^*^*^ Radisson Hotel 9:00PM They had to be here. Her car was in its usual space, but she'd rung the room and gotten no answer. The ill-mannered desk staff couldn't verify if Scully was in her room, let alone if there was anyone with her. Something about guest privacy rules. Well, Diana would check on her own, but she knew she couldn't do it directly. One of the reasons she had a few people working for her. Maylene was on staff at the hotel, Head of Guest Services. She would be dispatched to Agent Scully's room to do the random service of quality assurance. And Maylene had pulled it off without a hitch. Except for the fact that no one was home when the Guest Services Manager called. Maylene was paid handsomely although Diana didn't fail to express her disappointment with the woman's results. The Head of Guest Services wisely thanked her boss and returned to business as usual. Diana then let herself into Scully's room, hoping to find clues to her whereabouts. A cursory examination revealed nothing useful -- no notes, no computer, no voicemail messages. Now that she was inside, however, she took the opportunity to conduct further research into the life of her nemesis. First rifling through her bureau drawers, Diana pawed through the mix of rather utilitarian undergarments sprinkled with the small collection of silks and satins. When she reached the bottom of the lingerie drawer, she stopped, her hand hovering over and then snatching furiously at an open slip of paper. A slip of paper with Fox's handwriting scrawled over it. It had been lying between a set of powder blue satin bra and French cut panties. A very tailored set. She wondered for a brief second whether that would be Dana's taste, but with a twisting, sinking feeling, she knew it was *his* taste. Tossing the bra and panties across the room, she sat heavily on the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed. Taking a few deep breaths to calm the rising anger, she read the note: He still belonged to her 'body and soul'; didn't he know that? Well, the brunette would have to convince him. He'd really had only a few short years with his redheaded partner and their foundation as shaky, Diana could tell. If it weren't, would he go off on her so often? Would he have come to Diana's aid just this summer without her? No, she knew he still belonged to her and not the petite woman substitute. But, she acknowledged that with Dana Scully so close at hand, he might need more convincing. Crumpling the note and letting it fall from her hand; she continued her room inspection finding nothing more interesting until she reached the bathroom. Alongside Dana's toiletries, she found a can of men's shaving gel and a razor. Sweeping them carelessly onto the floor, she left the hotel suite and headed for the lobby. It was time to find out what Ward had learned about Fox's residence in town. It was time for a visit. ^*^*^ Pine Street Boardinghouse 9:45PM He barely caught the phone before it stopped ringing. "Hello?" Bishop's voice was clipped yet held no threat. "I'm here now." Mulder kept his words minimal as Scully raised a brow in question. He held a finger up to his mouth and sat down on the couch, motioning to her to join him. His tone brooked no questions. "I'll be there." Mulder hung up without waiting for a response. In the short time he had been on the phone, Scully had kicked off her shoes and curled up against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. "Another job?" Settling in, making himself more comfortable, he curved an arm around her and ran his fingers lazily through her hair. "Yeah, tomorrow." "So..." He knew her pregnant pause was meant for him to fill in the missing information and he guessed now was as good a time as any. "I'm heading first to St. Albans and then probably on to Canada. That's all he told me." He could feel her body tense in his arms and he instinctively held her tighter. He could feel the vibrations of her words against him as she spoke. "Maybe now would be a good time to bring me up to speed on your progress?" Lifting his chin from her hair, nudging her to sit up so he could look at her as he spoke. She had other ideas, he noted, as she turned in his arms, resting her head on his lap. He drew the afghan from the back of the couch and laid it over her bent legs. "Are you comfortable now," he asked, the twinkle in his eyes telling her he was amused. "Quite," she reached up to cup his cheek in her hand, "so talk." "I haven't been introduced to the man at the top yet, but I've met quite a few of his underlings and a few of those connected directly to him. The two I met after my trip to the docks and then on the trip north last night." "One of these wouldn't happen to be the one with the very convincing fingernails would it?" She gazed up at him as he rolled his eyes and 'shushed' her. She wasn't sure why he seemed to feel the need to divert from her concerns. "Don't interrupt me. Yes, Jemel is the owner of the sharp talons. Now, from what I've been able to learn, this group is rather well-connected all along the eastern corridor, but it moves west for their Canadian link. What I'm not sure about is how they're mobilizing across the border." "You'd already found the prison guard connection from the pre-assignment information and..." His look stopped her momentarily. "What?" "I don't remember us discussing that information." She pushed herself to a seated position, still facing him. "We didn't Mulder. But I was brought in as your back-up, right?" Not letting him jump in, she finished, "Skinner faxed me the information I needed telling me you'd keep me up to speed. Is there some problem?" She had to admit she was a little surprised by his reaction, not sure where it was coming from. He seemed to relax somewhat at her explanation, attempting to ease her back to her original position. "No, there isn't a problem, Scully. I guess I just don't want you too close to this group. There's an edge to them." Instead of getting comfortable once again, Scully moved to face her partner, leaning forward, one hand on his leg. "What's different about this case from any of those we've worked on before? Help me understand why you're feeling the need to shelter me from information I need to do my job." Her voice told him that he had just tread on old ground, lapsing back into their early days together when instead of treating her as his partner, he had tried to protect her. Acting before realizing that keeping information from her usually had the opposite effect; possibly putting her in the line of danger due to lack of knowledge of the facts. His hands up, palms facing her in the sign of surrender, he blinked slowly and then told her, "Can I use the excuse of an old dog having a hard time learning new tricks?" "It's not going to work this time, Mulder. If we hadn't had this talk now, would you ever have told me?" She wasn't sure where the sharpness in her tone had come from, but chalked it up partly to her genuine frustration and even more to her extreme fatigue. Regardless, she let the question hang between them, wanting him to respond. "That's unfair, Scully." She hadn't expected that response. "How so?" "You know I wouldn't intentionally leave you in the dark." "That's what I would have thought, yes." She took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. She really was getting more upset over this than she thought necessary. "I'm sorry, Mulder. I guess I'm just overly tired. But if we're not going to talk, maybe you should just take me home." Swinging her legs over the couch cushion, she attempted to stand. But his hand on her shoulder kept her rooted in place. "I really am sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking it through, getting into my role, knowing you needed to get your research done. No excuses, Scully." His voice was soft, his words imploring. He continued, "All right, the low down, but not until you agree to just stay here tonight. Especially since I have to go out of town tomorrow." Allowing him to draw her back down and wrapped in his arms against his chest, she murmured, "Deal, but I have to sleep Mulder."