Love (starring Jack and Pokie)

by Matt Fagan

"If you�re looking for that feel-good zine of the month, try Love. It�s got cool characters, peculiar sub-plots, and occasional man-on-man action."

Welcome to the internet home of Love, a serial comic about the adventures of Jack and Pokie. Follow the story of these two boys in love, as they battle the forces of poverty, prejudice, and boredom (but mostly poverty) in the fair city of Chicago.
Love was created by Matt Fagan of Meniscus Enterprises, a vast underground publishing empire devoted to bringing you fine zines and comics. I wanted to see a comic about gay people that wasn't a "gay comic", per se. Certainly not to belittle the groundbreaking work of the many talented gay and lesbian artists working today, I just couldn't find a comic that spoke to me like it understood who I was. There was always something missing. Something that didn't quite evoke my experience of being a gay man, or my sense of humor, and definitely not my sense of humor about being a gay man. So I drew up Pokie and Jack to fill the void. I hope you like the results.
It's not your average gay comic. Tell me what you think.
The site isn't very fancy yet, but it should serve to introduce you to my little homos. Just click on a title to view the comic in a separate window. Also, I won't forbid you from viewing them out of order, but this is a sort of series so you might have more fun if you read in sequence.

all images (c) 2002-2006 Matt Fagan and Meniscus Enterprises
please contact Matt if you wish to reprint any of these strips

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Desktop Wallpaper starring Jack and Pokie

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized image. Then save the image to your computer, set it as the background and voila! You can be a part of Jack and Pokie's marvelous adventures from the comfort of your own home or office!

The Comics Gallery

1: Jack's Birthday 2: Butt-Pirates 3: Fired 4: Monkey Love
6:Kaiju Love Party 11: The Breaking Point 12: Powerpoof Boys 13: Midnight Serenade
17: Interviews 18: Love's a Gas 19: Pokie and Jack are: Incognito 20: Oblivious
24: Enter Jason 27: The Recruit 29: The Littlest Homo 38: Showerless
41: Brains 43: Now We're Cookin' Without Gas 45: Busted 49: The Arrival
50: Halloween 58: Puppet Show Justice 65: Dessert 78: Indecent Proposal
86: Billennium 87: Pokie's Mark 91: Risky Business 96: Surprise Party
104: The Tomato 105: Regarding Jason 106: Mortality 107: Mortality 2

Site Meter

What's Next?

The adventures of Jack and Pokie can now be touched with your very own fingers! Each of the first three attractive volumes contains forty episodes of everybody's favorite comic about two gay men in Chicago. That's a tempting total of one hundred twenty pages, rendered with state-of-the-art photocopier technology and lovingly wrapped in colorful covers.
But wait! There's more! As of Spring, 2006, we've added not one but two new publications to our library! The fourth volume of Love has sixty pages of dazzling adventure... that's fifty percent more Love! With these handsome publications, you can experience dozens of comics no longer available on the web site... and don't just think of yourself! What better way to express affection for that significant other, attractive co-worker, or the bachelor uncle that the rest of your family seems to forget around the holidays? Nothing shows your love like a copy of the Love collection! And for true connoisseurs, no Love collection would be complete without Boring the the Punchline, a perfect-scale reproduction of the zine that Pokie published in the comics!

Love: Volume One Love: Volume Two Love: Volume Three Boring to the Punchline Love: Volume Four

Vol. 1:
Vol. 2:
Vol. 3:
Boring to the Punchline:
Vol. 4:


Why? Because Zero Cabinet Publishing has risen to the challenge of publishing the Love collection! In August of 2007, Zero Cabinet will release the incredible, digitally remastered, 192-page tome called Love Omnibus Volume One. This world-altering book will contain every single comic that was published in the first four volumes of Love comics, along with several new pages and a lavishly painted full-color cardstock cover. I am going to sell off my few remaining copies of the self-published volumes and then that's it, folks! No more of these rainbow-bright babies, you'll have to open the Zero Cabinet to get your Love fix!

Want some? Send $3 for either of the first three volumes, $2 for Boring to the Punchline, and $4 for volume four to:

Matt Fagan c/o Brainstorm Comics
1648 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

(This is not really a sales transaction. The money is essentially a donation which covers the cost of production and postage. There is no profit involved.)


October 24, 2004 Update:
Love vol. 3 is available now! Following a minor technical mishap, the delay is over and the third issue is hitting the stands. And finally, a handful of preview episodes are up and running on the web site, so whet your appetite and then spend those hard-earned dollars on your very own copy!

