farther down. “Mulder, this town is beautiful!” Scully looks at the quaint northern New England mixture of old Victorians, “Leave it to Beaver” capes and old farmhouse style homes. The streets have oldfashioned street lamps that peak either right in or right above the trees. From South Road, they turn left onto Central Road. On their right is Bailey Pond and just within site is Rye Beach and the Atlantic. Central Road ends at Cable Road where Mulder and Scully will live. They turn right onto the eastern end of Cable. The entire street is also tree lined, but also has a small park-like island down the middle of the road. The eastern end borders the ocean. Scully is in awe. She has not had much experience with New England towns; especially those as quaint as Rye appears. Mulder is pleasantly surprised, as well. Although he grew up in New England, the Cape are is a bit different. “Mulder, I think that’s our house; I mean our apartments are in that house.” “It’s ok, Scully, I was sort of thinking of it as ‘our house’, too.” The house is a large charcoal grey Victorian with white and mauve shutters and bric-a-brac. The roof has a few parapets and widows’ walks facing the water. The house is set back from the street and turned on an angle to the road; secluded. They pull up into the winding driveway, shut off the Jerokee and just sit there, taking it all in. “I think we have to get out, Mulder.” “Um, yeah, Scully, you’re right.” They walk up the red brick walkway; noticing the hydrangea bushes alongside the holly berry bushes and sculpted arbor vitaes. There is a huge wrap-around porch on the front and sides of the house. They head up the stairs to the front entryway. “Ok, Scully, time to really become Dana Katz. It’s showtime!” “Yes, Fox Masters, I think I figured that out.” Knock knock, knock. They wait a few minutes and still no one comes to the door. Scully walks around to try to look into the windows. The long, ecru lace panel curtains allow her to view what appears to be the main receiving parlor. The furniture fits the style of the house and the feel of this town. “Scully, I mean, Dana, come back over here. I’ve found a note for us.” Mulder is squatting down beside some flower pots with a note in his hand. “I saw this sticking out from under the flowers. There’s a key here, too. It says, ‘Welcome Dana and Fox. I’m your landlady, Sandy Bell. I’m volunteering over at Mercy right now and am sorry I couldn’t be here to greet you. Here’s the key to the house. Your apartment keys are laid out on the kitchen counter with some nosh. I thought you might be hungry after your long journey. I’ll see you in the morning. Please get settled in and tour the house. You two are the only tenents for the next several months, so move about as you will.” “’Nosh’, Scully?” “Mulder, that’s a colloquial term for munchies.” “Sure, whatever you say, DANA.” “I’ve got it, FOX.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Rye New Hampshire, Wednesday Mulder goes back to get the luggage while Scully unlocks the front door and steps inside. This home is impeccably kept, furnished and appointed. She suspects the pieces are antiques. She wanders around the main floor. She notices that most rooms have large windows that reach almost floor to ceiling. “Must have huge heating bills”, she thinks. There is a fireplace in the main parlor, the sitting room and, surprisingly, in the large kitchen. The windows in the dining room and kitchen face out onto a large back yard and the ocean just beyond. She finds the apartment keys. She will be on the 3rd floor and Mulder just below her. She opens the backdoor and steps outside onto a semi-circular, red brick patio. She can actually smell the salt in the air! She stretches with her arms in the air and then runs her hands through her hair, pulling it up. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a hair clip that she hasitly fastens. Whisps of hair float down around her face. Mulder has been observing from inside the kitchen. He is taken with this house, the grounds, the view. He quietly walks out behind Scully. He places his arms around her waist from behind and steps closer until their bodies make contact. He rests his chin on the top of her head, looking out toward the ocean. “This reminds me a little of home, Sc—Dana”, he says wistfully. “Oh, the climate’s all wrong, but it’s just the feel of the place.” He kisses the top of her head. “It is beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve never ‘lived’ this close to the beach. I wish it were warmer.” “I can help you there, Dana”, Mulder is smiling mischieviously now. He places his hands on her shoulders and turns her to face him. “Fox, I think we should get settled in. I have to attend new employee orientation tomorrow morning over at Mercy. I need to be alert and ready.” “I can help with that, too, Dana.” “Well, Mr. Helpful, how about we get the luggage up to my 3rd floor apartment?” Scully grabbed the carryons. As they walked toward the stairwell, they were surprised to see a very old, accordian gated, elevator! “Fox, I can’t believe this!” Scully smiled as she went over to the brass gate. She put the carryons down and pulled the gate open. Then, she pulled the heavy door with the diamond- shaped window in it open. The elevator was large enough for two or three people and was actually wallpapered in a small rose print. Mulder and Scully got in and wedged the luggage around them so they didn’t have to make two trips. “Mezzanine, sportswear; first floor women’s lingerie, second floor—“, Mulder began. Scully laughed as they reached her floor. They left the elevator door open when they pulled her luggage out. Directly in front of them is a small hallway that leads to the door of her apartment. No expense had been spared even on the interior design. The door mirrored the main entryway’s with two smaller windows at just about Scully’s eye level. “Oh, Fox, I think I’m in love!” Once inside, her feelings didn’t change. Her parlor, kitchen and bedroom windows faced the ocean. The bathroom was large with a real victorian tub. The bathroom also had a shower stall and sitting area. The kitchen was warm and bright with all of the modern conveniences. The bedroom and parlor also had working fireplaces. “Fox, much as I’d love you to stay, right now I need to get unpacked and get into my role for tomorrow morning. How about I meet you for lunch somewhere in town and we can catch up?” “Awwh, Dana, do I have to go now? I want to explore with you.” “We’ll have plenty of time for that. Remember, we do have a ‘relationship’ already…” she said with much innuendo. She took him by the arm and started walking him to her door. “Do we get keys to each other’s place, Dana?” “We’ll see if our landlady can help us out tomorrow.” As they reach the door, Mulder blocks the way with his arm. “Fox, you need to go.” “What I ‘need’, Dana is this.” He bends down to kiss her forehead. He then finds her mouth with his. “Fox, that’s—“ “That’s going to have to be enough for now, Dana; you greedy woman, you.” Mulder closes the door quietly behind him; in her face. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The First Day Thursday, 5:30A Her alarm buzzes quietly and she is not sure where she is, what time it is or why she’s supposed to awake. Although the light has yet to dawn outside, her role “dawns” on her quickly enough. She is a runner and doesn’t miss a day; “please let me miss today”, she pleads to no one in particular. When no one intervenes to allow her to remain sandwiched under the down comforter and on top of the feather bed, she arises. After a quick go at her face and brushing her teeth, she dons her sweats and sneakers. She performs a few stretches and then heads for the stairs. She notes the beautiful silence of the house at this time of day, “I’d love to experience that silence from my bed”, she mumbles to herself and is halfway down the stairs. She pauses momentarily, thinking it would be fun to wake Mulder, but thinks that she really has to run and needs no more temptation to go back to bed. She heads out the front door and takes a deep breath. The sky is dark; street lamps still glowing. The grass is wet with dew. She hears a lone dog bark in the distance. She starts walking and then picks up her pace. She follows Cable Road to Washington and turns right, following it until it reaches the beach. She then turns left and runs along the beach itself. She hears the waves slapping the shore loudly; it must be high tide. There is a slight wind off the water and the seagulls ride the wind, sqwauking as they soar. She is actually enjoying the run. She figues she has done about 5 miles this first day out; thank goodness she keeps up her cardiovascular work. She finds Cable Road again and turns right onto it. Her house is on the right. She enters through the back yard where the sun is making its slow appearance. She walks around the yard, cooling down. She comes to a stop at the patio and stands there to watch the orange and red glow rise over the ocean. She takes a deep breath and leans down to stretch. As she straightens up again, she feels hands on her shoulders. With lightening reflexes, she reaches back without turning to look. She grabs the right arm attached to the hand on her shoulder. She then turns into it, stepping hard onto the right foot. She continues her momentum to knock the body to the ground; hard. She releases her grip, shaken and breathing hard. She steps back deciding what she should do next. “Aww, Scully, is that any way to greet the morning?” Mulder says, rubbing his head, grabbing his foot and trying to hold his shoulder. Scully is caught between her fury at a percieved attack and sincere remorse for downing her partner. Her first words echo the fury, “Mulder, what were you doing?!? You nearly scared the sh** out of me!” Her next words belie her concern for him. She kneels down by his side and cradles his head on her lap. “I’m so sorry, Mulder; you just scared me. Are you alright?” “I will be when you make it all better”, he purrs. “Mulder, we have a landlady and I have to get ready for work.” “Scully, she’s not here, remember? She told us she’d be away. It’s only 6:15 and the hospital is 5 minutes away. He pulls her toward him for a quick kiss. He sits up and, as he does, he rolls her off into the dewy grass. “Mulder, we’re both soaking wet!” “Gee, Scully, I was wondering what that sensation was; thanks for explaining that for me.” “Mulder, you are the true master of ‘seize the moment’!” she says with a little exasperation, but much more enjoyment. “Just when I think I can guess what comes next, you go and surprise me again.” He doesn’t actually respond to her statements. “Scully, it’s gorgeous out here, isn’t it?” He pulls her with him to sit at the edge of the brick patio. He directs her gaze to the slow, brilliant sunrise over the water. The sky is lightening. She leans into him and he wraps his arm around her. Though neither voices the sentiment, they both revel in their ability to spend quiet time with each other. It is rare that in their day to day lives moments like this one venture in. “Mulder, I really do have to get ready for work. Can I tell you something? “ Not waiting for an answer, “I can think of a place or two I’d rather be. One would be right here with you.” “What about the other, Scully?” He smiles, although he’s not looking at her. “The other, Mulder, would be back upstairs, in my apartment, in my warm bed— with you.” She kisses his cheek quickly, stands and runs back inside before she changes her mind. First Day; 6:30A Scully is glad Mercy’s uniform code allows Operating Room (OR) staff to wear colors. She knows she looks ghastly in white from her experience performing autopsies. She chooses a teal, two-piece skirt and short sleeved shirt uniform for her first day. She is doubly thankful that Mercy does not subscribe to the need to wear the old-fashioned nurse’s cap. Scully hates hats for other than warmth even more than white uniforms! She remembers to put on the signature pearls. She heads out to the Cherokee. She moves resolutely down the stairs, knowing that if she so much as stops to knock on his door, Mulder will want to come with her. She has decided she will grab some coffee and drive around the town for awhile before reporting early. She also plans to explore the hospital on her own before the official “orientation tour”. She heads back up Cable onto Washington Rd and over onto Sagamore. As she approaches Foyes Corner, she notices a small, quaint looking, strip mall. She sees a small bakery, “Foyes Family”. She decides to spend a little time here; check out the local community. The aroma as she opens the door makes her stomach growl quite loudly. She didn’t realize she was this hungry. Then again, she never runs in the mornings! She walks over to the old fashioned counter and sits on one of the stools. It’s a good thing it has a foot rest; her feet are hanging above the floor. The counter is black marble with aluminum trim. All of the fixtures behind the counter are chrome and are reflected in the huge, marble flecked mirror that covers the wall behind the counter. “Can I get you anything, sweetie?” asks the counter staff. “I’m new in town and don’t really know what you have.” “Well, you’re looking at ‘what we have’, hon. Homemade bagels; 4 varieties, sesame, poppy, plain and chokeberry. Homemade muffins; 5 varieties, blueberry, corn, bran, lemon poppy and kitchen sink. Your basic eggs, homefries…” “Whoa! That’s quite the menu. What’s a chokeberry bagel and a kitchen sink muffin?” “You definitely aren’t from around here, are you, sweetie! Chokeberry’s a local berry; cross between a cranberry and blackberry; tart and sweet. Kitchen sink muffins have a little bit of everything but the kitchen sink in them; real delicious leadweights! So, what’ll it be?” “I’ll have a cup of tea, black and a chokeberry bagel with a little bit of cream cheese on the side, if you don’t mind.” As she awaits her bagel and tea, she looks into the mirror to observe the other patrons. There is a good mix of people heading off into the city of Portsmouth to work, some vacationers and who she guesses are retired town folk. All seems pleasant enough. Her food arrives. She enjoys the local chatter around her and the time to be incognito. She is halfway through her bagel and sipping her tea when she sees a face she recognizes behind her in the mirror. She pretends she hasn’t seen him, but she knows he has seen her. “Excuse me, is this stool taken?” he says. “No, it’s not.” she replies. Field Agent Ritter sits down and takes the other half of her bagel off her plate. She quickly and efficiently extricates it from his hand and returns it to her plate. “We don’t know each other yet…remember??” she asks, extremely angry at him for stepping out of his role in public. He is not sure how to recover this one; he knows he acted impulsively. He cannot shake the pleasant-enough agitation he feels around her. It is different than the feeling he had on the previous case with her; although he was attracted to her then, too. Her new look, he admits, turns him on. He is going to have to be more careful. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” he extends his hand to her. “I’m Peter Roden; that’s Ro-DEN. I’m new to town.” “Hello, Mr. Ro-DEN, I’m Dana Katz and am also new to town. Where are you from?” “The DC area. I’ll be working over at the hospital. It looks like you will, too?” “Yes, actually, I’ve just been hired on as a nurse for Dr. Baines.” When Scully mentions his name, a few heads turn in her direction. She resists turning around to look at them more closely. “What do you suppose the looks are all about?” she whispers to Ritter. “I don’t know, but it sure looks as if our doc is known in these here parts. Why don’t you continue talking about him a bit more and we’ll see what happens.” “I’ll be working primarily on the medical surgery floor. He’s very well-known for his techniques, you know.” “I wouldn’t know. I’m going to be working maintenance; not too familiar with the docs. I just keep the building in tip top shape for them.” Ritter is checking the reactions in the marble flecked mirror now, too. Scully notices that no one seems to be smiling at their conversation. As a matter of fact, they look downright stricken. She leans over and quietly says, “I think now would be a good time to leave.” Scully leaves money for the bill on the counter and they head out. Ritter places his hand in the small of her back as they approach the door. Scully waits until outside the door, steps away from him and glares. “Agent, you are clearly out of line! You are supposed to be in character and your character doesn’t know me well enough to have physical contact. Unless you want to be reported faster than you can say ‘undercover’, get your priorities straight!” She storms to her car and drives off. Scully drives out of the strip mall and heads for route 1A, intending to drive along the ocean on her way to the hospital. She sees Ritter pull out and head in the opposite direction. She is clearly angry with him and concerned that he will blow their covers. As she drives along the shore, she is hardly seeing the beauty of it. She finds her mind wandering back to that fateful case in New York. It had been hard enough trying to act nonchalant about being assigned to the case and leaving Mulder to do background checks without her. She hated the unfair reputation that Mulder had with certain higher ups in the Bureau. She also knew full well that he would not want her to jeopardize her own career path for him. Their relationship was just that way… Trust and care for one and other to the extreme. They would do anything for each other. Her thought process had veered sharply from anger with Ritter’s behavior to, to, what? “Mulder” was her answer. As her thoughts turned more to Mulder, she found herself appreciating the view more. She pulled over to the beach area and stopped the Cherokee. She sat there watching the waves and thinking about her partner. He was never far from her conscious thoughts; professionally and personally. If she were truthful with herself, she would admit to much more where he was concerned. The hardest part was wondering how he felt. Oh sure, she had indications. H***, their days together before this case were ‘very indicative’; but, of what? “Mulder is a very caring and sensitive man,” she thinks. “Maybe he’s just showing me he cares.” “He would care about any of his good friends in that way.” Yet, deep down she thinks otherwise. It’s true enough that Mulder is sensitive and caring. But the sides of him that she is allowed to see and experience are different; she knows this in her heart of hearts. She also knows in her heart of hearts that when she thinks of him, she goes weak in the knees and in the heart and in the soul. This is not mere concern for her partner. She wonders whether being away, pretending to be someone different, will afford them some time to explore. She starts to think it through logically; ‘Scully, you scientist, you!’