* Leaning into him, her back to his side, she drew her legs up, bending her knees. His lips in her hair lulled her even more. "I'm serious." She knew he'd hear her half-smile. Resting his chin on her head, he filled her in on the main players and his 'errands'. He could almost feel the arched eyebrow at his description of the full body search the very first time he'd been summoned, but he also noted that she remained silent, allowing him to continue. "And the Gunmen think the Stillman brothers are involved pretty deeply, but that Ben may not know the full extent of his connection, nor of his brother's," he added. She perked up at this information. "Ben's brother? That would be Bishop; the man I overheard at Kimberley's?" "That's right. But, from what I've been able to gather, Kimberley's clean in this; she's the real McCoy in her efforts to help our government." He was only too happy to impart this information as he knew his partner wanted to know that Melissa's friend was on the up and up. Scully sank back into him, but was no less attentive. "So how far into this organization have you penetrated Mulder? How close are you to finding the man or woman at the top?" "Now that's the 64 thousand dollar question, isn't it Scully? Actually between what I've been able to sort through myself and what the boys have been able to dig up, I've found that our drug lord calls himself Proteus. We have yet to be able to ID him other than that and I don't think I've ever actually met him since I've been here. Although I guess there's something to be said for hiding in plain sight. I may never know. Hell, he could've been one of the men you met up with several weeks ago." He paused, his hand stroking her arm, idly noting that her breathing was very relaxed. He wondered whether she'd started to fall asleep. "You're not off the hook yet Mulder; I may be tired, but I haven't dozed yet." Her voice was softer, but indicated she was still very much in the game. "What're they doing with these drugs? This doesn't strike me as your run-of-the-mill operation. Street drugs can be had almost anywhere. Why the elaborate game?" He smiled. She really was paying attention, although he wouldn't expect otherwise. "Another good question. I can't say, but something doesn't ring right with their operation and the fact that Diana is also in town. I'm wondering about a connection, but haven't the slightest idea what that might be." "What? Fox Mulder, Wonder Agent without a theory? Let me mark this day in--" He knew she was enjoying herself, could tell by the laughter he could feel in her midsection. Playfully clamping a hand over her mouth, he silenced her. "Don't go there Scully. You know whatever my theory is, it'll prove correct in the end." With a quick lap of her tongue and then nip of her teeth, she got him to pull his hand away. Her laughter subsiding, she grew more serious and sat up, turning toward him. "I'd wondered what she was doing here, aside from her overriding obsession with you that is. But why the drugs? A business deal? Certainly she doesn't need the money? And former Agent Fowley may have been a lot of things, but such a blatant connection to illicit activities. I don't know Mulder, but something doesn't feel right." "Agreed, but that's about as far as I've gotten. And that's as far as we're going with this tonight. We can save the hypothesizing and theorizing for my return. We've both got to report in to Skinman." He watched her smile return at his nickname for their boss. "'Skinman'? All right, we'll finish this in a day or so. I think I'm remembering how tired I am..." "I know you are and my offer was serious. You really can sleep here, Scully. I'll be a gentleman." The sincerity of his words were in direct opposition to the roving nature of his hands and lips. "Mulder..." "I just thought relaxing you might help you sleep better." His lips at her temple and the warmth of his hand on her abdomen were doing anything but relaxing her. Pulling herself out of the circle of his arms, she playfully slapped at his hands. "Maybe you should go look up the definition of 'relaxing' while I go get ready to sleep." ^*^*^*^ Monday, 25 September 7:45AM Luckily, the Boss planned well, even if he and Jorge were left to do most of the work. Bet no one in the old neighborhood would believe what he did for a living. They loved his wheels, his threads and the fact that when he visited, he took them all out. Most of all, his woman loved the lavish gifts he bestowed upon her. The best thing was that even before the gifts, she worshipped the very ground he walked on. Now *that* was a relationship. "Jorge, get in here and give me a hand, would 'ya?" He shook his head. Jorge had come around a lot in the last month, but still hadn't learned the fine art of asking 'how high' when Ward said 'jump'. He'd whip him into shape. "I'm here, Ward. Thought we were done?" "We're not finished until she tells us we're finished. How many times do you need to hear that?" He cuffed the younger man on the ear, just hard enough to let him know he meant business, but not hard enough to hurt. He actually liked Jorge and wanted him to be able to bring his family some of the riches Ward had been able to do. The two men moved the large bench out of the way and made sure the loungechair with the restraints was secured to the floor. Jorge wisely noted that one of the bolts had not been synched correctly and grabbed the power-driver to render it flush with the cement flooring. "Who's she bringing in here this time," he queried. Shaking his head yet again, Ward replied with a question of his own, "How many times do I have to tell you, we don't always know everything?" "I know, I know, but it's human to wonder. Don't tell me you don't. Besides, I think it's the redhead we've been watching. Boss Lady's screwed over her." Ward had to laugh, Jorge nailed his own thoughts on the head. He'd also noticed how incensed Ms. Fowley got whenever Dana Scully's name was mentioned, but the sight of her sent his Boss into nothing less than a tizzy. The kind that sent her underlings scurrying to do other work. "The difference is, I wonder silently. It's not going to advance you if you wonder aloud. You know how she is." Ward stopped in his tracks at the index finger slicing across Jorge's throat and the way his partner's eyes kept darting over Ward's shoulders. "No, Ward, tell me. Just how *am* I?" Diana strolled into the room, her heels clomping on the painted cement. Her smile, more lopsided than usual, chilled the already air-conditioned space. She reached for his shoulder, her fingers grasping him and turning him to face her. "Would you like to explain what you were sharing with Jorge?" Her amused purr elicited the response she had hoped for. "Uh, well, I, Jorge, we...," he stammered. "Nice walk through Ward, I think you've identified a few nouns and pronouns, but that's where the fun ends. Unless you want to be helping my former employees dig ditches in the Arctic, now might be a good time to remember how many warnings you've used up." All business now, she let go of him and strutted around the room, touching, smoothing, looking. "In spite of your mouth, you two have done a fine job with the last minute details. You're officially on standby for the next two weeks. Don't leave town, don't pass go, don't collect the prize money." She watched their faces as she spun around, cackling at her last witticism. She was both pleased and dismayed at their reaction. Neither did so much as raise an eyebrow. Perhaps she'd grown predictable? Better yet, perhaps she frightened them. ^*^*^ Pine Street Boardinghouse 8:15AM "Mmm...morning Sunshine," he muttered, snuggling and nuzzling as he draped his leg over her hips from behind. The worn navy tee she'd borrowed from him did nothing to insulate her from the heat he was radiating; the warmth and sinewy firmness wrapping itself over her like a human blanket. Drifting happily in that halfway state somewhere between slumber and wakefulness, Scully