Jeremy Marshall b.1938

Background: After Sherborne School he joined the Royal Signals, then New College, Oxford where he read Chemistry. This was followed by a career in industry which took in spells at Wiggins Teape, 3Ms, CIBA, Hanson (16 years), BAA and De La Rue. Still dabbles in companies as well as farming, but squanders increasing time on tennis, squash, shooting, and singing, not to mention golf which is a favourite.

Contribution to the Venerables: A beginner in 1998, he says he is still wildly optmistic that consistency only in being erratic will one day settle into respectable mediocrity. He considers that laying up is just as risky, usually goes for broke. Bravely medals for the very occasional glorious success being more likely than any success at all on medal days, the latter are to be avoided.

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