Historic Flight  Air Bus A380

Astrological analysis- Saturn/ Venus/ Mercury/Moon has significantly influenced the success.







Sat/ Lag




Rh     Sat/Jup












Rasi Chart 27-04-2005 @ 10.29am Toulouse, France


The historical flight of Airbus A380 was very successful. More than 20,000 people gather to welcome the success of the flight. Was there any celestial influence behind this victories flight? Certainly anything that happens under the sun has influence of Pancha bootham mainly Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Ether. The Airbus A380 has the ability to carry 800 passengers at a time. The biggest airliner ever built.


1. Arising Lagnam at  the  commencement  of The Journey.

First of all let us look the lagna at the time of take off. Lagna arising was Gemini. It was a good indication that Gemini(Mithunam) is Airy sign. It self proofs that anything dealing with air will benefit and the out come will be good. It also indicates the full blessing of Lord Maruthi and Vayu Bagavan. The arising lagna is Sirshodaya Rasi as per Prasanna Tantra  the  objectives of the query   will be realized.



2. Navamsa Kumbam                                                                                                                                                    The Navamsa lagna rising was Kumbam  a sign of Saturn. It is worthy to note that Aquarius is also an airy sign too. The karaka for vehicle is also in Airy Navamsa is a good indication. The 10th from Navamsa Lagna occupied by Mars/Mer. Mercury again has influenced both 10th house.

3.Directionof The Journey  

The flight took from the Blagnac International Airport at 10.29am. It went west and turned to the South. The maiden flight’s  journey was first to the west and to the south do proof that there was some element of directional influence from the lords ruling the eight directions (Asta Tikku Balar) in Hindu astrology. As per Vastu Sastra The cosmic energy enters from North West and settle in South west.

Planets ruling the Direction as per Vastu/ Fengsui

East Sun
South East Venus (Navamsa Lagna)
South Mars
South West Rahu (10th House)
West Saturn (In Lagna)
North West Moon
North Mercury
North east Jupiter
4.) Powerful Saturn.      

Saturn in Lagna, the sign ruled by  Mercury. Saturn considered a benefic for Gemini Lagan ruling the 8th & 9th House. Saturn in lagna in his friendly house mercury shows an industries work has been done. Saturn has attained vargottama amsa,   hence powerfully situated in lagna. Saturn in the constellation of Jupiter the 7th & 10th lord. Certainly Saturn in Lagan will bring the AIRBUS A380 to its maximum popularity.As per Brihat Jataka Person both in Vargottama amsa will bring name and fame to the family, in this context to the Producers of The Airbus A380.

5 )The week Day (wednesday)           

The ruling lagna was Gemini. Its lord was transiting in the 10th.The house of Keerti. The Day was also ruled by Mercury(Buthan) indicated that the  success of Airbus A380 was very much contributed by Mercury.

6. Moons Transit In Jestha         

Analysing the the day, the moon was transiting Jestha (Kettai) ruled by mercury the lagna and th e1oth lord star. This is a great astrological point to notice.

7.Guru Hora at the time Of Take.        

Anything beginning is a good Hora definitely has its implication. In this trial the beginning time correspond to Jupiter Hora. The Planet Jupiter was also transiting in Mercury House. Note the Position of Jupiter in Navamsa.

8) Rahu in The 10th House.         

Rahu ruling telecommunication and telegraph facilities being associated with Lagna Lord and also attained vargottama amsa aspect by the lord of 10th house Jupiter is a blessing to the Industry" Guruvayuappan" The word vayu depicted air is a significant point to notice. The Constellation Rahu situated in Vargottama amsa is more astonishing Revathi 4th patha arises and it is the constellation of Rising Lord of Lagna.

