Alfred E Majko

3546 N Paris Av

Chicago, IL 60634



[email protected]


Collected Works



Title  (date written)  (category)   order of composition   (submissions)





Collected Works





The tree... (Juvenilia) 1


Lykanthropos, doomed to cruelness... (Juvenilia) 2


An old dog's snoring rhythm... (Juvenilia) 3


The Girl (Rejecta) 4


The Visit (Rejecta) (Jan-Feb 1973) 5


Mists of a Dream (Juvenilia) 6


Zero (Doubts) 7


Safety from the Storm (Around 1973) (Juvenilia) 8


A Pause (Doubts) 9


Remembering (Rejecta) 10


Happy New Year (Rejecta) (1978-1979) 11


Just Whistle a Happy Tune (Rejecta) 12


The Professor Explains some Duties and Responsibilities to his Sleeping Students (Rejecta) 13


Inspired (Rejecta) 14


Decay (Rejecta) (June 29, 1980) 15


Osiris (Rejecta) 16


New Year's Resolve (Rejecta) (1979-1980) 17


Autumn/Winter:  The Fall of Snow (Rejecta) 18


Year's End (Rejecta) (1980-1981) 19


Christmas Carol (Rejecta) 20


The clear crisp sickle of the waxing moon, (Rejecta) 21


The laughing orb of full-faced moon (Rejecta) 22


The final quarter of the monthly moon... (Victoriana) 23


You're hidden by the sun's magnificent glare... (Victoriana) 24


You are beautiful beyond compare. (Rejecta) 25


Merlin's Gleam (Rejecta) 26


There's such a thing as a pregnant moment (Rejecta) 27


Ogygia (Victoriana) 28 (Poetry before 1994)


Actaeon (Victoriana) 29 (Poetry before 1994)


Satire (Victoriana) 30 (Poetry before 1994)


After Dinner (Rejecta) 31


Driving Home (Rejecta) 32


Pantheon of Spring (Decadence) 33 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994)


Ganymede as Lucifer (Decadence) 34 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994)


The Inspired Moment (1981) (Unkempt) 35


"I write the words for Castor, brother thane;  (Rejecta) 36


Fragments 37


The cloying tunes cascade upon our indiscriminate minds... (Decadence) 38


Literature's lonely escapade... (Decadence) 39 (South & West before 1994)


Cerberus (Rejecta) 40


Polyneices / Eteocles (Rejecta) 41


Rounds  (White Goddess) 42


A Meditation (Rejecta) 43


Vision (1981) (White Goddess) 44


Kipling After the War (Decadence) 45


They Hover (Unkempt) 46 (South & West before 1994)


Waiting (White Goddess) 47 (South & West before 1994)


Red (Decadence) 48


Anabasis to Carthago (Decadence) 49


The Climbers (Unkempt) 50 (Blue Unicorn before 1994)


A Soul (Unkempt) 51 (Blue Unicorn before 1994)


With how sad steps, O Moon, you climb the sky... (Decadence) 52


On Entering a Church (Unkempt) 53


Splashes experience's wave... (Decadence) 54


A crisp and chilly night I walked and knew... (Unkempt) 55


The Mirror (December 30, 1981) (Decadence) 56


Romeo 57 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Sphinx 58 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Sonnet 59 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994, Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Beach 60 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


 Aesthete 62


The Elements About Etna 63


She's a...He... 64 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


In straight lines flares the sun... 65


The thin tangent of aestheticism... 66


Musing on the Fin de Siecle (after visiting Paris April 9, 1982) 67


Vehemence 68 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


To B - 69 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Storm A-brew 70 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Twain 71 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


A Sonnet 72 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Chiaroscouro Tree 73 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


I want to chuck this all in a hurl... 74 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Let's Go! 75 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


To K - 76 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


K - 77 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Sombre... 78 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Our Last Night 79 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Country Kin... 80 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Shattered on the sharp points of her broken beauty... 81 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


When tired eyes take a voyage of delight... 82 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Descent 83 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The grinning Baboon 84 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Dream on Polyhymnia 85 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Of the Basilisk: Eye to Eye for all Time 86 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


What is it that I wish... 87


Dies Illa (April 30, 1983) 88 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Gone 89


At the Door 90 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The calm of peace... 91 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Hear not the breathing of conspiracy in secret places... 92 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


A bubble's sphere is... 93 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


O rose-wind wrapped clouds... 94 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


This sudden chill (Rejecta) 95


Hunter 96 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


There's a bull-footed god in the park, 97


New breathing life (1988) 97.1


In the hallway mirror (1988) 97.2


Beauty has a heart (1988) 97.3


Our daughter we've called Katie, 97.4 (February 7, 1989 12:50 am)


Rush of night of air... (August 30, 1994 1:35am) 98


The Brightness of air... (July 21, 1994) 99


L'Audace, Toujours, L'Audace (July 6, 1996? or 1994? 11:30 pm) 100


A Ram Amongst the Briers (1995) 101 (Cosmic Debris January 1996, Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Natural Sex (1995) 102 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Father's Death (1995) 104 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Dignified to be single (1995) 105 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Dead End (Rejecta)(1996) 106


Mooning Baboons (Rejecta) (1996) 107


No Man (1996) 108 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Snow (1996) 109 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Dream (1996) 110 (Anamnesis March 2001)


"You are more Houyhnhnm than Yahoo" (1996) 111 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Waterbug (Rejecta) (1996) 112


Landscape (1996) 113 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Rains Miserably  (1996) 114 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)


Sunlight Dabbles on the Shadows (Rejecta) (1996) 115


Canis Comatose (1996) 116 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Trembling Fear (1996) 117 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Sacrifice (1996) 118 (Anamnesis March 2001)


The Whirlpool and the Stone (Rejecta) (1996) 119


Empti-day dream of day-glo light (1996) 120 (Anamnesis March 2001)


 - stasize (1996) 121 (Anamnesis March 2001)




Pencil dictate this fainting dream (1996) 122 (Anamnesis March 2001)


I come  (1996) 123 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)


Eye of the Beholder (1996) 124 (Anamnesis March 2001)


High Way (1996) 125 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)


Passion of the odors (1996) 126 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Mystery of the whispers (1996) 127 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)


Canyon Fall (1996) 128 (Anamnesis March 2001)


awake arise (1996) 129 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Summer Noon (1996) 130 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Blue-white Black (1996) 131 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)


Overtime (Rejecta) (1996) 132


Sun dog aft of western ring (1996) 133 (Anamnesis March 2001)


In the deep space where is the blank (1996) 134 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Circles (Rejecta) (1996) 135


When father kissed me with his craggy lips (1996) 136 (Anamnesis March 2001)


His Love is Forlorn (1996) 137 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Preciosus (Rejecta) (1996) 138


Our Friday (1996) 139 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Lil Drummer (Rejecta) (1996) 140


The pale sky rises (1996) 141 (Anamnesis March 2001)


Sacrifice of youth (1997) 142 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Rwanda (1997) 143 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


eyes upon alit with grace (1997) 144 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Our pilgrimage to the stars (1997) 145 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


lil lee arches backward on the mattress (Rejecta) (1997) 146


the distant roar in the pall of noon (1997) 147 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


this room's window bowls against the blackness of the night (1997) 148 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


His greatest madness was lost love (Rejecta) (1997) 149


Weather (1997) 150 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Sleep in Partners (1997) 151 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Touch (Rejecta) (1997) 152


Particularity (1997) 153 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Corn's grey sentinels stand along a tear's trail (1997) 154 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The green glass cries when the sun (Rejecta) (1997) 155


Lazy hands float sky whence (Rejecta) (1997) 156


Fire. (1998) 157  (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Pixels white and black nearly hum. (1998) 158 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The looks show that I've lost it, (Rejecta) (1998) 159 (Sun Times January, 2001)


At the kitchen table the young male's (1998) 160 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


There are shadows in the water-world (1998) 161 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


There the conic shades where the walls meet, (1998) 162 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Even in sun I see the dark side of things, (1998) 163 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Those silk-hairs bend down coyly (1998) 164 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


I once thought of (1998) 165 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


So gray are the billous clouds (Rejecta) (1998) 166


Where the lush ferns bristle (Rejecta) 1999 167 (Sun Times January,)


If I were my brother (1999) 168 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Down a deep well (Rejecta (1999) 169


All the flat world underlines the gray mass (Rejecta) (1999) 170


Winter Coat (Rejecta) (1999) 171


Adventure (1999) 172 (The Alsop Review February 2001; (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Looking for Something to Read (2000) 173 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Church Organ Plays While He, Watched, Prays (2000) 174 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


March Grey Bodes Winter's Last Storm, to a Student's Notice (2000) 175 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


An Incident of Road Rage, interrupted by a Sky Object suddenly seen (2000) 176 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The Rain as I Drift Asleep seems Sad to me (2000) 177 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Shale-grey the sky that hangs (2000) 178 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Shadows do not play (2000) 179 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


At the Ice Rink (2001) 180


The Cashier at the Check-out Line (2001) 181


Not Afraid of Flying (2001) 182


Pep Talk (2001) 183


Waiting Room (2001) 184


Melody and Rhythm (2001) 185


Dark Presence of the Sharpest Eyes (2001) 186


Entrants  (2001) 187


Child Care (2001) 188


Dusky Afternoon (2001) 189


Down to the shore where the water is (2001) 190


I make a slice of time (2001) 190


Down to a place in the street I pass (2001) 191


Mimic lines splay from out (2001) 192


In a murky scene (2001) 193


What is the purposelessness of it (2001) 194


Culled together gathering dust (2001) 195


Lip-limned with saintly nimbus (November 16, 2001) 196


Like a train in a nimble line (2001) 197


Somnolence enwraps me (September 11, 2002) 198


End of desiring, end of manic seeking (December 27, 2002) 199


Believe the line that marks (2003) 200


“Out of the depths I cry out” (2003) 201


So the splash of our togetherness (2003) 202


Jewel (2003) 203


Night and a soft breathing (2003) 204


Overadumbrate the clouds (4-5-2003) (Baghdad) 205


In the shadows of faces in unmasked leaves  206


Don’t know that I can forget (7-1-2003) (Magnolia) 207


This end of a built crudescence 208


The Wait  209


From dry words on a yellow page 210


To the influential wine I praise 211


Crazed unknowing pleasure in the pain 212


Reach out to where there is no warmth 213


A dance cavorts across a scene 214



The tree... (Juvenilia) 1



The tree,

Once a strong pine,

Dropping sweets in silver twine

To a gay child's glee,

As its hues leaped wildly in his wide eyes,


As crushed tinsel trails down from the branches doomed.




Lykanthropos, doomed to cruelness... (Juvenilia) 2



Lykanthropos, doomed to cruelness--

A weird wolf, man's worst friend--

He brings death.


He laughs in the bright light,

And howls,

Crawling on a bald hill, in doomed service to the moon.



An old dog's snoring rhythm... (Juvenilia) 3



An old dog's snoring rhythm

Seems quickened

By the clicking swing of the pendulum.


The clock tells

The dog to wake.

And the snoring animal bids the timepiece

To sleep, sleep.


The news

The clock tells

Is not new,

Just the same bad truth.


The quiet story

The aged animal whispers

Speaks of peace,

And time's defeat to sleep.



The Girl (Rejecta) 4




Light green dress, pale blue eyes.

Pink cheeks, white neck.


She does not move.

She seems painted on that wooden bench,

Looking away from me,

Her brown hair,

Her pink arm,


Under quiet green leaves

Of a great, dark tree.


I smile.

A love of soft colors and soft sound

Stills me.


Then she laughs at me.

White teeth in a red mouth.


The branches of the tree sway in a gust of wind.

Her hair is blown about.

It is chilly,

And I hug my coat around me walking home.






The Visit (Rejecta) (Jan-Feb 1973) 5



Through the woodwork of a doorway surrounding the view,

I see

Children drawing:  sticky crayons striking paper,

Gay eyes, mouths wide,

Young boys intent upon the joy

Of capturing

Their selves

As they color the blank world.


Now, they see me.

Fluttering about me, they shout at me,

Pulling me here,

Shoving me there,

Calling me: "Talk to me,"

Saying in many a


"We missed you."


I know these boys.  I don't

Know their drawings.

Colors I see:

Feelings come upon while I was


They are different.

And I am only a visitor.


I leave.


Through the woodwork of a doorway surrounding the view,

I see

Children drawing:  sticky crayons striking paper,

Gay eyes, mouths wide,

Young boys intent upon the joy

Of capturing

Their selves

As they color the blank world.




