Stickman Homoside THE first stickman animation I did, it was originally a sketch I did in fifth grade.
Goku Won't Die Ah, try as he might, Piccolo just can't get Goku to die...
Vegeta-Goku Snuggle-Fest   Aww... Vegeta is a widdo snuggo-bunny and Goku just doesn't appreciate his cuddliness!
Project: RelenaKaboom   Trowa!    Relena!    Explosions!    A request by Kome-chan.
Us! This is a lil thing starring Aya, Codeks, Kome, and myself... and a giant cookie.  currently down
Tenson's First Birthday Wishes DO come true!   currently down
(from left to right: Katatsumuri tomoiu Kiji, Grey of the Silver Hair, Vegeta Clone, Kagyuushi tomoiu Tenson, Yasha Otata, Aya Daimaoh, and Codeks)
Mr Bridge   This is a lil gif I made of my American Perspectives Teacher, Mr Bridge. And, he did have a question on a test about whether the rhythm was going to get you or not.
Evil Mr Bridge I was having a little conversation with The Bridge-Man and I commented on him being evil. He corrected my silly mispronounciation.
Vervius I made this for a dear *cough-cough-loser-cough* friend of mine. He actually got a job. It's, yes, at the movie theater.   Ok. He is not a loser. I made that up...  currently down
If you would like to use these animations, please get my permission. THANKS!
Animated Gifs
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