
���This relic of my not so distant past was first published under the cringeworthy title "Nietsche contra Godzila" in the UCD English Literature Society's Journal "anatomie" (sic) in May 1997. My contribution to "anatomie" was singled out in the University Observer by no less a critic than Michael McNicholas, who called my work "nauseatingly trite and contrived." And he was right. Looking back they were clever-clever little exercises in literary experimentation devoid of any real heart or emotion. But they were tolerably amusing and this in particular (stripped of the frankly desperate title) might be fun to play with.

���Basically this was inspired by those old choose your own adventure/fighting fantasy books with a philosophical spin. So it lends itself to the internet, especially a low-cost, low-maintenance website like this.

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Updated every so often. If you feel the need to contact me for some unfathomable reason: [email protected]
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