Mists of a Dream (Juvenilia) 6



The brilliant reality of any dream


And disappears upon waking.


I am told a story about

A boy who broke a window one summer.

I am shown a picture of

A boy whose front tooth is gone.

People tell me

These boys were me.


I sit in a yellow wicker chair,

Smelling pine trees,

Warm breezes messing my hair,

Dragonflies buzzing,

The water rippling under the wooden pier.


I stand on a street corner,

Cars jammed together whining and roaring

Up and down the neon street.

People pressing about me,

The smell of their bodies rising like steam.


Did I sit in a yellow wicker chair

And fall asleep,

Dreaming about

Noisy cars rushing through a city night?

Or did I stand on a street corner,

And close my eyes

Daydreaming about

Lazy dragonflies floating through a country day?


A woman says "Goodnight,"

And I go to a room.

Did she stand there and look at me?

Did her lips move and a familiar sound come to me?

Who was she looking at and speaking to?


I walked away from a friend because I forgot his name.

Then I forgot what I wanted to say to him,

Then I forgot him,

Then I forgot that I forgot him.


That little boy who grins toothless out of an old picture

Is not me.

Time has made him not me.


I feel cold, then I feel hot.

Was I cold once?

I see a blue rug, then I look at the white ceiling.

Was there a blue rug?

I hear a mailbox cover slam, then I hear a fly.

What was it I heard?









You cannot put your foot into a river

At the same place twice.


A spider hangs in a dewy web,

Connected to his past and future

By strong strands.

He can move all over his life on any strand.

But if the web breaks,

The spider falls,

Crumpled in a ball,


Nothingness surrounding him to his death.


I repeat to myself the story of

A boy who broke a window one summer.

I look at the picture of

A boy whose front tooth is gone.

I think of a yellow wicker chair and green pine trees,

Of noisy cars flashing by.


The strands are breaking,

Nothingness surrounding me to my death.

Falling, falling.

A woman moves her lips, looking through me into the darkness,

As sounds seeming to come from those lips

Rush past me through the darkness,

Rushing air past my ears.

Falling, falling.


The brilliant reality of any waking


And disappears upon dreaming.



Zero (Doubts) 7



I wonder


Is there a fall

A hill, a cliff

A wall

Where foottrails end

And wings silvery against

The blank grey sea


A blistered heart

A finished mind?


A finished mind


That is a round


A closed circle

Or oval

Or ellipse

Or skating wire hoop

Skittering down the lawn

The long cement road

slicing, sweeping, swishing

Alone wrong awry.



Safety from the Storm (Around 1973) (Juvenilia) 8



A rumbling thunderstorm rounds overhead,

Wickedly wrecking piles of leaves with gusts of wind,

Slashing the sky with straight streaks of water,

Slapping stone faces which walk the street.


Stooped figures huddling into the cold,

Letting the rain make tears on their cheeks,

Briskly dash home from work,

Sloshing the muck of little muddy swamps.


As depressing memories cloud my mind

With dark images of today's defeat

In the world of laughing mouths and sneering eyes,


I, too, dash over a syrupy pond of mud

And reach the dry safety of my porch

Silent in its voluminous void of people.



A Pause (Doubts) 9



Hurrying to meet my appointment,

I stepped off a curb,

When suddenly,

The vicissitudes of life became like the gentle gusts of a summer breeze.

The sepulchral rut of quotidian toil leveled to a far-reaching plain.

I could see for miles the reddened faces of speechless people.

I could hear the distant crunch of feet on gravel.

Laughter and tears,


Surveyed in a still fish-eye gaze,

Above yet within.

A momentary lapse it was,


Back again, the stampede of striving slammed up against me.

I walked across the street and went on my pre-arranged way.



Remembering (Rejecta) 10



The bright light

Glares at my pale face

From the blank page.


Whispered rumors of past events,

Fleeting glimpses of long-faded colors,

People sifting by,

People drifting away.


So, I write, remembering,

Quickly scribbling thin black scratches:

The long letters link up like lonely

Shoved-together snakeskins

Across the blank page.


A shout dissolves into silence.

A redness erodes to grayness.

People's faces exchange places.


I can not remember.


How was it?




Happy New Year (Rejecta) (1978-1979) 11



Another year has gone

So now only this song


To drain

The balance of the sand

From mu life on this lonely stand

Where sharp teeth

And crushing feet





Just Whistle a Happy Tune (Rejecta) 12



I whistle a tune from Bach -

What I hurt from I can't quite say -

I am alone


No surprise due to that



But I whistle a tune from Bach,

And what I hurt from I can't quite -

I need some (


No revelation there;  everyone needs



Yet I whistle a tune from Bach

So what I hurt from I can't -

I feel like a (...robot...cipher...)

OF course

No special consideration due to me, as if no one else felt



Indeed now I whistle that favorite tune to

Unhearing typewriters and copiers:

Therefore I realize my powerless speech


Being separate from all others I

Fully accept.



The Professor Explains some Duties and Responsibilities to his Sleeping Students (Rejecta) 13



Let's say yes and no.

Let's measure the inches on a long flower.

Let's weigh the difference between green eyes and blue Mondays.


We come into a blank white room -

You see it's glare is blinding,

Blinding sunny emptiness of

White and almost white shouting back to you,

Reflecting back to you all the hopeless memories you've ever had.


There it is!  Doesn't he know?

An error of dreams -

A wrongfull expectation of the future -

A mythological mercurial constancy in the "past to present"

Which to him necessitates the "future."

What a misconception!


I know what I don't say and

I know what I can't mold into a

Molding clay primitive humanoid object of veneration and despair.



Inspired (Rejecta) 14



O dull round brown


Wide, spritely, fine extreme, blue?




Decay (Rejecta) (June 29, 1980) 15






A Colleen

A dull cow







Osiris (Rejecta) 16



Golden Isis

Radiates he yellow arms,

Downy white child hairs,

Around my stiff body:



A stele,

A lonely ash wrinkled with age midst a great gray plain,

A lone stone

Without rune or arabesque or character chinois;


Empty to a child's temptation.





New Year's Resolve (Rejecta) (1979-1980) 17



A winter's tale in mid-Indian autumn

A coldness of heart that needs

The snow's white fellowship,

The ice's clean numb feel.


Yet a fire burns inside -

A glow

Of past regrets,

future's fatuous hopes,

The present's not real.


Maybe I'll take that

Reckless trip in the spring.



And then, in some lonely


I'll watch the early dew from

Light green leaves -

Its fall

In cool splashes

On the hard ground.


Autumn/Winter:  The Fall of Snow (Rejecta) 18




In the cold air that chills me to the bone

I watch the leaves that are randomly blown

Across the wide street of gray stone.


Then the snow begins,

Fluttering crystalline from the sky,

And softly cushions

The hard ground, as a lone cry


From a crazy crow

Pierces the crisp air -

The wind disturbs my hair -

As I turn and, moving very slow,

Walk home.



Year's End (Rejecta) (1980-1981) 19



At year's end

Some do lend

Their serious souls to mend

The waywardness of the year's errant passing.


You might analyze

The curious misadventures,

The awful embarrassments,

The baleful, baneful blunders

OF your thousand wondrous tries.


But there is no hope

No foresight

No possible cope

On hindsight

To the thousand beauteous lies.


So I,


Will somewhat sedulously listen

To the christening

OF toasts

And the clink of glasses

And the chink of ice

Till passes

The cuckoo four times thrice

His awful boasts.


Christmas Carol (Rejecta) 20



The trees in leafless traces 'cross the sky

So like some spiders' legs black lines describe.

And the snow with its whiteness and clamorous brightness

Contends with the air and disturbs the sweet quietness.

Cars, smoke, haze;  trains, planes, and all confusion

Join with fury in frugal pollution.

These are the works of us men -

Those are the gifts of our god -

Together they sing of the end,

Lone he is, lone we trod.


The clear crisp sickle of the waxing moon, (Rejecta) 21



The clear crisp sickle of the waxing moon,

Deeply entrenched in the darkness of western sky,

Sits in regal calmness, aloof and alone,

Without comments or censure on life's panoply.

But soon the dusty clouds surround and hide

This insensible smile, this unfeeling frown;

Yet again, it reappears, struggling 'gainst , with light,

The dark misty fog which emanates from the ground.

Its ray - fierce, bright, cold - burns

The smoke from earth, the haze of work,

'Til the ephemeral endeavor of every worm

Is evaporated by the cool serenity of the selene smirk.

Is this the perfect symbol of our doom,

Smiling, the half-orb in struggle against the gloom?


The laughing orb of full-faced moon (Rejecta) 22



The laughing orb of full-faced moon

Sudd'nly 'pears in eastern sky,

Bright'ning 'way the goblins gray of gloom

Who the work of day to uncombine had tried.

The terr'ble shine, the horr'ble smile,

At dusky roofs, at murky walls,

Glares, wherein young men in acid bile

Tunble'n'turn in sleep's sick fits and bruising brawls.

But as it reigns in southern sky,

Comes o'er its face a yellow pall

In clouds from sulf'rous earth;  then wolfish cries

Do madmen howl as homage to this eerie maw.

O Dian' queen, imperial Phoeb',

You herald Hecat's darkling mystery.




The final quarter of the monthly moon... (Victoriana) 23



The final quarter of the monthly moon

In darkened sky is like a mortal gash

Of some huge monster-god, whose awful wound

Bleeds 'cross his blackened cope in starry splash--

Or like a tear in cape so thinly worn,

Its gauzy fabric lets through pricks of light:

A rent impatient time had rashly torn

To show behind eternity, star-bright.

This well worn pall of sequined sky drapes o'er

The fog entombed earth as tattered shroud;

And through the rip, as through a cut, does pour

Sweet starry blood upon the poor and proud.

This 'cisioned piece of keen-edged brilliancy

Forebodes the fiery sun"s intensity.



You're hidden by the sun's magnificent glare... (Victoriana) 24



You're hidden by the sun's magnificent glare;

Yet strong enough, as when a shiny sphere,

To force the rounded waters' furious flare

Upon the rocky sand in churnings clear.

You ride invisible through sunbright day,

Unseen in darkling night 'mongst twinkling stars;

Thus hungry owls and nervous mice do pray:

Though your name new, some sure that dead you are.

Dead? Life still clings to desert plant whose root

Seeks cooling waters; cold Antarctic plain

Breeds mordant mosses; Dead Sea algae scoot

Through Sodom's salts; the Spring is Winter's bane!

And you, from seeming death arising, soon

At night will shine; a silver, crescent moon.



You are beautiful beyond compare. (Rejecta) 25



You are beautiful beyond compare.

There is no way that I can hope to have

Your sweetness next to my warm body.  Dare

I speak my love unto the clouds?  A slave

I'll be to your wild whimsies!  Yes, I'll seize

Your reddening lips, and touch your heart;  yes, take

Some liberties, and reaching ecstasies,

Make you my spiritual friend;  mistake

Me not!  I mean to experience with ease

Your loving kindness, warming mildness.  Please don't

Be upset, or ill at ease;  or please, please,

Do not withhold your friendly smile - I won't!

I love you, want to kiss you, hold you in

My loving arms - no sense at all of mortal sin!


Merlin's Gleam (Rejecta) 26



Far from the fumy February city

Far into some preserve of woodland walked I,

Away from melting ices, splashes, slushes,

Away from winter's soupy, salty flushes.

There on a hill of moist and matted grass

I stretched myself full-length, secured at last

From urban worry, crowded hurry, watched

A tiny, thinly puffed out cloud - a swatch

upon the dying winter's bluish mantle -

In easy, lazy wand'ring o'er this ant hill

Of thawing earth.  And then I felt a glowing

kinship between us two, an ever growing

Affinity, shared sense of sensitive

Perception.  Gazed we on the world, alive

With steaming exhalations, seeping spring:

The bird, the worm, the dripping bough;  the fling

Of biting wind still frosted by the snow

Which lay on lonely patches round below

The hill;  the flattened grass, the soggy ground;

The grove and glade in yellow, gray and brown,

Which snuggled 'bout the hill; - we breathed these all,

Midst sound of gurgling spring and crowing caw.

Anon say I from out my cuneate eye

The dappled wimpling on the branched barks

Of sunlight's cloud-specked play off marbled snow.

I heard somewhere a sib'lant whisp'ring sigh

Amongst  the twisting twigs and crackling grass,

Which lay, windswept, windtossed, by wind crisscrossed.

I felt a brush of mellowness along

My face;  I smelled a dew of languor 'round

My head;  there was no air to breathe at all

But dreamy indolence;  and soon I sensed

The drone of buzzing insipidity.

