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A Ram Amongst the Briers

The diesel drones, an airplane roars,
Those cicadas saw me with wings' screams
And the bleating gulls encircle.

Sleepy-time for a drugged Lord
Nodding, ears a-buzz, in heat's humid
Comforter of the August afternoon.

From out this distant sky a bird
Warbles unseen, from the far east or west,
Noting its presence to none of its own.

Some incongruence of lush and worn,
Some quiet craziness askew in unstraight lines,
Some stench, some floridity, freshly spoiled.

Quite quickly, there's a stillness,
A rest, of silent counting,
That cushions the two cacophonies -

Plunge of life and death's eternity,
The hills, ravines, smoothed to flat
Monotony. Once remembered
Sweet, sour pain - truest, fullest identity.

Natural Sex

What gets me off is when a savage beat
Throws my lewdness to a mob of lusts.
My sheet, a chiton gluey with my seed,
Philosophy, a disenchanted trust.
The boredom, of that have I been born?
The loneness, for that have I been marred?
My kin's a rabble race which takes the thorn,
Of angel's strain as inward reptile's bar.
As salmon rushes to its end, my spew
Of whiskey dreams unfurls the cycling streets
I cruise, exhausts the humid, flaccid stew
Of cars to kids, who navigate by heat.
White thread, youth's twill, maternal sewing room -
Along my thumb, around my thimble tomb.

The Father's Death

Your death, our father, son, benumbed in trance
He swooned, unnimble, as it passed across;
Been out to pasture - death, with frantic dance,
Invited me, alive, this filial loss.

His clothes unwound from son to son by chance;
My ma, unwounded, bares a wifely cross.

Pillows about the head sunk down -
Warm, wet bedclothes are the gown -

One boy fritters deaths of seed
Imagines that neon lighted tomb
The glucose drips, Onan's breed,
Out of the eternal infernal womb.

From heart of regular irregularities
to sores, those sisters, these fraternal frailties.

Dignified to be single
Solitary in its same whole
Cloth, turned within , a body
This homos in his decent
Suit becomes in turn
Voluble volvulus worth
Its weight in grins -
Wrap, wrapping, wrapped.

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