. “Ok; we live in the same building with an absentee landlord. We share a rather nice vehicle (what ARE you thinking, Scully?), we have a cover that allows us to have contact, we have Ritter; oh, God, Ritter! Talk about acid and oil (Mulder and Ritter are much more volatile and unmixing than water and oil, she thinks). Mulder hates Ritter. Ritter is jealous of Mulder’s relationship with her. Ritter is her ‘approved’ contact for this case. UGGGHHH! Time to go to my new job!” She leaves the beach area. Rye Mercy Hospital; 8:45A Scully walks up the brick walkway and through the automatic doors. She still has 15 minutes before reporting for orientation. She stops at the Information Desk and asks for the Human Resource Department; it is one floor below the lobby. She notices that the building exterior very quaintly hides the cutting edge setting of the interior. Exterior brick, white shuttered windows and parapets slide into a very warmly decorated lobby with soft lighting; easy on the eyes. Also on the main floor, she finds a rather large, well-equipped cafeteria. She notices the large choice of meal items and makes a mental note to stop here for a few meals. Part of her pay includes a meal plan. She then walks around the other end of the floor to find Patient Registration, Same Day Surgery, Emergency, Radiology and the Gift Shop; “The Sea Drift”. She finds the main Directory and notices that maintenance is in the basement as Ritter has told her. A call over the pager catches her attention, “Good morning, this is the Hospital Administrative Offices welcoming you to Rye Mercy. All new employees should report to the cafeteria to begin orientation. Thank you.” Scully heads in and sees Ritter already waiting. She sits down next to him. “Good morning, staff! I am Jason Dodge, Chief of Staff here at Mercy. Welcome to the greatest little hospital in New England.” “They’re pretty sure of themselves, aren’t they?” Ritter whispers to Scully. She tries to ignore him. She feels a little like the kid who made a mistake and sat next to the class clown in grade school. “First, a few business items: if you have not completed your benefits package paperwork, please stop by Human Resources located downstairs, there are men’s and women’s staff lounges on the top floor, there are on-call rooms on the same floor. Before I bid you good day and ship you off to your new assignment, I wanted to announce that there will be a staff dance tomorrow night at 8PM sharp! The theme is “Disco Retro”. It will be dressy casual which translates to ‘no prom gowns, but no chinos’. We strongly urge all staff to attend. Since this is our first team building event for the spring season, we respectfully request ‘staff only’; no families or partners. Thank you; that is all.” Scully briefly wonders how they’re going to hold a staff dance in a hospital cafeteria with patients upstairs trying to recover and sleep. Don is not far behind her; catches her glance upwards. He realizes what she’s thinking. “Barb was telling me the Board pulled out all the stops when designing this place; sound proof walls and cleilings, overhead walkway looking down into cafeteria proper, extreme sound system, etc. Don’t think we’ll be bothering much of anyone. So, are you coming to the dance?” “I’m thinking about it.” Scully smiles. “Well, then I’ll see you there, Dana.” The 20 or so new staff get up and start milling around. Scully sees her chance to move away from Ritter. Ritter decides to tag along. Scully finds a few other new nurses and doctors and stops to introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Dana Katz; new to med/surge.” “Dana, hello, I’m Barbara Sullivan and this is Don Sisko. I’ll be working in peds; CAN, and Don is a new thoracic man. I’ll be working on the floor right below you; we should have lunch sometime. Who will you be working with, Dana?” “I’ll be working with Dr. Baines.” Scully again notices the change in the conversation directly around her. This time however, some of the women blush and smile. The men merely try to make small talk and turn away. She starts to feel like an old TV commercial; something about, “when someone talks, everyone listens” only in this case, when she talks, she gets strange reaction… Ritter is still standing there. Scully realizes she should probably introduce him to the group. “Barbara, Don; this is Peter RoDen, head of maintenance.” Ritter smiles and shakes their hands. He stands a little too close to Scully and she moves away. “He’s pushing this relationship thing a little too far.” “Well, everyone, I think it’s time I go meet the good doctor.” Scully heads out quickly before Ritter can catch up with her. Med/Surge and Dr. Baines; 9:30A Thursday Scully gets off the elevator on the 6th floor and heads for Dr. Baines’ office. He is working at his desk when she knocks on the door. she notices the wall-wall windows of his corner office. They overlook the flower garden on the side of the buildng. She notices that he is all Nona has said he is. As he looks up, she is shocked to find that her instant reaction is a strong similarity to a younger Daniel. “Why are there so many elements of this case that are trouble?” she wonders not for the first time… His voice, luckily, is nothing like Daniel’s. Nor are his mannerisms. “Nurse Katz, welcome!” he exudes and reaches to shake her hand. He has a firm, warm grasp. “I’m sorry I came right to your door, your receptionist was away from his desk.” He waves off the comment with a sweep of his hand, “No problem, we don’t stand on ceremony around here. So I’ll guess that you’ve had the orientation shpiel from ‘ole Dodge City himself?” he laughs and smiles. “Uh, yes; I did. I also met some of the other new staff. By the way, please feel free to call me Dana.” “Ok, Dana, then feel free to call me ‘doc’! No! Just kidding! Call me Art. Let me show you around Med/Surge.” Dr. Baines escorts Scully past a number of patient single and double rooms, past ICU, a smaller CCU. Interspersed along the way are the three ‘hearts’ of the floor, the nursing station desks. They are amazingly spacious and well-staffed. They finally arrive at the Operating Room suite. There are 4 large Ors within the suite. “They’re all equipped like this one.” Dr. Baines tells Scully. She looks around to see the latest equipment, monitors, video projection and sound equipment. Each room has a ‘gallery’ above it; used in teaching scenarios. Each room is connected to the other via special decontamination chambers. One wall has approximately 10 pagers charging so that medical staff are always accessible. “I’m impressed!” Scully demurs. She hasn’t seen facilities like this since her training days. She also much prefers having the upper hand in her hospital visits… “Well, Dana, I think I’ll have you visit a few of our surgery candidates. I’ll get you the charts and then let you do some rounds on your own, if that’s ok with you? I have to prep for an assist with Dr. Smyth.” “Yes; that’s fine, Art. I’d really like to get going.” “I’ll send you out to Nursing Station#1. By the way, there’s a staff lounge on the floor that’s prett well equipped and stocked. There’s also a private phone line since we obviously can’t use our cells, here.” Scully heads out to the station and introduces herself to the staff. She picks up the folders of the three patients Art has told her about. Her trained eye looking for similarities doesn’t see any upon cursory inspection. One 25 year old male, one 50 year old male and one 78 year old woman. The 25 year old has just been tested for a possible brain stem tumor, the 50 year old is exhibiting signs of early onset dementia syndrome and the 78 year old has a vague diagnosis dealing with her parietal lobe functions. She quickly makes copies of the files, intending to study them more at home tonight. She walks in to the first patient room. Jeremy Hudson, 25 year old white male, is sitting up in his bed, watching a game show. His head is bandaged from the last test procedure. “Jeremy? Hello, I’m Nurse Dana Katz, but you can call me Dana.” Scully smiles as she walks over to his bed. “You’re new here, aren’t you? I mean the nurses here are babes, but you’re hot with a capital ‘H’!” Jeremy is trying to be the cool young adult while trying hard not to blush. “Thanks for the compliment, young man. Now, what can you tell me about your lovely bandaged head, Jeremy?” “She watches him become more serious. Serious illness will make you serious,” Scully reflects from personal experience. “I’ve got a brain stem tumor; about 5 centimeters, typically inoperable,” he begins. Scully is somewhat surprised, but has been around those with chronic or life threatening conditions to understand the ability to absorb and repeat lots of technical information about themselves. It’s almost as if the disease’s intensity requires the patient to learn its terminology. Jeremy continues, “Dr. Baines has this way cool procedure that can remove the tumor without affecting the surrounding tissue or any of my higher brain functions.” “Wow, that’s a mouth full! It does sound pretty promising, though. How did you and your family find out about Dr. Baines and his procedure?” “Oh, I don’t have any family, they’re all dead. I found out through one of my professors at the community college. He referred me when I started getting sick and didn’t know why.” Scully spends a little more time with Jeremy and then moves on to the other two patients. Bruce Davidson, 50 year old black male, referred by clergy; no family alive. Hilda Yardling, 78 year old white female, widow, no other family, referred by her family physician. A pattern emerges for Scully… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH Cafeteria, noontime Scully makes her way down to the cafeteria. One of the benefits of working for a hospital that can pay well and keep up with required technology is hiring enough staff. A benefit of enough staff means that they can take breaks and they can end their shifts as scheduled. It also means generally happy staff and that translates to well cared for, happy patients. She goes through the line and grabs a small salad, hard roll and apple. She finds Barbara and Don and joins them. Amazingly, Ritter finds them, too. “We’re going to need a serious talk…”she thinks. Ritter greets everyone. He looks like he’s been working hard for his first day. While he appears put together, there are obvious sweat stains under his arms; his well-muscled arms, Scully notices. Everyone chats as they eat. Barbara brings up the staff dance tomorrow night. “So, is everyone coming to the dance? I hear they decorate the cafeteria and hire a great DJ.” Don and Ritter both nod that they’ll be there. Scully just smiles and says she’s going to try to be there. She excuses herself to get some fresh air. She heads for the parking lot and pulls out her cellphone. “Mulder.” It’s only been about 6 hours and she is thinking how she misses him. She’s glad she caught him. “It’s me, Mulder. What’re you doing right now?” “I was just going to have some lunch and check out the community college since I guess I’ll have to be teaching a class there. What are you doing, Scully?” “Well, things are going well here, but I am finding some interesting facts about the good doc’s patients. I’ve made copies of the files and was hoping you’d take a look for me tonight.” “You know I’d be happy to help out, Scully. How about we order in pizza at my place and do some work?” “It’s a deal, Mulder. I’ll be home around 5.” She hangs up and heads back to work. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cable Road, 5P Thursday Scully has pulled her hair up in a clip, but as the day has worn on and she has worn down, whisps here and there are hanging down her neck. The wave that was added along with the color and the early spring warmth of the day have added ringlet curls here and there. As she drives home, she tries to clear her head of the hospital, but finds it hard to do. Her senses have been innudated; patients, new staff, Dr. Baines; Art, Ritter getting in her face once too often, surgery next week to prepare for. She has her work cut out for her. Right now, she needs to relax and clear her head before going over the files with Mulder. She locks the Cherokee in the driveway and heads for the front door. Mulder is waiting for her on the front porch. He is sitting in a white ladder back rocking chair and smiling at her. She feels the stress flood out of her as she sees him smile. God, this man is too much to handle sometimes and at other times… “Mulder, you’re looking like the cat who got the canary. What gives?” She smiles back at him as she stands in front of his rocking chair. “And you, my dear Nurse Katz, look exhausted, but rather pretty. Come here.” He tells her in a low, monotone voice. He reaches his hand out toward her and pulls her toward him. She moves toward him willingly. “Really Fox, I should get inside and change before our pizza.” She half-heartedly tries to back away. He pulls her gently into his lap and she swings her legs up to hang over the arm of the chair, leaning against his chest. “Mulder, I could sleep right here, right now.” “That’s not what I had in mind, Dana.” He continues in the low voice that is surely driving her mad at this point. She knows her tiredness is compromising her judgment right now, but she’s not interested in self-chastisement right now, either. Mulder pulls the clip from her hair and lets the clip fall to the floor. He runs his hands through her hair. “So, Dana, how was your day?” “Muld—I mean, Fox, it was very hectic, but I’ve started to learn a few things I think we can use. Can we talk about that later, I’m resting right now and I’m enjoying it way too much to let work interfere.” Mulder is running his hand through her hair and stroking her face with the other. Scully looks up into his eyes and smiles. She sits herself upright, leans over and kisses him on the forehead. “Let me go shower and I’ll meet you in your apartment in a half hour, Mul—Fox!” Damn, she’s having a hard time with the name! “Dana, are you sure that’s what you want to do?” “No, not at all, Fox. It’s what I ‘have’ to do.” She takes her time getting up. He remains on the porch a while longer and then heads up to his apartment. He orders two large pizzas; he’s starving. He’s somehow forgotten to eat since coffee this morning. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Pizza and Files Chez Fox; 6P Mulder clears the round oak dining room table and puts a red-checked tablecloth on it. He grabs some paper plates and napkins and tosses them onto the table. He finds mugs for the beer. Mulder answers the door. Scully arrives, files in hand. Her hair is damp and she’s pulled it up again. She’s wearing grey, dancer sweats; rolled low on the hip and a black, cap sleeve tee. Mulder lingers on her. Although her new look is certainly a turn on, it’s moments like this in which he sees the real Scully in there. Without thinking, he smiles at her and thinks, “she’s not wearing a bra”. He then blushes profusely and tries to hide his thoughts. Scully appears not to have noticed; much. “Mulder, I hope you haven’t been working too hard on the pizza. I know how much you love cooking for me; you wild chef, you!” Scully smiles sarcastically and walks past him into his apartment. She deposits the files on the coffee table and sits on the floor. Mulder joins her on the other side of the table. “When does the pizza get here, Mulder?” “Are you that hungry, Scully?” “I’m starving; it’s been a hectic day.” “Tell me about your day, Scully.” Mulder says, feeling a little like one half of a couple; not a bad feeling. “Mulder, I’m really concerned about Ritter. Now, before you go getting all protective, it’s not like that. He just seems to forget about his role a little too easily.” She tells him about their breakfast meeting and his overfamiliarity with her and several instances at the hospital. She also tells him that she has spoken rather pointedly to Ritter about his slips. “I just can’t shake the feeling that something’s not right, but I can’t put my finger on it, Mulder.” Mulder appears to be deep in thought as he listens to Scully voice her concerns. “Scully, is there a chance that you may be reading more into this? I mean, yeah, we all know what a bast*** Ritter is; we’ve got his number. But, is it possible he’s just having a hard time working with us knowing how we feel? You know that Skinner wouldn’t purposely set us up.” Scully smiles briefly. “Mulder, since when have you been willing to cut Ritter slack. You’re usually ready to go at him with little provocation! Plus, isn’t it my job to tell you that you’re reading too much into a situation?” They both laugh. “Ok, Mulder, I’ll give it another chance. But, I’m telling you, my guard is up with him.” “As well it should be Scully, as well it should be.” They spend the next half hour going through the files. Mulder also notices that each of the three pre-op patients has no family. Mulder, ever vigilant, has also picked up on another commonality, although he’s not sure it has any bearing on the case. All three share the same height and green eye color. Scully is impressed with his analytical abilities. While any of the commonalities alone might be interesting, but not statistically significant, the three commonalities taken together appear to be much more than mere coincidence. Scully is looking at their test results. Each has had both CT scans and MRIs. The test results don’t really seem to indicate anything out of the ordinary because those tests are used to diagnose a variety of brain and nerve disorders. “Mulder, here’s what I’ve got so far: three patients of varying age, weight, ethnicity with previous good health. All three have no familiy, are 5’ 8” tall, have green eyes and have had the same diagnostic tests on the same day. Now, what does strike me about this scenario is that those are the only two tests they’ve had. It’s almost as if Baines already knew their condition.” Mulder is listening intently. He appreciates Scully’s deductive reasoning skills. “So, Scully, what’s your next step?” She is concentrating hard. Jeremy is scheduled for surgery first; on the following Friday; just 7 days away. The other two are on Monday and Tuesday after Jeremy. “I need to meet the other two first. I don’t have enough to go on. I also need to get my hands on some of Baines or Barnes former patient files. Do you think you can work on that part for me while I’m at work?” “Sure, Scully; I aim to please!” “You do, Mulder, you do.” She smiles warmly. They close the files and stack them neatly on the coffee table. Mulder gets up and puts the news on. The announcer is finishing a local, Rye story about the hospital, “and their first dance party will be held this Friday night in the RMH cafeteria turned ‘disco’. Of course, as this is Chief of Staff Dodge’s first staff team builder, this party is not open to the public. If it goes anything like the last one he threw, who knows if the hospital will open in the morning! This is Daniel Drew…” Mulder is no longer listening to the news. He is all over Scully with questions. “You didn’t tell me we were going to a dance Friday night, Scully! I don’t have a thing to wear.” “Mulder, back up the bus a minute. You heard the same report I did; hospital staff only. You can’t risk blowing our covers.” “I’ve got a great idea, Scully. While almost everyone is occupied downstairs, I can snoop around the good doc’s office and the ORs. It will be easy to get around without so many staff underfoot; don’t you think?” “I think that’s a great idea, Mulder.” Knock, knock!! The pizza has arrived; one veggie, one Meat express. Mulder grabs a few beers out of the fridge and pours them into the mugs while Scully opens the pizzas. They both dig in; ravenous. After at least two pieces each, Mulder asks, “Scully, do you have work this weekend?” “Only half day on Sunday, why?” “Oh, no reason, I was just thinking.” He mutters between bites of pizza. “When you’re ‘just thinking’ I need to watch out, Mulder. Out with it.” “Well, I noticed some nice, craggy, hills near the beach and thought it might be nice to do some beach hiking if the weather’s nice. What do you think.” “I think I would like that, Mulder.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Friday morning, 5:30A “This could get old, fast”, Scully thinks as she throws on her running tights and long sweatshirt. As she’s tying her running shoes, she decides to take some music with her this time. She grabs her CD walkman and puts in her beltpack, inserting the ear buds. She quietly heads down the stairs and out onto the front porch. It’s still dark and it’s very quiet. The sound of the water is soothing; not what she needs right now! She turns on her Euro Club cd and cranks the volume. She starts to stretch and then finds herself getting into the steady, repetitive beat. She heads off; up Cable, across Washington and Lang Roads and out toward Route 1. She picks up her pace. She is much less winded this time and suddenly finds herself at Foyes Corner again. “Well, might as well grab breakfast.” She heads into Foyes Family Bakery. The counter staff recognizes her from yesterday and says ‘hello’. She orders a bowl of oatmeal with some strawberries and an OJ. One of the locals she remembers seeing yesterday comes over and sits down beside her. “Hello, I’m Sandy.” “Hi, Dana.” “Um, Dana, you’re new to the area, right?” “Yes; that’s right.” Scully isn’t sure where this is going, but has a feeling she should play this one just right. “Did I overhear you say you’re working at Rye Mercy, with Dr. Baines?” “Yes, yes you did. Is there something I can help you with?” Sandy is clearly striken. Her jaw has dropped slightly and she is no longer speaking. “Are you ok, Sandy?” “Oh, um, yeah! How well do you know Dr. Baines? I mean, I know you’re new here and he’s relatively new, too. I was just wondering if you followed him here or just ended up here; you know?” “Well, actually, I’ve heard of him before, but never worked with him. I knew I was going to move to the area and found a vacancy posted. Why do you ask?” Sandy looks around furtively and leans closer to Scully who has a spoon of oatmeal halfway to her mouth. “Um, Dana, I can only say this once and won’t repeat it even if you ask me: be very careful, take every precaution; he is not who he seems to be. Well, nice to meet you Dana”, she says brightly and walks away. Scully puts down her spoon of oatmeal and takes a large gulp of OJ. She smiles at the server, pays her bill and leaves. She heads home to shower. Her cd player turned up, she has reached Cable Road again. She has tried to forget Sandy’s comments, but keeps re-running them in her head. She is so into the music and trying to decipher the meaning of the comments, that she does not see the dark shape coming up behind her. The shape is pacing her; not too close, not too far away. She is about halfway down Cable when he runs closer and grabs her arm. Her reactions are instantaneous. She turns quickly and kicks him in the shin. She then sprints to the house. She can see him under the street lamp, bent over, holding his shin and making little yelping sounds. She is thinking that running when it’s dark is not such a safe thing to do. As she turns to head into the house, she hears a familiar voice, “Scully, just ‘what’ are you trying to do to me, or, more accurately, what did I do to you to deserve this two mornings in a row? This is no way to show me you care!” “Mulder! Haven’t you learned yet? You’re trained the same way I am; what did you expect me to do? I’m alone, it’s dark, someone approaches from behind. What did you want me to do, stop and ask what you had in mind?” “I just figured I could get my run in, too.” “Why didn’t you just come with me, then?” “Is that an invitation, Scully?” “Mulder, you ARE absolutely exasperating sometimes—and this is one of those times!” “I don’t have many limbs left untouched by you; maybe we could explore the others now while they’re still in good shape?” He asks with a sly smile. “Ok, Mulder, here’s the deal for today. I go get dressed for work, I go to work. You get dressed, you go get that teaching position at Rye Community College. You have entirely too much time on your hands for this assignment! We meet for a quick picnic outside the hospital at noon; emphasis on ‘quick’ and you have to bring the food. After work, I come home, get changed, go to Disco. Got it, Mulder?” Scully is playfully all business. “Ok, work, RCC, picnic, Disco; wait, Disco?” Mulder is suddenly all ears. “Mulder, we already had this discussion; no guests. You’ll be upstairs nosing around. Just remember, there will still be a skeletal staff; especially for pre and post op patients.” Scully heads for the front door before he can react. “Hey, Scully, if I wear white polyester, will you hustle with me?” “Mulder, if you wear white polyester, I may have to hurt you. You’re not invited, Mulder!