Then thought I that there stood within the wood

Some unseen presence which did stare at me

With brooding melancholy, silently.

My mind, seduced by sleepiness, thus sprung

To labyrinthine thoughts of mythic Celt

and medieval magic:  lovelorn Launcelot

and eager squire Gawain;  pure Galahad,

The first true knight to see the Holy Grail;

Sweet Guinevere, so sorrowful a queen,

Who abbey ruled in her old age to brood

Upon a love lost knight and sea tossed king;

The awful tryst of bowlegged Mark's Isolt,

Inevitably evil Modred, wild

And willful Vivien, and Merlin's nap.

Why thoughts of glinting sword and spuming horse,

Of romance, lady, and heroic knight?

These times are hard and cynic'ly perverse.

Why misty dream when rolls the hearse steel-bright?

And even Alfred's Idylls sing of lost

Nobility, when craven knights unhorsed

Each other with contumely at that

Last Tournament:  yea, this encrusted mantle

Of medieval, chivalric ide-

ealism upon a core of Celtic myth

and briny Saxon history - e'en this

Becomes in Alfred's hand a brooding comment

On petty human deeds and gloomy man's

Anxiety.  There is no Christ, no Grail,

No God, no hope, no love nor loyalty

In this last century.  Why dream, then?  Why!

Mist, clouds, steam, smoke, vapor, fog, haze - all this!

It wets my face and cools my soul in bliss!

I know the cry is gone of "forward, forward,"

And Rizpah's son still wails along the downs.

But does it matter what I think or feel?

Chilean jackboot, 'Gandan tyrant, end-

less strife in Ireland, every group and end-

less army - crazed with nationality:

And earth still turns on bloodied axis, spins

Still round and round the grieving, golden sun.

What matter pessimism, optimism?

Think "slow and sure comes up the golden year."

And think that "prophet-eyes may catch a glory"?

Or muse upon "the little lives of men,

and how they mar this little by their feuds"?

No matter what philosopy, one's small

Lone life is led 'mongst friends and family.

So through the gloom, so like my world-confused

Soul, follow I those lights ("for man can half-

control his doom") thru day and night, the fog

Enfolded sun and mist entombed moon.

I woke up suddenly from thoughts of dreams

To sunny afternoon's branch-laced gleams.

Those earthly tones, those drips, that vap'rous stench:

So February winter did make blench.

And westward thru the wood still sensed I keen,

Now mut'ly hoar, the presence, still unseen.

I knew that fell on Merlin melancholy:

Maybe was he who watched my dreamy folly!

His silly dotage on the mistress vile

Did trick his pract'cal sense to foolish trial.

So passion clouds up all the evil way;

Yet passion tempts us by its gleaming ray.

Thru Merlin's grove and towards his face I'll go;

I'll follow, follow thru the melting snow.

I'll wander thru those woods cut with sun-knife

To family, friends, and, aye, artistic life.



There's such a thing as a pregnant moment (Rejecta) 27



There's such a thing as a pregnant moment,

When March's bellows billow the trees;

The swelling branches breathe in me a foment -

A cold from Winter's dying sneeze!


(Those branches swim in the air, unbudded,

Amidst the sewage of urban waste;

As if nature's skeleton sinks o'er-flooded

In the steely city's neon paste.)


This ballooning respiration

Suddenly 'comes quietness stilled;

The aching seconds pin-prick filled

To burst in this sudden with gasping deflation.


How clearly cold, unbearably brisk,

The flashing metal, the glinting steel,

The evil eye of the sun's bright disk,

How it all reflects with breathless zeal!


Should gloomy, darkened scene me scare,

Not this brilliant, clear-cut sight;

But I freeze unable a breath to dare,

For evil seems bred in this sun-bleached blight.


Within this silence now there sounds

A high-pitched sparrow titter-twitt'ring,

Or maybe starling bicker-bick'ring;

It trills;  it fills with lilts these bounds.


Alone it discovers it's lone at last;

And utters in verse a song anew

To the gleaming sun's metallic hues,

Threat'ning the future, bemoaning the past.


And carried upwards on the brown bird's song,

O'erlooking the rounded earth's contention,

Detached and distanced from all intention,

I proudly review the human throng:


Its tidal wave that's ebbing faint,

its feckless surf, its reckless spume,

Its bombast, rhet'ric, whimp'ring plain,

Its disease, its fever, its pus, its rheum;


Its televised knowledge of everything fast,

learning's three R's or listnings's three B's;

Whipples and Olsens 'lectronic'ly massed

To trance the cash, divertingly;


The Catholic boys in Belfast town,

the leagered Jew, the Arab's land,

The leftist's sneer, the rightist's frown

Chile, Yemen, Turkey, Iran.






-          Detached and philosophical?

Hyperventilates anon,

Distant, intellectual,

The perspicacious superman!


The drifting up on the minds free wind

Is losing self in selfish muse,

Is 'magining one is free of sin,

Free of all the moiling brews.


Escape from ills and fears of ills

Is what I want.  Anxiety -

No more!  I'll dream satiety

Pretending warmth from life's swift chills.


Thus confront us the real?  No, the dream's what I seek:

She who wrestles her will on my suppliant lawn

With her alabaster, her marbled cheek

Of the dearest pink like the rosy dawn.


But wait!  This is no incantation of Keats,

No mesmerism Browning might plot.

Fact is, my loves, unrequited, 'come hates;

Enemy world, my love fulfilled not.


I cry at the world to cry at myself -

The disaster huge or my crossed stars small -

The eternal torrent, my inner squall -

Till no matter the loneliness left on the shelf!


Still I see what is clear and know what must be true

That the earth reflects man's miserable mien,

That blood is a waste when it reddens the scene:

Jurassic bird, mock th'repetitive fools!


Repeat those earlier verses, my cause,

Which sang of madding humanity's entropy -

Justifiable manic misanthropy! -

But why does my muse so suddenly pause?


Silence again:  the expanded branch,

The unblinking eye of the sun without pity,

And the thinly stretched out metal city

Hold a sec' more in this transient trance;


Sudden' the bird lightly jumps in the air!

Bursting, the branches akimbo swing wild -

Shadowy woods o'er the city's clean glare. -

Rushing sweet sounds thoughout, unmild!


So o'er the earth, the Sisyph stone,

Ixion's wheel, unto the sun

In easy west'ring am I blown

On laughing wind's uplifting fun!












Ogygia (Victoriana) 28 (Poetry before 1994)



The deep,

Its wine-dark and broad back,

The frothing spume it casts far over the jagged rocks--

The snow-white droplets speckle the greens and blues and blacks

That checker it from the shore to the thin blue horizon's line--


Mirrors my mind,

Reflects my hope of far off lands,

Mocks the shallow depths of my soul;


As when, weary head on hand,

Staring across the bumpy waves, the billowy sea,

Watched for the merest hint of ship-sail,

Longed for the slightest whiff of hearth-smoke

(As seen in the distance in the cool evening's walk)

He, sad-eyed;

Then turned, as I


Lonily trudge to the urban cave,

To the cot where I sleep midst the city's snore.




Actaeon (Victoriana) 29 (Poetry before 1994)


A stag,

Through crashing leaves and snapping twigs,

Which scratch its sweaty skin in lines of deepest red,

Its deer's heart beating faster, faster in its new found fear,



In midair,

Its neck sweetly arched, head turned back, eye askance

(The magic droplets in delicate beads upon its forehead)


At the hounds,

Snarling, yelping:

Those dogs which once gave friendly paw

And loving lick in carefree sport

Before the fire in the hunters' lodge,

Now reaching the stag and mangling its flesh and spraying its blood on the

    silent leaves and witless ground--


As the staggering animal falls,

As he catches the glimmer afar,

With a human awareness again,

Of whitened form, of secret beauty.



Satire (Victoriana) 30 (Poetry before 1994)



My eye in bitter view of this sweet world,

Unblinking, stares at what the sun's unfurled.

Its golden ray disturbs nightmarish dreams

And softly rips night's shade with violent beams.


Appear the warm caresses lover pass

From each to other:  stranger-man to lass

Who seems to struggle, friendly cell mates for

A newmade bugger, john to faithful whore.


And there, the yearning prescience young ones show

When asked by grown-up what grown up they'll do;

Yet, soon, their dreams are done;  their lives are led

Without remorse, regret--a slaked set.


Now see I worried fundamentalists

And ready riflemen arrayed against

The liberal decadents, and humanists,

Who, nervous, balk at "pro-life" fascist plans.


So go some of the millions before me.

They walk, I talk;  and others, patient, hear.

I think I am futile;  they think I'm nuts:

While my eye sees rudeness, my tongue spits crude.



After Dinner (Rejecta) 31



To sight the shying muse before my end

By wending twisting alleys with my vision -

No wincing from the brightness of eyes' ken -

An open vista, sunbright lit, precision-

I see you smile, young friend - my prattling speech?

Oh please!  Don't shy from conversation!  Pour

Yourself another drink, relax.  I'll teach

You by my own example:  don't abhor

A confrontation.  Matters not your tense

Emotions;  what's important's how you see

The world.  Develop, keen, a visual sense.

When this is done, where, then, anxiety?

Unware of snipings, cuts, and jealous hates,

Unheeding critics' cross contentions, you'd

O'ercome, o'erweening some will say, the Fates;

Which oft us weave as victims to the brood

Of blind humanity's conformity:

Unfettered, and directed not by pelf,

You'd ride, in true superiority -

Wait, here's my glass, I'll need a drink myself!

-          Yes, yes they're idle words.  What sense to try

To see when all around us is steel and glass

And concrete ribbons stretching to the sky.

Our modern city's crisscrossed scratches - 'las! -

Inspire no art, unlike the curving lines

a snuggling 'bout meand'ring, village streams,

Or medieval burgs' a-spired shrines,

Or Renaissance's medit'ranean beams.

This muzak culture, cat'ring to the pop,

Deflates my erstwhile youth's enthusiasm.

What sells, who likes, there flows my artly slop. -

I'd don my dusty death!  I'd cross this chasm!

Then in some downy glade - or heath'ry brake -

On brook - or crackling creek - a sparky runnel -

I'd float on cumulus - what's this? - a lake? -

No brackish fen in darkling glen! - a tunnel

Which is life's marrow lon'ly narrowing:

Of course, the only possible is now!

-          What heady things this liquor makes me sing!

But in this world still nature yet can dow.

That smoky dell awashed in hues of Falls,

With cooling mists enwrapping face and arms

Of one who brood'ly ambles through the pall,

Creates a perfect scape from worldly harms;

Or distant view expands the soul full out

T'horizon's line;  or pounding waves upon

The shore mark time's eternal beat about

The heart;  or rumbling thunder echoes on

around the air in pouting mumblings as

One's fevered mind; thus nature mirrors man:

His fears, his hopes;  till nature thinks he has

Within his heart, his brain, his guts. - Then brand

Electrical!  The flashing lightning!  Crack!

Then birth a cloud its fresh'ning raindrop litter,

In lisping splashes 'gainst earth's dusty back!

The power!  For weakened man what could be fitter?

And yet is this just one man's silly thought,

Whose city life breeds idylls of the vale?

I could not camp beneath the stars, too fraught

With urban 'menities to tour the dale.

Why seek I that chaotic world when hums

This churning city's oily engines' clear

Calliphony?  The very power dumbs

Those tongues of God to silent, harmless fear!

-          Oh, must you go?  Then let me get your coat.

Just sneak a look upon the foyer wall:

My painting, an original;  yet note,

You must, you've seen a hundred more in malls

Throughout the suburbs.  Cad'lac gentry, Ford

Bourgeois have charged their taste for that on cards

Of plastic - pliable they are!  Accord'

To it I ply my trade and copy hard

What all the merchant-painters do, as they

In turn mock me.  Yet I have tried to paint

Some mystery, philosopy in play

Of light upon the birch there, and in faint

horizon's curve, a-graying to the gray-

white sky, a gold'ning to the golden ground.

That light, that gray, that gold - can you then say

What time it is or season be?  That mound

In front so dark with gloom, now does it not

Quite snidely mock the sliv'ry, silv'ry slice

Of birch tree on horizon?  None, I wot,

Can form a tree with vibrance so precise

That it, e'en though aquiv'ring line stands firm

and powerful like my turgid knoll;  and yet,

Am artist not.  I must to freedom squirm

Through pathless woods, o'er chartless seas, but get

No farther than this room. - Despite my lecture

Th'artistic eye is in one's mind:  may be

The pineal gland which people do conjecture

The soul's soft seat or man's third place to see -

Just joking, ha!  But wouldn't it be dear

To know within us breeds a perfect sight,

A god-like vision without worldy fear?

