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white man's latent fear of Negro superiority

Norman Podhoretz:
In his 1964 Essay, Podhoretz struggles for a resolution to his Negro problem, and ours. Why does he envy the Negro? Why does he hate him? He questions the self-contempt he had felt arising from fear, the role of guilt, and the resulting over-compensations.

Yet just as in childhood I envied Negroes for what seemed to me their superior masculinity, so I envy them today for what seems to me their superior physical grace and beauty. I have come to value physical grace very highly, and I am now capable of aching with all my being when I watch a Negro couple on the dance floor, or a Negro playing basketball or baseball. They are on the kind of terms with their own bodies that I should like to be on with mine, and for that precious quality they seemed blessed to me.

New Book by Jon Entine
Taboo: Why Blacks Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It (published in 2000)

is white fear becoming Black reality?

Dinesh D'Souza: "White Men Can't Run"

In the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, observers could hardly fail to notice a result that was so improbable that it bordered on the fantastic. West African blacks and African Americans won every gold medal at all mens distances up to the 400 meter hurdles. And East African and North African black males won all gold medals from 800 meters through the marathon. The same outcome occurred at the 1993 World Track and Field Championships in Germany: black men won every single sprint and long distance event. [World Almanac and Book of Facts, Funk and Wagnalls, Mahwah NJ] These results were predicted by Amby Burfoot, executive editor of Runner's World, in an article published shortly before the gamees called "White Men Can't Run." [Runner's World, August 1992, pp 89-95] Burfoot noticed that since 1932, blacks have been building a virtual hegemony on the highest honors at Olympics and world championship track races. In 1983, blacks won about half of thirty-three available medals for world championship running. In 1987, they won nineteen. In 1991, they won twenty-nine. In those three years, Burfoot computed, Asians won only one medal. "On the all-time list for the 100 meters," Burfoot writes, "44 of the top 50 performers are sprinters of West African origin. The highest ranking white stands in 16th place."

Sociologist Steven Goldberg estimates that of the fifty fastest runners in the 100 meters in the United States, virtually all are black. Moreover, nearly every record holder in the long jump has been black for the past half-century. [Goldberg, "Black Athletic Superiority: Why Blacks Are Better Athletes," in When Wish Replaces Thought, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, 1991, p. 122] The Sociology of Sport Journal reports that since the 1930s "there has been no American white woman who was world-class in the 100, 200, or 400 meter dashes. All of the outstanding women sprinters from the 1940s into the 1990s have been black." [John George, "The Virtual Disappearance of the White Male Sprinter in the United States: A Speculative Essay," Sociology of Sport Journal, No. 11 (1994), pp 70-78] Similar results obtain in many other sports. What algebraic coincidence could explain the incredible overrepresentation of African Americans in boxing, in football, and especially in basketball? According to a study for the National Research Council, more than half of all the players in the National Football League and approximately 80 percent of all the players in the National Basketball Association are black. [Stanley Eitzen, "Black Athletes in American Society Since 1940," cited in Gerald David Jaynes and Robin M. Williams, A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society, National Academy Press, Washington DC 1989, p. 96.]

Negro Superiority? The BONE factor

Burfoot contacted two of the leading experts on physical performance differences between groups, anthropologist Robert Malina and geneticist Claude Bouchard. Reviewing several studies, Malina and Bouchard pointed out that blacks have less body fat, narrower hips, thicker thighs, lighter calves, and longer legs, all of which generate more powerful speed with less resistance. Blacks seem to have faster reflex time which would assist in sports like sprinting and boxing, yet they also seem to have denser bones, which are a liability in sports such as swimming.

Burfoot remarks on the irony that black athletic superiority cannot be acknowledged in public. Thus many experts in the sports world would experience strong political pressure to deny both empirical data as well as the evidence of their senses. Burfoot remarks, "Fear rules."

Donald G. Mathews refers to the days of slavery, and white fears of superlative black powers in the sexual realm. "The whites' belief that blacks' sexuality was far greater than their own and that the license of such libidinous creatures had to be controlled." [ Religion in the Old South, p 71 ]

Left unspoken:
corpus spongiosum, corpus cavernosum, the testosterone differential, For this sort of viewpoint, consult the likes of Irvin Turner, something of a folk authority in this department.

