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.:Daughter of Darkness:.
Searching for one.
Author's note: This story has an R rating do to some graphic describtions. Anyone under 17 should not read this story or at least have parent advisory.
   He has haunted her, stalking her in the darkness, watching her every move. He waits for her after her every mission, but yet, she never comes. His blacken wings show their every whim, but she never notices. He is the devil himself, hunted by the one known as the Huntress D.
Chapter 1:  Damned
   "FOR THE DEMONS!" Voices echoed through the vast desert area of New Gawind. The moon beams reflected off the sands and the bold head ot the creatures that came to calm as a dark figure stood before them. The wind gasped and the pigs whom called themselves "demons" stepped back. The figure place a hand on their hip and spat.
    "Which one of you pigs is the leader?" The voice femine, unfitting for the body frame. A bony litte man stepped forth, draggin a large rifle behind him.
    "I am, girlie," he scoffed, "what's it to ya?" She glared at him with her red eyes.
    "I have report of you party involved in demonic activies." He rose a brow.
    "Yeah, and what's a wittle girl gonna do about it?!" He growled as the girl smirked.
    "I'm gonna kick your ass, that's what I'm gonna do." He lunged at her and she flipped out of the way, pulling out two magna 45 pistols and fired at them.
    A figure appeared in a tree nearby the area. Its wings speard out, shadowing the area and sending out an eletrical pulse, killing just about everything, but the girl, in its presence. The girl suddenly turned to the direction where the pulsion came from, but it was gone. A voice scoffed.
    "I sense something," a male voice exclaimed, " and I don't like, D, not at all!" The girl who went by the name "D" scowed.
    Something tapped her on the shoulder and her turned to a handsome blond standing right behind her. His green eyes peered out at her, smiling delightfully at her. He stroked his go-tee.
    "The Virgin D, I take it?" She placed the 45's away, glaring at him.
    "I don't know who the hell you are," she said in a monotoned voice, "or how you know of my non-sexual actitivy..." He grinned almost innocently.
    "I know you, D," he smirked, "I know who you are and I know what you do." He laughed.
    "Who are you?" He crossed his arms.
    "The name's Kaed," the green-eyed rurouni said, "I saw what you did those things. You're awesome!"
    "I didn't do jack." She shrugged, brushing it away.
    "Oh? Well... Would you lke to get a couple of drinks? I know a really awesome place not far from here." She rose a brow at him, knowing that she couldn't get drunk.
    "Ok... Sure... Just a few."
Chapter2: Enlighten and DRUNK
   Kaed stared at the beautiful pale creature, licking his lips at her. She had already gone through four vodkas and still wasn't feeling the effects of the poisinous drink. Kaed glared at the empty glasses.
    "You've had four of those thing. Why aren't you wasted?" She smirked.
    "Because I'm not like you," she openly said, standing up to a bar fight.
    "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back." She turned her back and grin. "Oh, and while I'm gone, order another one for me, will ya?" She left the table and Kaed growled viciously.
    "Dammit! I forgot she isn't human!" A glass appeared in his hand.
    "I know one thing that'll get a creature like that drunker than a door knob!" Kaed slipped a dagger out from his jacket sleeve and slit his wrist, then poured it into the glass, masking the scent with the smell of vodka.
    "Demon's blood will be the only thing to get her to be mine." D came back and he quickly pulled his sleeve over the cut.
    "I apologize, I had to break up a barbarios fight." She sat down, grabbed the blood spiked booze and took the first sip of it. Kaed grinned evilly, foldding his hands and placing his chin on them.
    "That's alright, my dead dear."
    'You'll be mine soon...' He thought to himself.
    Not even an hour after the first drink, D had fallen under the spell of the blood, falling asleep in her chair. She had become in the hands of the Devil.
Chapter3: YOU DID WHAT?!
   A slight breeze swept of D's chilled body, startling her. Her eyes slowly opened to an unfamiliar place. The place seemed to looked like a child's room, abandoned through the years and used as a tourture area for women. Blood splattered the dark walls and the bed which D laid in was made of toren body parts and limbs. She was too frighten to move, but she removed the ragged sheet that covered her and screamed.
    "What in the hell is this?!" D glared down at the grotest piece of clothe that was suppose to be a toga wrapped loosely around her body.
    "Who in the hell would wear something like this?!" Her head began to pounded in pain, in so much pain that D plopped over forward and rested her head in her right hand. The pain was so horrible that tears of blood began to stroll down D's cheeks. Her stomach, too, screamed out in pain. The door flew opened and the figure of a man appeared. She glared at him with one eye, trembling, her eyes becoming inflamed with hatred.
    "What did you do to me?" He stepped into the dim light, revealing his handsome face. His right eye scarred shut from a batttle he and the Huntress were in many of years before. His wings were foldded over his shoulders and he chuckled at D's pain. She growled again.
    "WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He walked over to her bed and sat down.
    "You, my dead dear, are now mine. You and that child in you." Her eye twitched.
    "What in the hell are you talking about, Lucifer?" He grinned.
    "I have claimed your viriginity, D. Now you bare me my child." D's eyes grew large, her one fear had come true. Dhampiles, being the cross of a human and a vampire, have their young within three days of sexual actitivy, reguardless of whom they mated with. D snarled.
    "You dirty, no good, son-of-a--" D tumbled of in pain, holding her stomach and trembling in agony. He chuckled.
    "Rest, you bitch. That child is
More to come, children! Stay tuned
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