Welcome to Alt. X-Men World

Professor X guides his X-Men to fight injustice and champion mutant rights, as peacefully as can be managed.  Violence is a necessary evil, but these days seem to require it more frequently.  Progress is slow removing mutant hysteria and prejudice.. from the public and the government.  Whenever one threat is ended, two more seem to take its place... and sometimes the problem is the unlawful activities of certain mutants.  But small victories have been won.  Governments know that the mutants won't go away... and they are looking to see how to safely manage their stranger citizens.

The "Xavier Institute for Higher Learning", is a family mansion that has expanded over the years to became the base of operations for the various X-Men teams.  It is located in the Westchester County (New York), just outside of Salem Center.  Over the years, many young mutants have passed through the front gates and emerged as decent young people or secret heroes.  The school engenders a strong sense of community and offers mutants a chance to be themselves without persecution.  Students can learn high school subjects through to University equivalent courses.  But the most important lessons are those of controlling one's power for the safety of all.

This game welcomes original characters, canon characters and active imaginations.


This is a list of all the rules that I have posted for the group to follow.


If you're looking for the greatest characters on Earth, you've come to the right place. Our characters are completely original. I hope you enjoy getting to know each of our characters as we have enjoyed putting them together.


My friends and I are writing a story called Alt. X-Men World. Here is a list of the pages of what we have so far.
Warning ~ There is a PG13 rating on the story due to language and actions by the actors. I advise you to be cautious when reading this story.}

Game Home

This will take you to the stories home page on rpol.net and thanks for visiting The New X-Men Web Site. 

EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!

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Last Updated: 03/04/2015
