Signaling Terms Continued


Controlled Speed -  A speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision. It will also permit stopping short of a train, a car, an obstruction, on-track equipment or a stop signal.

Limited Speed -  A speed not exceeding 45 miles per hour.

Medium Speed - A speed not exceeding 30 miles per hour.

Restrictive Speed - A speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision. It will also permit stopping short of a train, a car, an obstruction, on-track equipment or a stop signal, a derail, or an improperly lined switch. It must permit looking out for broken rail. It will not exceed

Slow Speed - A speed not exceeding 15 miles per hour.
Memorizing signal aspects and their meanings can be hard at times. As for the B&O CPLs, there's a fairly easy way to do it.

(This very easy to understand chart came from the site listed below. I'd suggest reading it from the orignal site since it includes actual photos of the aspects as well as the definitions)

     * On the Main Head: green means "Proceed", yellow means "Prepare to Stop", red means "Stop".

   The lunars/yellows have two indications:position vertically and position horizontally.

    * Vertically: Above the main head it's track speed from here, below it's medium and none is slow.
    * Horizontally: Next signal is track speed if in the middle, medium if on the left and slow on the right.
Click here for the excelent website where this chart on reading CPL's came from!
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Since 11/12/06
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