The CATS Campaign


Betty Buckley as GrizabellaMany different campaigns are currently being constructed in order to save Broadway's CATS. If you have a certain campaign, e-meow me to advertise it here!


  • E-meow Rosie O'Donnell! Being that she's a big CATS fan, e-mail her to request she have them appear on the show and inform her about us, the fan's, efforts to save the show!

  • E-meow the Really Useful Group! Let them know you don't want CATS to close!

  • Or write to them personally! Write them at the following address:

    The Really Useful Company, Ltd.
    Drury Lane
    London WC2B 5PW

  • The Save CATS Project

  • Help us stop CATS from leaving Broadway forever! You're support is needed in this effort!


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