<BGSOUND SRC="02-Balamb_Garden.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Story Line
Limit Breaks
World Map
Gardian Forces
Hello, and welcome to my little tribute to the greatest game on earth, Final Fantasy 8. Okay, so maybe my opinion is a little biased. I've never played any other FF games. I do plan on playing them eventually. But I decided to make this site, cause I really love FF8, and cause I hadn't made one yet.  I have lots of stuff, SeeD test answers, magic and item lists, pics. Go ahead and take whatever you like. I got most of this stuff from other places anyway. Although I'd really appreiciate it if you linked back to me. You can use the banner at the top of the page for that.  Isn't that a neat banner? I made that myself. I'm probably gonna get some screen shots in here at some point in time. And I'll add an update page, just so you can keep up with whats new and stuff. Well anyway, I'm gonna go so you can check out the site. I hope you like it. I worked very long and hard on it.
SeeD Test
Fanart & Fanfiction
If you'd like to send me pics or fanfics, you can email them to me and I'll put them up. I'll except anything FF.
[email protected]
people have visited since April 1st, 2002.
This Final Fantasy Illusions Web site is owned by, Meg.
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