Power Rangers!
The Original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! The best and only good season of MMPR was the 1st one! Then they had 2 go ruin it with all those spin-offs Zeo, In Space, Time Force and all that other crap. So it's best to remember MMPR when it was still good. (1993- 1994)
Name: Jason Lee
Ranger: Red
Dino Zord: Tyranosaurous
Xtra Info: student, karate instructor,   strong leader, occasionally refuses assistance from others, quick to blame self for losses
Weapon: Power Sword
Name: Trini Kwan
Ranger: Yellow
Dino Zord: Saber Tooth Tiger
Xtra Info: student, martial artist and activist, peaceful but outspoken, initially afraid of heights, frequently only one able to translate Billy's technospeak
Weapon: Power Daggers
Name: Billy Cranston
Ranger: Blue
Dino Zord: Triceritops
Xtra Info: student, genius inventor, shy, often baffles other teens with technospeak, inventor of communicators, initially afraid of fish
Weapon: Power Lance
Name: Zack Taylor
Ranger: Black
Dino Zord: Mastadon
Xtra Info: student, dancer and musician  outgoing, fun-loving, inventor of "hip hop kido" dance-fighting technique, afraid of spiders and snakes
Weapon: Power Axe
Name: Kimberly Hart
Ranger: Pink
Dino Zord: Teradactyl
Xtra Info: student, gymnast, outgoing, popular, has romantic interest in Tommy
Weapon: Power Bow
Name: Tommy Oliver
Ranger: Green
Dino Zord: Dragon
Xtra Info: originally evil when abducted by Rita, joins Rangers after evil spell is broken, loner, often forgot to wear communicator, only showed up when trouble occured
Weapon: Dargon Dagger (Also used as a flute to summon dragon zord
<-The Villans->
Rita Repulsa - The original badguy (or bad girl I should say) She sends her monsters to cause trouble on earth and then makes them grow by throwing her wand into the earths ground.
Goldar - Ritas main evil henchman, usually shows up with an army of putty monsters.
Putty Monsters - Basically weak monsters that Rita sends to cuase trouble on earth for the Rangers.
Bulk And Skull - These highschool bullies love to pester the rangers but always get whats coming to them in the end.
Click Here To Listen To The Power Rangers Theme Song
Alpha Five - The annoying andriod that helps Zordon out. You will often hear him saying  "Ayeyieyie"
Zordon - He gives the rangers their power and send them on missions to save the world from the badguys!
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