-          I know you're in a rush, so say goodnight!

Drive carefully and watch the signs.  It snakes

The mountainside, this road.  But, oh, the stars!

Eternal pinprick beacons!  Could I take

A voyage 'mongst them!  Visions strange, afar!




Driving Home (Rejecta) 32



The amplitude of sounds, kaleidoscope

Of hues, the vast variety of things

I see and hear - and he does, too, old fool!

Avails the dream of nature blessed for us

Alone?  What profits gaining thoughts which we

Project upon the world?  That bending curve,

The screeching tire, my sweaty hand upon

The wheel - its curving plastic grooves so warm

Within my fingers - this is life, my song!

He said in coming age my heart will be

Dried up, a desert new where once was sea's

Emotions.  Let it happen!  Life will pass,

Thus balance me:  hope fear, joy sadness, calm

And wildest virulence!  This road, where I

Experience it all, I'll travel on

In curved trajectory to "dusty death"!

And Dionysian, Appolonian be.

My wand'ring life (must watch the road: it's slick);

So poetry in steel and verse in glass

Will flow as if inspired by gurgling brook

And feath'ry lea - to hell with distant stars

By my car's lights outshined - my life, my poem!



Pantheon of Spring (Decadence) 33 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994)



The sun-glorious spring far shoots its healing rays

Amongst bulbous Bacchic buds whose leas

Intoxicate the soul unchained from winter's days.

And free neath open sky, seduced by music's mysteries:

The rush of the vernal moon flitting white upon the tide,

The sweetly mocking laugh of sun-drenched morn,

The storm running fore it flashing-eyed,

And the fruitful footsteps Ceres listens for;

--That rhythm, that beat, what can it be?

Horus stomping off to war with Seth,

With electric-mechanic efficiency,

In yearly vengeance for his father's death!

Is this, our martyrs' march, a gurantee of rich rebirth,

Or recrudescence of rebellion, on this errant earth?




Ganymede as Lucifer (Decadence) 34 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994)



At first he appeared in softest radiance,

Suffused with rosiness, infused with danc-

ing colors like trembling dawn upon the glass

Of the thinnest pellucid lake.


                                Then seemed a morass

Of inner fire, a fusion of forces that burned

With scorching heat and terrible hate.  He churned

Up mocks and sneers and whining complaints, and slighted

The admiring boys and eager men--all fighting

For his love.


               He promised a diffusion of humid

Floridity for all our lives in his taunts and his lurid

Temptations to promiscuity:  the tropical heat of his touch,

The swamp moistness of his kiss, the pungent aroma, as such,

Of his secret SPELUNCA--whether actually humbled,

Or forever inviolate--all grew to surround us as a jungle.


He became for us a beacon, bold and bright,

Beaming across the plain;  and flashing, he would strike

The wistful visions wavering on the horizon's lane--

Himself like a delicate jar of pinkest jade

Enfolding a glorious truth of far reaching beauty--


And heralding the sunny glare where primal nudity

Couldn't hide, where the world's weary end would steam

Away neath that naif adolescent stare--


                                          What dream!--

Still always threatening to burn our skins with his sexy

Possibility--our fantasy--his coquetry--


Yet, how soon our bloated sun dripped west-pink light;

And he, once morning's star, dragged up the night!



The Inspired Moment (1981) (Unkempt) 35



Pinheads tapping on the floor -

The great clouds outside, wafting white and billowy behind the scrapers of the    sky -

R-ring r-ring -

Squeaky voice leaking thoughts -

The clouds puff out -

Slam the phone down -

Typewriters, copiers, calculators, duplicators, facsimiles, folders, inserters, meters, registers -

That one convoluted cloud, nimbly cornering the taphic slab of steel and glass -

Enfolding thunderbolts in its vastness -

What springs from its forehead fully armed? -

Imagination, as real as it (just as formless) and the building beneath it (just as firm) -

Far darting -

Beauty and truth, truth and beauty -

A call to make -

Tome, drone, bone, phone, moan, known -

Busy -

Do it now, no delays, get it done, finished, over with, accomplished, past, forgotten -

This job -

The cloud is spreading its white fingers across the blue blankness -

Westwardly to the sinking sun -

And eastwardly they march, the city's office keepers, to the night, the weekend -

Oblivion sandwiched between each oblivious week -

R-ring -

One last call (he wants to get done on Friday afternoon what he didn't accomplish all week) -

Lay the receiver gently in its cradle -

The cloud fully dissipated, blankets the blue, lids the sun -

Ragnarok -

Could this be the end? -

Fancy, fatuity, reverie, dreams -

As real, unreal as all the objects around -

I close my drawer, lock my desk -

I file my folders -

I pile the papers -

Neatly -

Fully expecting Monday morn -

Token? -

Dime for transfer? -




"I write the words for Castor, brother thane;  (Rejecta) 36



"I write these words for Castor, brother thane;

Whose earthly-hellish place I take awhile:

My immortal powers conquer mortal bane

While he rides equine flesh o'er terrene mile.

His flesh my soul in alternation file

To spark the seasons' twisting whirl anew,

To shine as beacons for the sailors' trial

When worldly worries rile life's simmering stew.

But if combined, we skyey twins would rule -

Then fault to remedy, the weak to strong,

Of all our qualities would meld into

A gem of hardy, adamantine song:

Orpheic sleep could sweetly numb our brows,

And in imperial lethargy we'd drowse."




Fragments 37



Delicate trembling on the quivering line

Departs as soft, low colors descend

And quiet scintillation desists;

Now violent cacophony,

The uneasy intemperance,

The weird extremities expressed unduly,

Distress our quiet thoughts.



O easy rhythm dancing life does mark for all of us mere mortals--

Where I do turn, there the twinkling lights, there the tapping feet, the

    swaying curve of ivory limbs--

Yet there--everywhere--the blood and gorge, fear and hate--

metal on metal and the crashing screech of fierce intemperance--

It's that idiocy of the complete vastness--variety--of the World, the

    terrible, violent, unsympathetic, cold, indifferent Universe.



A sweet-scened reverie upon one spring--

It caused a slight splintering of my indolent mind,

The hues dancing wild, the taps flittering free,

Like tiny china pieces showering the ground

In freely falling pindrop glints.

This was a time of soft sleep,

The numbing caress of breathing waves,

Yet turbulent, chaotic, brutally rough,

The continual waft of somnolent insomnia.

And so this sudden splash of dreamy image

When through sea-caverns loud with sound

I came upon an open field of green...



"Du bist mein und ich bin dein..."

These tinny rebecs string me light,

Yon hurdy gurdy turns so low

--Cithern, Psaltery, Dulcimer!

Mother Mary's the only answer:

The ideal of chivalry Mont et Chartres!



The sun,

Forcing its dull, yellow heat

Down upon his head,

Singeing the brown hairs on his neck,

Blasting away all thoughts'

Pressing his reddening shoulders

With a weight of searing heat,

Burns also the grass, the wafting grass

And the black-green leaves of the grove, swaying, whimpering on the wind.



This is summer's day

Dread danks on grey

To bell sky o'er billowed hay

Like turquoise soft with sweet tokay



Like a summer quiet it lifts light,

Like the cooling dawn reddening on the humid night.

No more visions of ghostly tombs of hard, flint stone.

And now, wheeling in their own sweet reveries,

The birds cascade and rush, high and free, each alone.



To burn with fear in a riot of meanness

Is the sole cold gift of a scalding sun.



The flashing, glinting wheel of steel



Upon a pallid cheek was gently blessed

Who aged while seeking youth, by fragile breaths.



What thin word, emasculate, wild,

Can twine through shadows of my heart,

Or trace the wicked turnings of my mind?





The cloying tunes cascade upon our indiscriminate minds... (Decadence) 38



The cloying tunes cascade upon our indiscriminate minds,

And over sun-glared highways speed we past the garish lights;

The searing heat envelopes all our gradually numbing senses:

Our feckless rage, mercurial cheer combine in dull immenseness.


And one now dreams of rushing waters,

Of softened scintillations lapping,

Of coolness creamily enwrapping

Against that rocky thought that falters.



And suddenly borne up on a surge of spray

At last

To a land of dreams beyond this worldly fray!


Over the bumbling crowd, eagle eye for a Trojan prince,

Mumbling loud in his regal flight, stonily he squints:


For who should there be but Dandies

Feigning a monopoly of aesthete,

Trying to be so indiscrete

To prove their special status as souls

And not the merest emptiest machines, mimicking common humanity's



So pushed upon a column of air,

The insubstantial, invisible bier

Of insects and birds tossed here and there,

Wafting to tempting lights on the shore,

Tapping, click-clack, on a lantern's glass,

Or sizzling in the fire, on the electric bulb so hot,

Ending their quest, their chore,

At last,

As they become little more than the thinnest blot,


He dares his final, soaring pass - a shot!


He plummets silently down toward the indifferent earth -

    muddy and brown, turgid and dull -

The air, the wind whistling, hissing against his ears, his burning ears -

The gay lights of the empyrean sphere indistinguishable, untouchable,



A low, soft hum as he, without sound, sloughs into the tossing sea.


That one awakens.  And we careening towards horizon blend into

The radio's blare:  materialism's numbing pitch that mesmerizes.



Literature's lonely escapade... (Decadence) 39 (South & West before 1994)



Literature's lonely escapade

Of word and image:

Describe the red-burning sun or weakly wavering yellow moon -

Let alone an inner joy or confused, exhausted conflict:

When up and round supercedes in alternation the rising and falling flat

    and sparse.

That inner joy bobbing on a cool, blue surface -

No, fierce, sharp like any mortal pain,

In sole possession of the sweating mind, inescapable concentration.

An animal's instinct is tough, invisible,

Or like Buridan's ass it, too, with indecision frought?

The dewy sprinkler water gently oozes from each lone gold white red petal.

There -

A blur, kaleidoscope, whizzing and whirling, turning the mind through all

    its hues and lights

Round, dashing it to the ground in tiny china slivers, spraying with

    tinkling sounds, laying a glinting sparkle suddenly down.

There again -

The narrow, compact view or the shattered wide variety.



Cerberus (Rejecta) 40



This beast, this snarling hound in Potter's lane,

His bloodshot eyes like hellish, reddened coals,

Upon the dusty road keeps me to stay,

While I would hunt the woodland's nimble roe.

O would I were a brutish hero strong,

Then I would grapple with his frothing jaw;

I'd snap it off and swing it 'gainst the throng:

My enemies in life's fierce gee and haw.

Now sets the sun and rises blood-faced moon,

Reflected in his smoldering, smokey eyes;

I'll call her name to help me fight my doom,

To teach me truth to fight this world of lies.

Across her face a blackened shadow falls;

Then night is full, and dog and I are lost.



Polyneices / Eteocles (Rejecta) 41



We fight for Theban kingship;

We two decide the battle of the seven;

We of one loin are;

Yet opposites …

His dark hand touching mine with stinging heat,

Grabbing hold to fling me through the air,

He is by my nightside always watching, watching …

May we die together,

He crying with no words,

I sighing "My brother, my enemy …" ?

No, not like the classic tale,

I'll close my eyes and sleep forever:

He'll reign instead;

The dark old moon will shine no more;

The year will never see the sun come round …

Yet he'll die too, old, wrinkled, gray;

And snow will fall and wind will blow, ignorant of what we played.


Rounds  (White Goddess) 42





Wild, thrice-whistled wind,

Thru thickset, twisting trees,

Lays its yoke of seeds,

As a laurel upon my hair,

Blown from the starry north.




Splashing, spattering rain,

Gushing from the potent sky,

Floods the pregnant earth

And floats the child in his tub

To the nipple-peaked mountain top.




Hear that lonely bark,

Echoing from some hollow yard,

Of Deaths' companion chained,

Perhaps, to an ancient wall,

Guarding the moonbeams there.




A new-spun silver moon,

A scimitar that burns the gorse,

Blood-faced queen I am,

A shield of white repose,

A hissing on the moonless shore.




Stretched upon a cross,

High upon a hill,

As the red sun to dust,

Beneath the zenith fell,

I was burned to ashes so I could enter hell.




I am crippled and stumbling;

And she hoots at me,

Offers a spear to my dark-faced twin,

Laughs when he hurls it thru my waning heart,

Cries when I fly to the oaken tree.