mumbled and settled back into him, her hand absently reaching to stroke his thigh where it lay across her body. "You awake Scully?" He asked, his mouth in her hair, his hands working their way to the hem of her loaner tee. She knew her smile would be a dead giveaway, but she couldn't help it. He was like a randy adolescent whose hormones were in overdrive. Not that she minded. Snaking her fingers underneath the leg of his boxers, she hummed softly. The only answer he was going to get. Gently nudging her with a thrust of his hips, he tightened his hold on her. His arousal evident. "Don't think I heard your answer Scully," he whispered directly into her ear, the resulting shiver telling him what he wanted to know. So he did it again, gently blowing in her ear. Oh, she was most definitely awake, imagining the pursing of his soft lips as he breathed into her ear. What those lips could do to her... His kisses alone could render her utterly languid and liquid and hotter than... But she needed to get up. She'd planned on meeting Kimberley at the Lab later this morning and he had to get ready for his assignment across the border. One of them needed to be strong. But it was becoming more difficult. Trying to pull his hand from where it was hovering just below her breast only succeeded in snaring her, their fingers entwined. And, for some reason, her other hand seemed quite content firmly gripping his thigh in response to the shivers his breathing created. One of them needed to be strong. If she repeated it enough times, she might actually believe it. "Mulder, I'm going to take my shower. Now." Reluctantly withdrawing her hand from his suddenly very warm and rather possessive thigh, she tossed back the blanket and sat up. He, however, did not seem willing to release her other hand from him. She stood anyway, the rather large tee still twisted and slightly tucked in to her panties on the side looking elementally sexy in the oversized and bed-rumpled attire. Looking ravishing if he said so himself. Scully had many looks, all of which he loved for different reasons. But one of his favorites was a combination of semi-sleepy, partially naked and tousled. Her long hair fluffed and scattered about her shoulders and face caught glints of the morning sun peaking through the slatted blinds, accentuating the natural blush in her cheeks. He knew that if he continued categorizing what he saw, it would be his undoing and she would have no chance to make it to the shower. Not that that was a bad idea. But the tugging on his hand told him she really wanted that shower. Maybe. Lying on his side, his legs moving restlessly, the top sheet did very little to disguise his unmistakable interest in continuing. Her fingers were just about to slip from his when he called to her, the regret in his gravelly voice unmistakable. "Scully?" She stopped then, turning, and replied with a breathy sigh, "Mulder?" "We're not finished..." From the look in her eyes, he could tell that she hadn't missed the growl in his statement. ^*^*^ Radisson Hotel 9:00AM She'd brought Maylene back to Scully's floor twice, but it was now clear that the redhead was not coming back tonight. When Diana had asked the Guest Services Manager the third time, she'd been sure the staffer was going to yell. She was shocked that anyone would have the impudence to attempt to stand up to her. And she made a mental note to add a slight bonus to the woman's next paycheck. Diana Fowley liked assertiveness. Sometimes. Right now, she was beyond angry -- to the point of feeling like she wanted to spit nails. Directly at the supposed object of Fox's affection. Grabbing her leather jacket, she slung it over her arm as she made her way to the lobby. Waltzing over to the Valet stand, she snapped her name at the attendant, telling him that she'd wait no more than five minutes for her Jetta to arrive. He seemed to understand as he scurried away, tipping his cap. She'd thought about calling Ward, but realized she didn't want another report and surveillance tape or still photos. She wanted living proof. More proof of just how treacherous Dana Scully had been, how she'd managed to seduce Fox into thinking he belonged to her. Diana already had all the proof she needed to justify her wrath concerning the debacle on Cat Island. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Alex never would have been convinced to let them shove her into that portal unprepared had it not been for Agent Scully's interference. She hadn't figured it out right away, but that was to have been expected. After all, she barely knew who she was when they found her. But, as her memories started returning and she spoke with the counselor, she began to put the fractured shreds of those memories together, stringing them loosely until they showed her what she already knew. Fox's partner had developed a carefully constructed plan to rid him of his former lover. But it hadn't worked. Diana was back and she would reclaim he who was rightfully hers and punish she who tried to make her suffer. Jorge and Ward had managed to give her some oblique information about Mulder's truck, but they were not able to obtain his street address for some strange reason. She'd nearly let them go in a fit of pique when they'd told her. How hard was it these days to track someone? She supposed that since they had much less experience, they might need some pointers. At any rate, she now knew the neighborhood he lived in. As the car was brought up to the main entrance, she strolled over to the attendant, suddenly feeling magnanimous, and palmed him a five dollar bill. He really was rather cute in a young, pedestrian sort of way, she thought as she swung her long legs into the car and slammed the door. Adjusting the volume, she began to sing and she wound her way outside the city limits. She slowed on the open road wondering why it looked familiar to her. The open field on one side and the residential tracts all around it. Yes, this was where she sent Dana careening off the road into a ditch. Could it be that Fox lived around here? The description of the location fit her employees' description. As she approached the stop sign, she swung left, just avoiding the row of trashcans set out for tomorrow's pick up. Slowing, she checked the street sign. Pine. She wheeled down the street, checking out curbside and driveway-parked vehicles. While she saw a range of car and truck, she'd yet to see the black F-150 they'd told her about. At the end of the street she noted a pair of bookend apartment buildings flanking the corners. To her right the Pinewood Village, to her left Pine Street Boardinghouse. She couldn't understand why Fox would choose to stay anywhere near this neighborhood when he could certainly do much better. That was when she began to truly puzzle over his reasons for being in Vermont. She supposed he could be working on a case, but if that were true, he'd be staying in a hotel. It made no sense to her that the bitch was allowed to stay at the pricey Radisson and he was relegated to these shabby hovels. Nonetheless, she turned into the Pinewood apartments. It took her no time to check the small lot and she was back out on the street crossing to the Boardinghouse. Poor Fox. No evidence to the contrary, she assumed the shiny black truck was his parked at the far end of the lot under a stand of tall pines. Pulling in next to him, she got out of the Jetta and walked around the F-150. It was very sporty and nice. Well, as nice as a pick-up truck could be. Checking the cab in the wan moonlight revealed nothing, so she headed for the building. ^*^*^ The Boardroom The oval table and formal chairs stood silently in the dark as the quartet sat on the two facing couches. All lights had been left off in front of the floor to ceiling glass walls that looked out over the city. Occasionally, Proteus seemed to get into the cliched cloak and dagger. It really ticked Bishop off. Of course he'd never mention it. "So, what's on our agenda for tomorrow?" Zale draped his arm across the back of the sofa, taking care