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH; Friday, 8A Scully walks into the cafeteria to grab some tea. She notices some of the maintenance staff on ladders suspending a mirrored ball from the high point of the ceiling in the center of the room. Others are mounting the colored and strobe lights from the balcony areas around the perimeter of the high center ceiling. She shakes her head in amusement. On her way out, she runs into Ritter, literally. “Excuse me, Nurse Katz; didn’t mean to get in your way.” “Oh, that’s alright Peter, and please, call me Dana.” “So, Dana, are you going to the Disco tonight?” “Yes, I think I will, although I don’t know where I’m going to find any 70s clothing on such short notice. How about you?” “I’ve got by shiny polyester and stretch bells all set. I’ll save you a dance.” He walks away before Scully gets a chance to say, “don’t bother”. She heads up to Med/Surge to start morning rounds. She stops in Jeremy’s room, but doesn’t find him there. She pulls his chart and notes that he’s gone for additional testing. She next heads over to meet Hilda Yardling, the 78 year old woman. Hilda is sitting in a chair by the window, facing the door. “Hello, Ms. Yardling, I’m Dana Katz, your nurse.” Hilda simply looks at Scully. Scully slowly walks into the room, holding Hilda’s chart. “May I call you Hilda?” “Yes, I’m Hilda; who are you?” “I’m you’re nurse, Dana. Hilda, how are you feeling this morning?” “Nothing new except for my big headache. Dr. Baines is going to make it all better and then I can go home.” “Who’s going to be with you at home, Hilda?” “Oh, no one, I can live by myself once my headache is gone.” Scully checks her vitals and tells her she’ll be back later. She moves on to meet Bruce Davidson, the 50 year old male. He’s sitting in his bed reading. “Well, aren’t you the cutest little thing to come through that door in days!” he says as a greeting. “Why thank you, Mr. Davidson. I’m Dana Katz, you’re new nurse. How are you feeling today?” “Oh, fine enough, I guess. Just bored,though, really rather be outside enjoying the spring day, “he says, hooking a finger behind him toward the window. “Really wish I could at least see outside.” “Well, ‘that’ I can fix for you!” She steps on the lockdown peddle of the bed and then heads behind the headboard. She slowly turns the bed so it is parallel to the window wall, allowing him to look out. Since this hospital is so well-equipped, there are panels for equipment on each wall making the room arrangement changeable. “Well, I’ll be; that’s great, Dana!” “We aim to please, Mr. Davidson.” “Please, call me Bruce.” “Bruce, things are looking good right now. Are you all set for your surgery?” “Yeah, I guess so, “ he looks a little glum at the prospect, but quickly brightens again. “I’ll be back to see you later.” Scully heads out to meet the other patients on her floor. Before she knows it, it’s noontime. Her beeper goes off and she heads for a phone at the Nursing Station. “Hey, Dana, it’s me. Your picnic awaits on the edges of the South lawn.” Mulder hangs up. Scully smiles and tells the desk staff she’ll be back in an hour. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ South Lawn, RMH, Noontime Mulder is sitting on his fleece blanket (Scully has visions of the planetarium; does he take that everywhere he goes? She wonders.) Shocked to see him in off- white dockers and a white cable knit cotton sweater with the sleeves pushed up. The closest to white she’s ever seen him in was dark tan! This all-in-white look is a good one for him; he** the man looks good in just about anything… “Hey, Dana, how was your morning?” He smiles as he opens the picnic bag. “Leave it to Mulder to pack a picnic lunch in a bag” she thinks. “What’ve you got in there, Fox?” “Well, I have two turkey sandwiches, two salads, two iced teas, and, if you’re really good, some of that fake icecream you seem to like so much.” “How did it go over at the college, Mulder? You did go, didn’t you?” “Yeah, I did. I’ll be teaching a two week special section of Advanced Psych for Professor Susan Strand. She wants me to cover Non-Verbal Communication with her senior psych majors. You know how good I am at non-verbal communication, Scully.” “Don’t go there now, Mulder, but yes, you are very good. Who’s this Professor Strand?” “What you really mean, Scully, is ‘what does she look like’?” “No, well, you can tell me that, too.” Scully pretends to be very interested in what’s in the picnic bag. “She’s only been teaching at the college for 5 years now. She’s from London. She’s about 35 and…” “That’s enough, Mulder.” Scully is picturing Phoebe Green. “AND, as I was starting to say, she and her husband are expecting their second child in July.” Scully laughs and grabs a sandwich and the iced tea. Between bites she says, “Mulder, you’re going to need to be very careful tonight. I didn’t get a chance to tell you about a strange, pretty one-sided conversation I had with a local this morning at the Bakery.” “So, talk to me, Scully.” Mulder, already just about finished with his sandwich, opens the salad and starts eating, “just what do you see in this, Scully?” “Mulder, a woman named Sandy was very concerned that I’m working for Dr. Baines. She actually warned me to be very careful around him. I’m thinking she’s got someone else in mind.” “Scully, keep your guard up. I think you can probably recall a character or two you ‘trusted’ who gave you know good reason to?” Mulder is thinking back to their early days together with Martin of the Massachusetts Kindred. Scully is not pleased with the connection he has made, “Mulder, how can you bring him up? That was very early in my career and he was using some type of chemical control over me at the time.” “You didn’t seem so controlled; you seemed about to do the horizontal bop with the man. Anyway, I’m going to check this character out, too. It’s just what good Agents do.” “So, where’s my dessert, Mulder?” Scully smiles and reaches into the picnic bag and pulls a small cup from under the ice packs. “I’m in heaven, Mulder.” She smiles. He moves over, still facing her, and kisses her cheek, “So am I, Dana, so am I.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Getting Ready to Boogie, 6P Friday Barbara and a few of the other staff have helped Scully piece together her outfit for tonight. While the Agents were given a healthy clothing allowance for special circumstances, “Disco clothes” were not on the list. Scully decides for “conservatively provocative”. She’ll wear black satin stretch no-pocket jeans cut a little low through the waist, a cap sleeved low-cut front and back deep pink stretch satin top and some black patent platforms. She again sweeps one side of her hair up, but this time, clips it with a large rhinestone barrett. She’s only partially dried her hair so it’s curlier than usual. She ditches the pearl jewelry just this once and opts for a black velvet ribbon close around here neck and tiny rhinestone studs. Since it will be rather dark, she opts for a little more make-up. A quick spritz of Jovan’s Night Musk and Dana Katz is ready to boogie-oogie- oogie. She grabs a small purse and her black leather jacket and heads for the door. Just as she opens it, she finds Mulder about to knock. “Whoa! Is that really you, Scully?” “No, Fox; it’s me, Dana.” She smiles at his reaction to her. “Where are you going all decked out? You seem a tad over-dressed for ‘snooping’ around Mercy, don’t you?” She raises her eyebrow, arms folded across her chest and waits for his answer. She wonders whether he’ll take a while to make up a good one or just tell her the truth. He opts for door number 2. “Well, Dana, I figured I could do some snooping and then maybe just stop by, you know, give you a ride home?” He’s wearing a black polyester suit right out of Saturday Night Fever and she has absolutely no idea where he could have found it. He also has on a dark blue, paisley shirt unbuttoned almost to his waist with the long, pointed collar laying over the lapels to the suit jacket. He’s wearing what she calls, “strutting boots” a la John Travolta. “Fox, don’t you think you might be just a little obvious on the Med/Surge floor in that get-up?” “Dana, Dana, Dana, how little you think of my abilities as an Agent, “ he shakes his head from side-side in mock disappointment, “this is for later. I have ‘this’ for snooping.” He pulls a large black tee from behind his back. “Oh, yeah, you’re prepared, Fox.” She gives him a small smile and heads for the stairs. “I’ll drive, Dana.” “No, you’ll call a cab. We can’t go together.” He’s watching her walk down the stairs and admiring her parting view. “Hey, Dana, for old time’s sake, you know, me and you being such good friends and all…” As she steps into the parlor, he takes her jacket and purse out of her hands and puts them on the chair. He takes her hands, places them on his shoulders and whispers in her ear, “Wanna get down tonight, Lady Marmalade?” Before she can laugh or reply, he kisses her earlobe and then kisses her lips. “None of that close ‘bump’ stuff, Dana.” She smiles, grabs her jacket and purse and opens the door. On her way out, she points her index finger and waves it up and down in the air, and say, “ooh, ooh”. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fox Undercover; RMH Med/Surge Floor, 8P Friday Night “Dana Scully, Dana Katz, Scully, Katz…” Mulder is waiting for the cab. “How many more sides of her am I going to find…” He’s thinking that he could use a few hours of routine, Bureau work. They have a serious case to unravel and there seem to be quite a few threads. He likes the challenge of this case; their new roles, the setting. He is, in part, living some of his fantasies where Scully is concerned. Many opportunities. Not enough time. Needing to stay on his mark. Needing to find her mark. The cab arrives. It’s a short trip to RMH. As the cab pulls up to the front entrance, Mulder can already hear the pulsing rhythms and see the strobes and colored lights. The cafeteria is to the right of the entrance and its windows continue around the east side of the building. He decides against using the main entrance. As he walks around the outside of the cafeteria, he finds one of the side exit doors propped open. Thinking he might be able to check things out, he quietly slips inside. He finds a stairway to the overhead balcony and ascends. He walks around until he finds a good vantage point. He leans onto the railing and looks down. More and more staff are arriving. As he looks toward the main doors, he thinks he sees Ritter and almost looses his own balance from laughing so hard. He gives Ritter credit; he has really gotten into the mood of the evening! Ritter is decked out in a totally white polyester suit with a shiny black shirt styled much like Mulder’s dark blue shirt. If Ritter’s pants were any tighter, he might need a gender change. Ritter is literally swaggering around. Ritter finds some staff he seems to know; a man and a woman. Mulder is looking for Scully, but hasn’t found her in the ever-growing crowds. Just as he’s about to head up to Med/Surge, he notices the man and woman grabbing Ritter’s arm and pointing away from them. Mulder follows their gazes to the main entrance doors. Scully is walking in with someone. From the briefing description and Scully’s, it appears that this is Dr. Baines. Mulder experiences a slight pang somewhere deep inside. Scully plays her role well, he’ll give her that. The look on Dr. Baines’ face says he’d like to give her a thing or two, as well. Mulder decides it’s time to get to work. He knows Scully can take care of herself. Mulder pulls out a copy of the Med/Surge floorplans. He locates Dr. Baines’ office suite. He decides to take the back staircase so he won’t alert anyone to his presence. Scully told him there will be skeletal staff only, so he won’t have to dodge too many personnel. He quickly finds his way into the office suite. This hospital is “rich” in everyway he thinks as he looks around. Even with minimal lighting, Mulder can tell that the furnishings are not cheap. He follows the small reception area to the smaller office to its left. The door plaque reads, “Chief Medical/Surgical Nurse; Dana Katz”. Mulder’s curiousity gets the better of him. He enters. Since it is an internal office, he risks turning on her desk lamp. Scully with a real desk all her own. He sits in her desk chair and looks at the pictures she has on the desk. She has a fictious “family” picture; no need to risk her real family. He is very surprised to find a Fox Masters picture on her desk. It is a copy of the picture taken by the Deep Missions Office for their files. The picture is only a 3X5 and is situated so only she can see it, but it still concerns him. He places it in her top desk drawer and exits her office. Dr. Baines’ office is located through a small hallway behind the reception area. His office is larger than Scully’s and the reception area combined. Not wanting to waste anymore time, because he knows he’s going to find his way into that damn Disco and to Scully—under the pretense of having to know more about this Dr. Baines—he heads for the files. He pulls the files for each of the three patients slated for surgery next week. As he reads each of their files, he initially notices nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until he reaches the bottom of each under, “Other notes:” He finds a mysterious set of words that at first appears to be “doctor’s handwriting”. Upon further inspection, he realizes that it says, “transfer substation 48hrs stat, subdermal temporal factor .08 solution”. Although it is still mostly greek to him, Mulder now believes he has some solid proof about the post-recovery involvement of Dr. Baines. He makes a copy of each file and returns them to the filing cabinet. Scully will make sense of this, he is sure. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH Disco A-Go-Go, 9:30P Friday Mulder heads back down the stairwell, stopping briefly to retrieve his satin shirt and jacket from the corner he left them in on the way up. He heads out to the parking lot to toss his tee shirt in the Cherokee. He decides the balcony might be a good place to start his entrance. From that vantage point, he can scope out the scene (“where did that language come from, Mulder?” ) before he enters it. As he walks in, he hears the question, ‘Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Voulez vous coucher avec moi?” So, who’s reading your mind, Fox? The whole floor below him seems to be alive and moving to the beat. The lights are pulsing, the mirrored balls reflecting the light in strange ways. He notices Ritter’s stark, white suit. The man knows how to dance…With Scully! They are both moving quite well to the beat; knees bent, hips low, arms overhead. Ritter is using his two index fingers, crossing them in front of him in that Travolta sort of way. Mulder wants to laugh. Then Ritter is trying to cross them behind Scully’s back. She is but a mere sliver of a shape so close to Ritter’s body, arms over her head, head thrown back, smiling. As the song shifts to “Don’t Leave Me this Way”, Dr. Baines cuts in on Ritter. Ritter smiles good naturedly and finds someone else to dance with. Baines is holding Scully’s hand, pulling her toward him and then moving her away again. He spins her once, twice. The man and woman he saw talking to Ritter earlier come up to Baines and Scully. The four stop to talk. The music slows down. “Pick Up the Pieces” is being mixed in to “Don’t Leave me this Way”. Scully and the other woman, still talking with the man and Dr. Baines, start to do the bump with each other. This seems to attract some attention. Quite a few others are dancing near them, but they stop to watch. The woman is about an inch of two taller than Scully and as blond as Scully is temporarily-brunette. She has a little more weight on her, but is every bit as curvaceous. Mulder wonders how their knees allow them to bump so low to the ground. Mulder also wonders what it would feel like to be very close to Scully as she bumps… Mulder starts to head downstairs. He decides he very much wants to enjoy this party with Scully, not watch her enjoy it with everyone else. As “Rock the Boat” plays, two lines form. Two by two, dancers start moving down the middle showing their most creative moves. Baines and Ritter both approach Scully at the same time, but the other man gets to her first. Scully acts like she knows him. They start out holding hands; both with arms overheard, facing opposite directions, letting arms cross behind them. They step apart, each dancing on her and his own. He comes up behind her, pulls her hips to him and shimmies toward the floor and back up. They’ve reached the end of the line. Mulder realizes that he is experiencing many reactions right now; most of them possibly resulting in a few bruised men if he acts upon reactions. His rational side is keenly aware of their roles here and realizes his downright jealousy and protectiveness have no place here. Many of his other sides are arguing with his rational side and telling him to get to Scully before he has to watch anymore. Ritter starts walking toward Scully as the music changes to the Bee Gees singing, “More than a Woman”. Mulder has seen enough. He smoothly walks up to Ritter, smiles, shakes his hand as if in greeting and then smiles at Scully. He sees surprise and anger flash across her face. He knows she is concerned about their covers. He also knows he has a cover that includes a prior relationship with her. He only broke the “no guest at the party” rule. He takes ahold of her hands and smiles again. She is trying to pull away from him without causing a scene. She leans in close, he gets the wrong idea. “What are you DOING here?” she demands in a hoarse whisper. “Are you trying to purposely cause a scene?” She is smiling, but he can still see the anger in her eyes. They are both dancing to the beat. She is trying very hard to be uncooperative. He leans in to her other ear and bitingly says, “I’m causing a scene?!? Who is it that has my picture on her desk?” “What were you doing in my office?” Mulder twirls her and comes out of it with his arm around her waist, “walking” her around by his side, and then twirls her again. “Dana, why don’t you just introduce me to your friends?” He can feel her breathing very hard attempting to diffuse her anger toward him. He is thinking, “Guess who doesn’t have an icecube’s chance in he** of getting anything tonight, Mulder?” She realizes that he’s partially right; all he did was crash the dance. She just wishes that he hadn’t come in the way he did. He has a way of jolting her senses that makes it hard to think. She suddenly looks at him in his Disco finery and realizes that he’s chosen colors he usually wears to work; she’s seeing the 70s version of Mulder the FBI Agent! She starts to laugh. He mistakes her laugh for acquiesence. She decides to push her anger aside for awhile and enjoy the dance. Afterall it IS Mulder she’s dancing with. He senses her body relaxing. He places his hands on her shoulders and steps away from her briefly. Her platform shoes bring her almost to his eye level. He looks at her questioningly and smiles, “Shall we continue to dance, Dana?” In response, she reaches her arms around under his jacket. He places his arms around her waist, his hands landing on her velvet clad hips. He leads her farther from the middle of the room. “Scully?” She glares briefly at him. “Dana?” He tries again. She looks into his eyes and smiles. His hands move up her body and into her hair. His lips find hers. Her lips part and she tastes him, feeling her own body respond with heat and… “Hey, here they are. I told you I saw them over here.” It’s Ritter.. Mulder, still holding onto Scully tightly, turns to seethe at Ritter. When Ritter is close enough to hear, Mulder fumes, “This had better be VERY good, Rodent!” Scully playfully slaps Mulder on his butt. “Ok, I’ll make the introductions,” Ritter continues, not missing a beat. He introduces Mulder as a good friend of Scully’s who lives in her apartment building on Cable Road. Barbara and Don shake hands with him immediately. “Welcome, Mr. Masters.” “Please, call me ‘Fox’.” Ritter steps up and says, “’Fox’; what an interesting name that it. Were you parents animal lovers?” Scully quickly holds Mulder’s hand and puts it around her waist. “Actually, Mr. Rodent, I am so sorry, Mr. RoDEN, my parents simply liked the name; it was as unique as they knew I would become.” Mulder demonstrates true grace under fire. Scully gives his hand a reassuring squeeze and smiles at him. She thinks, “Jesus, Mulder, you can be truly amazing when you want to be.” Barbara takes a step toward Mulder leaving Don standing alone. “So, what do you do, Fox?” “Well, I’m about to teach a two week session for a Psychology class at the community college.” “Oh, really. Psychology was my favorite course. What will you be teaching?” Scully rolls her eyes at the obvious come on, but also wonders what’s going on. Mulder smiles and holds onto Scully a little tighter, sensing her uncomfortableness with Barbara’s blatant flirting. “I’ll be teaching a section on reading body language.” Barbara doesn’t miss a beat, “What is my body saying to you right now, Fox?” Just then, Barry White’s low, deep gravelly voice starts to sing a very slow, dripping with heavy innuendo song. Barbara is standing close to Mulder and Scully, one hip thrust forward toward Mulder, shoulders back and down and one hand on her hip. Dr. Baines approaches her from behind and invites her to dance, much to Don’s surprise. If pouts