^*^ Scully bit back the urge to tell Diana to keep her goddamn hands to herself -- in a very loud and commanding manner. Her physical discomfort and lack of sleep long forgotten, she had moved on. Directly into outraged, angry and extremely frustrated by her inability to get herself and Mulder out of this ridiculously dangerous position. Knowing that Mulder would be safe; at least until he decided to make an aggressive move, Scully took the opportunity to gauge the situation. The men Diana had referred to as Ward and Jorge were out of her line of sight, but she could tell they'd moved farther away; she'd felt their presence earlier, could smell their aftershaves mingled with the salty sweat of exertion. How far behind her they were, she couldn't tell. Off to her left, she'd heard a soft scratching or rustling, but she wasn't sure whether it was real or wishfully imagined as it hadn't seemed to draw anyone else's attention. That she surmised was probably because everyone else's attention seemed trained on the newest member of the close knit group -- her partner. She fervently hoped that what she'd heard was the arrival of Mulder's back-up. She fervently hoped Mulder had brought back up. Quietly chastising herself for thinking an uncharitable thought about his ability to follow protocol, she knew in her heart that he would have done so. No matter that assistance would be foregone if he were alone in the situation; where she was concerned, he knew that her safety would be paramount and eclipse his need to ride in like the knight in shining armor she knew he sometimes saw himself as. The knight she happened to cherish -- with or without his armor. Brought up short from her thoughts, she heard Mulder's rumbling monotone. "You've really set up quite the lab, Diana," Scully heard him tell the other woman as he moved parallel to the workbench area. Turning his head just slightly to his left to meet her eyes. She searched his quickly, trying to ascertain what his next move might be, again feeling totally helpless. Diana hadn't seemed to notice Mulder's wandering attention as he continued, "Care to fill me in on your work," he inquired. 'Good move', Scully thought. Diana was at her preening best when her partner showed interest. He was giving her exactly what she wanted and, from the wink he directed in Scully's direction before turning back to former Agent Fowley, Scully knew that he did indeed have a plan. Plan or no, Scully was concerned and not a little distressed at Aja Sonjah's movements. The rather familiar looking vial containing equally familiar looking liquid that she held in one gloved hand drew Scully's attention. As if reading her thoughts, Aja glanced over in her direction, her deadpan expression heightening Scully's feelings of unease. "Fox," Diana purred, her hand moving down his back, finally twining her fingers with his. Scully couldn't believe Diana hadn't bothered to turn them in her direction knowing just how much the brunette would gloat over her faux possession of Mulder. When it appeared that he hadn't paid her the attention she felt she deserved, Diana began again. "Fox," she whispered, her lips to his ear, "Aja has perfected the final transformation of the cumbersome and unwieldy paste. Let me show you..." Her words trailed off as she nibbled at Mulder's ear. Scully saw the hand Diana wasn't holding rise quickly -- he was going to push her away. Much as she was loathe to admit it, she knew that he had to play the part, had to lull Diana to distraction. But that didn't mean the scene unfolding before her didn't cause the bile to rise in Scully's throat as her stomach clenched in horror and dismay. Biting back the rise in her gorge, Scully saw Diana turn and focus somewhere behind the restraining seat. With a dismissive flick of her hand, it appeared that Ward and Jorge were being dispatched, the slight squicking sound of their rubber soles on the painted cement flooring. But to where, Scully had no idea. Delusional Diana...assuming that with Aja working for her, Scully incapacitated and Mulder in her thrall, she had the situation under control. As the Fowley woman once again gave her attention to Mulder, Scully caught a flurry of movement out of her peripheral vision. Silent and stealthy, dressed head to toe in black, the shapes flowed into the antechamber at the back of the set of rooms, the two closest to her not ten feet away. Feigning an interest only partially staged, Mulder had also noted the arrival of the back up team and sought to engage Diana and Aja. He was only moderately successful. "What's Aja preparing," he nodded toward the Asian woman who was now holding a capped syringe in her other hand as she turned toward Mulder and Diana. Stroking his face as she guided him from the testing area, Diana Fowley led the FBI Agent over to Scully. Scully tried to keep her emotional invisible, although she was sure that her eyes had widened in anticipation -- and fear as the pieces started to fall into place. Diana and Mulder flanked the left side of the reclining chair, Diana closer to Scully's head, Mulder near her midsection. Whether her partner had done any of the maneuvering, Scully couldn't tell, but the end result put Diana closest to the men in black behind her. Meanwhile, Aja's heeled shoes clacked on the hard surface as she strode to Scully's right side. A saccharine sweet and all-too-knowing smile plastered to her face. Someone had a secret and Scully was sure she wasn't going to like finding out what it was. Draping herself against Mulder, Diana drew his arms around her as she tried to position herself in front of him. With eyes only for his partner, he dipped his head imperceptibly toward Scully as he extricated himself from Diana, smoothly moving her back to his side. With an arm around her waist for good measure. "All right, Fox, if you really want to wait until we're alone, I suppose I can wait a few more minutes. And while I can't see why, I also suppose I can understand why you wouldn't want to share our intimacy with poor Dana," Diana simpered, all but purring against his neck. "In the meantime, I'm going to show you exactly what I've been working on and what Aja has all but perfected. It's ready for its first human subject trials." Scully's skin crawled as her suspicions were now confirmed. And she shivered involuntarily, unable to hold her physical reaction