not to let it touch Jemel. He wasn't sure exactly what had happened on their last trip, but he knew enough to steer clear. Proteus allowed a small smile to play about his lips in response to his subordinate's question. He knew the man was literally chomping at the bit; he always was when he smelled a big job. Especially a big job with a new recruit. The drug lord had also noticed the slight distance between Zale and the first in command. The blonde woman was certainly polite enough, but missing was her usual caustic wit directed at her colleague. Could it be that Chris had tread on Zale's turf somehow? No matter. They had much more important things to discuss. "Our agenda," he began, "includes a trip across the border. Our first full venture since the scouting missions." Proteus paused, watching his two associates' reactions. Noting the looks of anticipation and excitement although neither spoke. "I want you to keep a tight reign on Chris, with one exception. You," the boss nodded at Jemel, "will accompany him to the Falls for the pick up while you," nodding at her colleague, "will stay at homebase in Niagara proper." "Why aren't we sending Chris in on his own? I thought we'd established his credibility and the first full trip is--" Jemel was cut short, but without admonishment. "A good question, Number One, very good. That is standard protocol. However, this pick up will be unprecedented in size and you'll be meeting with some of the Canadian contacts for the first time. I want to be doubly sure about his commitment to our cause." He laughed then, a full, throaty baritone. "Put him to the test, Jemel, before you arrive at the Falls. Something quick and telling. If he fails, pull him out and call on Zale." Relieved that he had not been written out entirely, the male Associate sat back with a heavy sigh. Much to his boss's amusement. ^*^*^ Pine Street Boardinghouse She might have partially won the first round, but he was a man on a mission, on the prowl, and he would succeed. Tossing the covers back, Mulder sat up, shifting and readjusting his now restricting boxers. She wanted a shower? That was fine with him. He could use one himself. His very vivid imagination provided images of a shower-for-two... The steam was just starting to float out of the open bathroom door as he approached, shedding his boxers as he padded, bare foot, onto the tiled floor. He noticed his tee where she'd hung it on the hook on the back of the door and her panties set on the small wicker hamper in the corner. The patter of the water drew him to the shower stall. Somewhere between the total utilitarian single person size and the more spacious bathtub/shower combination, he knew it would accommodate two -- with a little room to spare. Not that that mattered much. In this case, the closer the better. Feeling the heat that thought elicited, he grabbed the green plastic curtain and drew it across the metal rod, stepping in behind a very naked and very wet Scully. Her body deflected the spray behind her, allowing small droplets to hit random parts of his body. The heat of the water could not compare with the heat in his belly once he was skin-to-skin with Scully. For her part, she sensed his entrance, the sound of the metal curtain holders sliding and the slight chill of the air outside the stall registering on her body. Tilting her head back, the water hit her open mouth as it made its way down her body as it was suddenly drawn back against the very solid and very wet form of her partner. He slipped his arms around her waist, one hand clutching the small, worn bar of soap. Wordlessly, he palmed the soap over her, her hitching breath lifting her chest, arching her back. Soapy hands criss-crossed her belly, her hips, her breasts with slippery slowness, leaving trails of heavy heat over tingling gooseflesh. She fell into him when his fingers teased and drew her already aching nipples to throbbing points. "God, Mulder," she hissed, turning her head both to avoid the stream of water as much as to allow him more access to her neck. Where he seemed to have decided to feast with lips and tongue. He heard her. But he also felt her. Felt her hands as she reached behind him, her hands stopping...not where he wanted them most, but on his hips. Her small, but strong fingers trying to gain purchase on his firm slick ass cheeks. Kneading and gripping him, the result, her hips sliding and squirming into what had turned into a rampant and pulsing hard-on. "I see you found my surprise, Scully," he gritted out, his mouth leaving her neck just long enough to force the words. Too many sensations. The fire radiated from her in dizzying waves and she wanted to devour his mouth. She felt his hand comb her wet hair from her face and then turn her head to meet his. Without his other hand banded around her waist, she was sure she would go the way of the cascading water when his lips parted over hers, followed by the lapping of his tongue on her upper lip and chased once again by his open mouth. She heard and felt their mutual moans and groans. She wasn't alone in her appreciation for the team shower. Gasping for breath and a slowing of her jack-hammering heart rate, she put some space between their lips, the wet smacking sound echoing in the confines of the enclosure. "Jeezus Mulder!" Her head sagged onto his chest, but she never lost her hold on him. The bar of soap long ago discarded; Mulder cupped her breasts with one hand as the other traveled south. What began as light exploration quickly turned to impassioned and lusty fondling, one long finger sliding between her folds easily. "Hold still Scully," he husked, his lips close to hers as he held her firmly in place. She wondered if she'd heard him correctly. How he could possibly expect her to stop rocking between his fingers creating wild ripples within her and the solid length of him wedged between them was beyond her. The man sometimes demanded the impossible. All she could manage in verbal reply was an incoherent moan, but her traitorous body answered for her. Time seemed drawn out to Dana Scully yet she could not process the sensory-overload created by her sex-crazed and very motivated partner. His left hand moving from her peaked nipple to her wrist, he brought her palm across her body where it met with the tip of his tongue as it traced a line from base to finger tip. Before she had a chance to do more than react with a shivery moan, he brought their hands back. Withdrawing his fingers from her, he gently, but firmly encircled her other wrist, bringing both hands up in front of her. Regardless of his earlier dictum she couldn't control the urge to wriggle, the feel of his erection nestling high against her ass nearly her undoing. She felt his thighs nudging her forward by inches as he bent over her. "Place your hands on the tiles for me," he growled, his hard body punctuating his request. His hands splayed over hers, he kissed her hair and bit her lobe. "Spread 'em Scully." If it weren't for the sudden wetness between her legs, she was sure she would have laughed. Leave it to Mulder to make humor hot. Nonetheless, she did as told. With seeming practiced flair, one hand moved to her hip, the other guiding him to her entrance. She barely noticed the slight adjustments until they found just the right position to allow him to tease and then glide into her. "Oh my God Scully," the force of the water garbling his words, but having no effect on his slow and controlled initial thrust. He held her tightly, his fingers securing her hips to his groin, lifting her onto the balls of her feet in a steady up, down and back motion. Scully's head bowed forward, her drenched tresses allowing her to see nothing but the beige tiles onto which she tenaciously held. The smaller shower stall and their position had given them most of the leverage they needed, giving her one intense experience. His knees bent slightly, his hips flexed and tightened as he pumped more erratically, her slick heat pulling at and drawing him in deeper and deeper. Using the back wall to partially