A Meditation (Rejecta) 43



Worms ooze from the sloppy earth;

And a brown bird descends

Gliding, flickering it wings,

Gliding on the warming autumn air

Gently skimming the dewy grass.


So thought thinks upon itself,

Coils and recoils, intertwining.

And dull warmth steams about my ears.

My head is heavy, buzzing in a low drone.


The sun is yellow-bright.

The heat rises high.

The air is clear, jeweled with greens and blues; -

My mind drifts far into the whiteness,

For there's a shining star out there.


In the cool clear blueness, blackness,

High above the curved earth,

Far from all humanity,

To a clear, bell tone of a white, far star.


Thus mind eschews the body;

And, Cartesian, we wander,

Round and round upon the mud,

Thinking with our minds of yonder.


Where the clean blade that will cut

Our thoughts from our skins?

Where the even jointure which, broken,

Will solve the jigsaw of mind and matter?




Vision (1981) (White Goddess) 44



The distant vision,

Of which countless dreaming poets sang,

Spews sentimental mist

Upon my yearning brain:


Still golden-haired and young,

The Maiden smiles,

But with sultry stare,

A luring hiss

From blue eyes and red lips,

Her sharp, white teeth,

White-capped like the nine waves

Crashing on the roaring shore.


When I leap onto that shore,

My other foot's still on the prow;

And the white-hot moon

Pulls at the sea and takes the bow,

The shooting pain almost tearing me in two,

My twisted leg now fit for cothurn-boot.


So she moves among the crowd,

And I the actor play:

But the vision's lost to the hounds,

Who bray, who bray.

And I hear the gathering waters

Which wash the dead elders away.




Kipling After the War (Decadence) 45



What did he say?


"When That within the coffin fell,

Fell - and flashed into the Red Sea,

Beneath a hard Arabian moon

And alien stars."


The Sea I roam in mind is Indian, though,

Where had He slept beneath the soothing waves,

The calming sea, our mother's juice -

But he is trampled in the mud at Loos -


Oh, crack, crack, crack that awful rhyme,

That prolongs a short breath,

That quiets a scream,

That numbs any pain,

Mops up his blood.


He is dead, and I have lied.




They Hover (Unkempt) 46 (South & West before 1994)



I caught, this morning, the lone drone

Of buzzing planes, arcing and sweeping

High above where I pump my water:

And how they sounded in the catastrophes of their descending screams,

In the ecstasies of their ascending howls,

Like the end of the Year (for it was November),

Like the weak rattle of the waning god,

Charging yet dying, cheering yet moaning,

Sighing at last, gasping as an unknown ghost.


And how the children took up their toy planes, undiscerning,

Buckled themselves into their parents' cars, unlearning.

 - Where the fire brilliantly burning

That can dash gold embers into their blind eyes?




Waiting (White Goddess) 47 (South & West before 1994)



A ring of shadows about my head,

As Winter's sun sinks in the west,


 - Like druid stones from ancient time -

Begins to swim within the brine


And, circling, froths till ghostly white,

As I wait for my deathly bride


To lead me with her frosted hand

To the spiral castle on the northern camp,


Whose spinning, twinkling lights afar

Become the beam of one bright star:


A child whose head is banded round

By the silver circle of my trembling crown.




Red (Decadence) 48



Blunden saw his red so bloody dull,

And Yeats an Incorruptible Rose in wine.

How may I describe the full

Hue of this book of mine:

Like the bright banners of disarmament?

Like the Princess's cloak at her wedding?

Like a woman's loving lips?

Like the blood-scratches on her hips

I make while dull with wine?




Anabasis to Carthago (Decadence) 49



Crashing bore!


Ships bow knifes into the imperial shore,

Smashing sea and sand into

Translucent particles of the thinnest glass:

Unhued fragments flying

And turning and twisting

On the waves' flat floor.


No blood to cut upon a heathen face?

No sword to flash?

No oaken lance to hurl

Against a quaking door?


But a mist enfolds the pointed prow

In dark and pungent smells.

And like the mumblings of a sleeping sow

I hear the huge sea swell.

And often, within the darkness

I see the sudden flash

Of drear daylight harking -

Which I fear the more!




The Climbers (Unkempt) 50 (Blue Unicorn before 1994)



Mountain bare

Of wood and steel

Whose fine snow drifts silently upon the ice,

What specks of modern color lie

Embedded in your crevice?

Whose steely pins are thrust into your sides?

Is it with a haughty mind

Or complete indifference

That you cast your tons aside?

One by one those specks blink out blink in

In the free fall of avalanching snow.

You will them not to go?

You hold them fast against your rugged breast?

And what gay wind sweeps the snow in plumes from your aerie crests?




A Soul (Unkempt) 51 (Blue Unicorn before 1994)



A mirror bright reflects the sky

Beneath a spreading tree.


And where alights the dancing dust,

Sharp glass's line is seen.


The light melts into placid lake;

The tree is black seaweed;


The sky is roof from ocean floor,

Wherein drifts silently


The dust dancing into nothing:

Black, nothing, and free.




With how sad steps, O Moon, you climb the sky... (Decadence) 52



With how sad steps, O Moon, you climb the sky,

How silently, and with how blank a face.

Who could stare at you with hope the lie

Is true:  a kind queen rules the human race?

You stare upon us, not impure nor chaste,

And cast no sympathy upon our cries;

Indeed, you seem for human horrors braced

To dance with glee ere bloody arrow flies.

And yet, it is not you that's sad but I;

And you don't dance but keen and briskly race

Imperturbably across the sky.

So now it seems so smooth, this unpocked face,

As when you changed a man to moon-struck deer

And loosed the hounds to prey upon his fear.




On Entering a Church (Unkempt) 53



The silence and the half lights

Pour serenely from the shadowed roof,

In whose hidden beams is trapped the dust of years;


And the thickness of air

Muffles the hum of the world outside,

Its smell recalling all my musty fears.


High in the windows

The burning warmth of God's colors

Dreamily muse upon the sifting thoughts inside,


Where the colonettes'

Thin cage lines

Are like the fillets of ascending prayers.


Look!  Sole devotion

Of an angel's clasped hands

Betoken awful inner knowledge,


Next which common man's

Communion pales,

Gasping in the candles' splendid fire.


Now the echoing step

Of one who enters

Leads my mind to what I have become:


What I feared,

Who prayed long ago

Devoting life so that His will be done:


A mere herdling

In the world's fierce bustle,

Cast upon this rock awhile,


Like those I see

Also musing on noon's hour

Here and there among the wooden pews.




Splashes experience's wave... (Decadence) 54



Splashes experience's wave

Upon the brittle rock of the self,

Where we defy the juggernaut state,

The ghost-white images of others' masks,

And our own deep, empty darknesses.




A crisp and chilly night I walked and knew... (Unkempt) 55



A crisp and chilly night I walked and knew

That cold knifed keenly into Polish breasts,

Whose corpses lay unkissed by dawn's bright crests,

So far away in that land's sudden slew.

When snowflakes circled round I came to know

A ring of steel around a worker camp:

Each fearful, hearing that the jackboot tramp

Was crunching loudly on the gun-packed snow.

Who could resist that cold which numbed all sense,

Which marched to inner chains a mind once free:

The body scarred by armored State immense

And hounded like some game from tree to tree,

And panting in the frost - like sweet incense -

- The soul's last free word, "Solidarity"?




The Mirror (December 30, 1981) (Decadence) 56



A candle out of darkness lit white

Races its mirrored reflection of light

Across a gilded pillar, whose glass

Is ice to a hand that burns in fire:

Golden, flaccid, leaden pyre!





Romeo 57 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



This is the morning of my love

The grave squeaking of the dawn

Bleak monster of the distant past

The just barely breaking yearning

Shooting fast upon the fields

Reddening pink to whitening gold

The fallow gasp long gone

Of night's fertile moaning.




Sphinx 58 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Yes, the sand in the wind rubs the blandishments

Of anxious quests to burning blankness;

But does there not loom smoke's scents,

Writhing like snakes from the tomb,

A tawny voluptuousness?




Sonnet 59 (Poetry, Bitterroot before 1994, Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



O dark-eyed girl of fierce pungency,

  - You lie naked like a feral savage;

You trouble sylvan fire with potent ravage -

Now hide bare bulb's hot lunacy!


I'll taste the lurid liquor of your pocket,

Savor the spices slapping as pain pricks

 - Your very beauty vibrant like flame flicks -

As the hot light burns high socket!




Perseus dug Andromeda a pool;

In triumph rode the dusky beast,

Whose skin he'd tow, whose blade became an ivory tool.


Upriverwards rushing, an eager groom,

I, too, will break the dike and drain the pond,

Soon stagnant marsh, a swamp o'er which you'll brood.




The Beach 60 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



A time of calm and rest

Marches in upon the shore,

Upon the sand we roam in heat.


There the town's excitement lies,

Flat like a drunken post-carouse,

Trampled under naked feet.


Some wait defiant as stones,

Unconvinced to social ease,

Doubtful like some barbarous braves.


But I bide the water's dazzling light,

Am stunned to blue indifference

By the pounding of the thunderous waves.


Lo! the paradox of this tide

Which dulls with heat as it divides,

The reprieve of this timely pause

Which soothes us, secures us to endure its laws!




 Aesthete 62



Tragic youth,

Breathe the slime cliche

Of sentimentality!

It's unsmart;

Businesswomen and sportsmen

Decry it:

But that vain penalty

Will be yours as you wish it:

Charm us with your old goat song!




The Elements About Etna 63



Rise up, mountain bright,

Burn luxuriously in the night,

Cloud the mind with incense sweet.


There, upon the flat plain of thought,

Fat and gray, like the land's dreadnought,

Overwhelm with your dull power.


Like the icy floes to water grinding,

Like the cold air into cheek knifing,


Spew like flames our passive waves,

Gasping on your sun-red rock.




She's a...He... 64 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



She's a coiled spring waiting for the plunge,

Her smooth hips moist with spice,

Her tuned lips hoar like ice,

Vibrant for his tenuous lunge.


He stretches thin above her, fully grown,

Breathing her pungent scent,

Drinking her breasts' ferment,

That in her hair he wipe his liquid moan.




In straight lines flares the sun... 65





In straight lines flares the sun,

Each fiery beam awash in lies.

Mists cut aglare.


So clouds they dun

and, acrid, burn my eyes,

Like the spokes of the wheel of which we ware.



Sometimes it'll rush upon me

That null the light is here,

While the wind spins and hums,

The brightness streaks about me,

Yet void of hope, dull with fear.




Now burning black the bars,

Clanging solidly down,

Safe behind them my face,

Silent, thick with stripes, strict with frown.




The thin tangent of aestheticism... 66



The thin tangent of aestheticism -

A gentle flick of one's epee,

Glinting in the sun's hard light,

A star-child to father's yellow smile.


Rock-red is the blood and stone-gray is the flesh

Awasted through mere anarchy.

Why not a retreat,

A rising through a tower?


Ivory is my mind, it suns my inner world,

Beams mainly o'er the flat, sad plains of the lost past.


A foil to Olympus, a whispering foil!




Musing on the Fin de Siecle (after visiting Paris April 9, 1982) 67



Leaves deathly green

Stifling a riot of yellow

And a band of red

Like a South Sea's cape

Burning to powder a meadow.




Vehemence 68 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Ring of fire revolving

In upward spirals aflame

Chariot and wheels a-burning

Red-streaking high to the Wain.


Each stage, a corpus-shell is molted

A new, anointed robe is donned


There!  clean, white

The dead, burdening body transfixed by light

Transfigured bright


And o'erbeaming a windless, waveless, rockless sea.




To B - 69 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Like the one clock of occasionalism

You spring beside me heart to my heart beating.


Two machines set up before time

To meet here now in perfect parallelism.


Or is it that one follows a half-tick behind?




Storm A-brew 70 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Umber clouds of fog a-roll,

Ominous hints of thunder blows,

In the twisting, twining folds within

An amber shape whose ashes glow -


An ember shape whose next breath is a flash!




The Twain 71 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



The twain, entwined together with their boyish limbs -

They taste the hot breath of each other,

Gyrating their smooth, ivory hips.


Each a Hyacinth, a Hylas, a Ganymede -


No thought now of the future plain,

O'er which one hovers brightly on his lonely sphere,

With the other strapped by convention to the family tree -


He, watching the star with lonely regret,

Yet with a sense of inevitability;


The other, a burning indifference to the present,

With no memory of the past,

Just a beautiful burst above the darkened mass.




A Sonnet 72 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Words, significant beyond a mere

Expressive breath?  Power to plumb the base

Depths of reluctance or mount the giddy  heights

Of unrestrained desire?  Or a middling norm?


