Meredith Belbin b.1926

Club Founder Member 1993/4..... Captain 1998

Background: Educated: Sevenoaks School, RGS High Wycombe and Clare College Cambridge. Former consultant to Manpower and Social Affairs Division of OECD and US Dept. of Labor, Chairman of the Industrial Training Research Unit and Director of the Employment Development Unit, currently Visiting Professor in Leadership at Exeter, Conference Speaker and Partner in Belbin Associates. Books include Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, Team Roles at Work, the coming Shape of Organization and (the recent) Managing without Power: Gender Relationships in the Story of Human evolution.

Contribution to the Venerables: Meridian - first club, novice to golf, desperate to to get the handicap (28) he still retains. Nominated Mike Powell as the first captain of the Venerables (he knew the rules). Became Personnel Manager (Captain No.3) of the Venerables in order to distract from incompetence on the course. A keen supporter of the Venerables' ethos. Regularly attends on Mondays but after the 19th leaves promptly for the office (which is now conveniently adjacent to the golf club). Has hit some prodigous shots, has had many good holes - hopes to have a good round one day. Originator of BESS (Belbin's Exponential Scoring System) introduced with due panache on his Captain's Day - it has not yet caught on, but there is still time (remember the laser beam). For an internationally acclaimed management guru, Dr Belbin's trolley management is bizarre.

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