support them, he eased his hold on her hip, unerringly touching that spot between her legs. The small quick circles Mulder drew sent Scully soaring, her keening low and throaty. And her shudders and pulses ratcheted his arousal higher and higher until he was unable to do more than help keep them standing. He drove into her; the feel of her meeting him thrust for thrust finally taking him. Wincing through her ecstasy, Scully wondered when the last time was she had found herself in this particular position. Mulder managed to bring out the best in her; even helped her locate muscles she hadn't remembered she possessed. Slight aches not withstanding, she also couldn't recall the last time she'd felt quite this...wonderful. Yes, that was the word. "So Mulder, have I gotten my surprise yet," she asked as he held their bodies close, allowing them to catch their breath. Amidst mutual moans and groans, she straightened as he helped her up, turning her in his arms. Leaning into him, her arms wrapped around his waist as she planted kisses on his chest. "Well?" Holding the back of her head, he tipped her face up to his. "You really are impatient and greedy, aren't you?" His kisses landed on her forehead, her nose and her mouth. "Mmm...," she muttered into the kiss, pulling away by mere inches, "and you're all wrinkled, Mulder." She laughed only until his mouth met hers yet again. The heel of her hand pushed against his chest when he cupped her ass. "Oh no you don't. I've got to be at the Lab in forty-five minutes." Mulder decided to make good use of his partner's dressing time, parading around in a white towel slung low on his hips as if he were already attired for his trip, cell phone to his ear. Mulder held no illusions as to Kimberley's real meaning. Roughly translated, she meant, 'Skinner's pissed he hasn't heard sooner and will chew your ass given half a chance.' He marveled at how she managed to convey so much by saying so little. Almost as well as he and Scully did. Thinking about her had him turning toward her, watching her step into her panties one beautiful leg at a time. His wandering eyes and libido were slam-dunked back to reality when he heard his boss's booming voice. Ahh...the Skinner humor, Mulder mused. "Sorry it's taken me so long, Sir." Not wanting to give the AD any more time to ruminate, he continued, "I'm about to head out of town and I think this is the big trip. We're heading for St. Albans, but I have a feeling we're making the border crossing this time." "She's busy Sir, but I'll let her tell you about that on her own." He knew protocol dictated that she should indeed provide some sort of back-up, but it was too dangerous to his case. Besides, he hadn't asked and she hadn't offered. Yet. He'd cross that bridge if he came to it. Mulder knew he was right. But decided to continue, without further comment about the required assistance. "I'll probably be out of contact for several hours, but will try to make some time to bring you up to speed." Mulder was sure he could hear the clenched jaw, see the tight line of the lips and the slow simmer in Skinner's eyes. Heading for a clean pair of boxers, he dropped his towel, noting with no small amount of pride the way his partner gave him the once over. Leaning his phone ear to his shoulder, he pulled on the undergarment and headed into the bathroom. "Crystal, Sir." Attempting to shimmy into his faded jeans, he caught Scully's eyes and rolled his own. He was rewarded with a small smile and shrug of her shoulders as she mouthed, 'want any help, Mulder?' He hoped she caught his rather obvious leer as he promised the Assistant Director to keep him apprised. "Skinner a little gruff Mulder?" Now fully clothed, Scully walked into the bathroom behind him, snagging his belt loop with her index finger and tugging. "You've got to go easier on him." "What? And break with tradition?" Laying the tube of hair gel back on the counter top, he reached behind him, snagging both her arms, wrapping them around his bare chest. "I calculate you still have a good twenty minutes before you have to leave, Scully." Kissing him chastely, her lips still touching him between the shoulder blades, she murmured, "Down boy," and stepped back out of his reach. "I have to call Skinner now." "Oh, by the way, he wanted me to talk to you about seeing if Kimberley can get some of her own in on this as back-up," he called to her over his shoulder before following her out into the living room area. Tossing him his cream colored Henley, she asked, "Was there anything else he said I need to know about?" She stood, hands on hips, waiting for him to pull the shirt down, although she wished he never had to cover those abs. "Well..." "That's not an auspicious start to a reply Mulder," she mused, then suddenly turning more serious, approached him. "He wants me on back-up, doesn't he?" "Never could fool you Agent Scully." He mirrored her pose, hands on his slim hips, but the look in his eyes said he was less than happy about her ability to read the situation. "He's right you know. You can't go in completely alone Mulder." Much as she wanted to take one of his hands in hers, she knew he needed his space. "I'm not going in totally alone. He's calling the Albany Field Office and you're talking to Kimberley. I can handle myself." His tone had turned almost petulant, his eyes bordering on defiant. "Mulder, what's this about? No one's questioning your abilities and you know that." Now she did grasp his biceps, looking him in the eye. "This assignment is no different than any other. Unless there's something you're not telling me?" Shaking his head as if to clear it, he held her arms, connecting them once again. "I'm sorry Scully. It's nothing and you're both right and I know it." "Wait. Did I just hear you admit that I'm right?" The lightness of their earlier discussion had returned. "Don't push it G-Woman." Leaning in, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then grabbed her own cell phone. While they knew that their boss was very much aware of their relationship, they'd agreed not to be obvious; especially while on assignment. "Hello, Sir." Not good, she thought. "Sorry for the slight delay Sir, but I do have some information for you. I need--" He stopped himself, realizing that he was most likely responding to Scully with the frustration he usually reserved for her partner. And then realized that she probably did deserve at least some of that frustration. Although both were excellent Agents whose skills complimented one another, he had watched Scully occasionally exhibit some of what he privately thought of as 'Mulder Traits'. This just happened to be one of Mulder's more significant traits and thank god Scully had not totally mastered the fine art of delaying the report to her superior. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up off his eyes for the briefest second. He drew in a deep breath and tried to slowly exhale. Thankfully, Mulder had made himself busy at the small dinette table, but she didn't miss the furtive glances he cast in her direction. She turned her back to him to keep the distractions to a minimum. After bringing him up to speed on her research findings, she introduced the subject of the new scientist. "I've already run a background check, but something still doesn't sit right with me. I need you to do some digging and see what you turn up. Her name is Aja Sonjah..." Scully continued with what she'd learned. "Did you know that Diana Fowley is here?" She heard Mulder wrench around in his chair and knew he was about to come to her. Having no desire to see the look on his face; unsure of whether he'd be supportive of her inquiry or not, she kept her back to him. She knew from her boss's silent pause that he had not been aware. Mulder chose that time to approach her, walking in front of her, trying to make eye contact. When she lifted her eyes to him, he mouthed, "What?", his raised brow clearly indicating his question. "It's nothing we can't handle, Sir," she asserted, ineffectually pushing her partner, "I was just