in check this time. But Diana wasn't satisfied, Scully thought wryly as her eyes strained to follow the brunette's hand as it stroked her face just below the strap holding her head in place. Smiling through gritted teeth, her gaze directed in Scully's direction, Diana explained with a condescension Scully could feel, "Every scientist's dream... I'm giving you what every researcher and clinician can only hope for...the change to make a name for yourself, to go down in history with the famous and nearly-famous. Aja," she swept her hand from Scully's skin and gestured toward the lab-coated woman across from her, "Aja will record the effects." "No!" Scully couldn't help herself, now trying in earnest to wrench herself free of the bindings that held her tight. She watched in horror as Dr. Sonjah unstoppered the syringe and drew it close to Scully's bare neck. Too much action. There were too many things happening at breakneck speed for Scully to process. Her partner had gone into full offensive mode, trying to shove Diana out of his way. An angry Diana, however, was a force to be reckoned with and her initial shock at what she must have perceived as 'Fox's defection' caught her off-guard. But only briefly. She then began trying to drag Mulder away from the unfolding scene. Aja was having a difficult time positioning the long, slim needle due to the redhead's squirming and struggling. Prying Diana's clutching hands and gripping fingers from his arm, Mulder managed to shove her in the direction of the now highly evident back up team. When it appeared that she was about to head for the main entrance, Mulder's foot shot out, quite neatly and effectively impeding her progress. Causing her to unceremoniously trip and fall. Two of the armed law enforcement officers dragged her to her feet and cuffed her. Scully knew she was hyperventilating and couldn't risk passing out. Luckily, her adrenaline surged as her heart hammered in her chest. She tried to draw in some deep, steadying breaths, but to no avail. Wasting no time, Mulder dropped his hands to the edge of the leg extension of the chair and vaulted over to the other side, grabbing for Aja's arm as he landed in a crouch, his thighs pumping to push him up to full height. Pinning her back against him, Mulder's fingers banded Aja's biceps while his other arm wrapped around her ribs, trying to pull her away from the chair. Two of the black-clad men were already in position, but her frantic and erratic motions were making it hard for them to get a hold on her. Mulder had nearly succeeded in getting the amber fluid-filled syringe from her when Scully saw her dig the heel of her pump into his instep, his resulting 'damnit!' letting Scully know that he'd almost lost his hold on her. Then it seemed to end in with a flurry of activity. Aja had once again managed to position her hand dangerously close to Scully's neck. With mere seconds to spare, Mulder's hand clamped over hers and yanked her back. The upward motion and ensuing momentum -- a fast forward play of tangled arms -- succeeded. In the emptying of the syringe into Aja Sonjah's upperarm through the fabric of her lab coat and blouse. Scully wasn't sure whether her howl was more from pain or sheer indignation. Now Aja would have the honor of making a name for herself in history... "Call 9-1-1," Mulder barked to no one in particular as he dragged her to the nearest chair, "and don't let her out of your sight until they arrive." It was a regular party, Scully thought, as both Skinner and Kimberley joined the cast of thousands in the now crowded space. Jorge and Ward were front and center, secured by four of Burlington's finest. But the person to whom she gave her undivided attention was the man quickly undoing her restraints, taking time to gently massage the skin beneath each strap. As nice as the gesture was, all she really wanted was to be out of the damn chair; no, make that out of the damn building. When Mulder tried to lift her from the chair, she smiled wanly at him and just as gently told him with her eyes that she could sit and then stand on her own. She expected the subsequent hovering; knew he wouldn't let her out of his sight until they were safely home. In D.C. And that was perfectly all right with her at that moment. Standing on shaky legs, she allowed her partner to wrap his arm around her and draw her to him. They had ringside seats as Skinner made his way over to Diana Fowley. Scully noted the imperious gleam in the taller woman's eyes, the way she held her head high even in light of rather condemning circumstances. But Assistant Director Walter Skinner's eyes told another story. Hard. Dark. Commanding. Tossing off his overcoat, he halted abruptly in front of Diana, nodding his head to one side, indicating that the two members of the support team should relinquish their hold on her. Scully stepped out of Mulder's protective arm and moved up alongside her boss. After all she'd been through at the hands of this woman, this former Agent who had actually helped Scully set Mulder free once upon a time, she was not going to miss out on one minute of her downfall. If Scully were superstitious, she might admit to wanting to make sure that Diana Fowley didn't somehow make it out of the building with an escort. Of the most official kind. "Diana Fowley," Skinner began his formal address, his words clipped. Scully knew that the tension in his jaw and the way in which only his upper lip moved was indicative of extreme anger being held in check. Just barely. "Ms. Fowley, you have the right to remain silent. Should you choose to --" He was stopped in mid-pronunciation of the Miranda Rights as Diana moved forward. Without preamble, Diana planted herself directly in Scully's path, mere inches from her face. "You'll never have him, bitch. You know that, yet you still --" Scully could feel Mulder almost before he tried to place himself between Diana and her, but she blocked his way. The subsequent sound of Scully's right hand connecting sharply with Diana's face clearly surprised the brunette. And angered her. Scully easily side-stepped Diana's attempt to spit on her. Scully let her own fury carry her from the room, only partially aware of Mulder's fingers lacing with hers as he followed her out. Leaving Skinner to smoothly complete the recitation of Diana Fowley's rights and Mulder to follow at her heels. ^*^