9) Implication of Gauri Panchangam.       
The day was Wednesday , the Gauri Panchangam the time was auspicious until 11.27am.So the the test was conducted within time frame of Good period. The day ruled by Siddha Yoga there is no any bad astronomical /astrological implication.
10) Implication Karma Isthana   

The 10th House at the time of Departure seems to be blessed by many panets. Lagna Lord in the 10th House. According to Satchitaya Charya in his Satya Jatakan states that if Lagna lord is in the 10th house be with 10th lord The Native will attain name and fame, influential post and get promotions. It is clear that the Air Bus A380 will be become vary famous one day. In the above chart the 10th lord is being aspect by Jupiter but also obtained parivarthana yoga too.

11) Are Wright Brothers  still guiding from the cosmic plane     

The sign Gemini is a twin sign, indicate persons born like II .In relationship it indicates sibling and sibling like also indicates brothers. To see it in a different dimensions, I feel the Wright brother is still guiding the field of aeronautics. Transcendental guidance and inspiration from Wilbur and Orville Wright is worth given a thought. It is interesting to note the first flight tested by the Wright Brothers was at 10.35am, just after 8 minutes on December 17, 1903.It is interesting to note that the moon was transiting Scorpio. It is also surprising to note that Wilbur Wright was born 16 April 1867, when the sun was transiting Aries.

Wilbur Wright


Orville Wright

12) Decanate in Gemini

The rising lagna in Gemini falls at 13Deg 42Min.This falls in the second decanate of Gemini ruled by the planets Venus which denotes luxuries vehicle. The description of the 2nd drekana of Gemini by Brihat Jataka points out that it is a bird Drekana which beyond doubt proof that the discussion pertaining to something of flying nature. The swaroopa of the drekana described as the “Face like Garuda " If Look at The tip any aeroplane in look like beak of the Garuda".

13) The Ruling Dasa at The commencement of the Maiden Journey.

The ruling star of the day was Jestha 2nd patham. The current ruling Dasa  is  Mercury. It is the lagna and the 4th Lord (House of Vehicles). Mercury Dasa/ Venus bukthi till 14-10-2005.The Antara Lord being Mercury till 14-08-2005. Mercury has much say in the incident . 

This is a clear indication that the commercialization Airbus A380 will become a great trade and bring profit to the industry as Venus is in the 11th house being the 5th Lord. In Navamsa Venus is in the 9th House ruling foreign countries Very soon it will be purchased by the foreign countries.

14) Some defect noted in the Chart

Two planets causes harm to Mithunam Lagnam, They are Mars and Sun, Mars being the 6th and 11th Lord and Sun being the 3rd Lord. However, in this chart both planets are not in conjunction. Basing on the ancient text Bavartha Ratnakara Mars "Kujathaye Samagame Thanayoge" Kuja will give immense wealth in his Dasa.  

But certain authorities doesnot look Kuja as subha for Mithuna Lagna especially Thandava Malai., "Sei Seevanodu Ravi Seraak Kadung Kodiyar"  & Jataka Alangkara "Maane Mithuna Lagnagthirku Karasan Seivvaai Kathir Paavi" so it is advisable for Mars to get debilitated or spoiled in the Jataka.  

In this chart Mars will give immense wealth from overseas but it may also cause some debt or enmities as far as trade is concerned. A part from this defect, another fear noticed at the time of rising lagna , is that there was no panchangam suddhi based on Dr.B.V.Raman methods of determining Panchangam Suddi. Agni Panchaga arises which indicated Fire. It is therefore advisable to check into heating and Coolin system of engine performance in the building of the Air Bus A380.

15) Conclusion.
The supersonic Concorde's first flight took place in 1969.Numerological analysis shows the year 1969(25=7)ruled by number 7, The current  year is ruled by 2005(7) also, hence we have another mile stone in the history human aviation affords. No doubt based on the lagna arising at the time of take Air Bus A380 will reach its height very soon. Most of the astrological factors were conducive especially the Lagna lord at the Zenith aspect by Jupiter and association with Vargottama Rahu.




Written 30-04-2005

      Dedicated to His Holiness Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj.           

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