soon moving to

Are you running with me Jesus? If pictures are worth a thousand words, the image of affection ought to be worth a whole book. Here's a real survivor who proves that a hunk can be a gentleman, and a gorgeous 'hombre' can be a perfect grad. He also shows the folly of taboo, the silliness to think that simple human relationships are crimes, or that affection is somehow scandalous. It's the same old song. If you don't know me by now .... you might as well forget about church bells (or world peace, for that matter.)

Betsy with a SURVIVOR
besty noe does hillsdale proud
Hillsdale: Betsy Noe with Survivor Hunk Clarence Black

one way or other let's ALL build bridges every day

Gini with Big Mo

God is Blessing America
more couples show their love
Say a good word if you can.

Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?
John 14:9

Always & Forever - America's promise, the character of our youth
GOT GAME: - what's the fuss all about interracial?
Essex Hemphill - courage and sacrifice of a noble kind - Essex Remembered

pray for the president
thanks to wanda barton

The Presidential Prayer Team has a goal of
mobilizing millions of people to pray for our President,
our leaders, our nation and our Armed Forces. I Timothy 2: 1-2

God Bless America

Jesus Walks

Jesus Walks

The New Martyrs

our rainbow history

The rainbow promise of love
let us be glaad and rejoice in it.

God's Rainbow is LOVE
Hosted by