LASER Beam Machining (LBM)  

  Laser is a highly coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength varying from 0.1 – 70 mm.  However, from power point of view, effectively usable wavelength range from 0.4 t0 0.6 mm. Rays in laser are perfectly parallel and monochromatic and can be focused on a small diameter producing power density as high as 10 7 w/mm2. For generating high power pulsed ruby laser is used.



 A coiled xenon flash tube is placed around the ruby rod and the internal surface of the container wall is made highly reflecting so that maximum light falls on the ruby rod for the pumping operation. The capacitor is charged and a very high voltage is applied to the triggering electrode to initiate the flash. A lens towards the work piece surface focuses the emitted laser beam. At the spot where the beam strikes the surface a small portion of the material is vaporized and ablated at high speed.  The laser emitting system requires proper cooling. Efficiency of LBM is quite low about 0.3 – 0.5 % . The typical output energy of a laser is 20 J with a pulse duration of 1 millisecond. The peak power reaches a value of 20000W. The divergence of the beam is about 2 x 10-3 rad and using a lens with a focal length of 25 mm, the spot diameter becomes about 50m m. 

Laser beam is used to drill micro holes and cutting very narrow slots. Holes up to 250mm diameter can be easily drilled by laser. The dimensional accuracy is around ± 0.025 mm. When the work piece thickness is more than 0.25 mm a taper of 0.05 mm per mm is noticed. 

Mechanics of LBM : 

Machining by a laser beam is achieved through the following phases: 

I) Interaction of laser beam with work material.

ii) Heat Conduction and temperature rise.

iii) Melting, Vaporization and ablation.


The effect of laser beam in work piece surface depends on thermo –optic interaction between the beam and solid work material. So, the work surface should not reflect back too much of the incident energy. The absorbed light propagates into the work surface and its energy is gradually transferred to the lattice of atoms in the form of heat. The absorption is described by Lambert's law as: 

I z = I o e -mz

Here I z is the light intensity at depth z and m is the absorption coefficient.  Most of the energy is absorbed in a very thin layer at the surface (typical thickness 0.01mm). So, it is quite reasonable to assume that the absorbed light energy is converted into heat at the surface itself and the laser beam may be considered to be equivalent to a heat flux. 

Summary of LBM Characteristics: 

Mechanics of material removal:               Melting , Vaporization   

Media:                                                   Normal atmosphere 

Tool:                                                      High Power Laser Beam 

Maximum Material Removal Rate:          5  mm3 /min



Specific Power Consumption:                1000W /mm3/min


Critical parameters:                                Beam Power Intensity, Beam Diameter,                                                                Melting  Temperature


Materials Application                             All Materials


Shape (Job ) Application :                       Drilling  fine holes


Limitations                                              Very large power consumption, cannot cut

                                                              materials with high heat conductivity and high









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