wondering if you were aware of it." She shot Mulder an apologetic look, but he merely smiled sheepishly and shrugged. Handing him her phone, she whispered that their boss wanted to talk to him, adding, "Time to face the music, G-Man." For the first several seconds, Mulder held the phone inches from his ear, Scully hugged to his side, wincing at the strident tone wafting over the cellular airwaves. Then he spoke. "No Sir, I hadn't left you out of the loop intentionally." Scully could hear and see the contrition in him and only hoped that Skinner would, once again, just let out a gusty sigh and move on. She listened as Mulder continued his explanation, her hand holding his where it lay on her hip. "To be perfectly honest, I'd gotten so caught up with this case, my role, that Diana wasn't the first person on my mind." He winked at Scully and continued. "Other than our meeting in the hotel lobby, I haven't seen hide nor hair of her." Before his sometimes wayward subordinate could end the call, Skinner added, Scully watched the color rise in his cheeks as he snapped the phone closed. She felt the heat of that color in his cheeks as he tossed the phone onto the couch and plopped down, taking her with him. "Okay Agent Scully, what's your schedule like? Where do I meet you so I can catch you before my trip?" His mischievous grin belied his hand trying to make its way underneath her shirt. "Work Mulder; think work." She pushed herself up off his lap and went to grab her jacket. "I'll be at the lab all day; probably into the evening, too, but maybe you can stop by on your way out?" She headed for the door, but stopped with her hand on the doorknob. "And Mulder? Put a shirt on. I'm pretty picky about who gets to see you bare-chested." He didn't even have enough time to formulate a witty response before she was out the door. ^*^*^ Office of the Assistant Director J.E. Hoover Building Washington, DC "Kimberly, get me the Burlington Resident Agency over in the Federal Building. I need to talk with their ASAC now. And then have Officer Kimberley Kresge from the OPP on the line for a conference call." AD Skinner gathered the notes he had from his too brief reports from his star agents in the field. The small pull of his lips over perfectly even white teeth was one of the only indications of his impatience. "Line one for ASAC Bonesse, Sir." "Terese I need some back up in your neck of the woods." The formalities of socialization were put aside in lieu of quickly setting his plans in motion. "Name it Walter. I must owe you at least one or two favors by now Old Man." Her vivacious tone laced with her pseudo-Parisian accent was meant to soothe. She knew well just how tense he could be. She assumed it had something to do with one of his brilliant but wayward agents. The male with the animal name, she guessed. That one seemed to fuel many of her former colleague's frustrations. His sigh was audible. She was doing it again. Had he not known of her well-deserved rise through the ranks, he'd have pegged her for a smart-assed flirt. "I need a few of our top field agents to work that case we've all been hearing about. I'm going to pull someone else in on this call. Hold on." "Wait Walter. This one has you worried; more so than usual. Why?" She'd set the files she was holding when he'd called and was now listening with every fiber of her being. "Look Terese, let me get Officer Kresge on the line with us. She's the Canadian suit in this operation and has some valuable experience with what we think we're dealing with. You can push me to share my emotions later, okay?" He allowed himself a fleeting smile as she sat back in his chair. Skinner listened as the two women made introductions and then cut in. "All right, I need to bring you both up to speed and then call in some support on both sides of the border." He quickly outlined the facts as he knew them taken from his agents' reports and other sources and then added his own thoughts. It was ASAC Bonesse who spoke first. "Well, it sounds to me like we're looking at a connection between what's been discovered in Massachusetts, Vermont and on your turf Officer. That drug seems to cut a deep path heading due north." "My thoughts exactly ASAC." That was Kimberley who continued on, highlighting more of what she believed Mulder was probably finding out. "He heads north tonight you said?" She addressed Skinner. "How much back-up do you need, Skinner?" The ASAC was already reviewing a personnel roster to see who might be available. "Same goes here, Sir. Just let me know what you need and I'll be on the phone to my commander. He's doing to have to deploy some of the force outside Niagara since they're not considered a regular law enforcement unit. Not for what they may be called upon to do if they have to intercede." Kimberley was itching to get moving now. Skinner worked out the logistics, reasoning that he may need a few field agents to follow Mulder's trail and cross the border with him. He would let Officer Kresge call the shots once they arrived on her home turf. He sincerely hoped that whatever was put in motion was not needed, but he didn't have a good feeling about this. Sending a solo agent in without back-up was certainly not a rare occurrence, but was thought to be highly risky. The odds seemed to be more heavily stacked when sending in someone who tended to consider himself outside the realm of protocol. He shook his head, silently brushing that thought aside. Mulder might have some methods that strayed from the straight and narrow, but there was no doubt that the man got things done. ^*^*^ Given Building University of Vermont Monday, 25 September Noontime Scully swung the Maxima in a wide arc, taking the last parking slot in the over-crowded lot. Aside from vehicular congestion, the lot served as a crosswalk for the throngs of students moving as one; flooding from the building and onto either their next class or lunch break. Seemingly oblivious to the effects of their mass movements, they sauntered, backpacks overloaded, chatting with one another. Scully gathered her belongings and exited her car, shaking her head, a fond memory of her college days drifting through her unexpectedly. She made her way against the tide of pedestrian traffic into the science building, a small smile playing on her lips. Entering the lab itself quickly doused all reminiscing. Other members of her team were already busy setting up the equipment in order to perform advanced testing. Scanning their faces, some already in goggles, a few in face masks, she noted the absence of Dr. Sonjah. Checking her watch and then glancing to the large wall clock, she confirmed that it was indeed the stipulated meeting time. "Dr. Radikel, may I have a word with you?" Scully indicated they move to the side of the room. "Will Dr. Sonjah be joining us today?" A brief look of confusion passed over Kyla's face. "I'm not sure why she's not here yet. She is critical to some of today's procedures as I'm sure you're aware, Dr. Scully." Just as Scully was about to speak, the double doors swung open and Aja Sonjah whisked through, a scowl of impatience on her face. Still moving, she asked, "Are we all ready for today's round of experiments? Everyone in place?" Kyla Radikel hustled forward, anxious to quell any concerns from the guest scientist. "We're all set to go, Aja. We were actually just waiting on you." Hoping to forestall the potential tempers flaring, Scully moved forward, standing between the two scientists. "I think we'd all agree we've got our work cut out for us?" Without waiting for a response, she pulled her goggles on and headed for the main lab bench. Other than the various sounds of technicians moving past each other, murmuring questions or directions and the clinking and motorized sounds of equipment, they worked quietly for nearly an hour. Until Aja broke the silence with an uncharacteristic exclamation and all activity stopped abruptly. Had she yelled 'Eureka!' the effect wouldn't have been any stronger. "This cannot be!" She set the beaker on the marble counter