To square your unmixed beauty, for that, dear,

I scratch these jagged lines in eager haste;

My strokes overreach themselves in hurried flights;

And yet, I can't illuminate your form!


Some round with light a flatly painted mien,

And steel may shape a stone or whittle wood;

And yet can ever they encapture sound,

snare the bird-wings of your body's swish,

The insect murmur of your warm caress,

Tune the wildness of your voice serene?



Chiaroscouro Tree 73 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Against bell sky

It rings clear on the summer air

Midday Angelus, an efflorescence of brilliancy

Shimmering pride of its surface, silvery

This emerald green of the benighted isle

Almost yellow, quick-darting to the eyes -

Where the shadows fall

Dark patchwork of obscure fears

Forest green of the vengeful huntress

Black in its innermost, convoluted depths

To the swaying skeleton of twig, the unmoved branch, down

To the firm, brown





I want to chuck this all in a hurl... 74 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



I want to chuck this all in a hurl -

Do some awful violence to the blank otherness.

Full of vim, would present to the world my I.

But what punishment can it deserve?

Only what is for me.

And what penalty need this one?

The parti-colored spontaneity,

The free will in its spinning whirl -

Stretching o'er the cosmos,

Weighing like a glad god upon all things.

Oh yes, I know "where is thy sting"!


Damn it all, but I can only live like you!

Unlike, I watch the phantasm, phantasmagoria,

Like the proverbial luckless wretch, frosty-breathed,

Staring at the happy eaters inside:

The wide glare of the lights, yellow and white,

And the warmth seeping slowly through the panes,

On a winter's night.




Let's Go! 75 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




Awry upon the flat pane of glass,

The clean washed mugs are spinned,

The parti-colored light upon the drunken flickers.


Surely you can hear outside

Machine gun stomping,

Juggernaut of Man:

Parade of industry, conventionality?

Upon my Word there'll be no flood,

For there's the sign upon the sky:

Cry in time, then, to the marching feet -





To K - 76 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



On that, our night's last dialogue of silence,

"While I was gazing in the lovely eyes

Wherewith Love made a noose to capture me,"

I should have caught your dove-white hands in mine,

Have warmed in cradling hands those shivering wings,

Forbidden them the freedom then to fly.


Oh, uselessness of hope that binds delight:

Just to strain to snatch up you from you as

"Me from myself thy cruel eye" hadst taken.

I could not stretch my own wings any further

But hovered, ghostly, o'er those yawning caverns.

Where were "as black as Hell, as dark as night."


You had "led me, a slave, to liberty,"

Which bond I champed at that too final plunge.

Could I have trapped you in my lightning lunge?

There, I think, was the brightest irony:

To have plumbed those daunting depths when everything

"Hid in my heart" lay "open to thine eyes."


"Why of eyes' falsehood" hadst "thou forged hooks

Whereto the judgment of my heart" was tied?

Why this infatuation like the others?

Was there some flashing gleam that I descried?

But I gyred, tethered to those plummeting deeps,

"Commanded by the motion of thine eyes."


A silent Dante sung your Beatrice eyes,

A forlorn Will descried your midnight eyes;

Outside, a headlight shined behind your head,

A gibbous nimb for your Diana face:

Your trenchant eyes were deepest in that light,

Their binding beauty blackest for the white.




K - 77 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Her eyes, the beauties of the night.

Her face, a glowing of the white

Flame inside.  And when she walks

It is with a languorous glide.


Her voice, like water lapping cool

Upon the salty beaten rocks,

Mocks my wave-tossed mind and seems

To drown it in a darkening pool.


I cast my hopes upon her lips.

From which come words so cruel, so sweet;

There I earn my justice meet,

Result of our fingertip duel.


Her ears untuned to my voice,

Her head averted from my smile,

Proud but shy she plays with me,

As with a toy, as if a trial.


Words spill too easily from one

So wordy, passive, lone as me,

Seeming just another lie,

Another sex-sly crudity.


So how can she believe the truth?

A flattery?  A compliment?

Care?  Desire?  In love?  In chase?

 - understand, how, my haste, my ruth?


Reject if weak, reject if strong,

To be this way or that I fear;

Whisper "Sweet" or mutter "cruel":

Either way, I'm a fool, I'm wrong.


Her strength, my clumsy weariness,

Each other fare a complement:

Yes, but then upon my face

To sense the fleeting breeze of hair!




Sombre... 78 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




a pain, muted flat by sharp degrees,

Dun, my sky without its moon,

My stars crepuscular,

Suffering sad a-twinkling.


Rhythm of my heart,

Who can not hear you,

This sigh, this moan,

Washed-out in weak pastels?


Oh, the Wheel wends:

I hear its distant whine of steel

And see its spokes sun-bright!


Weighted to be drowned in the sea,

Stretched to be nailed in the sky,

The killing crash of the foam,

The blinding black of the void,

Sink, O heart, or rise:

My love sails with wings away from me,

On a limb, on the wind, my K -




Our Last Night 79 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




A breeze

Blows winding shafts sweet tufts of your hair



Night with the stars

And in your eyes the blackest stars



White mounds soft O my head my lips

My hand o'erreaching


Our tears

Your sad yet beautiful denial

My forlorn loneliness


Our clothes

tangled O my hands a-clutching your hands

Hard and soft on me


Our bed

The grass the wet green-black

The night sky a-dawning above



to me with me

Our bodies writhing pumping in our love fierce love


O rhythm O beat

My heart your heart

Our heavy breathings


Soft hush hot our breaths hot hush hush

My sweet my one

My own for now my one true love


Glorious Eos comes

Tripping  now with light

Light on our dark love


Come O come

Light the day our way is done

It's over and lost


O love

O pain

Loss is my one true love




Country Kin... 80 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Country Kin,

Cool upon my face your liquid breath:

Who are you?


Crystal face,

Full and creamy like your lolling breasts:

Whence come you?


Kiss me full,

Free my stirring passions moist and fresh:

Why have you?


Love me keen

Bring my saddened soul your flush caress:

What can you?




Shattered on the sharp points of her broken beauty... 81 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Shattered on the sharp points of her broken beauty,

This, ah this, is the dream of my ecstasy:


In the wild rush of her cataclysm white,

To be flung to the awful freedom of the air,


Like a fish silver in the sun,

Like a bird pirouetting down,


From the sudden crash of a thin plate, cracked,

The slap in fun on white thighs, smacked,


To a cool, dark underworld,

A sunless, starless, whirling pool.




When tired eyes take a voyage of delight... 82 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



When tired eyes take a voyage of delight

In a dreamworld of hues and forms,

When the person drops its self-sense

And the mind loses control of time,

Images and symbols drift up swift from the past,

With which the hopes and fears of the now are shy,

And all around the dizzy, drunken universe spins:

This, then, is the panoply for which I yearn each night!


I sink silently, softly through a dusty frame,

A square view, quick-shuttered, of the racing crowd,

Untouched, unheard, unfelt,

So that my love herself walks in a dream,

And I can't, whether soft or loud, make her hear her name!


O, if I could shut my eyes,

In this world would I sleep,

And here, at least, wouldn't dream?


We are separate forever,

And only this salty-teared vision is left of her,

And this yields no escape for which I yearn:

A flash in the day of a rifle's butt,

The blare in the night of the siren's horn!




Descent 83 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



The sky is dun, a softened tone,

Upon a day whose password is a groan,

Within a tumbling bus whose metals moan...


Silent riders with their bones quite cracked,

Demon driver who betrays a laugh,

As on a tossing boat whose doomed are trapped...


Do wait to be drowned in this sea?...

Or burned in punishing fire we?...

Lulled and waked, alternately?...


Where in truth the fire of love,

Where still the ocean's deep?


Just a hue of grayness like a dove's

Hovering passionless above the deep,

Humming wings that bring monotonous sleep.




The grinning Baboon 84 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Why is a memory frail?


And, then, why again, the image, never truly concrete,

   now so beyond fadedness?


All I can see is a flame-whiteness of skin

   and her coal-eyes, black.


Sharp, that is the only sense -

   a hot ebbing pain -

   where even this will soon be lost to me!


No more games of acting-out sadness,

   no jokes about the gruesome self-wrought possibility -

   what a phony life that was!


From the inner fever of my mind comes a soot,

   upon what I once saw clear as a burning ideal,

   a mask of grime.


I can nod more freely, be happy to jostle with the crowd,

   the true adultness of my life opens before me,

   a treeless plain under a temperate sun.


And all about me, in each mirror, I see, like an ignis fatuus,

   but broken into fragile flickers,

   my toothy grimace.




Dream on Polyhymnia 85 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



As one lone pipe o'erwhelms with plaintive call

And with its circles weaves an Orphic lull -

The unvoiced notes, the silent majesty

On which it grooves a dancing filigree -

So round the mind like ribs about the heart

And with titanic pain, without, apart,

It presses thoughts like blood with manic gleam,

Demonic edging to a panic dream.


O priest, forgotten by mechanic time,

Nor rough beast waked by your olden lyre,

Can still anoint us men with blood-red wine,

With lance's point fix star of golden fire?


Bemused, inspired, in ecstasy, succumbed?

Can art exalt a mind with sweetness numbed?




Of the Basilisk: Eye to Eye for all Time 86 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Andante plectrum chords, in measured walk

About a court whose garden smells unfold

Like secondary notes that beat the air:


What plaint they keep in folded hands unsung,

And where the maiden tor to which they'd string

Their thorns' red rose of cambered sound?


O march!  O dance!  O joyous harmony!

O yearnings crashing on the rocks of fate!


To court in my mind the umber of her embrace,

   the soft smell of her amber flesh,

To savor in my hopes her dank taste,

   in my dreams to hold her lankness...


Now pause, with upraised stick, you Arlecchino,

To threaten, ne'er to hit, this Pedrolino.




What is it that I wish... 87



What is it that I wish?

On your tricksome, trembling petals

To float a wavering kiss.




Dies Illa (April 30, 1983) 88 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Strings and sirens

Unctuously moan

In the tired night;


And there, wavering bright,

That indiscriminate lure

Of blasted hope...


But from this discordant sea,

A sight of land of yellow dust,


Where roaming winds

Whip up the hair and sting red the face,


Where buried deep in sandy graves

Lie gods of everlasting stone...


In each, kings and queens reign noddingly,

False action or strained vision,

And in each we can walk or sleep,

With gestures of stumbling decadence,

Or dreams of soundless falling.




Gone 89



To fire your heart with my tongue's appeal,

To toll sadly of my love's dull pain,

To dash on the rocks of hope's contempt,

To breathe free on the winds of mellow days,

Forever to laugh to oneself of this foolish dream...




At the Door 90 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Blank door, unappealingly scaled

To slam your block against my free range,

Here's the paint with which your mean face

Will take a hue of cool obscurity!


In that pool I will mention

The word I had studied for my love.

Night will overtake all sense,

Reason forsake the heart,

To leave me drowned in its unbitter dew.


There memory would soothe my sight

And weave my unctuous dreams -

As if a marish lie

Would blot the past's mistake!


But I eliminate that hope,

fatuous, unfulfilling, untrue;

Closed tight, ineluctably,

On this threshold of the now I wait,

For the steely grin of the one sublimity!




The calm of peace... 91 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



The calm of peace,

The warmth of joy,

Why does it not spin us like a child's toy?


This modest masque,

This interlude,

Why not like a starry flash,

But like the diurnal sweep of noon?


Not tragedy, not revelry,

But a soft, a bright, a cool, sharp

Tower of serenity!




Hear not the breathing of conspiracy in secret places... 92 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Hear not the breathing of conspiracy in secret places?


Taste not the mellifluous mixture

Weighing down all and about, this sweet syrup?


For what wagon will carry,

Where can we go,

This sibilant honey sickens us so...


And like the tapping of thin-slivered nails

Hear now spoons on caldron sides slapping?




A bubble's sphere is... 93 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



A bubble's sphere is

Crystalline white and burns

A face uplifted calmly

As it lights,

Then dies

In an anguish of constricting torture.


So music

Binds my heavy heart

With wreaths of ever-convoluting rhythms,

Which break in hisses like the low tide sea.


And hope spies

The world through love-darkening pains,

So that her face, so bright,

Is indescribable at night.




O rose-wind wrapped clouds... 94 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



O rose-wind wrapped clouds

O'er purple-blue mist morning,

Do you burn from the pain of the fierce fire

Of the stalagmite city rising?


