Shumin's Testimony
Home Shumin's Testimony Medjugorje Italy Photos Dubrovnik

Last updated 6 October 2002


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Together with Daniel's family, we'd just made our first pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Italy in this very special year of the Jubilee. We were in Medjugorje for the period 19-26 June 2000, and for me, it was truly the most memorable and overwhelmingly joyous experience.

Our group (from Australia and New Zealand) had packed in lots of programmes while we were there and I must admit it felt rather exhausting (physically) rushing from place to place most of the time we were there. However, amidst all these, it was also in Medjugorje that I first experience peace - true peace - which I firmly believe is from God, through Mary. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to have tasted that bit of Heaven.

I was not much of a Catholic before I went to Medjugorje. But in God's and Our Lady's mercy, the spirit of Medjugorje captured and opened my heart. I am now committed to working on my personal conversion, one day at a time.

Everything comes so easily in Medjugorje. I've always struggled to be a 'prayerful' person, but it was there in Medjugorje that I started to feel the joy in prayer....what a grace this is! I was just relating to my godma about my pilgrimage and I had told her how I can never be bored again....because every 'free' time I have can be transformed into something really beautiful and more fulfilling than anything this world can offer!! I was baptised 2 years ago, and I would say Medjugorje brought about my 2nd "rebirth".

We travelled a bit around Italy after Medjugorje and I admit that I found the large cities rather unstimulating (besides the churches and basilicas of course). But in a way, I'm thankful coz I was able to spend more time in the room reading the books I'd purchased in Medjugorje and praying and reflecting. On the last night just before we returned to Wellington, I poured out all my thoughts with my husband Daniel (twas a loooooong night!) and it was then that everything became so crystal clear. There's so much I CAN do, and I WANT to do as much as I can - for God and for Mary. And that night we started to re-prioritise our lives together. Yes, God has to come first in ALL things. And yes, like Fr Jozo said, Mary's messages are not just for our information, but it is to be our programme.

With love, everything seems so clear, so easy, so obvious, so direct.

Heaven, purgatory or hell begins here on earth. Mary, indeed, is giving us all the tools, weapons, and the formulae to the way to heaven. One thing that I'm truly touched by is the immense love and humility of Our Lady. She says that she needs our help so she may accomplish her plan and she pleads with us so patiently. How could anyone say no?

Praise be Jesus and Mary!

Shumin Lim

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