could wound, Dr. Baines would need a bandage. He nonetheless leads her to the dance floor. Mulder, oblivious to Ritter and Don, pulls Scully to face him. Ritter and Don head off to find dance partners. Ritter keeps his eyes on Mulder and Scully. Mulder moves Scully onto the dance floor, almost dragging her, albeit willingly. Barry White’s music is like sex on the dancefloor muses Mulder silently. He reaches both hands to Scully’s backside and gently squeezes, pulling her even closer. She is having flashbacks to their night at the Planetarium. She is very turned on and reaches her arms up around his neck. They look at each other, catching glimpses of each others’ eyes as the strobes and colored gel lights cross their faces. The beat is getting heavier and the song thankfully refuses to end. Ritter is standing by the dancefloor pretending to listen to a woman who appears to be attracted to him. He really needs some concrete evidence to support his claim to Kersh that there is a personal relationship going on between the two Agents, but he knows this situation won’t do it. They could justifiably claim they were “in character”. Meanwhile, Mulder moves them deeper into the gyrating, pulsating throng of dancers. Scully moves her hands to Mulder’s satin shirt and unbuttons it to his waist. Mulder is clearly surprised; he takes a sudden breath. She runs her hands over his abs and his chest. She then rebuttons his shirt and smiles up at him. He leans toward her ear and says loud enough to be heard over the music, “You know, Scully, I still need to even this score. You are making it harder on yourself with each little flag on the play…” He moves his hands to her waist and across her back. The smooth satin shirt moves over her back easily. As she’s pressed close to him, he keeps one hand on her back and moves the other to her neck. She looks up at him and smiles. “Mulder, I know exactly what I’m doing.” She raises on to her toes, although with her platforms, she easily reaches him anyway, and kisses him playfully. He, however, takes her face in both hands and kisses her a little more roughly. Her reaction is to push herself against him even closer. “Scully, I think we’re demonstrating more than ‘good friends’ behavior; don’t you?” Scully unwillingly pulls back a little. Mulder is right; she’s risking their covers. But so is he! “Mulder, how is it we keep finding ourselves in these ‘close call’ situations? Have you noticed that’s happening a lot lately?” “Oh, I’m noticing Scully, I’m noticing.” Before they can risk further discovery, the Ohio Players jumping rhythms of “Love Rollercoaster” cut in. “Maybe we should call it a night, Mulder?” Scully is readjusting her shirt. She reaches over and touches Mulder’s face briefly, smiling. They start to make the rounds to say good night. Dr. Baines finds them first. “Leaving so soon, Dana, Fox? I hope you had a good time. I’m glad you could join us, Fox. I mean every party should have at least one crasher, right?” Scully cannot tell if Baines is totally joking. “I’m sorry, Art; I tried to tell him it was staff only!” “Look, Dr. Baines, this is all my fault. Dana put the fear of God into me about showing up. I just couldn’t help myself.” “Well, think no more of it, Fox. Good luck with your course over at the College.” Mulder is practicing for his course. He thinks that there is a definite lack of one- one correspondance between Baines’ words and his body language. The body is saying, “I didn’t like you being here.” One of Baines’ eyebrows is raised skeptically, his arms are crossed; he is about as “closed” as a body can get and still be visible! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Midnight Friday Mulder and Scully walk out to the Cherokee hand in hand. They notice the quiet night, the dark sky. The only light other than the stars are the parking lot lamps set not much higher than Mulder is tall. Neither needs to speak. Both are content with each other’s silence. “Mulder, you—“ “Scully, I’m—“ They both laugh. It is often this way; one knows what the other will say; neither need to speak. Scully is half asleep. Mulder wishes he were. They’re home. Mulder sees that Scully is sound asleep. He is hesitant to wake her. He opens her door and leans in to lift her out. He has one arm behind her back and under her arms and is reaching under her legs with the other. Her satin shirt is warm, yet slippery, against his arm. She is very warm in his arm. She is somewhere halfway between asleep and partially awake when she feels him close. Her arms automatically encircle his neck, her had resting on his shoulder. She is awake enough to enjoy the wild sensations and asleep enough to love the dream. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Upstairs and Downstairs, 55 Cable Road, Saturday morning 8A Downstairs, Mulder is trying hard not to wake from his dream. Scully is in his arm, he is lifting her onto his bed. She is nibbling his ear lobe. She is whispering to him how much she wants him. He is lowering her gently on to his bed. He is lowering himself on top of her, his hungry mouth findng hers roughly. She is responding. She is beeping in his ear. “Beeping in my ear?” Mulder reaches over to swat at the alarm clock. He succeeds in shutting off and sends it flying into the wall. He needs an extremely cold shower. He needs Scully. He sets the shower nozzle on driving spikes of water… Upstairs, the warm water is being shut off as Scully steps out of the shower. Her running has become a short term habit. She awakens later since she doesn’t have to work today, but she decides to run. She’s running because she likes it. Running is good for her cardiovascular system. Running clears the mind. Mulder snuck up on her last time she was running. Running. Mulder. Mulder. “Gotta run”. She tries to head quietly down the stairs. Surely he won’t be awake this early on a Saturday. She knows he’d probably live in his bed until noon if not for his job. She makes it outside and heads off through the back yard toward the beach. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Body Language Beach, Later than 8A She is experiencing the runner’s trance; steady padding of shoes on sand, low, early spring morning fog and mist enrobe her. The beach looks endless. Autopilot runner; Scully. A momentary shiver runs through her. Her mind, as if connected by unseen tendrils, floats back to Mulder. There is much and little unresolved between them. There is chemistry between them; it’s like beads of water on a sizzling frying pan. Deeper, there is an unshakeable trust they share. Yet, she keeps some fence gates closed over her emotions. She does not trust easily; yet she trusts him implicitly. She senses the same from him to her. She is not sure what she is afraid of. She is afraid of the immensity of feelings. She is in the midst of deeper, early morning fog. She has run farther than she knows; Maine can’t be far! She continues. She is on the coast, she cannot run out of beach. She hears only the occasional seagull. She notices a few pine trees in small stands; three or four here, seven or eight there. As she runs past a small stand, she notices a sign post, “Wallis Sands State Beach”. She has run almost ten miles. She explores the area closer to the water although she cannot make out much past her arm’s length due to the heavy fog. She can feel it wet on her face. Her hair hangs in wet ringlets around her face. Her light weight sweats are lightly clinging to her skin. She is thinking about how easy it is to become disoriented in such deep fog when she hears a rustling in the trees. It is almost a whisper through the pines. She turns slowly in each direction, trying to sense the location of the sound. Out of habit, she reaches for the weapon that is not there. She is cautious and her adrenaline is pumping; preparing her for flight or fight. She hears breathing and reasons that if she can hear the breathing, this person or animal has been running recently. She tries very hard to control hers. Although she is no longer running, her mounting anxiety level has kept her breathing shallow and quick. She starts to back away from the sounds. As her shoe hits much softer and yielding sand, she realizes she has moved too close to the water’s edge. She heads farther up the beach until she comes to a clearing. “Great; visiblity for me and my stalker.” She finds a few pieces of broken driftwood and grabs a hefty piece. She heads back toward the small stands of pines. She finds a defensable position in a stand of seven or eight trees, holding her driftwood in front of her. She slows her breathing and remains still and silent. She senses someone moving up from behind, but her right shoe is wedged between to tree trunks. She quickly unties both shoes and, with a firm grasp on the wood, runs for it. Her wet, stockinged feet are kicking small clumps of sand up behind her; she is moving at the speed of light. “Scully, slow down; you’re going to trip.” She whirls around, dark eyes flashing extreme anger. She cannot speak she is so angry. This man, the subject of her running reveries, her fantasies, her career is running three for three. “He has the knack, oh yeah, he does.” “Whoa, Scully, no shin kicks, no karate, put down the driftwood and no one gets hurt; especially me!” Mulder is walking toward her slowly, observing her body language. Still he tries to talk his way out of the situation, “Ok, Scully, I’m reading a little bit of a defensive posture here, go with me on this one. I’m reading maybe a smidgen of anger, laced with a fine line between wishing me dead and wishing me on my back in the sand. How am I doing; close?” Scully thinks that he has read her very clearly indeed. She is not even sure which wish for him comes first; “ok, let’s be honest, a dead Mulder would just be no fun, supine in the sand is so much better.” He is taking in their surroundings and her. She looks beyond beautiful; wet, angry, damp sweats clinging to her hips, her chest, driftwood sword still held tightly in her hand. “Maybe we both belong in the sand.” Mulder thinks as he walks closer to her. “Don’t do it, Mulder. You are on very thin ice. I do not understand why the h3** you can’t just say you want to run with me. This is three mornings in a row! I didn’t want to believe it was you, Mulder. I thought, ‘oh, no, he’d never do that to me; especially after my reactions the first two times.’ How wrong could I be? Just tell me, Mulder. I’m waiting.” “And, Scully, you’re going to keep waiting till you give me a chance to get a word in edgewise,” he says quietly as he approaches her, arms open at his sides. “Don’t give me that ‘open, trusting posture’, Mulder. I want an explanation.” Scully is still visibly angry and, although she has not lost control, she has lowered her voice level some. As he approaches, she backs away. She runs into something and stops. She turns slightly to get a look. It is a large driftwood log with several branches poking off it it toward one end. She sits down toward the end away from the branches and catches her breath. She wonders how many more mornings of getting up early, running and being caught off guard with Mulder her poor heart will take. He sits down next to her and swings his legs over the log until he is straddling it. He reaches one hand toward her, but says nothing. His eyebrows are raised and his head is tilted slightly to one side; a question, an invitation. RSVP? Scully lets the driftwood sword drop to the sand and looks at Mulder. She sees the sincerity in his eyes, makes note of his invitation, decides to RSVP. She turns to face him and holds his hand, “my reply is ‘yes’”, she smile. As she turns toward him and moves closer, he pulls her toward him until she has her back to him, his legs on either side of hers as she leans back against him. She holds his hands in hers and he places them on her thighs. Oh, God, how she wants to just melt into him. She knows it would take very little to do so. First things first, however. “Mulder, please help me understand why you follow me. I’m at a loss to figure out why you seem to get perverse pleasure out of scaring the wits out of me.” “Scully, do you honestly think that was my intent?” “Mulder, what am I supposed to think when it’s happened three days in a row? I mean, once, it’s kind of cute, twice it becomes annoying, three times, a little jail cell could be your new home.” “I just didn’t want to bother you. Oh, he!!, what am I saying. I just wanted to be with you.” Before they can continue, they glimpse someone in the stands of pine trees. The sun is starting to melt the fog, sending golden haze across the sand and water. “Muld—“ “Shh, Scully.” Mulder sits Scully up and then he gets off the log. He looks toward Scully, motioning with his finger to his lips. Mulder walks toward the trees. Scully watches his back and follows. As they near the trees, Ritter steps out, hands held up in front. “Ritter, what are you doing here?” Scully beats Mulder to the question. “I need to warn you both; Baines is very suspicious.” “What are you talking about? We’re supposed to have a relationship.” Mulder snarls, suspecting Ritter of who knows what. Scully walks toward Ritter and glances back at Mulder. “Tell us what you know, Agent.” “After you two left the dance, me, Don and Barbara were hanging around talking and dancing. Baines approached us and started out just chatting. He danced with Barbara and then stayed with us. He tried to be casual about it, but didn’t succeed. He asked me specifically who you are, Mulder. He was very interested in your background. He also wanted to know just how well you know Scully.” “What else do you think he knows or suspects?” Mulder asks. “He told us about a possible break in to his office suite during the dance; right before you showed up to crash the party. His words, not mine.” “Mulder, this isnt good. We better get back and figure this out.” Scully is clearly worried that their covers may be blown. “I can give you both a lift to town if you’d like.” Ritter offers. Mulder, ever the skeptic, declines for them both, “We’ll walk, thanks.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Heading Home “I just don’t get him, Scully. He’s after something, he’s dogging us. Then he’s playing Agent of the Year, tipping us off.” “I know, Mulder, I know. I have the same doubts and questions.” They’re walking along the beach; almost back to Cable Road. “What’s your read on Baines, Scully?” “Oh, he’s everything he claims to be medically; genuis, brilliant. There’s an edge there, though. He treats all staff with respect; I can feel the sincerity. But, it just doesn’t jive with what we suspect. I do think Ritter was really trying to warn us. Baines wasn’t exactly friendly to you, Mulder.” “I think we play this one by the book. Blowing our covers too early and calling in the big guns isn’t going to get the same results.” “Agreed.” The sun has really started to burn off the haze. The sunrise to their right over the water is almost complete. As they are talking, they don’t intially notice just how close the water’s edge they are. More accurately, how close to the water’s edge Scully is. “How about an early morning swim, Scully?” Mulder smiles playfully in her direction. He nudges her closer to the gentle white surf foaming near her feet. “Mulder, it’s April, it’s northern New England. Do you know how cold that water is? I’d be blue in an instant.” “Yes, you would be, wouldn’t you?” Mischief lights his face as his left arm is pushing her right arm. She is off balance and trying to push back. Since her arm does not provide enough leverage, she puts both hands on his hip and shoves him away from the water; and her. “Sccuuullllly; whoa. I really think a swim is just the thing. A nice, bracing, saltwater dip. Does a body good!” With that last statement, he comes up behind her, his hands on her shoulders, and tries to push her into the water. She digs her feet into the sand to stand her ground. An idea surfaces. She allows him to “push” her closer to the water. She pretends to be concerned, muttering plaintive cries about not wanting to get her hair and clothing wet. Mulder is buying it, “Scully, I can’t do much about your hair, but if you want to stop to remove your clothes, I’ll wait.” Scully seizes her advantage. She stops. Mulder lets her go. She pretends to pull her sweatshirt up over her head. Mulder is relaxed just enough. She drops her shirt, runs behind him. She puts her weight into his hips and sends him sailing into the water. He ends up running forward into the surf. Although he’s moving too fast to stop completely, he does manage to grab Scully’s hand so she joins him. They both end up sitting in the surf, totally drenched. The water is cold enough to bring goosebumps. “Mulder!” “Scully!” “Ok, Mulder, you truly are the king of the practical joke; I concede.” “Scully, remember, it’s me, Mulder; I know you don’t believe one word you just said. I’m thinking you need to lie back and get some rest.” He pushes her backwards so the water rushes over her. She quickly sits up, sputtering water at him. Mulder notices that her lightweight sweats are almost completely stuck to her body. “Mulder, I’m frozen. Please, let’s go get dry.” He pulls her into his arms to help “warm” her. From two cold, wet bodies, warmth ensues… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Saturday, 9A The two, very wet, Special Agents try to squeeze some of the water out of their clothing before walking on the hardwood floors of the house. Mulder reaches for the hem of Scully’s sweatshirt, “I could give you a hand, Scully.” “No thank you, Mulder, you’ve already ‘given’ me so much this morning already. I wouldn’t want to appear greedy.” With that, she heads inside and upstairs. Mulder follows. As he reaches his apartment, he calls out to her, “Scully, I’m going to run in and grab the information I copied from Baines’ file for you before you head up. Can you wait just a minute?” Scully waits in the hallway. Mulder returns and gives her the information he copied, “transfer substation 48hrs stat, subdermal temporal factor .08 solution”. “I can figure out the first part, Scully, but what the heck is a subdermal temporal factor in some weak solution?” Scully wrinkles the bridge of her nose as she puzzles the information. “Well, Mulder it looks to me as if Baines is using a specialized cloning solution to affect the temporal lobes of the patient’s brain. The temporal lobe is responsible for memory function. This solution may somehow be involved in enhancing its function. The 48 hour notation may be the time period the cloning factor needs to have an effect. The information though is not proof of anything; possibly assumptive. I need hard facts, Mulder. We’ve got to do better than this.” “Ok, how about I get cleaned up and head back over. You said Baines isn’t due in until late this afternoon. I’ll go see what I can find. We can get together downtown at lunchtime.” “Mulder, be careful. You know that Baines is suspicious already, but you don’t know if he merely suspects or already knows. If any of what I’ve heard and been warned about is accurate, you could be walking into a trap.” She places her hand on his arm and looks into his eyes. “Scully, you know I’m always careful. Ok, I take that back, you know I always try to be careful. Now, go take a hot bath, you’re freezing! Much as I’d love to warm you up, I know you’ll just say, ‘Mulder, we’ve got work to do’”. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Downtown, Saturday, 11:30A Scully decides to walk to Washington Street a little early and wait for Mulder to join her. The spring air is warm, but with that slight New England chill still in the air. This is turning into quite the case. She has been on stake outs with Mulder before, but this is their first long term undercover work. It has rejunvenated her interest in the Bureau. The closeness of their situation is not lost on her, either. She reflects that neither one of them is having any difficulty staying in character. The living situation is perfect. “Perfect” for what, Scully? She has wandered west on Washington and realizes she’s heading toward the outskirts of town. It’s almost noontime and she hasn’t seen the Cherokee anywhere. She dials Mulder’s cellphone, “the celluar customer you are trying to reach is not available.” Scully is at first angry that he left the phone off. She then experiences that sharp little pang of anxiety in her chest. It quickly moves to her throat. She is worried. While Mulder is not known for his punctuality, he’s been at RMH for over two hours. Unless he decided to perform surgery, there is no good explanation for his absence. She calls a cab. “Rye Mercy Hospital, as fast as you can get there.” “Easy lady, it’s only a ten minute ride. You must be from the big city, maybe New York?” The cabbie drones on, but Scully isn’t listening. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH, Saturday 11:30A Mulder is trying to open his eyes in the darkness. They will not open more than a fraction. They will not focus. He realizes he is blindfolded. His jaw is extremely hot and sore as he tries to move his mouth. The cloth pulled tightly between his lips and fastened behind his head does not allow much movement. He continues his situation assessment. His hands and feet are bound with something that feels like duct tape. He wriggles his fingers to regain some of the feeling in them. He is barefoot, but otherwise fully clothed. His ribs cause him to attempt to cry out whenever he tries to move. He leans against the wall, trying to stand. He slides back down the wall. Lying instead on his side, he pushes himself forward, trying to explore his captivity. “Scully’s going to be mighty hungry by the time I get out of here.” He tries to remember what happened. He went up to Baines’ office. He started looking through the doctor’s desk files this time. He heard someone coming and decided to leave. He went into the stairwell. The lights went out. Sounds behind him on the stairs. A couple of jabs to his ribs; one to his face. He is in this room. He’s pretty sure he’s in the hospital still. He can smell faint cleaning fluids and disinfectant. He tries to stand again on the other side of the room. This time, he makes it. He half jumps and half slides against the wall in search of the door or another exit. