NC Part Programs:

Part Program is a set of instructions proposed to get machined part starting with desired blank and NC machine tool. Each line of instruction is capable of specifying dimension and dimension data. Each line is written in specific format and is known as NC block. 

General Format:

n g x y z a b f s t m eob 

n= sequence number

g= preparatory function

x y z a b = dimension data

f = feed function

s= speed function

t= tool function

m= miscellaneous function

eob= end of block 

Program to input media:

Program has to be converted into a medium acceptable to machine control unit. Paper tape was used previously but nowadays computers are used to directly feed the program into the machine tool. Information blocks of program are converted into punched tape and hole patterns in the tape correspond to various characters in program. Tape is usually 1" wide and punching is done on a typewriter like machine (FlexowriterTM).

The codes, for punching holes in the tape, are standardized by EIA, ISO  & ASCII. The codes, which are used for NC data mostly, represent the information in two discrete positions, i.e binary system of representation.  A binary system takes the number 2 as base and there are two digits  0 and 1 which are used to represent various numbers. 

1 can stand for      ON          PULSE                HOLE                PRESENT           TRUE

0 can stand for     OFF         NO PULSE        NO HOLE              ABSENT              FALSE 

Machine Control units can effectively process digital signals, i.e. Pulse (high Voltage) and no pulse (low Voltage) using binary concept. Thus various characters can be represented in terms of presence and absence of holes which in turn can be represented electronically by presence /absence of pulse. 

Pure binary system is rarely used in NC machines. More sophisticated BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) system is used. 

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