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"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"
- Proverbs 3:5

"Musicians paint their pictures on silence"

It all started with a Moonlight Sonata

I know many of you don't know what the title is. Since the beginning of my life, I also don't know what the title is, until I began to realize. When I was a little, I don't have any interests. I just want to play and play. I never get bored as long as I have my cousins playing with me. My birthday that day when my parents bought me a piano or should I call it a keyboard? but I never pay attention to it, because when I was a little I want to learn violin. I watched someone playing a violin on our television that time and get hooked by the sound of it. It was gentle and warm.

Let's time skip when it all started. I just heard somewhere the name of Johann Pachelbel, who is known for his piece "Canon in D Major" which is so familiar, I know many of you don't know the piece but once you listen to it you can recognize it. After I've known Pachelbel, there's this great musician and genius composer named Ludwig Van Beethoven, and his music suddenly came into my life. I know it is rare for a person to listen to this kind of music. I don't know why I began to listen to classical music. I just listened to Beethoven's famous masterpiece, his "Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27, No. 2" or the "Moonlight Sonata" and my whole life began to change.

I realized that even music without words can transcend words through instruments, because by changing notes, you get to know one another and your hearts are connected.

I became more endeared with music when I started watching anime. The thing that always hooked me is the background musics which is so beautiful that I think my tears will drop off suddenly. Anime is just an animation film but I think it is better than most of the films out there because of the background musics, you can feel the emotion of every character. "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso" is my all-time favorite anime and one of the best animes. This anime is about music, life and romance and left me so much lesson about life that connects to music.

Music is something we can hear everyday. When music came into my life, it is not just a "something" that we can hear everyday, because every music I hear I could feel the emotions, feelings and message of the music that conveys. A music that has something to tell for us.

I found myself in music that leads me to learn different classical music instruments such as guitar, piano, and violin. "Moonlight Sonata" is one of the masterpiece of the famous musician and composer, Ludwig Van Beethoven when he was going deaf and he only proved that even disabled people can do amazing things. So he teaches me that whenever you started something you should finish it no matter what, that never give up on something you make an effort for, and follow your passion. Follow your heart, do what you want, do what makes you happy. This is the story of my life.