top with enough force to shatter it but since her latexed hand was partially underneath it, the container remained intact. Scully rounded the edge of the work area, leaving her notes behind, and approached the researcher, one eyebrow raised. "What is it, Doctor?" A whisper of doubt colored her tone. It was not a good sign when a previously even-keeled or level-headed researcher displayed such an uncharacteristic outburst. It didn't sound promising to Scully. Not at all. "I want everyone front and center. Someone has most likely tampered with the samples and I'd like to know why." Dr. Sonjah's crossed arms and tapping foot showed classic impatience. Her up-tilted chin accompanying the downward angle of her eyes struck Scully as pure power-play. "You know we all left here together and that no one has access to the storage area we're using, Aja." Scully stood her ground in facing her colleague, her head tilted to one side, her arms also crossed in front of her. It was Kyla Radikel who stepped in to release the tension. "Dr. Sonjah, if you let us know exactly what you've found we can rectify it immediately, but I must stand with Dr. Scully about the security of this lab." "The sample is not how it was left." Reaching for the beaker, the taller woman thrust it between them, noting how both Kyla and Dana's eyes flicked to the container and then to each other. "I see you can confirm my finding?" Scully's face remained passive, belying just how taken aback by the sarcasm of the response she was. "What I *see* Dr. Sonjah is most definitely a changed state from our last work with this specimen. What I fail to extrapolate from the changed state is that one of us is responsible. Would you care to more clearly outline your supposition on that matter?" Noting the somewhat wide-eyed looks on the Technicians' faces, Kyla suggested that the three senior scientists move the discussion into the lab office. Aja stopped him, her tone cooling down. "That won't be necessary Dr. Radikel. I've been prematurely accusatory. Dr. Scully is correct; I have no proof of anything other than a need to further study the dynamism of our sample." Before anyone could comment, she continued, placing the beaker back on the counter top and heading toward the door. "I'm going to do some further research back at my place and will contact Dr. Scully as soon as I find what I'm looking for. Please accept my apologies for becoming so outlandish in my conclusions." A weak smile formed as she turned to leave. Scully visually followed the woman as she strode through the double doors, the unsettling feeling refusing to budge. ^*^*^ "Langly, stop the tape." Shaking his head at the familiar routine involved in gaining access to his favorite group of paranoid friends, Mulder laughed. "I need some information, guys. And preferably yesterday." Langly had retained possession of the phone, but Mulder had no doubt that the other two were listening via speaker. "Two requests. One, did you find anything out yet about Dr. Aja Sonjah and next, I need a background check on a Jemel and a Mr. Zale. I'm not sure on the first name, but that probably won't matter much. They're first level flunkies for Proteus, head honcho." Byers smooth tone replaced Langly's laconic drawl.. "I haven't got it, guys. I'm heading north in a few hours. I'm cashing in on a favor." Mulder paced, sunflower seeds going from hand to mouth, his lips working the seed out of its shell. "Fro? We're never even. You ought to know that by now." Mulder plopped down on the side of the bed, listening to the trio's chatter as they worked the various keyboards. Langly's question was quickly followed by Frohike's verbal jibing and Byers telling them both to quiet down and get back to work. "Yeah, she did ask already, but she's at the lab and I thought I'd deliver it first hand." Byers cut in. "Uh, guys...send me the text version later, all right?" Back to his pacing, Mulder made mental note of what he was hearing. Byers summation ended in silence; his fellow Gunmen had nothing to add. For once. "All right, so we've got some mystery, but nothing nefarious. What name did she go by while at MIT?" The clacking sound of keyboarding again and then Frohike replied, Switching gears, Mulder then asked about Zale knowing they were already ferreting out the details. The elder Gunman replied as he scrolled through the data appearing on his screen. Rolling his eyes, Mulder bit his tongue to keep from asking Frohike what he'd found. He knew he'd learn about the discovery soon enough. As soon as his partner in conspiracy was ready to share. "Ok, Fro. 5-4-3-2--" "You're killing me here. Spit it out." Exasperation was starting to get the better of Mulder, his patience wearing thin. "I'm here, I'm here. Keep talking." Mulder could hear the keyboard strokes again and he assumed that more information was being pulled forth. He was not disappointed, but it was Langly who picked up the reporting. Langly let out a whistle of amazement and then settled back in his chair. "Thanks, guys. And here I thought I was just dealing with a sharp dressed man. Gotta run." Mulder was about to end the connection when he heard Byers tell him to stay in touch. Always the perfect gentleman that man... ^*^*^ Bio-Sciences Lab 4:00PM She was serving as sweep batter for the home team...and wondering why she was thinking in baseball analogies once again. Ahh...the Mulder influence. She shook her head, smiling, and finished replacing the samples and taking the used glassware to the sterilizer. She was looking forward to heading home to something hot for dinner and a good book. She was not looking forward to an evening without Mulder. Although she probably wouldn't get to read that book if he were around, she mused. Although, she hadn't done much pleasure reading since they'd started spending serious out of work time together. Heck, between 'in work' and 'out of work' time, there wasn't much of it spent without him. And she had to admit she was pretty happy about that. Unbuttoning her lab coat as she closed an equipment drawer with her hip, she shrugged it off, laying it over the back of the chair by the computer. It had been a strange day. Her mind went back over the scene with the renowned scientist and the startled expressions on the technician's faces as Dr. Sonjah departed. Everything had appeared to have returned to normal, but Scully had not felt right. Something was definitely 'off'. Lost in her reverie, she did not hear Mulder enter, his hiking boots making the slightest footfall as he crept up on her. Nor did she feel the puff of air he breathed into her hair just before he wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Mulder!" Her exclamation slash high-pitched shriek turned to a laugh as he grabbed her in what he liked to call a 'reverse hug', holding her cheek to cheek. If she looked directly sideways, she could make out his face before her vision blurred. In a hushed tone, she said, "I told you not to sneak up on me, Mulder. It could be dangerous to your health." She could feel the rumble of his laughter as he replied, "I'm shakin' in my boots, Scully. Besides, I've got you pinned. You're not going anywhere, let alone inflicting any 'danger' on me." As if to prove his point, she felt his arms tighten around her as he nipped at her jaw line. He was asking for it and before he could go any farther, she'd clasped her hands together in a tight grasp, shrugging her shoulders upward imperceptibly. Making sure to keep her contact with him, she shoved up and back, causing him to release her with a surprised 'oh'. "Who's shaking now, Mulder?" Smiling, she turned toward him, one hand idly patting him where she'd pushed moments before. Soothing. After glancing behind them, she reached up for his face and drew him to her, their lips meeting. And disengaging just as quickly. Holding on to his shirt, she asked, "Where are you taking me?" The fact that he was cupping her bent elbows barely had time to register before she felt herself propelled upward and onto the counter top. She knew he was having a