And your steel-sharp waters

That from full folds pour gushing,

Will they dull the grief that comes to us swift

In a pool where we'll dream, drowning?



This sudden chill (Rejecta) 95



This sudden chill

Which wends first witchingly,

Then through me

to a final thrill,


Yes, then, what force or beauty or sadness

Can ever with such power

To slay, to spill?





Hunter 96 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Is it true that a Hunter

Fiercely chases with infinite speed

Hurrying and demanding

A hue, a call, a blast on horn,

To me, ah, me

Light as air

Flashing quick like lightning

O Orion eternal with bow bent

The ever far-darting arrow

With infinite speed shooting past the stars

Like the fading of some evening as the sun unlights

Then the mad dare rush of morning fast o'er the city's heights.





There's a bull-footed god in the park, 97



There's a bull-footed god in the park,


A Dionysus of sweet alabaster.

Then over a crackling wireless "U-N-I-C-E-A,"

And lo!

The great bull horns are the rack of a mighty buck,

Which stumbles, groping in the mud with its slender legs,

While, behind, chasing with piggish squeals,

Charge the tracks of a tank over the trench.




New breathing life (1988) 97.1



New breathing life that grows within,

While she, in the deepest slumber I have known,

Casts her face in a solemn pose,

And I, looking deeply inward at things to come,

Reach my hand to the covers to fuss and dote.


In the hallway mirror (1988) 97.2



In the hallway mirror

Our faces reflect the generations past,

And, as ripples in a pool smooth the surface concentrically,

The hues of shades of a hundred ghosts ago

Start to limn a finer, rarer graving of our race.

Is this the face, freed from this frame,

Whose living envelope the wind will chafe,

Or will it sense only that the treetops have shaken in the breeze?


Beauty has a heart (1988) 97.3



Beauty has a heart

which beats within

And where life quickens.


I heard the pulse

And wondered at its consciousness.


How that mechanic verse

Is a preface of an ode to all life's pain and good.


How that measured surge

Swells into the freedom of personhood.


Time then spreads sheets of possibilities

To score, and note, with the polyphony

Of things possible, the crush of limits

And flights of egoism.



Our daughter we've called Katie, 97.4 (February 7, 1989 12:50 am)



Our daughter we've called Katie,

And in those two sounds

What echoes

Is a shout deeply within me

That I be rescued

And the wide fissures of my self be healed.


But she is not here to redeem these failings,

But her life to lead in the fullness we may offer.


If her name is purity and the serene

Whiteness of the night,

There is also an earthly complexity

And the fertile strain of the hunt.










Rush of night of air... (August 30, 1994 1:35am) 98


Rush of night of air -

No sweaty skin steams

Only the dull cricket cadence.


Drone of automobiles, and machines in the air,

The stillness.


Where the rush of silence?

The night is my coverlet,



Rush of blood heard in stopped up ear.

My quiet breaths in some kind of rhythm.


The ideal of beauty, the self-centered desire

Of G for Z.


And that pain of an autumn's hurt

Long ago, thinking of the earlier summer,


Of my fatuous fatuous love for her.


Black is this night

And tomorrow the payment is due -

My fear is that I'll fear -

My anger is that I've reason to be afraid.


An embrace, that touch, I can risk,

Her breath in my breath,

My hands, her hand.




The Brightness of air... (July 21, 1994) 99




The Brightness of air

Holds delicately the shallow shadows

Of deep black, straight rivers.


Next, the exhalations of white-gray cloudpuffs,

Or wheeled machines

Winding along ground lumps on concrete,

Or this airplane droning,

Bring haze into the air.


And those clouds herd their own jagged blue shadows

On the quartered fields below,

On white chalked-marked O's

And little pillbox houses with roofs of red and brown.


So, the gaseous vapors filter

Varied levels of ground shadow

And the haze and puff-clouds,

Topped by strato-clouds,

Blend mysteriously up through light to deepening blue sky.


External roar of engines,

Inner hiss of cabin air,

And the scratch I feel of pencil across notepaper -




L'Audace, Toujours, L'Audace (July 6, 1996? or 1994? 11:30 pm) 100



The storm crashes outside, I'm tired

Raindrops splutter nervously.


Dots of rain drops

Upon the house sides and window glass

And ripped screens,

While the hot July air is scooped

By fans droning in the dark.


A crash of thunder, a boom!


Will the light that flashes

Sparkle like gems, glint like sharp metal,

Blind my eyes?  Flash flames through

My eyes, through my brain.


Water pours, tinkling, splashing, gushing.

The river of my life rushing to the ocean

Of the all-in-void.

Melted ice, molten,

It cuts, burns...

(My tired eyes are swollen shut

Under red lids.)


In the distance, receding and proceding

The rut, a roar, rumble, bark -

Dark twin smites, I submit.











A Ram Amongst the Briers (1995) 101 (Cosmic Debris January 1996, Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


The diesel drones, an airplane roars,

Those cicadas saw me with wings' screams

And the bleating gulls encircle.


Sleepy-time for a drugged Lord

Nodding, ears a-buzz, in heat's humid

Comforter of the August afternoon.


From out this distant sky a bird

Warbles unseen, from the far east or west,

Noting its presence to none of its own.


Some incongruence of lush and worn,

Some quiet craziness askew in unstraight lines,

Some stench, some floridity, freshly spoiled.


Quite quickly, there's a stillness,

A rest, of silent counting,

That cushions the two cacophonies -


Plunge of life and death's eternity,

The hills, ravines, smoothed to flat

Monotony. Once remembered

Sweet, sour pain - truest, fullest identity.




Natural Sex (1995) 102 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



What gets me off is when a savage beat

Throws my lewdness to a mob of lusts.

My sheet, a chiton gluey with my seed,

Philosophy, a disenchanted trust.

The boredom, of that have I been born?

The loneness, for that have I been marred?

My kin's a rabble race which takes the thorn,

Of angel's strain as inward reptile's bar.

As salmon rushes to its end, my spew

Of whiskey dreams unfurls the cycling streets

I cruise, exhausts the humid, flaccid stew

Of cars to kids, who navigate by heat.

White thread, youth's twill, maternal sewing room -

Along my thumb, around my thimble tomb.



The Father's Death (1995) 104 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Your death, our father, son, benumbed in trance

He swooned, unnimble, as it passed across;

Been out to pasture - death, with frantic dance,

Invited me, alive, this filial loss.


His clothes unwound from son to son by chance;

My ma, unwounded, bares a wifely cross.


Pillows about the head sunk down -

Warm, wet bedclothes are the gown -


One boy fritters deaths of seed

Imagines that neon lighted tomb

The glucose drips, Onan's breed,

Out of the eternal infernal womb.


From heart of regular irregularities

to sores, those sisters, these fraternal frailties.



Dignified to be single (1995) 105 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Dignified to be single

Solitary in its same whole

Cloth, turned within , a body

This homos in his decent

Suit becomes in turn

Voluble volvulus worth

Its weight in grins -

Wrap, wrapping, wrapped.









Dead End (Rejecta)(1996) 106


White lines recede abut the road's edge,

Red lights vanish through night's pit.

A parallax of parallel draws black a tunnel, an empty well,


Verging, not diverging,

Like straws bent in twinship on a whisk,

Wrenched sinister.


When god's face rushes me doubly,

His blind lights consume me doubting.




Mooning Baboons (Rejecta) (1996) 107



When monkeys cavort on a lonely rock,

Stupendous variety in every mime,


As humans dance in a crowded room,

Stupendous variety on every mien,


Hidden in the pithecine gests,

Stands the moonish thumb,


Supernal, selenic, simian, snub.




No Man (1996) 108 (Anamnesis March 2001)



In a cave of a sarcophagus of ages,

Or plainly beneath the blue bowl of sky,

Alone on the white-tossed waters,

Within the majesty of sharp ridges and black ravines,

Where rivers surge and rush alternately,

Where the red sun burns the stones mercilessly,

In the darkest of darknesses blind are the fish.




Snow (1996) 109 (Anamnesis March 2001)



A tame mist in the morning,


The white, blank flatness,

The monotony of snow,

Kids like pencil scratches on the white back of ice.


A lost yearning,

What's lost?


Some hidden sudden joy of gods in youth,

The raw bloom of demons' rage.


At night, the starfield and priapic Orion sweeping silently.




Dream (1996) 110 (Anamnesis March 2001)



One night,

Sleepy forced-open eyes,

Tire-rumbled concrete grid,


Toll beyond,

On-rushing me line,

Garrote of urban light.


- A dream,

Someone's old past,

Old me somewhere -


When night pinks to afternoon,

The wash of the west so strange,


Trees that bar the sun,

Wind that charms the head,

Pond-mud on his foot.




Nostalgia of that noon,

For the shade of things to come.




"You are more Houyhnhnm than Yahoo" (1996) 111 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Bug food

Self-created in the slime.

My lowness is lower than my words can go.


Toy of gods

Strummed to manic lust.

The higher I get, the higher we go.


Foul waters

Reflecting bright faces.

I betray their innocence by my urgent dreams.



Struggle no more.

My children sound silly with their savage screams.



The saraband

These Spanish-eyed ones.

His tiny hands in hers and hers in mine,

around a central pier of air we step,

And each to other bow,





Waterbug (Rejecta) (1996) 112



This temporary dream of a bug on the water

On the surface of waters on course to the sea

The tension of the surface unrippled and hard

The glass of the hardness like a mirror thin


Accustomed in the holding of its undivided shell

Enfolded within tissues of all a sudden warm


Quickened to life between the raging shores

Whereout inflated on its own fool's air

Wherein creeping like a crab

Alternating desire with retreat


Then cascading and foaming and surging

The water sparkling over the edge ends.




Landscape (1996) 113 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Bowl of blue to gray descending,

Furry ridge of trees in shadows,

Not a pinpoint of a terror-place

But spread wide beneath invisible stars.


Worlds joined not at war,

Water-colored in gray and blue and paling white,

Only radio towers in red and white

Like ladders for storming the town of god.


A tunneled road slashed through the trees,

Brown and black of branch o'erarching,

Suddenly wide are fields of tan

Grasses patted by a giant's hand.


Precious droplets enfold the air,

A nucleus of dust for each hollow sphere.




Rains Miserably  (1996) 114 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)



rains miserably

mystery sleek mystery

white brights red lights

arc from the gray wet high-


to the sky

a blank gray cloud

blinder than the deepest night

into the cloud I'd drive


pinprick of light white

and soft sudden slaps

as the water sweeps the wind-


so intermittently wipers

pass across this glass of mine

glass of delicate refracted light

and the black woods

looming on the left

hovering then slashing

onrushing swallow

sweep up all of me




Sunlight Dabbles on the Shadows (Rejecta) (1996) 115



sunlight dabbles on the shadows

of brown trees and grass gray-brown

tussled under rusted chain


swept wildly in dusty tufts of tan

where white horse-fences

amble nonchalantly




Canis Comatose (1996) 116 (Anamnesis March 2001)



There was an iceball sunward racing

In that spring's night sky,

Underneath the arc I was told to make

From the North Pole eastward.


Opposite, Orion, settled sleepily west.

And the dog leapt in silence

Never reaching that jeweled belt.


Pins of light towards the summering sun,

Pure white like bones bleached in the heat.


Their gladness was like a quiet bomb.




Trembling Fear (1996) 117 (Anamnesis March 2001)



trembling fear

excitement rages all around

the half-man

the cold touch of finger

raspy death-rattles


cackles as she scrapes my balls


twining within

smooth flesh of the embrace

moaning limbs

folding the secrets

as he covers my half-moon




Sacrifice (1996) 118 (Anamnesis March 2001)



A metal knife rips thin

Where my chest is a face of no eyes,

The wound of which formed so

Of which my body's broth steams

Mouths a sibilant "oh,"

Remembrance of wounded lips

Pressed softly onto folded hands,

Whose father glances each hanging tress

Billowing down a bowing head.