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH, Saturday, noontime Scully enters through a back, staff entrance and heads for the staff lounge. She is not sure where she wants to go first. She cannot imagine Mulder still upstairs after all this time. The lounge is specially shielded, allowing her use of her cellphone. She calls Field Agent Ritter. He has not seen Mulder today and expresses concern. He offers to assist Scully. She tells him she’ll be back in touch. Wondering where she would end up as the result of foul play, she heads for the basement. Ritter is not working today, so she knows she won’t run into him. Other than emergency lighting, the basement appears to be in a blackout. She tries the light switches. No change. She draws her weapon. She can hear the steam hissing in the overhead pipes. She can smell the disinfectants and cleaning fluids. She wants nothing more than to call out his name, but is afraid she may alert his assailants if they are still there. She finds Ritter’s office, but the door is locked. She moves farther down the hallway, feeling her way along. She reaches another door. It’s unlocked. She walks in, but the room is empty. She hears heavy footfalls in the hallway. Her breath catches in her chest. Her weapon is cocked. She walks back toward the door to the hallway. Raises her weapon to shoulder level and steadies the weapon with her other hand. The hallway is empty. She steps out. As she passes Ritter’s office again, she hears a heavy thud and a grunt. She wants to call Ritter for back up and his damn key. She decides to continue on her own. The door is only hollow core wood. If Mulder is in there, he may be able to hear something less than a yell. She whispers as loudly as she can, “Mulder, are you in there?” At first, she hears nothing. She calls his name again, a little louder. She hears someone up against the door. “Ulleeee. It’s eee.” “Mulder, I’m coming in, move away from the door now!” Deciding that freeing Mulder is a greater need than maintaining silence, she high kicks the center of the door. The second kick blasts the door in. She reholsters her weapon and runs to Mulder. She removes the blindfold and mouth cloth, touches his face gently. “Are you all right, Mulder?” She reaches gently for his carotid; checking his pulse. As she touches his forehead with the back of her hand, she notes he is warm, but does not appear to have a fever. She smooths his hair back, he winces and moans. “I’m sorry, Mulder, it seems like you’re pretty bruised.” She removes the duct tape from his wrists and ankles. “I’ve got to get you out of here, Mulder. Whoever put you here may still be in the area.” “Scully, I don’t know how well I can stand.” She pulls him to his feet and reaches an arm around his waist. He groans; she has touched his very sore ribs. “You’re not in such hot shape, Mulder.” “Is that your final medical assessment, Dr. Scully?” There is a laughter quality about his voice. Scully takes it as a good sign. “Mulder, lean on me, we’re getting out of here now.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RMH; Saturday, 4 Hours Ago “Baines, here.” “Roden’s on his way up to your office now, sir.” The lobby security guard calls upstairs. “You wanted to see me, Dr. Baines?” “Uh, yes, Roden. There seems to be a problem with security in my office. It’s clear to me that someone has entered when I wasn’t here. I’m guessing it may have been last night during the party.” “Do you want me to call on the local police, sir?” “No, no; that won’t be necessary. I wanted to get your impressions though. Unless it was one of our other new staff, the only outsider was Nurse Katz’s friend, Fox—quite the name, that, huh?” “Well, he was the only one here that wasn’t invited, but…” “Look, I want my locks changed and I want the place card access only from now on. See that no one but you, me, Nurse Katz and the receptionist have cards or the access code.” “I have some business to take care of.” Baines heads out. Ritter is quite concerned that Mulder’s cover is blown. Not that he gives a rat’s a$$ for him, but he could blow the entire case out of the water. Kersh would definitely not like that. Ritter heads off to warn Mulder and Scully. Not that Ritter would be able to stop what he already thinks Baines is setting in motion. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Saturday afternoon “Well, Scully, I guess hiking is out for this afternoon, huh?” Mulder winces slightly as Scully sits him on his bed. “Scully, I never thought bed could hurt so much.” “Mulder, just relax a little. You’re holding yourself tighter than a closed clam shell. Let me help you out of these clothes.” “I thought you’d never say that, Scully.” He mouth is smiling; his eyes are not. Scully notices how much pain he’s in. While helping Mulder heal is not a new experience for her, it still hurts to see him in pain; ever. She gently eases his pullover off. She then removes his shoes and socks. As she reaches for the button on his jeans waistband, he touches her arm. She looks up at him and smiles. “Mulder, would you rather do this yourself?” Already in pain, she does not wish to embarrass him. Although, with all they have been through together, there is little left unseen between them. “No, Scully, I need your help. It’s ok. I just hate that you have to do this. Because I’m hurt, that is…” As she helps him ease out of his jeans, she says, “Mulder, it’s not as if you brought this on. You are not responsible for this situation. As soon as I get you set, I’m off to find Ritter. I think he knows more than he’s letting on.” Scully lifts Mulder’s legs up onto the bed and pulls a blanket over him. She moves up to the head of the bed and lifts his head to adjust the pillow underneath him. “I’m going to get some ice for your ribs and face, Mulder.” She places a towel over his abs and lays the icebag on it. She takes an ice bag and places it on his forehead. As she moves away, he holds her hands. She gently squeezes his hands and looks into his eyes. She sees hurt, but she also sees something much deeper. Part of it is gratitude for her, part of it is that inexplicable bond between them. Their eyes lock. Anxious to find his attacker, Scully leans down and kisses Mulder; first on the cheek and them on his lips. She whispers, “Mulder, if you so much as entertain the thought of getting out of this bed for anything other than bodily functions, you are so dead.” “Scully, I promise to stay put if you promise to be very careful. You know my feelings about Ritter, but Baines is the unknown. I’d bet the farm he’s behind this. If he’s on to me…” “Mulder, how many times do I have to say it, shut up!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In Pursuit of Mulder’s Attacker, Saturday afternoon Brrrnnng. “Ritter.” “Ritter, meet me in the grove of trees at the edge of the Cable Road property as fast as yo can get her.” “Scully, I’m in the middle of something. Can we make it say, in an hour?” Scully is seeing red. “Ritter, I do not care WHAT you’re ‘in the middle of’ right now. If you’re not here in the five minutes I know it takes you get her, I will hunt you down. Do not make me any angrier than I already am.” Scully snaps the cellphone shut and heads outside. The day is beautiful; she has hardly had time to notice. She reflects that she could be spending a nice afternoon with Mulder instead of stalking about waiting for Ritter to show his sorry butt. Scully thinks as she watches him approach. “What did you want to talk to me about, Scully? I mean, it’s not like I don’t have a life you know. I was just about…” “Ritter, I don’t personally care what I caught you in the middle of. Mulder’s laying upstairs after having been beaten to within an inch of his life. What do you know about it? You took the time to find us this morning to tip us off to Baines’ suspisions; why?” Many looks are passing over Ritter’s face. Probably because many emotions are passing through him at the moment: Dana is beautiful when she’s flat out angry, he didn’t realize just how hurt Mulder could be, he really had nothing to do with what Baines set in motion, but he did have a very good sense that something was about to happen. Oh yeah, there is also the fact that once again, in spite of himself, he’s messed up. “Look, I don’t know who attacked Mulder. I was with Baines early this morning. He wanted to see me because he suspected someone had broken into his office. He was having the locks changed to card access and codes. I suggested he contact the local PD, but he just said he’d ‘take care of it’ himself. I guess I could have told you and Mulder a little more when I saw you. Look, I’m sorry, Scully.” Mulder has come out of the bathroom and heads for his window. He has been watching what looks like a very one-sided, heated interaction between Scully and Ritter. “That’s my girl.” Scully’s diminuative size in no way diminishes her ability to tackle the situation head on. Ritter looks as if he’s weasling and waffling; no surprise there. Back outside, Scully grabs Ritter’s wrist. “Look at me, Agent. I don’t know what your other agenda is, but you’re clearly not playing with the team, here. I have been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you’re sorely trying my patience. When Skinner hears about the latest development, you’ll be risking a pull-out. I suggest you reevaluate your goals, here.” “Skinner knows I’m capable or he wouldn’t have allowed me to work with you two. And Kersh—“ Ritter stops dead in his tracks when Kersh’s name falls from his mouth unintentionally. Mulder thought the discussion was going much better. He then notices that as Ritter appears to stop talking mid-sentence, Scully literally throws his wrist down by his side, places both hands on her hips, opens her mouth to speak and then closes it again. “Whoa, Scully Fury!” “What does Kersh have to do with this case, Ritter? Tell me!” “He probably notified Skinner that I had information.” “You’re not a very good liar, Ritter. I will find out what’s going on here.” With that statement, Scully quickly walks back to the house. Mulder quickly climbs back into his bed. He can’t wait to hear what Scully has discovered. By the look on her face, he’s going to want to pulverize Ritter. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mulder’s Apartment; Saturday Afternoon Scully storms into Mulder’s apartment. She is seething over Mulder’s attack and Ritter’s complicity. Her face is contorted with rage. Mulder, clothed only in his grey, cotton, knit, boxers, is standing in the doorway to his bedroom watching her pace; listening to her growl in frustration. He half- smirks, erasing the look before Scully sees it. She sees him. “Mulder, what are you doing out of bed?” She is not angry at him. She is very concerned about him. She is wondering why she is entertaining such inpure thoughts about Mulder in his grey cotton knit boxers when there are more urgent and pressing matters pushing them, “I’ll go back to bed Scully if you join me.” “Mulder, please, turn yourself right back around and get back in bed. I was coming in to talk to you anyway.” Mulder does as asked. Scully finds her eyes glued to his butt as he walks away from her. Those damn cotton boxers leave little to the imagination. She experiences a hot zing through her body and quickly tries to banish it. Mulder is back in bed, propped up against the pillows at the headboard. Scully admits he does seem to be recovering nicely. She sits crossed-legged on the bed, facing him. “Mulder, it appears that Baines is probably behind this attack. It makes some sense. He knows you’re not on staff, you crash the party, he thinks you were in his office, he knows about our connection.” “Scully, you’re probably right. The one question I have is what is Ritter’s connection. I was watching you two outside. You did not look like you’d choose him for your volleyball team.” “Mulder.” She smiles, “I thought you were supposed to be in bed?” “I was near my bed. I really wanted to go outside and send him a message where the sun don’t shine.” Mulder smiles sheepishly. “Now, back to my question about Ritter’s connection.” Scully shifts so she’s facing him more directly and has moved a little closer to him. “I just don’t know, Mulder. There’s something very questionable in his behavior. When he came to find us, he had already been with Baines. He never told us any of that. There’s more, Mulder, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” Mulder leans toward her, one hand on hers. “Talk to me Scully.” “I guess there’s no good way to say this, so here it is. Ritter’s somehow working with Kersh on this case. I don’t think he intended for me to know, because the name just dropped into our conversation.” Mulder is the picture of tightly coiled energy; anger and energy; anger and energy and extreme frustration. He is up out of bed. He is pacing. “Scully, this stinks! We’re being set up for a fall. We’re right back with the big boys manipulating, controlling, obfiscating.” “Much as I hate to admit it, I’m with you on this one, Mulder. Something’s not right here.” She is up off the bed and walks over to him. He’s looking out the window. The look in his eyes tells her he’s planning. Mulder at his best; grasping onto the situation, considering all the angles; heck, inventing extreme angles if need be, developing his finely honed strategy. “Mulder, what are you thinking?” She joins him by the large, picture windows. “I’m thinking we need to talk to Skinner. Do you have your cellphone on you? I seem to be missing my pockets right now.” He smiles at her. Scully grabs her phone. “Sir? Yes, our covers are intact, but I need to talk to you about Ritter.” “Agent Scully, what is the problem now? I thought the three of you were going to make this work. Is Agent Mulder providing provocation?” “No, sir, that’s not the issue. Agent Mulder has been attacked. No, he’s fine. We think Baines is behind it, but Ritter is smelling fishy. He mentioned Kersh.” “Kersh? In what way, Agent?” “Well, Sir, that’s what we were hoping you could help us with. Has the AD mentioned anything to you about Ritter?” “No, Agent Scully, I can’t say he has.” “Sir? That sounded awfully cryptic.” “Agent, I will do what I can, but I need you and Mulder to stay on top of this. You’ll need to forge a stronger relationship with Ritter to keep him focused.” Skinner hangs up. Mulder has heard bits and pieces. He reads Scully’s eyes; she is no longer angry, but she is definitely concerned about something. “What is it, Scully?” “I can’t shake the feeling, Mulder, that Skinner knows something he’s not telling us. He seemed more surprised that I thought there was a connection between Ritter and Kersh than he did that Kersh might be involved. He said we need to stay in top form.” Now that Mulder has his plan, he has moved on with this issue. His plan is simple, he will beat the tar out of Ritter while trying to coax him into providing information. In the meantime, Scully appears way too stressed. “C’mere, Scully.” He walks behind her. He places his hands on her shoulders and begins to message them. His touch is gentle at first. It is then more demanding. He moves from her shoulders to her back, using his thumbs and the pads of his fingers to rub and probe. “Mulder?” “Scully?” He moves her toward the bed. She sits down at the end. He moves onto the bed, kneeling behind her. He continues to massage her back and shoulders. She is trying very hard to relax without letting on how turned on she is becoming. She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from making any sounds that may be miscontrued. She manages to get out a sentence, “Mulder, I should be doing this for you.” “Yes you should, Scully, but I’m afraid a message could be a little painful at this point in my recovery.” Mulder continues his ministrations. His hands move to her neck and then her scalp. She lets her head roll forward. Scully’s cellphone chirps loudly. “Scully.” “Scully, it’s Ritter. You may want to come over to my apartment. Can’t say more here.” “I’m on my way.” “That was Ritter? What did he want?” “He seems to have some urgent information for me.” “I’m coming with you, just let me throw on my jeans.” Mulder is already half dressed. “Mulder, you really should rest. I can handle this.” “It’s not about whether or not you can handle it, Scully. It’s about my plan for Ritter. Now, he can make it easy on himself by being honest with us, or he can make it really fun for me…” Scully sighs. She sits down as Mulder finishes dressing. “Mulder, is there anything I can say to make you stay here?” “No.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ritter’s Apartment, Central Road, Late Afternoon Saturday Although the distance is negligable, Scully takes the Cherokee. Mulder is in no condition to walk it right now. Ritter’s apartment is just a street over from theirs’. Although smaller in size; bedroom sitting room and bath, it is also very old New England. “I didn’t know you’d be coming, too, Agent Mulder. Scully said you were pretty badly beaten.” Ritter has the good sense to appear contrite. Mulder says nothing. He knows Scully will get this started just fine. “Enough, Ritter. You called me; let’s have the information.” Ritter is pacing the short distance between Mulder and Scully in the sitting room. “I went over to my office at Mercy. When I got downstairs, I could hear Baines’s voice, as well as, someone’s voice I didn’t recognize. They were talking about the upcoming surgeries for this week. Scully, you know, the three patients Baines has assigned to you?” “How did you know about them, Ritter? I haven’t spoken to you about them and I can’t imagine why the Chief of Surgery would tell his Head of Maintenance.” “Ok, so I did some snooping. I’m an Agent too, you know.” “Oh, poor Ritter’s feeling left out; that it?” Mulder’s voice drips with undisguised sarcasm. “Contrary to what you believe about me Agent Mulder, I do want this case to conclude successfully. I have a lot riding on it.” “Not to mention the lives of the patients you care so deeply about, huh Rodent?” Mulder is gaining speed. “Ok, you two, enough! What do you know about these patients and how do you know it?” Scully once again pulls the focus back. “How I know it doesn’t really matter, does it?” Ritter pushes on before Mulder or Scully can reply. “What I heard is that we’re correct that the patients are sent into a holding warehouse of some sort for 48 hours once they’ve recovered sufficiently here. Their families are led to believe they are in intensive care with instructions for no visitors; not even family. That temporal solution; whatever it’s nature, is given intravenously right after surgery.” “Ok, so that sounds like our case is solved. Scully will be there to stop the IV solution, we follow them to the warehouse.” Even as Mulder says it, he knows the answer cannot be so simple. “Well, see, that’s where it gets weird.” Ritter has stopped pacing and joins Scully on the two-seater. She looks at him, eyebrow raised. “Define ‘weird’.” “One of the nurses who has worked closely with Baines and one of the newest nurses, Barbara Sullivan—“ “She’s the person I met at Orientation. She was with us at the dance.” “Yeah, Scully, that’s her. Anyway, she and the other nurse were talking about how ‘effective’ Baines is with his mind control. The long term nurse was talking about how she’s seen him do it for staff. She described how he places his hands on the shoulders and starts to chant. The person starts chanting with him and begins to look ‘glazed’; hey, their words, not mine!” Scully is looking dubious. She looks across at Mulder and sees that familiar look in his eyes. He’s doing a ‘brain search’, probably going through vast internal catalogues of cases and encyclopedic information to identify Baines’ methods. Sure enough, she is right. He has reached several conclusions and is about to share a few… His voice takes on that almost monotone, low-pitched, yet also, excited tone Scully is so accustomed to. “I bet it’s either some form of deep regression post- hypnotic suggestion, often practiced by psychologists and psychiatrists for those patients least likely to show progress with other, invasive or intensive methods OR it could be the lost British art of touch suggestiveness practiced at the turn of the century by nobles…” Mulder continues. Scully and Ritter look at each other. Scully takes a deep breath and stops Mulder. “Mulder, we have our smoking gun; the solution. Now, we need to get a sample to identify its actual chemical make up and its path of action. From there, I’ll be able to contact the labs to help with an antidote. I hardly think that looking for some paranormal connection is going to help.” Ritter is watching the volleys. “Are either one of you going to concede to the other, or, better, come up for air? It sounds to me like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” Mulder stands and, in one stride, is face-face with Ritter. “Before you rush us off, Rodent, I need to know what Kersh has to do with this case and, with you!” “Where did you hear anything about Kersch, Mulder? Too much oxygen deprivation to the brain?” Before Scully can intervene, Mulder punches Ritter square in the mouth. He is about to swing again when Scully steps up behind him and touches his arm. She then leaves the apartment. “Ritter, I’ve got your number, had it from the start. You’re doing nothing to prove me wrong. You don’t want to mess with me; do you hear me? You’ve jeopardized all of us. Scully has to assist Baines with those surgeries. If you have, in any way, put her in danger—again—you will not live to try to make it right this time.” As Mulder leaves the apartment, he shoves Ritter into the two- seater. Ritter reaches up to touch his now sore face and bloody nose. Mulder finds Scully sitting in the passenger seat of the Cherokee. He heads to the driver’s side. “Hey, you’re going to let me drive this thing?” Mulder feels great; he’s set things straight; for now. Scully smiles inwardly, “Mulder, you’ve been dying to drive this thing and have had very little opportunity. Let’s go get some food for dinner and go back to my place.” “I thought you’d never ask, Scully!