hard time concealing the sparkle of mischief in his eyes when he told her, "Who said anything about going anywhere?" "Mulder, much as I'd like nothing better than--" She watched his fingers come up to shush her. "I've always wanted to have a little scientific fun with Dr. Scully and it looks like the coast is clear and since I'm leaving in a few hours, I thought--" Now it was her turn to stop his seductive rambling. She knew that if she allowed him to continue, he'd easily talk her into whatever his creatively active mind had devised. "Mulder, I need to talk to you first." She watched the change in his demeanor, knowing he understood the seriousness behind her words. "Then talk to me, Scully." She smiled, leaning forward to chastely kiss him on his bottom lip. There were just times she absolutely treasured this man and those times seemed to occur in the oddest situations. "It's Dr. Sonjah. I can't get a read on her and I'm really wondering if there's something there; something my quick background check didn't uncover." "Funny you should mention her." He stepped back and then hopped up onto the counter beside her. "I've been doing some of my own checking; with the assistance of our good friends." His satisfied smile told her the Gunmen were the 'good friends' he referred to. "And?" "And," he continued, patting her jeans for emphasis, "She seems to check out. She has a few aliases, but her research, degrees and experience are all the real thing." Wrinkling her brow in thoughtful silence, she paused. When she spoke again, she had his full attention. "Mulder, doesn't that strike you as odd? Most people don't have several aliases." "I never said it didn't strike me as odd, Scully, only that her background checks out. I still think you're wise to have your concerns. You know I trust your judgment." She searched his face, knowing he did indeed trust her; trust her judgment. Just as she did him, his. The man could be downright frustrating one minute and simply wonderful the next. An endless enigma. An enigma she hoped she never completely fathomed. Leaning into him, she rested her hand on his thigh and sighed. "I do know that Mulder, and I'm just going to observe from this point on. I have to admit the woman's made great strides in the research and I'm extremely curious to see what else she turns up." Withdrawing from the warmth of his body, she slid off the counter. Glancing at her watch, she told him, "You better get going." His face registering mock surprise and feigned disappointment, he asked, "You're trying to get rid of me?" He joined her on the floor, pulling her into a bear hug. "And I had such big plans for us, Scully. Do you wanna hear what I had in mind?" Tempting as his offer was, she knew that her capacity to forestall his actions was ebbing the longer he hung around. She had work to do back at the hotel and he had to arrive on time. Hooking her fingers into his back belt loops, she drew him closer. "How about I take a rain check on whatever it is you had in mind? Just till you get back." Sliding one leg between hers, he allowed his hands to meander down her back until they reached her behind, the denim hugging her only slightly tighter than his hands did. "You drive a tough bargain Scully, but I guess I'm going to have to wait." Turning them so his back was to the double doors, she unhooked her finger from his waistband and moved her hand between them. "Be good, Mulder." She smiled when she heard him groan. ^*^*^ Battery Street Burlington-Port Kent, NY Ferry Docks 5:00PM Mulder had marked off the 15 steps between the departure dock and the small bar immediately to its left four times already. Although he had absolutely no use for the information, he could anticipate each random crack in the sidewalk and how many times the flickering Amstel sign in the shop window would flash its orangey neon before he turned and walked back again. They were late. More likely, he mused, they were observing him from a safe distance somewhere nearby. Laughter didn't seem the appropriate action, but he needed something to keep from being completely overtaken by boredom. Trying not to glance at his watch yet again, he decided he'd give his colleagues another five minutes before leaving. They needed to know he'd only be pushed so far. Besides, he could think of better ways to while away the evening... "Mr. Arsenault, so good of you to come on time," Jemel smirked as she strutted toward him. Mulder squelched his need to verbally reply, but couldn't totally avoid the fragment of a thought about 'coming' that sprung to mind. The only outward display of his internal comment was a nod and a wry grin. "Let's get this show on the road." Zale clapped Mulder on the back causing him to wonder when Proteus' henchman had become so friendly. He moved toward the now-familiar truck and motioned to the taller man to get into the passenger side. Jemel would be driving this time. Before she'd even had time to pull away from the curb, Zale was affably outlining the nature of their trip, his tone so light and casual that it caused Mulder to wonder if he were yet again being tested, maybe even trapped. How, he wasn't sure, but he couldn't shake the sense that he should remain on-guard with these two. At least he had the seat closest to the door, literally had an 'out' if he needed it. Jemel, for her part, was quiet, guiding them onto the interstate, her fingers occasionally drumming on the dash to the local country station. She would occasionally glance toward the two men, but otherwise occupied herself with the navigation and driving. Leaving Mulder to Zale. "So, Chris, I bet you're wondering about this job." He didn't wait for a response, continuing on with what sounded like a prepared speech. "And so you should. It's not often that the Boss allows a new recruit in on such a big job so soon." Although he hadn't turned toward the speaker, Zale's glance in his direction wasn't lost on Mulder. In response, he merely nodded slightly, indicating that he'd heard. "Bet you'd like to know more about the Boss, too." Mulder caught the sharp look Jemel gave her cohort at that statement. He was being taunted and the woman was probably concerned that the need to reveal all that he knew was making Zale more talkative than usual. "Zale, stop rambling and tell Chris what he needs to know." Her rebuke settled over him visibly although Mulder knew the man tried to hide it. "Yeah, so as I was saying, I hear you have some background with the substance we're picking up tonight, Chris." The statement hung between them for a beat and then Zale continued. "Well, it's got some new properties we hadn't known about before. Now the Boss wants it badly. That also means, however, that others want it, too, and it's in short supply right now. Hence, the need to make tracks." Jemel's eyes had returned to the road, now satisfied that her partner wasn't about to give away the family farm -- or any of Proteus' secrets. Zale fidgeted, anticipating Mulder's reply. And Mulder wasn't quite sure what to say. He had a lot of questions now; especially about this drug he 'had some background with'. It had to be the paste. The information set his mind working, thinking about Scully's research and the new scientist his partner had her suspicions about. If Proteus was involved... Mulder needed time to puzzle this all out. And that was exactly what he didn't have right now. He decided to stick to information gathering to show interest in the project, hopefully without tipping his hand. "Are we running against those groups tonight?" "Good question, Chris," Jemel commented, pleased, "Our sources seem to think we have a head start, but we're not sure exactly who else is working against us." Well, he thought, he could probably help them out there, but down that road lay potential conflict of interest. Not to mention, Scully. "How long to our destination?" Mulder watched Zale turn to Jemel for the answer. "I'd say an hour. We're not sure if we'll need to border-cross, but we have some of our own stationed there already just in case." ^*^*^