ECHO has received the Governors Proclamation for MCS Awareness Week - May 4 - 10, 2003 for the sixth year in a row. We were also able to have MCS Awareness Week noted on 2 additional web sites: "2003 National Health Observances"

The �MCS� Beacon of Hope Foundation has presented President George W. Bush with a Proclamation, proclaiming the month of May as National �MCS� Awareness and Education Month. By adding your name to this petition, the collective total will be an Impressive show of Strength, Power, and Clout and represent the voices of each and everyone affected by �MCS.�

Please sign on in support!

It's also the 6th year for MCS Awareness in North Carolina. This year we changed it to MCS Awareness Month and May 12th as International Awareness Day.

We will have our proclamations posted at

Carolyn has some good information posted at

to give you ideas on how to get a Governors Proclamation for your state.

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