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Scully’s Apartment, Saturday Night As they pull into the driveway, Mulder notices that Scully has been staring out the window for the last 10 minutes. “You ok, Scully?” “Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired; actually exhausted, and hungry. It’s been a long day.” Mulder grabs the chinese take-out and they head for the house. “Can we take the elevator just this once, Mulder? I don’t think my legs will make it up the stairs!” Mulder smiles and heads for the elevator. Now that they’re moving, Scully seems a little more awake. The smell of dinner is rousing her. Once inside the elevator, Scully moves to stand close to Mulder. “Hmmm, something smells very good.” “Can’t you wait till we get up to your place, Scully?” Mulder asks, softly laughing. “You know, Mulder, I don’t think I can. I’m just soooo hungry.” She takes the two cartons from his hand and presses the “stop” button on the elevator panel. She is standing only inches from him. Mulder’s lips part slightly; he is very surprised. “Scully? If you’re hungry, leaving the food on the floor won’t help you feel satisfied.” Scully shakes her head playfully from side to side. “No, Mulder, it won’t help me feel ‘satisfied’. I actually had a little something else in mind to feed my current hunger.” She places one hand on either side of his waist against the wall. She looks into his eyes. “Mulder, this has been a very hectic and frustrating day, wouldn’t you agree?” Not sure where this is leading, but very much interested in finding out where, he replies slowly, “Yes, Scully, I guess I would say I agree.” She places one hand on his chest and he draws in a breath sharply. “Mulder, do you believe—“ He is trying hard to focus on her question but his concentration is having trouble hearing, . “—do you believe that the human mind is capable of blocking out all else but physical sensation? That it can, let’s say, forego contemplation of the more spiritual, the metaphysical, the emotional? I mean, would you say that’s theoretically possible?” Mulder decides that a: if she doesn’t stop now, he will not be responsible for his actions, b: she is driving him mad and c: damn she’s hot when she’s commanding and theoretical. “Scully, where is all of this coming from? A mere few minutes ago, you were exhausted and starving. Now, you’re arousingly contemplative. Care to enlighten me?” She takes her hands away from him and walks to the other side (two feet away) of the elevator. “I’m sorry, Mulder, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” She picks up the food and reaches for the 2nd floor button. Before she can push it, his hand is on hers. “Back up the truck there, Scully. Just what do you think you’re doing? You can’t start this and then just let it go.” She backs away again. “It’s just that you looked as if I was upsetting you. I wouldn’t want to do that to you, Mulder. I mean, first you end up drenching wet in the ocean, then you’re attacked, then you had to deal with Ritter. I should have realized I’d be expecting too much.” She feigns disinterest, all the while surreptiously watching him. She glances downward and notices that she has ‘indeed’ upset him…She turns to face the door, arms folded against her chest. “Oh, I wouldn’t say ‘upset’ is the right word Ms. Katz…” Mulder comes up behind her, grabs her by the upper arms and turns her to face him. He backs her into the wall of the elevator. He whispers very close to her ear, still holding her upper arms, “What are you up to, Scully?” He looks into her blue eyes. He smiles that half smirk, lopsided smile. She is having trouble holding up her end of the game. That damn smile… He uncrosses her arms and places her hands on his hips. He lightly kisses her lips. It is sometimes like this after a rough case or prolonged heavy schedules. Today qualifies as ‘one of those days’ for both of them. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Brief Interlude; Scully’s Apartment, Saturday Night The two Agents devour their dinner quitely. Scully has put on the evening news. They sit, very domestically, at the oak dining room table eating Chinese food out of cartons. Mulder decides to give chopsticks a try just one more time. His long fingers intermingle with the sticks making “X’s”. He manages to secure a large piece of chicken, but the grains of sticky rice lay scattered in clumps on the table and on him. Scully covers her chuckle by going to get them something to drink. “So, Scully, which shift do you have tomorrow?” “Second shift; at least I get to sleep in some.” “Don’t forget your run, Nurse Katz.” Mulder mumbles as he forks some snow pea pods into his mouth. “I am not running tomorrow, Mulder. You remember, ‘and on the seventh day, he rested.’?” “You said, ‘he’, Scully. That still leaves you.” “No run, Mulder. You’ll just have to find another way to interrupt me tomorrow! They finish eating. “Well, Mulder, time to ship out, hit the road, put an egg in your shoe and beat it, take a burger with that shake.” < WHAT am I saying? Have I lost it?> Mulder has been silently watching her reel out the cliches. He is amused. He doesn’t often get to see this side of Scully. Hell, he didn’t even know this side existed! “Ok, Scully, I think you’re trying to tell me you need your beauty sleep.” PUNCH! “Scully, I didn’t mean it like that. You hurt me! Remember, I’ve already been attacked once today?” “Goodnight, Mulder.” “How about a goodnight Mulder kiss?” Scully kisses two fingers and puts the fingers up to his lips. She pulls them away before he can react. “Your goodnight Mulder kiss.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sunday, Noontime, Landlady Luncheon “Scully.” “Hey, Scully, it’s me. Do you smell something good?” “Mulder, why are you calling me on my cellphone when you’re right downstairs?” “Scully, I think someone’s making us lunch and it’s not me! Get your little self down here right now!” Mulder hangs up. Scully just shakes her head at the now dead phone and heads downstairs. Mulder is coming out of his apartment as Scully reaches it. She is dressed for work. “So what are you up to this afternoon, Mulder?” He’s bounding down the stairs behind her, “I don’t know yet, Scully. I was thinking about checking the area for that warehouse Baines might be using. Is Ritter on shift with you today?” “Check the area about 5 miles from Mercy. I think I remember seeing an open field while I was driving through there the other day. And yes, Ritter is on shift with me. What are you up to, Mulder?” Just as he is about to answer her, they reach the parlor. Sandy Bell is waiting for them, apron wrapped around her waist. “Glad I finally get to meet my new tenents! Hope you’re finding everything to your liking. C’mon in and have a seat. The kitchen’s the coziest place to eat, I think.” “It smells like Saturday lunches from my childhood.” Scully says with a smile on her face. Sandy brings over 3 calico print placemats, 3 white porcelain plates and soup bowls and some spoons. Mulder is smiling ear to ear. Scully can’t tell if he’s just happy or deliriously hungry. She admits to herself that her mouth is watering. Sandy sets down a large porcelain soup pot filled with tomato soup with homemade croutons on top. She sets down a platter of piping hot grilled cheese sandwiches cut in half diagnolly. The two Agents and Sandy help themselves, eating in companionable silence for some time. Sandy breaks the silence. “So, Dana, you’re working with Dr. Baines, I hear, over at Rye Mercy.” “Yes. We have 3 surgeries scheduled this week. Do you know him well?” Scully is thinking that Sandy could be a great resource since she volunteers at RMH. Sandy pauses briefly; the Agents can’t tell if she’s just reflecting or trying to figure out how to answer the question posed. “Hmm, Dr. Baines is, uh, well, I don’t often get to Med/Surge. Sorry, I’m rambling! Well, if you’ve heard he’s nice; he is. If you’ve heard he’s quite the ladies’ man; that is he, too!! He is truly wonderful with his staff, but he’s also, let’s say, raised and lowered the old hospital beds in the on-call room a few times more than I can count. Some of the women staff seem to find him irresitable. As for his medical prowess, that’s beyond reproach.” Sandy smiles, somewhat weakly. Mulder, ever the observant one, finds a mismatch between her words and her smile. Scully, making the same observation, presses on, “Sandy, you must have heard the stories about what has happened to some of his patients after they’re released. Do you think there’s any truth to the stories?” While Sandy contemplates, Mulder is leaving no sandwich half uneaten. Scully shoots him a side glance and smiles. “Well, I guess, yeah, I have heard the stories. They do make me wonder. I mean a few very reputable staffers have mentioned it; you know, hushed whispers and all. I guess I don’t pay them much mind. He’s always been very nice to me.” She blushes. Scully looks at her watch and starts to get up. “Sandy, thanks so much for lunch! It brought back warm memories of little girl Saturdays. I’ve got to run or I’ll be late for my shift. I’ll be quiet when I come on later tonight.” “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’ve been staying off with a friend and will probably be there most of this week, too. I’m on third shift tonight, so I’ll probably catch you as you’re leaving.” Sandy heads into the kitchen and starts cleaning up. Mulder walks Scully to the Cherokee. “So, what do you make of all that, Scully?” “I just don’t know, Mulder. We keep getting the same kind of ‘definite/not definite’ information about him. I guess, though, that I’ve slipped under his ‘womanizing’ radar!” Mulder pouts, “You sound disappointed about that Scully!” She smiles as she gets into the truck. She lowers the window as she starts the ignition. Mulder is leaning up against the door. she reaches through the open window and grabs his shirt, pulling him toward her. “Mulder, be careful, behave yourself and be waiting for me when I get home.” Before he can say anything, she pushes him away, raises the window and backs out of the driveway. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital, Sunday, 4P, Dr. Baines’ Office “Dana, please, come right in. I’ve sent the receptionist on a long break.” Art Baines stands up to offer Scully a seat. Scully is having a hard time =not= thinking about all of the comments she has been hearing about Dr. Baines. “So, how did you find your patient visits?” “Well, a few things struck me. One: the similarity in how their cases present, two: how different they are in race, gender and age, and three: the fact that none of them have families.” Scully tries to relay the response neutrally; no raised eyebrows, hands in her lap, relaxed posture. She hopes it is convincing. Dr. Baines looks at her thoughtfully and smiles, “I can see why they recommended you to me for this position. You’re everything your file promised!” “I’m a little confused. I wasn’t aware that I was recommended to you.” Scully is treading lightly, but hoping to learn more information. Dr. Baines is hoping to learn more about Dana… “Well, Dana, when this position became available, I asked some of my friends from New York to make some calls. It’s one of those ‘friend of a friend’ things. Someone called someone who knew someone and, well, you know how it goes! I heard about your work at Quantico. You’re just what I was hoping to find!” He smiles broadly and rises. Scully is thinking he’s closing their meeting, but, is also very concerned. This is a new development. While she is sure that the Deep Missions Office has planted all of the information his ‘friend of a friend’ scenario discovered, he’s hit a little too close to home. She starts to stand, as well. Instead of approaching her, he walks past her and closes the door. She hears the ‘click’ of the lock. He places a hand on her shoulder, motioning her to follow him. He is now walking slightly behind her, guiding her. He places his hand in the small of her back. She moves just enough so that his hand loses contact with her body. They have walked into a back room area that is set up much like a living room; soft, plush, dimly lit. “Have a seat, Dana.” He sits close to her on the couch. “So, what do you like to do when you’re not working? Do you spend much time with that party crasher friend of yours, Fox?” Scully is becoming very uncomfortable and her senses are on full alert. She is too close to making a discovery for their case and doesn’t want to risk blowing her cover. However, she is not sure how far Baines will take this situation. “Oh, I like to run, explore. I’m enjoying getting to see more of Rye and the surrounding areas.” She avoids mentioning Mulder, hoping Baines will let it drop. He does. Seemingly satisified with her lackluster response, he moves on; literally. He places an arm across her shoulder. She doesn’t move his arm away. “Art, what about you, what are your interests? I mean, I know about your general practice area, but how did you get into it?” He interprets her question as a sign that she is comfortable with the situation. He moves closer while answering, “Well, Dana, I’ve always been interested in the working of the brain and, subsequently, the mind. I’ve done quite a bit of ‘supplemental’ reading in the area of higher thought processes and forms of communication. A little bit on telepathy, auto-suggestions, etc. Fascinating stuff; don’t you think?” Scully starts to open her mouth to reply. Baines places his other hand quickly on her other shoulder and kisses her lightly on the mouth. She pulls away abruptly, taking his hands off her shoulders and stands. “Art, I don’t think this situation is appropriate.” Scully tries to muster as much calm reserve as she can. She must extricate herself without offending him if she is to continue this case. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ One half hour earlier, Rye Mercy Hospital Mulder has come to Mercy to gather informal information about Baines after heading out to check out the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Even though he knows that Baines’ office has been changed over to a key card system, he has found a way around it. He notices that the door to the reception area is closed. This end of the hall is deserted and very quiet. He hears voices; Baines and Scully. It is not difficult to hear almost their entire conversation. Mulder listens carefully. The conversation seems to stop. He hears the lock being set from the inside and he experiences a sense of forboding. He strains to listen, but their voices are receeding. They are no longer in his office area. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back in Baines’ Office She starts to walk back into the outer office area; appearing to take her time, but move confidently. As she reaches the receptionist area, she discreetly unlocks it, but does not open it. “Dana, I’m sorry if I startled you, but I can’t believe you don’t feel the attraction, too.” “Art, I don’t know what to say. I’m enjoying working with you. Maybe we can talk some more over an early dinner downstairs?” She is hopeful he will not take this as the ‘grand brush-off’. Mulder is right outside the door, listening. He does not want to storm in. It is obvious that Scully is handling the situation. He remains partly because of his sworn duty to watch his partner’s back and a lot partly because of who his partner is and what she means to him. Dr. Baines pauses and seems to be considering Scully’s offer. He walks closer to her. In one very quick move, he is in front of her, his hands on her wrists rather tightly. He moves her away from the door, his face very close to hers. “I’d love to have an early dinner with you, Dana. But, you do know that appetizers come first, don’t you?” Before she can respond, he places both hands on her face and begins to kiss her deeply. She is in the midst of pushing him away when the door opens. Mulder grabs Baines, who is very distracted by his attempt to kiss Scully. A well- placed knee to the groin causes Baines to bend over, holding himself, and head for the back room. The door slams shut behind him. The deadbolt is thrown. Mulder takes Scully by the hand and leads her out into the hall and to the stairwell.. Scully takes a few deep breaths and leans against the wall of the stairwell. “Scully, are you all right?” Mulder’s face is lined with concern and care for her. “I’m ok, Mulder; he just caught me off guard. I didn’t believe he’d actually try that!” “Scully, you’re just way too trusting. I keep telling you that…” “Yeah, you do, Mulder and it’s got to stop!” Mulder is watching Storm Scully develop and he has no idea who seeded the storm clouds. “Whoa, Scully, what did I say?” She is absently rubbing her wrists, trying to shake off the feeling of Baines hands on her. “Mulder, I am perfectly capable of judging others and my situation. I was right by the door, I had unlocked the door, it was broad daylight. Is that enough for you, Mr. Overly Protective?” She really doesn’t want to be angry with him, but she is torn. She was in control of the situation. She knows he cares deeply for her and was afraid for her. “Just back off!” The words come out rather harshly before she can stop them. To attempt to save face and give him breathing room, she starts down the stairs. He is right behind her. “Scully, wait!” “Mulder, just let me go. Go check on that warehouse. I’ll see you home later.” He continues to follow, hoping that she will talk to him. “Scully, just stop. I need to set this right with you.” He reaches out to try to touch her shoulder. She freezes in the stairwell and turns to glare at him. “Mulder, what part of ‘let me go’ did you not understand?” She continues down the stairs, leaving him standing there. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Warehouse; Sunday night Mulder heads to the parking lot, stopping occasionally to check on Scully. She is in the hospital lobby. She walks back and forth for a short distance, then stops, arms folded tightly cross her chest. She then begins walking back and forth again; stopping to fold arms across her chest. Mulder can recognize Angry, Fuming, Frustrated Scully when he sees her. He wants nothing more than to try to comfort her, but he knows from experience that she needs her space right now. Mulder starts the Cherokee and heads out to the warehouse. The sun has just about set; it’s twilight. He approaches the warehouse from the open field area. The area appears very run down. It is hard to tell what this place may have been previously. He is able to park right by the door. It is unlocked; surprisingly. He pulls his flashlight out and heads inside. The main entryway looks like some many thousands of other warehouses he and Scully have visited. He spots a stairway farther back and to the right. He heads toward it. He spies a faint light source at the top of the stairs. It appears to be framing a slighlty open doorway. When he reaches the top of the stairs, he turns off the flashlight and reaches for his weapon. He moves against the wall to the lit doorway, weapon trained on the opening. He does a quick sensory sweep; there are no unusual smells, the light appears to be a simple incandescent bulb, but there is a faint clanging of metal on metal coming from within. He does not hear any voices. He moves quickly and silently to the other side of the door frame to enter from the side closest to the hinges. As he pushes the door open, he hears the voice, “Oh no, not again, please!” The plaintive cries are coming from farther inside the room. “Hey, it’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you.” Mulder tries to reassure the unseen male. “No! Don’t come any closer! I don’t want anymore, send me back!” Mulder follows the voice. He enters a well-furnished and carpeted room. There is a young man, probably in his 20s, sitting in a club chair with chains around his wrists and ankles. His head is entirely bandaged and his eyes are wide. He looks badly frightened. “I’m Fox Masters. Are you all right?” The young man looks at Mulder as if he’s sizing him up. “Um, I’m Jeremy Hudson. I’m ok, I think, but then again, I don’t really know.” Mulder pauses. He remembers that name. “Jeremy, aren’t you a patient at Rye Mercy Hospital?” “Uh, I was, I mean, I am, I think. How did you know that?!” Jeremy is once again agitated, questioning Mulder’s motives. Mulder notices the effect his question has had on Jeremy. “Jeremy, it’s ok! I’m new in town and so is my part--, my friend, Nurse Katz? You remember her from Mercy?” Jeremy smiles faintly. “Yeah, Nurse Katz is pretty hot. You live with her or something?” “Or something, Jeremy. Now, let’s get back to you. What are you doing here?” “I’m not sure. Dr. Baines told me my surgery had been pushed up to Monday. Then on Saturday, two orderlies came and told me the doc wanted me moved. I thought I was just going to another room. They brought me here for some pre-op treatment. I thought it was pretty weird; especially being brought to this place.” Mulder is starting to piece things together. “Jeremy, were you given any medication while