May 26, 2005 Update:
I've just added four new comics to the web site, and you can expect more in the near future! After completing Love vol. 3, I took some time off to work on the all-new thirteenth issue of my zine, Meniscus, and maybe just gain a bit of distance and perspective on the ongoing Love project. Recently, I've been in touch with the editor of 3rd Coast Press, which is one of those free, left-wing newspapers occasionally published here in Chicago. He seems pretty keen on starting to run Love in his newspaper, and I'm excited about the opportunity. The one thing that has always troubled me about self-publishing is the crippling inability to really utilize temporally relevant material, because if I draw a comic about something happening in the local or national news it will probably lose all of its punch by the time my comic sees the light of day. I'm hoping to run several early episodes of Love to familiarize the audience with my characters, and then allow myself to slip in some brand-new comics that might really matter to Chicago readers in 2005.
Another interesting challenge is that the newspaper is a standard tabloid size, affording me the chance to work in a larger format. Already I have created an episode of Love that makes full use of the tabloid size, and I may preview it here on this web site in the coming weeks. However, a new issue of 3rd Coast Press has yet to be released since I struck my deal with them, so all of this is just hopeful conjecture at this point. Stay tuned for more updates though, and keep reading comics!

October 22, 2005 Update:
Well, I seem to have let these updates lie fallow for too long. For a while, I was waiting for more information about Third Coast Press, which apparently went to a completely on-line publication schedule as soon as I made my arrangement with them. So I guess that my big plan has gone belly up, and you'll never see Love in its pages... because it doesn't have pages anymore. Alas.
In the meantime, I have pressed on with the comics. After taking another hiatus at the end of the summer to publish Meniscus #14, I'm throwing myself full-bore into the task of completing Love volume 4. The plot has largely coalesced and I'm about 25 pages into the project and the end - though not particularly near - is in sight.
Hopefully soon, after my new copy of PhotoShop has arrived and been installed, I'll be adding some fresh samples of the upcoming issue to this site. Until then, you'll just have to use those fertile imaginimations of yours.

January 22, 2006 Update:
We're almost there! After taking some time off around Christmas, I'm back at it with 35 pages of vol. 4 completed. The rest of the book has already been outlined and you can expect the project to be finished in another couple of months (quite possibly sooner, but you never know. I do have a job and all.)
In the mean time, go buy yourself a copy of Punk Planet number 71, the one with Miranda July on the cover. If you turn to page 52 you'll discover an interview with yours truly, discussing Pokie and Jack, and why gay culture sucks.

April 17, 2006 Update:
In the third volume of Love, Pokie takes a story from his ongoing memoirs and publishes it as a zine. No portion of the text was reproduced in the comic itself, but Jack does describe the zine � it tells a story about when Pokie ran away to New York City to pursue a career in stand-up comedy, and how Jack went there to find him.
At last, Meniscus Enterprises can reveal that the title of the zine is Boring to the Punchline, and it�s available here for the very first time.
I actually wrote this story about eight years ago, mostly in the moving truck between Portland and Chicago. When I decided to integrate the story into the plot of Love, it made sense to let Pokie to tell it his own way. So I published it the way I thought Pokie would have done, and only his name appears on the zine itself.
This zine (and, I imagine, other stories that follow) will be an important part of the ongoing story of Jack and Pokie, but since this is his very first publication it seemed only fair to let him get some honest feedback. So with the help of editor Davida Gypsy Breier, I sent a few copies of Boring to the Punchline out along with the regular stacks of zines that were going out to be reviewed by the staff of Xerography Debt.
Thus far, only one response has come back. But, it was a terrific review (and by that, I don�t mean that it was unconditionally positive). There was plenty of material to work with, and in volume four of Love, Pokie gets to read his very first zine review, and respond to it just like a real author.
Which brings us to the next new item available�

Greatly delayed but hopefully worth the wait, Love volume 4 is finally completed! Clocking in at sixty pages, it's the biggest adventure yet! Jack finally gets his due in this issue, when he embarks on a massive art project that will require not only all of his own efforts to bring it to life, but those of Pokie and Melba too.
Not to be outdone, Pokie has a project of his own. This one seems to put Jason's ass on the line, but Pokie is the one who ends up in jail. Again. It's all leading up to a whizz-bang conclusion that features unexpected guests, a three-act stage musical, and a same-sex wedding that starts in an abandoned warehouse and ends on a spaceship. Intrigued?

Please keep writing, and read more comics!

Other Stuff

  • I write a zine called Meniscus and you can find out about it here.
  • There is a gallery of some paintings and stuff I made
  • And also a resource for other Godzilla fans. Careful readers will have noticed a few Godzilla references in the Love comics already.

    visit the Gay Comics List, ya big homo!

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