And the fear of black superiority goes back deep into our nation's past. Let's take a glance into the Lynch Era. Writing in 1903 in the journal Medicine, Dr. William Lee Howard claimed that the physio-logical problem behind the rapes of defenceless white women by Negroes included "the large size of the Negro's penis" and the fact that Negroes lacked "the sensitiveness of the terminal fibers which exist in the Caucasian." [quoted by Randall Kennedy, p190]

Is the authentic (as opposed to legendary) Negro superiority inborn or is it environmental? Norman Mailer takes the view that it is largely societally produced, and environmental. Mailer reasons that white man in effect "purchased" privilege and power at the price of his simple physical and sexual and emotional well-being. The pampered and spoiled privileged classes discover their human endowments stunted and atrophied. "I think that any submerged class is going to be more accustomed to sexuality than a leisure class. A leisure class may be more preoccupied with sexuality; but a submerged class is going to be drenched in it.

"You see, the upper classes are obsessed with sex, but they contain very little of it themselves. They use up much too much sex in their manipulations of power. In effect, they exchange sex for power. So they restrict themselves in their sexuality -- whereas the submerged classes have to take their desires for power and plow them back into sex."

[Presidential Papers, Quoted by Cleaver, Soul on Ice]

My Secret Garden: Women's Sexual Fantasies (1973) Friday explains that in her estimation, while "most white women haven't [actually had interracial sex with a Negro male,] in their fantasies they do, and everything that worked against it ever happening adds mileage to the fantasy" (p 171). While a number of Friday's white correspondents share fantasies involving Negro males (ibid., 13, 173-75, 295), it is the author herself who explores the matter with the most enthusiasm, noting at one point that
size is the real power of the black-man fantasy .... [The fantasist wants] to feel more, to have more novelty and experience under her belt, thanks to the life-enhancing mystical prick and promise of the sexy black man .... In fantasy, the 'bib' black man promises to take us to that final exploration of sex, the most absolute orgasmic time it is humanly possible to experience. And then, forever after, at least we'll have known what 'it' is 'all about.' [ibid. 171-72.]

And then what about white man?

Has white man sold his soul for a song? Has he traded his birthright for a bowl of soup?

Having "purchased" over the course of his dominion in the West, not only "civilization" but privilege and power and the good life, he has awarded himself honors, a feather bed existence, a perhaps all-too-pampered "good life" that may well miss the point of life. I.e. accepting challenge, helping others, being, in a word, a real man.

Nsenga Warfield-Coppock points out that the white man is guilty of higher rates of horrible sexual perversions than the black man. "The prison population of gruesome sexual crime is 97 percent white, with sometimes as many as a third of incarcerated white American men in any given prison being there for sexual offenses." Nsenga Warfield-Coppock

According to one recent statistic - 80% of the pedophiles are heterosexual white men?


When characterizing high tech pedophiles that have been arrested, Special Agent and Chief Spokesman Pete Gulotta of the FBI's "Innocent Images" Unit, says "they're almost all white males between the ages of 25 and 45."


Over a generation ago, Susan Sontag wrote: "The white race is the cancer of human history." She was concerned with weaponry and pollution, but also oppression and domination and almost (if not all the way) genocide.

Susan Crain Bakos

Speaks out on gorgeous black guys

How many white men can [both] treat a woman like a lady and ravish her

I want black men. They want me. We look at one another and exchange a visible frisson of sexual energy in the lingering glances.

According to one school of thought, white women turn to black men when their sex drives kick into higher gear and their social inhibitions recede into the rearview mirror.

Black men have more energy, style and edge than white men. They know how to flirt, a nearly lost art among the rest of us. A black man is so damned sexy because he knows how to make a woman feel sexy.

Black men have something white guys don't have anymore: confidence in their masculinity, their sexuality. They clearly know they're men.

Yet black men are gentlemen, something else white men no longer are. They make me feel like a woman, both respected and desired. I can let go of my inhibitions, my need to control, when I am with them.

[Black Men] look better than white men, they touch and kiss and make love better than white men.

The first time I caressed black skin, it felt like a luxury I shouldn't be able to afford. I craved it more strongly than Carrie Bradshaw craved Manolo Blahnik stilettos.
MORE Susan Crain Bakos

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