you’ve been here; a shot, a pill, something?” “Yeah, I mean, he gave me a shot, but it didn’t seem to do anything at all; didn’t feel any different, didn’t fall asleep. Just one weird thing…” Jeremy’s eyes scrunch a little, as if he’s looking far away, trying to remember something just out of reach. “What is it, Jeremy?” “Well, I got here on Saturday, right? I got one shot on Saturday and one today. Well, tonight, I started thinking that maybe I was the doc. I would all of a sudden start to think about prepping patients for surgery. As soon as I would wonder why I was thinking it, it would go away.” “When was the last time anyone came here to see you, Jeremy?” Mulder is worried about Jeremy’s emotional and nutritional state. Mulder pulls out his cellphone. “Scully.” “Dana, it’s me. You need to get to the warehouse right away. I think there’s someone here you need to see now. Bring your medical bag.” “Mulder, what are you talking about? How am I going to get there, you have the Cherokee?” “Dana, you’ll fnd a way. Jeremy Hudson wants to see you.” Mulder disconnects, confident that Scully will come. Mulder tells Jeremy he will return. He heads downstairs to meet Scully. He finds himself quite angry when he sees who has arrived with her. “How did you expect me to get here, Mulder? They don’t exactly have buses running out here.” Mulder bites back his response, thinking of Jeremy alone, upstairs. “Hey, Fox, Dana tells me you’ve had a breakthrough?” Ritter walks between Mulder and Scully. He seems quite pleased with himself for getting to bring Scully. “Let’s not stand here talking about it. Jeremy is waiting.” Mulder leads the way to the lit room. Scully instantly goes over to Jeremy to check his vitals. Other than hunger and emotional strain, his vitals appear strong. He recounts what he has already told Mulder. Scully’s eyebrow raises and she pushes the hair back from her face. “Fox, we’ve got to get Jeremy out of here right away. Ritter, he’ll need to stay with you for the short term.” Scully, being directive and in control. Ritter starts to open his mouth to protest, but decides against it. Ritter pulls some tools from his best and removes the shackles from Jeremy’s wrist and ankles. “Look, Jeremy, we’re going to make sure everything is ok for you to go back for your surgery. In the meantime, you’re going to go home with our friend, Mr. RoDen. He’ll get you some clothes, food and a bed. I don’t want you to worry. Your health is fine.” Scully smiles at her patient trying to reassure him. “What about those weird ‘doc mind’ things that are happening to me?” Scully looks questioningly at Jeremy and Mulder, sensing that her partner knows something about this. Mulder speaks first, “don’t worry about that Jeremy. It might just be your medication. Nurse Katz will check into it for you. Tonight, you just eat and sleep!” Jeremy and Ritter head out to Ritter’s car. “Mulder, what’s the doc…” Before Scully can finish her question about Jeremy, Mulder touches her shoulder. “Scully, I’m really sorry about the scene at Mercy.” He looks intently at her. She smiles at him, “I’m sorry too, Mulder. I guess I overreacted. It’s just that I need you to know the difference between caring about me and trying to ‘save’ me. I know you’d lay your life down for me, Mulder, and I’d do the same for you. I just need you to know that sometimes small packages can pack a wallop.” Just to prove her point, she punches him in the arm and sprints to the Cherokee. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Monday, Rye Community College, 9A After a quick call to Ritter to make sure Jeremy is doing ok, Mulder is off to teach his first psychology class. He and Scully will meet at lunchtime to discuss Dr. Baines, Jeremy, and all of the other loose ends of this bizarre case. As Mulder pulls into the parking lot at RCC, he notices a lot of students heading toward the Humanities Building. He joins them and locates lecture hall room 148. The classroom is empty. He has one half hour before his class begins. He sets up his laptop for his presentation and begins to review his notes. He is so absorbed in his reading that he doesn’t notice the time, nor, the first wave of students entering the small lecture hall. “Excuse me? Um, excuse me, Professor Masters?” A small group of students are standing at his desk, waiting for his acknowledgement. Mulder looks up quickly and removes his glasses. “I’m sorry! I hope you haven’t been standing here long?” The group of students look at him. The women in the group are blushing. One man speaks first, “We’re just wondering if we’ll need to talk notes or anything today. I mean, I’d probably have to borrow and pen or something if we do.” Mulder smiles at them and simply says, “Why don’t you all have a seat and we’ll get started.” They seem to scurry up the steps to take their seats. “Good morning, class. I’m Professor Masters. I’ll be here for this week and next. Your professor has asked me to talk to you about body language.” Before Mulder can finish his introductory speech, he hears a comment from the front row, “I’d like to talk to you about your body and the language I’d like to make it speak.” The woman who made the comment smiles. The women on either side of her, obviously friends, whisper, “Shh, Kat, he’ll hear you!” Too late…He feels his neck warm slightly. He continues, acting as if he has not heard the comment. “Today, we’re going to explore the messages conveyed through facial expression. Who can give me some examples of facial features that communicate?” A woman in the second row stands. “I’m Eris. I think that the eyes communicate.” Mulder nods in agreement, “So, Eris, tell us how the eyes communicate. What can they ‘say’?” “They can express sadness, joy, simply by the way they move or the direction in which they move. Eyes down can mean contriteness or sadness. They can show extreme joy or arousal when they dilate. That’s one way to know that someone is returning your feelings of extreme joy.” She sits back down. Her friends pat her on the back and smile. “Yes, Eris, the eyes do speak volumes.” “How about someone else? Yes, you in the back.” “Hello, I’m Carrie, but my friends call me ‘Aussie’. I’d say that the mouth communicates, even when no words are voiced. The mouth can be a very powerful communicator. It can also be used as a strong sensory organ. I’d be glad to demonstrate, if you want me to?” Mulder is wondering whether Ritter set him up for this class! He has to pull it back to his lesson plan. “Um, thank you, too, Aussie. Sit back down, I mean, have a seat.” Mulder is tripping over his words. He turns on the laptop presentation and begins to talk about the possiblities for match and mismatch between the spoken and the non-spoken word. He notices that most of the students are busily taking notes. He also notices that some of the women are non-verbally communicating extremely lustfull looks in his direction. “Ok, class, next week, we’ll be doing some role playing. If anyone has any questions before we end this session?” Not one hand rises. They are non-verbally communicating the “if anyone speaks now, they’re dead” mantra. “Class dismissed.” Eris, Aussie, Kat and her friend, Raine, come down the steps and approach Mulder’s desk. It is Eris that speaks first, “Umm, Professor Masters, we were wondering if you’d like to join us for a cup of coffee in the Student Center?” Aussie is batting her eyelashes at him and Eris is smiling so broadly, he’s concerned she will get a facial muscle cramp. Kat and Raine are merely staring. “Well, ladies, as much as I’d love to take you up on your nice offer, I’ve got lecture notes to transcribe. Thank you, though.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lunch at RMH Cafeteria, Noontime Scully is on line when Mulder joins her. She is chatting with Barbara and Don. “Hey, Dana; how was your morning?” “Pretty busy, Fox. I’ll tell you about it when we sit down.” Scully grabs a salad, some soup and an apple. Mulder surprisingly takes a turkey sandwich and some soup. “Fox? Are you feeling all right?” Scully smiles and laughs good naturedly. Scully tells Barbara and Don she’ll talk with them later and heads over to the far corner to join Mulder. Nodding in Scully’s direction, Don says, “There’s something going on between those two. Did you see the way Dana looked at him when he came in? I’d swear they’re much more than good friends.” “A little jealous, Don? I didn’t know you had the hots for her. Better back off. Baines is next in line, I think. Right after that maintenance guy, Rodent is it?” “So Mulder, how did your first class go? Any cute co-eds?” Mulder’s face gets a little hot as Scully zeroes in on his first class. “It went okay, Scully. Have you heard how Jeremy’s doing today?” Mulder quickly changes the subject. The look on Scully’s face tells him she caught his subterfuge, but allowed it. “Ritter says Jeremy’s fine physically. The memory effects Jeremy alluded to seem to have ended. I’m guessing he hadn’t been given enough of whatever drug was being used to induce the full effect. One thing bothers me, Mulder.” “Just one, Scully? Usually, you’d have a whole list of implausible scenarios, unsubstantiated theories—“ “Mulder, shut up!” She smiles and continues, “This does not seem to be an X- File at all. Sure, we don’t know what drug has been used, but that’s not a mystery; it’s just unknown at this time. There are many drugs which can effect the memory in a vast array of methods. Why, there’s the—“ “Scully?” “I know; shut up.” “I agree with you though. Everything here seems pretty clear cut. Except for why Baines needs to make the memory change and why he chooses patients with the common variables.” “Paging Nurse Katz to Dr. Baines’ office stat, paging Nurse Katz….” “Damn! What do you think he wants?” “How was he this morning?” “He wasn’t here; he called in sick.” Scully giggles and Mulder loves the sound of her laugh. “What’s so funny, Scully?” She tries to be more serious. “Mulder, a doctor calls in to a hospital to say he can’t work because he’s sick; get it?” She once again breaks out in a fit of giggles. Mulder is laughing with her, but doesn’t quite get the depth of her joke; at least not in the way it’s affecting her. “If he’s not here, then how can he page you, Scully?” “I’m going to check and be right back.” Scully heads for the house phone. Mulder can see her nodding and talking. She returns. “They don’t know who paged me and they confirm he’s not in today.” Scully gets up and picks up her tray. As she’s heading for the tray drop off, Mulder comes up behind her. “Scully, I’m going to head up the stairwell and just ‘be available’, ok?” She considers telling him she doesn’t think it’s necessary and then decides not to protest. He’s following SOP; one Agent always backs up the other. As Scully approaches Baines’ office, she notices the door is open. She glances to the left, toward the stairwell door, and sees Mulder’s face in the small window in the door. She nods to him and then heads in. “Oh, hello, Dana, come in.” It is the receptionist. “Can I help you with something?” “Um, yeah. I just got paged to Art’s office, but he’s out today. Do you know who paged me?” Scully looks around and sees that his office and the room behind it are both dark. “Nooo, I don’t know who would have paged you. I’m the only one up here and have been for the last hour. Are you sure they said it was Dr. Baines?” “I’m positive. Look, if you don’t mind, I’m going to just check out the back rooms.” “Sure, go right ahead, if you want. I think someone’s playing a joke on you, though. Hey, do you mind if I just run down to grab a take out lunch?” “No, no, go ahead. I’ll grab the phone if it rings.” Scully heads into Baines’ office first and switches on the light; no one there. She then heads for the back room where Baines put the moves on her previously. She is about to reach for the light switch when she feels a hand on her wrist. She gasps, startled. Before she can ask any questions, another hand covers her mouth. The door is kicked shut. “Don’t move, Dana, everything is ok. It’s just me.” She recognizes the voice and bites the hand covering her mouth. In one swift motion, she yanks her wrist free. “Ritter! Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she says indignantly. “Scully, quiet. I had to talk to you privately and-“ “Any your basement office was so public, you were afraid everyone would see us, so you chose the high profile Med/Surge Chief’s office and had me paged by him and he’s not here today! What the hell is your game, Agent?” Ritter begins to sweat; a lot. “I needed to tell you that Jeremy is ok and—“ Scully is not yet ready to back down. “You already told me he’s fine. Is he more fine now, Ritter? You know, Mulder was right, you’re a rodent!” She gets up to leave. Mulder comes walking in as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. He has heard the entire exchange. He is smiling; but his eyes are not. Ritter stands. He paces, attempting to find a way out of the room. Mulder’s long and lanky frame is clearly blocking Ritter’s exit. “Not so fast, Rodent. Just what do you get if you dig up something on me and Agent Scully, huh? Do you get promoted? Do you get assigned to the DC field office? Do you get a commendation? Picture those career altering rewards. Now, picture them non-existent. If I were to call Kersh and Skinner right now, your sorry ass would be hauled out of here so fast, you little whiskers would be twitching in the wind. Get your sorry ass out of here now before I do something you and Scully might regret. Notice I didn’t say I’d regret it…” Ritter hightails it out of the office just as the receptionist comes back with her lunch. “Oh my, where did he come from? Did something need fixing I didn’t know about?” Mulder and Scully head for the stairwell and head home. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rodent with Tail between Legs; Monday “Ritter.” “Agent Ritter, AD Kersh here. What do you have to report?” “Well, sir, we’ve found out that Baines is using some type of mind or memory altering drug on his patients. We were able to—“ “Agent Ritter, I’ve already heard that information from AD Skinner. Agents Mulder and Scully have already reported in. What have you learned about inproprieties between the two Agents?” Ritter is flustered. He has tried to arrange situations or to appear where he is not invited. All he has gained is Mulder agony. “Agent? I’m waiting for your report.” “Well, Sir, they are extremely friendly.” “Ritter, listen to me and listen well. You are on a short leash. I am well aware of the friendship connection between the Agents. Hell, the whole f****** world is aware of their friendship. You had specific instructions. You know what is resting on your successful completion of your case. Have I made myself clear? Is there anything you wish to report?” “No, Sir. I mean, ‘yes, Sir’, I understand what is riding on my work and ‘no, Sir’, I have nothing to report.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ Trying to Tie Up Loose Ends; Monday Night, 6P The evening air still holds a slight warm spring hint. It’s staying light much longer. Mulder and Scully walk out onto the patio and watch as the sun starts sinking toward the horizon; just over the water’s edge. “I’m going to check in with Skinner, Mulder. He hasn’t contacted either of us in a few days.” “Can’t it wait? Aren’t you tired?” “Yes, I’m very tired, but I think we need to get this over with. Don’t you think Ritter’s reporting in to Kersh? Why leave Skinner in the dark?” Mulder exaggeratedly hangs his head down. “Sir? We wanted to check in with you. I’m more sure than ever that Ritter has another agenda with this case.” She explains the recent developments to Skinner. “We’ve taken Jeremy out of the hospital; he’s safe. I don’t find any evidence of the paranormal with Dr. Baines. No, Sir, only very ‘normal’ criminal behavior.” “Skinner wants to talk to you, Mulder.” “Hello, Sir. What? Oh, yes, that is true.” Mulder is walking around as he talks. Scully gets the distinct impression that he’s moving away from her so she doesn’t follow the discussion. “Yes, Sir, I always do.” “What was that all about, Mulder?” Scully is standing by his side, one hand on her hip, looking up at him inquiringly. “Um, nothing, Scully. Skinman just wanted to make sure we’ve got everything under control.” “You’re a bad liar, Mulder! Out with it.” “Kersh had contacted him. He just wanted to know if it was true that Baines had tried to put the moves on you.” “And you said, what, Mulder?” “I said that you handled it fine.” “You said nothing of the sort, Mulder. C’mon, tell me.” “He asked if I helped you out. I said, ‘I always do’.” “Yes, you do, don’t you, Mulder?” Scully smiles. They head inside. They stop in the kitchen to grab some dinner. They take a few sandwiches upstairs. “You know, Scully, I think this case is almost wrapped up. Another few days or the week and we should have enough information on Baines to nail it. My college teaching career will come to an end! We’ll have to go back to just plain old Agents again.” They stop at Mulder’s floor. “Your place or mine, Mulder?” “Let’s head up to yours.” Mulder holds both plates as Scully fishes out her apartment key. She turns on the lamp. “Do you mind if I get out of this uniform, Mulder?” Scully is pulling the shirt out of the the waistband of her pants, walking toward the bedroom. “Do you want any help, Scully?” Mulder is being helpful. Scully turns and smiles almost coyly at him, “Much as I appreciate your offer, I think I can handle this. I’ll be out in a minute.” Mulder sets the plates on the dining room table by the window. Scully comes out in a pair of knit shorts and a cropped tee shirt. She’s barefoot and her hair is in a ponytail. She looks over at Mulder. He’s holding his sandwich halfway to his mouth and looking up at her. “Mulder, let’s talk about what still needs to be ironed out, ok?” She smoothly steers the conversation to a ‘safe’ topic. She knows well that look in Mulder’s eyes. Mulder takes a bite of his sandwich and pushes Scully’s plate toward her. “Wuhh, Scuhli, Ah.” “Mulder, I didn’t mean we had to talk this minute! You CAN eat first.” They finish their sandwiches in companionable silence. Scully outlines what they know and what they need to accomplish. “First of all, we’ve got to get Jeremy over to Portsmouth to have some testing done. I don’t know if he really has a neurological disorder or not, but we’re not going to be able to take him back to Mercy. Second, I need to get some blood samples of the other two pre-op patients to the lab for the same reasons. I don’t want any unplanned disappearances like Jeremy’s. I’m sure Baines is much more suspicious now and I’m not sure how effective I’ll be with him. Then, there’s Ritter--“ “Whoa, Scully, were you planning on writing all this down for me? Ok; I follow you. As for Ritter, he needs to be trussed up and--“ Scully heads into the kitchen to get some icecream. She calls back to the dining room, “Mulder, you’ve got nothing on Ritter other than being a royal pain in the ass. That alone doesn’t justify ‘trussing him up’ and whatever else you had in that brain of yours.” “Scully, isn’t he driving you nuts, too? He’s put you in some compromising positions, he’s almost blown our covers and he’s reporting to Kersh on some unknown agenda. I’d say that qualifies him for ‘bozo of the year’ or something like that.” “Mulder, wait, I think I’ve got Ritter’s ‘unknown agenda’!” Scully puts the bowls of icecream on the table, but continues to stand. “Think about every time he’s been in our faces; your apartment the afternoon you, uh, ‘made me lunch’, on the plane, at the hospital, on my run, in Baines’ office. Are you seeing a pattern here, Mulder? I am. He’s trying to prove we have a more than ‘partnerly’ relationship for Kersh. Kersh has been gunning for us for awhile. He can’t fault our work, so he’s going to fault us. Kersh will have enough to pull us out.” Mulder is still eating his icecream when Scully makes her point. “I think you’re right, Scully. That IS what he’s trying to do; ‘trying’ being the operative word, here. There’s nothing for Ritter to report, that’s why he keeps turning up.” They both pause. They have been so wound up in their covers, this case and trying to keep Ritter at bay, that they have not really had the chance to further explore their feelings and the depth of their relationship. Now that they’re aware of Ritter’s motives, maybe it is for the best. Or, maybe it will just wait a day or so until they wrap up the case… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tuesday’s Routine, 5:30A Knock, knock, knock. “Scully, are you in there? Isn’t it time for your run?” Mulder is dressed in his sweats, having decided to go with Scully this time. He is running out of body parts to have injured. Scully cracks the door open. Through a sleepy fog she says, “Is that you, Mulder?” He pushes the door open a little bit more. “Scully, I want to run with you this morning. C’mon, time to get going. Let’s double the distance this morning!! Wake up, sunshine.” Scully opens the door for him to come in. Her apartment is dark; it’s now obvious she had no intentions of running this morning. “Scully, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, I just thought--“ “It’s ok, Mulder, I should be up anyway. I’m not running this morning, though, so if you want to go, go on ahead without me.” As she walks over to the couch, Mulder can see she’s wearing a long tee shirt that barely covers her panties. Her hair is loose and she has a rather wild look about her. “If you want some coffee, help yourself. I set the timer on the coffee maker last night. I’ll wake up soon enough.” She scrunches herself into the couch and hugs her arms around her. She is suddenly aware of just how little she is wearing. She’s also a little chilled since she turned the heat down when she went to bed. Mulder gets some coffee for them and then heads for the bedroom. He grabs a cotton blanket and heads for Scully. He sits down next to her and gently pulls her over to him. He wraps the blanket around both of them. “Hmm, this is nice, Mulder.” She snuggles up against him, feeling the warmth of his body. He kisses the top of her head. “Scully? The sun is up. You do have to work today, don’t you? I have to get to the College.” They have both slept for an hour in each other’s arms. “Oh, gosh, Mulder. I’ve got to be at the hospital by 8 this morning. I hope I haven’t made you late, too.” Scully sits up quickly, her tee up around her waist as she pulls the blanket off of them. Mulder thinks with a smirk. “Do you think we should check under the couch for Ritter, Scully?” “Don’t even think it, Mulder! You better get going. I’ll call you around lunch time, ok?” Mulder stretches out his lanky frame as he stands and heads for the door. Before he gets there, Scully comes up behind him. “Mulder?” She touches his arm and turns him toward her. “Yeah, Scully?” He smiles. “Mulder, you’re awfully comfortable to sleep with.” She smiles up at him, stands on her toes, and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. Mulder lets her take her lips from his, but then he grabs her, on hand on each arm and pulls her toward him. He lips find hers and they explore each other. She is heat and fire and electricity on his lips. “Mmmm, Mulder…” Mulder gently breaks the kiss, “Yes?” Scully leans in closer, struggling to stay standing on her almost liquid legs and whispers in his ear, “Go get ready for class, Mulder. Now. Before you have to find a sub.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Community College; Advanced Psychology Class, Tuesday morning Mulder strides into the lecture hall. Most of the students are already there, in a totally sociable mood. The noise level is so high that they do not hear him when he says, “Good morning, class.” He notices his ‘fan club’, Eris, Aussie (), Raine and Kat. He also notices their furtive glances in his direction. He picks up bits and pieces of their animated conversation, Kat: Oh my god, look at what he’s done to his hair today, or, should I say ‘hasn’t done’!? It looks like he just let if fall in his face! Eris: Forget the hair, check out that body, black chinos and ribbed turtleneck; the man clearly knows how to dress ‘hot’! Raine: C’mon you two, it’s the total package; he’s packing something and it’s leaving flames… Aussie: I’m sticking with the face; talk about your ‘body language’. That man’s face says ‘get me to the bed’ in every language! Mulder’s heard quite enough and he’s starting to blush. “Ok, everyone, today we’re going to practice observing body language. Do I have any volunteers?” When he sees the show of hands, he adds, “Uh, I’d like some women AND men to volunteer.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital, Tuesday Morning “Paging Nurse Katz to OR #4, Nurse Katz to OR#4.” Scully is on the phone with Portsmouth Hospital when the page comes through. She does not want to hang up because they are about to give her the blood work results on Jeremy and the others. The page comes through again, this time with ‘stat’ tacked on. “I’ll call you back.” Scully heads to OR #4. When she enters, the OR is dark. She reaches for the light switch and a hand is immediately on top of hers. She freezes, waiting for whoever it is to make her or his move. “Dana, don’t move. It’s me, Don. Don’t turn on the lights.” “Don, why didn’t you just come to my office? What’s all the cloak and dagger about?” Don, who seems to see quite well in the dark room, leads Scully by the wrist to the stairs. They ascend to the viewing theater above the OR. He turns on one of the seat lights since it contains only a 40 watt bulb. “Look, Dana, Barbara and I wanted to warn you, Baines is on to you.” Scully’s heart skips a beat, but she says nothing. She waits for him to continue. “He knows you got Jeremy out of here and he’s not a happy camper. What’s going on? We can help you.” “Thanks, Don; it means a lot to me that you and Barbara would want to help me, but there’s no need. I really appreciate you tipping me off, though. You’re taking a risk being here.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Community College, Role Playing “Ok, now that you’re in small groups, here’s what you need to do. Each group will choose an emotional situation they want to role play. It can be anything that doesn’t take too long. For example, you might choose receiving a gift from someone special. When you’ve chose your situation, you’ll act it our for the rest of the class without using any words. You’re going to use your bodies to show us. Now, just a reminder; you’re in a public place with people you don’t necessarily know. Choose your body language appropriately, for class, please.” Mulder smiles and hops up to sit on the counter in the front of the room as they work with their groups. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital, Check and Checkmate Scully goes back to her office. She calls Portsmouth Hospital Lab. She is distressed at the results; none of Dr. Baines pre-op patients had any pre-existing conditions and show no current signs of neurological problems. This means tests have been faked and more importantly, people have been hospitalized against their will and unnessarily. She wants to call Mulder, but knows he’s teaching his class. She contacts Ritter and tells him she’s coming down to his office. On her way to the elevator, Dr. Baines stops her. “Nurse Katz, I’d like a word with you in my office, please.” “Can’t do that right now, I have to see someone. I’ll be back--“ Although he is smiling, his words are not, “Nurse Katz, this is of the utmost urgency. I highly recommend that you follow me now.” He places a heavy arm across her shoulders and leads her there. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Community College, Emotional Situation “Ok, is Group 1 ready to go? Come up here to the front of the room. Everyone else have a seat. What I’d like you all to do is use your senses to observe. Let each group show their entire ‘situation’ before guessing at it. “ Group 1 includes Eris, Aussie, Kat, Jake and Stephen. They approach the front of the room. Eris and Jake move to the center. The others coach them and let them begin. Eris slowly approaches Jake, half smile on her face. She pauses halfway there and looks at him from his feet, slowly moving to his face. Jake returns the gesture. He approaches her and takes her hand, looking into her eyes. She takes his other hand and puts it to her face. By this point, some of the students are ‘ooohing’ and ‘ahhing’. Raine, Kat and Stephen are nodding to Eris and Jake in encouragement and support. He starts to pull her body to his. At that point, Mulder tries to calmly indicate that they should end their role playing. When discreet signals don’t work, he say, “Ok, nice job, Group 1!!” He notices that both Eris and Jake have dialated pupils and are breathing a little heavy. Heck! So is he! “Anyone care to guess what their emotional situation was?” It seems like every hand in the room shoots into the air. When it takes him more than two seconds to call on someone, they begin calling out their guesses. “Shake their booties!” “He wants some and she’s ready to give.” “Hot monkey love!” “She’s a hooker.” Mulder is ready to laugh. He asks Group 1 to respond. Stephen speaks for the Group. “Actually, the only wrong guess was that she’s a hooker; the rest are all ok!” “Ok, everyone, before you go, let’s talk a little bit about what you observed and how you decided what was being portrayed.” Mulder waits a few minutes; no one responds. He decides to help them get started. “Alright, let me give you an example.” He pauses breifly, considering which example to use. He stops midway across the front of the room and looks up at the class members who are all sitting quite attentively. “Now, observe me and tell me what I’m doing to get my point across.” Mulder begins by standing in front of them with his arms at his sides. He lifts his shoulders, shrugging, then lets his arms fall back to his body. His head hangs down to his chest, his hair falling in his face. Next, he looks up, focusing his gaze toward the back of the room. The students follow his gaze and all turn around to look. He smiles before they turn back around to watch him. “Ok, what was I experiencing and how did you know?” *Now* they are quite animated. Raine is ready to melt into her seat, she has been *studying* him rather intently. Kat elbows her, suggesting that Raine’s response is just a little too obvious. Jake replies, “You appeared to be dejected; your arms hanging down, then your head. I don’t know what the hair in your face signified.” The class erupts with laughter. Aussie finds herself thinking that the hair in his face simply *signified* another wonderful look for Professor Masters. Eris raises her hand. “You also looked disinterested when you shrugged.” “Thank you, all. How about when I looked to the back of the room?” Mulder is walking back and forth in front of them, hands on his hips, eyes sparkling. Although he is sure they are paying attention, he is not sure to exactly what or who they are paying attention. He notices several sets of eyes following him; or rather, following his body. As if by some unknown galactic force, everyone starts to put their notebooks into their book bags and stand. “Ok, class, we’ll finish the groups next time!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital, The Gig’s (Almost) Up, Noontime Tuesday Ritter is pacing in his office. Scully called him almost 10 minutes ago. There’s no way it would take her that long to come down the stairs. Ritter’s training kicks into gear. He bolts from his office and takes the stairs two at a time to her floor. ------------------------------------------------- Baines has ‘walked’ Scully into the backroom of his office. “What it is you want to talk to me about, Art?” Scully is nervous, but she’s trying very hard to portray confidence. He sits her down on the couch and joins her. “Dana, I’m not sure exactly what you’re up to, but Jeremy is missing and all indications point to you.” He smiles briefly, as if he’s forcing himself, and continues,”I really think that now is the time to explain yourself.” The smile is gone. He has one hand on her knee and is gripping it tightly. The other hand is around her waist. As she is about to answer, Ritter bursts through the door. His sudden appearance is enough to startle Baines and he releases Scully. She moves over next to Ritter. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ On the Way to Rye Mercy Hospital, 11:30A “C’mon, Scully, answer your phone.” “The cellular customer you are trying to reach is not within the service area.” Mulder punches the gas pedal. He takes the corners on two wheels, causing the Cherokee to balk. he pleads with it. He leaves it in the Employee Parking Lot and runs through lobby. He jabs at the buttons on the elevator. When it doesn’t respond fast enough, he heads for the stairs. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital, Gig’s Up! Noontime Mulder approaches Baines’ office quietly. He hears voices inside; Scully, Baines, Ritter. The voice tones and levels tell him that no one is in danger, but there is tension among them. “Look, Doc, we’ve got your number and you’re not going anywhere.” Ritter begins to read Baines’ his rights, much to Scully’s disappointment. “Just who the [edit] do you think you are, Mr. RoDEN, is it? Since when does the Chief of Maintenance ‘read me my rights’?” Baines is extremely angry. He takes a step toward Ritter and Scully. Ritter stands his ground and reaches out to pull Scully slightly behind him. At that moment, Mulder walks in. “Great, now the whole gang is here!” Baines spits out that sentence, looking for an exit. Cooler heads prevail. Mulder begins, “Look, Baines, why don’t you just have a seat and we’ll talk this out.” He gestures toward the couch. “YOU have a seat! This is my goddam office, I don’t know who you all claim to be and I want some answers now or I’m calling security!” Baines remains standing, reaches out and grabs Scully by the arm. He holds her arm behind her back with one of his arms and pulls his other arm across her throat. “Did you know that the human larynx can be easily crushed when pressure is applied to the exact point?” He pushes his arm against her throat; not hard enough to injure, but just enough to get his point across. Scully’s face turns red as a beet and then goes white. Her body arches forward and her head lolls back onto Baines’ shoulder. Ritter starts to move forward slowly. “Baines, why don’t you let her go and we’ll all just answer your questions. W e can work this out.” Ritter keeps Baines talking. Baines eases up on Scully’s neck a little. Some of the natural color returns to her face. Mulder slowly slinks out the door and walks into Baines’ office. He slides the office window open and notices a rather large ledge outside. He makes his way out onto the ledge and walks the short distance to the other room. Ritter sees Mulder, but does not give away the plan. Mulder eases the window open, glad that Ritter is carrying on his mindless conversation with Baines. Baines is totally engaged, never having noticed that Mulder left. Mulder steps onto the couch from behind and grabs Baines. Baines falls back onto the couch with Scully falling backwards on top of him. As Baines falls, he releases Scully. Ritter helps her up and looks at her neck which is rapidly becoming black and blue. Mulder pulls out his badge and holds it in front of Baines’ face. “Get a good look Dr. Baines, or, should I say, Dr. Brenten? Let me also introduce Special Agent Dana Scully and Field Agent Payton Ritter. Now, I will read you your rights as they relate to your alleged involvement in the plan to conduct memory altering experiments on subjects without their express permission.” “You have the right to…” Mulder continues. Ritter assists him. Scully observes, massaging her throat. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rye Mercy Hospital Cafeteria, Tuesday Night After calls to Kersh and Skinner, the three Agents have dinner in the cafeteria. “Can we drop you somewhere Ritter?” Scully offers. “Nah, that’s ok, I’ve got a few things to do here and then I’ll be making my flight arrangements. When are you two heading out? Maybe we can get on the same flight.” “Ritter, don’t push the relationship thing. I’ll be sure my report indicates your ‘helpfulness’ to Skinner. We’ll probably never see you again, such a shame…” Scully pokes Mulder in the ribs for that comment. “Actually, Payton, Mulder and I are diving the Cherokee down to Boston, so we’ll head out in the morning. Thanks again.” Scully stands to signal the end of their dinner. “I’ll be right back, Scully.” Before she can respond, Mulder follows Ritter out to the parking lot. Scully starts to follow, but decides against it. Ritter is a few feet in front of Mulder when he hears footsteps. He pauses, but does not look back. Mulder closes the gap and grabs Ritter’s arm, spinning him around to face Mulder. “What do *you* want, Agent Mulder? I thought we said our good-byes inside. And where’s Scully?” “Enough talk, Rodent man. You listen and listen well.” Ritter tries to shrug free of Mulder, but has no luck. Mulder’s hand is like an iron clamp. “I’ve got a good mind to pulverize you where you stand you lousy skunk, but I know it would just upset Agent Scully. Just so you’re clear on this matter, we’re both on to your hidden agenda with Kersh; you like letting yourself be used by others, don’t you? No matter. Consider this fair warning: keep your nose and, he!!, any other part of you, out of my way or you probably won’t live to regret it. Scully would be much kinder and give you the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t say I suffer from her kindness where you’re concerned. Now get your butt across the state line before I toss it there.” Before Ritter can utter a syllable, Mulder turns and walks back inside. Scully greets him at the door, arms crossed, smiling. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, but the smile never leaves her face. “Don’t even say it, Scully. Just get your little feet moving.” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55 Cable Road, Nightfall The night is one that presages summer; heavy, moist air, but the darkness has edged away some of the heat, leaving the air early summer warm. “I can’t believe we only get one more night here, Mulder. It really is beautiful.” “It is beautiful, Scully. Since we’re not in any hurry, why don’t we head to the beach for some down time?” Mulder wishes he could see her face; he could swear he can ‘hear’ her smiling back at him. “Sounds good to me, let me just go get changed. This uniform isn’t exactly ‘beachwear’. I’ll meet you on the patio in a few minutes.” Mulder is sitting in a lounge chair by the patio door. Visions of Scully dane through his head. He hears Scully walking through the dining room, her sandals clacking on the hardwood floors. Just as she reaches the patio door, he pulls it open. Before she can react, he pulls her toward him, into his arms. She nearly steps out of her sandals as she’s pressed to him. Her breath catches in her chest and she looks up at him. “Hey, Scully.” Mulder smiles at her casually as if it’s everyday they’re in this situation. He is the master of understatement at times. “Hmmm, I could get used to this type of welcome when I come through a door.” She lightly blows a whisp of her hair from in front of her eyes; not wanting to free her hands to push it aside. “I think Skinman would be only too happy to oblige you, Scully.” She looks puzzled. “What’re you talking about, Mulder?” She circles his waist with her arms. “Oh, c’mon, Scully; don’t tell me you haven’t noticed how he looks at you! He just about drools--ok, Skinman probably wouldn’t ‘drool’, he’d probably ‘leer’ very sternly.” Scully is laughing; a devil-may-care-to-he!!-with-them-all laugh that Mulder rarely witnesses. He laughs easily with her. He steps back and brings her to his side, his arm around her shoulder, her arm around his waist. They walk to the edge of the patio. “So where’d you get this little outfit, Scully?” Scully is wearing a simple , ruby-colored, cotton knit tee dress that falls just above her knees. “It’s been around Mulder, but it’s not exactly my usual office attire.” He takes her hand and they head out to the beach. With the exception of the half moon hung low over the water, there is little light anywhere. Scully smiles; the fleece blanket is back, along with a couple of large, square cushion, pillows and another large throw. she thinks. His ability to plan out his fantasies to the most minute detail never ceases to amaze and delight her. They sit on the blanket facing each other. “So, what do you think will happen to Baines, Mulder?” “I think they’ll make Ritter spend some time with him; cruel and unusual punishment for one so deserving.” “It’s tragic that those patients risked losing so much to someone who cared so little for their lives, Mulder.” “Yeah, it is. Ever wonder how we do this day in day out when all that seems to come of it is hurt, pain and social injustice, Scully?” “I try to focus on the reason we do this. Then, I try to find something or someone to take it from me.” She turns around until her back is to him and slides closer to him. She reaches her hand back to signal him to open his legs so she can sit between them. She leans back against him and he encircles her in his arms. Her body is bracketed by Mulder’s. She leans her head back against his chest, feeling the warmth radiate. For several timeless minutes they’re breathing exists in unison. Mulder rests his chin in her hair and then kisses her. He whispers into her ear, “If I were to use my judgment right now, Scully, do you know what I would do?” “Yes, Mulder, I think I do.” His tongue slips into her ear gently, sending wave-like ripples of warmth from her ears and south... He then whispers into her ear, murmuring her name until she is beginning to squirm in his arms. He hears and feels her sigh and whimper. “Scully?” “Mulder?” “Kiss me, Scully, now.” She turns sideways, her legs over his leg. He cradles her in his arms and leans toward her upturned face. She licks her own lips and then his; first his lower, then his upper lip. He parts his lips to allow her tongue to move inside his mouth. His hand moves along her hip, his mouth covering hers. A low, almost-growl escapes him sending vibrations through them both. Scully breaks the connection and murmurs, “Mulder, I think you have an angel on your shoulder, but the devil on those lips of yours.” His voice low and throaty, he says with mock surprise, “Is that a problem, Scully?” She smiles just before she places her hands on his face, drawing him closer. When their faces are but mere inches apart, she whispers in response, “No, Mulder, not a problem.” She kisses his mouth. The kiss begins sweetly; it languishes; it moves beyond ‘sweetness’. Mulder tells himself to pull back, to ‘read’ Scully’s reaction before continuing. Try as he might, he cannot pull away from the taste of her lips. As if intuiting his intentions, Scully runs her tongue over his lips and briefly pulls back. “Mulder, I need--I want--you, more”, she pants. Mulder has the response he needs. His hand moves to her hip. He runs it along her dress, moving the dress up a little higher each time, but stopping before it reaches higher than mid-thigh. “Why, Scully; I don’t think there’s anything under this dress…” Scully’s hands are underneath Mulder’s shirt, leaving sparking trails along his skin when she says, “I must have forgotten a few things in my haste to join you, Mulder.” THE END!!