The Whirlpool and the Stone (Rejecta) (1996) 119



A volcano bursts

words of woman's hate

flashing eyes and tears down a girl's face


The philanderer returned

casts himself away

unbound by the filigree net


Then the passion of the embracer

the obsessed-compelled one

bent over his object in pleasure's submission


The embraced-one's passive

marble form accepts all

the madness that he has drawn


Repetition the rite of family gods

inward turning to a cypress

or a laurel returning




Empti-day dream of day-glo light (1996) 120 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Empti-day dream of day-glo light

sleeps in a hole of empti-night

a wide deep cave of

hard-to-swallow ice

pain o'plenty neath drifting snow

by sleep's mere-drug a-froze

oral fetal-suck

refuse offal

creeps hoar-frost on the mirror-world

breath-mist from the sigh



 - stasize (1996) 121 (Anamnesis March 2001)




I nervously sleep alone

darknesses mass on our right hands

skin-spots calculated to stone

while left aside glimpsing skeletal-white

unabsorbed by our meta-dark

grins toothy grins reflect

or your familiar lullabies drone




Pencil dictate this fainting dream (1996) 122 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Pencil dictate this fainting dream


there are demons on my lids

on the edges where lash knits skin to sky

they pine on the edges of my eyes

where a web curves fibrous glass


my male energy pierces those young eyes

weak with hungry lethargy


so comes the lightflash at my peri-stalk

of undesired drive to remorseless release


all I retain is the hard knuckle

of a demi-urge in my bowel


shrinking from skeletons of trees

that lurch out to cut me

bony limbs of winter-spring


as the half-life of pharmacy wilts in my stream




I come  (1996) 123 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)



I come

greensward through a notch of shade

cow-eyed prey on a black path

in a clearing upon a statue without a face

tit-god of the empty clearing

from on high

from terrible stones of clouds

of shades of gray

in that odd light of the eastern sky

precious droppings hang like glass

beads of glass

in a fan blown across my face

and all I want is to submit

like the black boughs of trees

green with leaves

and spiny grass shoots

shot through with the wetness of everything




Eye of the Beholder (1996) 124 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Sentimental beauty


in a ceramic cell of secrecy

treasured innocence

graved by my eye that

limns the slope of shoulders

and those limbs of slimness


It's a gray skin that shines black

against the back of the adult-store photo

or again in bursts of color

even the crux of the nude body

seems shadowed


And I imagine

skin of milky white

pores across which my breath

blows hairs already soft down

bent over


And again I return

retract from that vulnerability


from that rapture gorged on that





High Way (1996) 125 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)



Away from burnt awnings of faded cloth

no longer red fringed and frayed

high by sleek orange cones

back of trucks flatbeds and containers

on a thick road

on a thin line red on the map

where grey numbers sit on confusing places

some places there are horses

some hippies

dusty companions abandoned carts empty lots

A creature

trapped in a stately forest

where the trees squeak memories

of native ghosts on their American journeys

I pass through the mountains' pressure changes

humbled under the sky high in white

where the blue film thins at ground

balls lightening over a white desert floor

before a city of colored beams of light

and when the sun breaks through

I squint at the airplane

that floats carelessly down

that's the dusky radio time

when the signal fades and I haven't spun the knob

and everywhere a road torn up repaired anew.



Passion of the odors (1996) 126 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Passion of the odors

lullabies of the winds

the sweet riot

where green spreads for ivoryrose

apple buds bound by silver snakes

by the sleeveless arm of her fertile flesh

by the thin fingers of his reflexive touch.



Mystery of the whispers (1996) 127 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)



Mystery of the whispers

of the mass of leaves

mystery of the dark

where the houses stand black

mystery of perspective

flat by the dark night blue


when the children tease

their pettiness is serene

and I wait for it all to end

and begin anew


clatter of words

martyrdom of sounds


mystery of the flash-heat

when the sun burns

mystery of my daughter's

"is this like a dream?"



Canyon Fall (1996) 128 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Seeming to possess that which is that

above a great canyon

not dwarfed by its gap

but somehow nonchalantly

owning it

glimpsed through an ellipse of glass

in the airplane's wall

its third dimension

shattered to a pretty two

but I feel like a speck after all


not part of its majesty

not afraid it is inhuman

without desire


Then cloud drifting downward

suddenly loom large hills

that hold you in

a palm of a hand that

would crush you

ribbons of highway

silence of bug-cars

that flat land with its heat and light

over a final sharp hill ridge twisting

perpendicularly to the line of flight

and suburbia welling up and sweeping away behind




awake arise (1996) 129 (Anamnesis March 2001)



awake arise

through this curtain thin membrane


to wondrous drug of breath

where sound is a rush

and the sun is a thrill

when its noon's high could seem pale


to shadows of gray-blue morn

dripping willows of yellow-green

and useless snowdrift fences left

from that time of

look ahead and look behind


and when the heated air of heavy afternoon lifts

for the humid lush of evening

with kids' calls, cars, and all that soft cacophony


the rhythm will be sleepy

it will not block the blade




Summer Noon (1996) 130 (Anamnesis March 2001)



two-dime flat beneath a pane of glass

penny-pensive at the vanish point

diags' depth simulators

drawn without time as the quartered-coin

where eyes resize as figures cross a back

ground laid out looping infinitely







Blue-white Black (1996) 131 (Anamnesis March 2001, Boston Review June 1, 2001)



blue-white green-black and blue again

tumbling shore of green whose

leaves form black shadows

that still stare in the light

the lapping under the piers is an

ostinado neath the whispers

and away

across the rippling water of

nearby tildes and distant dashes of black-blue

a siren howls

a tenor to the birds' trills


black and pewter-black and black again

where the double cord of trees dams the water

black twinned by grayer black along the

mirror glass of black water


white stars in the black

their own twins tossed on the lake-glass

like buttons of light or pebbles or gems white


nearby an animal splashes against the shore




Overtime (Rejecta) (1996) 132



Rid me of the lank noon

of the night without stars

of the morning that breaks so complacently


the hum of driven automobiles

the lock'n'load of office machines


swept into a sleep of remorselessness

I'd drift without dreaming




Sun dog aft of western ring (1996) 133 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Sun dog aft of western ring

all its yellow stain in our eyes

blue ways green miles highway signs

cursive recursive rocket beat

amidst the concrete structure with rumble drum rumble

this simple motor speed is our rush

the keen steel city flies

up from the wet Missouri sticks

and she of the fall smiles

while I drive the sun

from the heights where the heat has bleached them




In the deep space where is the blank (1996) 134 (Anamnesis March 2001)



In the deep space where is the blank

a breathing sounds to me close

in this it should be a place of cold

gravity pulls my personhood still

but any light I see

is it near or far I do not know

and panic would burst me apart

about those majesties of amoebas behind my lids

circle beads on spittle threads

from within each a nuclear furnace roars

or a fluttering of the gentlest leaf

fallen from the tree in back


startled by a nudge within the tomb of a bump

shuddering like a shattering like a sudden thrill




Circles (Rejecta) (1996) 135



Ringman quartered in a daisy circle

of colors and loudnesses

while swinging overhead slender and white

he arcs gracefully

and clutches the bar on each downfall

sandman paintman

thousand clowns

parti-colored in purple-blue red-flamed in orange

adored with yellow-straw locks poking out from their sloppy caps

while amazed we gasp as his whiteness

arcs beautifully up there



When father kissed me with his craggy lips (1996) 136 (Anamnesis March 2001)



When father kissed me with his craggy lips

brimmed with the half-stale breath of ancient sleep

I floated above the earth's canyons

whose shadows foretold the deep caves lightless within

could then the sky's rain have filled those caverns

across vast distances where sun and night oppose their rules

his eye beheld male delicacy in a tear

his hand my hair caressed with grace

his member my mother impregnate becoming

became the further reaches of my embrace




His Love is Forlorn (1996) 137 (Anamnesis March 2001)



shimmering beauty that electrifies

dangerous fillip of those amorous eyes

quintessential bounty of the surpassing sea

silly lies and lonely half-truths of

all the sensible choices that he rues

of the waste of the loneliness of the holy

mass of his ejections incomplete

his sorry state impels him to everlasting lust

of anger madness blood and sport

the furtive run the lope the unanticipated

sheer glee of his human hate



Preciosus (Rejecta) (1996) 138



There was a play in the motions

some game of passing by

winning was in the moods

the pretty pose he affected

in the rush of wind about his ears

there was a silence of speeches

the figures who loomed around him

dimmed darkened diminished

so that an eccentric thrill enveloped him



Our Friday (1996) 139 (Anamnesis March 2001)



Water of December

unfrosted her

liquid lullaby of her loveliness

and the charm of her self-reflectiveness

disarmed all around her

sprinting on her sea of legs

evolved the light of the mirror

held before her



Lil Drummer (Rejecta) (1996) 140



she-monster of the maternal

dope-friend paternal

the agency knows

wearing chains of silver in the news

pride in his battered badges

I wear his bruise



The pale sky rises (1996) 141 (Anamnesis March 2001)



The pale sky rises

translucent without waves

where he of the August noon gags

on its flat December


lie of the brown lawn

pressed airwards

lake of his blinkless eye


wind whistle

in the looming dusk

when the lamp of his young sun's a memory




Sacrifice of youth (1997) 142 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Sacrifice of youth

rack of lamb

embraced by your ropes

I bend my neck

encircled delicately

with your cord my chain

my apple your jewel


will your knife slash inside me

will your towel snuff my breath from me


from the crime scene photos

cashed for the prize

there with the flash

I'll always shine

a part from the shadows

where I'll call for you

inside the darkness

trembling cold for you




Rwanda (1997) 143 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



over the lines of lush green

lines of brown men rush

an attack on our feeble town


about us our neighbors

faces without eyes

hands without bread


out of the mouth a scream

as my son gasps with the cuts

hands fluttering round his head


a grunting man atop me

spits his pleasing water

a bloodline of new family


from the silence a cicada

drones endlessly

drains the day of light


lidless I of the reptile

sleeplessness of the lizard

death tranceof the stone devil



eyes upon alit with grace (1997) 144 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



eyes upon alit with grace

their inner fire within deep smoke

she's a will o'the wisp above the reeds

brooding in her decay


a hand affirm upon a choke

as sprung from the dregs of seeds

still solitary stalk on marsh

her fire by pillar by salt by day


from the lullaby of her father's charms

beyond today tomorrow leads

an elected lover she'll for broke

wonders wandered in her way



Our pilgrimage to the stars (1997) 145 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Our pilgrimage to the stars

over our heads like a wheel

while neath us the earth teems

rots and refreshes endlessly

there that house of ours

where mirrors oppose

reflecting each to each

a ghost's image of yesterday

but here the lawn is flat

green is its expanse and empty

love I gaze in your eyes

where I seek the blue sky

where the black pools

and you and I hug each other's aching

watch our next step is a leap



lil lee arches backward on the mattress (Rejecta) (1997) 146



lil lee arches backward on the mattress

morphing electric dreams

while maury unjars the oily creams

of his domestic charms

for bent with the hand's fingers

within the twisted sheet rolls

that also fill their faces' holes

is the warmth of the truth and the triteness



the distant roar in the pall of noon (1997) 147 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



the distant roar in the pall of noon

slash of the heat that stuns

warbles the unknown bird of her youth

in the crinkle of the anxious moment


dank mystery of the wet clouds

of a fog darkly looming over his errant hand

which upon her sunburnt shoulders wants to tramp


it dammed a river to twice as wide

spring snows from white flared blue by orange heat

crossed mechanically by a concrete line


her pools of liquid blue

pursed lips of red wine

the star flash when she laughs


he succumbs unresisting to those and

her soft breathings in the night

on his hand stirs the pencil hairs



this room's window bowls against the blackness of the night (1997) 148 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



this room's window bowls against the blackness of the night

where streams of shooting stars stripe the darkness

as his eyes' pupils' deep black pools

refract the whites of friendship's smiles

sharp like the teeth whose edges slice the silence into bits of anger

from the mouths of those he likes to clowns



His greatest madness was lost love (Rejecta) (1997) 149



His greatest madness was lost love

The self made invalid by lost love

the impossible boredom from lost love

unreachable edge towards lost love

airless void out of lost love

his sun of sun's black lost love

heats his petulant fury with lost love

so that as a babe he spits lost love




Weather (1997) 150 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



It's enough of a late Saturday

afternoon sun pressed golden

greens and blacks of the ice-still leaves

at the end of the slide on the tar-stained road

over the bridge over the water

blue gray flattened by the heat disc south


in a moment of clipped brilliancy

its pattern measured on the ground

of tumbrels of shadows to the sky

from there booms the storm

black jagged with white

furiously on the flats

the rain-drill on a house of crystal

where moles of hothouse air muse

in reverb like canons of the middle age




Sleep in Partners (1997) 151 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




her eyes and his blank face

of her sisterhood and his lies

her inner fire lusts

and he fades as the sun splashes across the waves


young boy and older sister

trace the ever-arcing curves away from each others' lives

she of the sharpest facial beauty

the skin of her arms warm with glacial fury

his man-handled rope of wine


the luscious slip of her white snow

is her paramour's evisceration

while he just out of his humbling bee dream

solves a puzzled head with coolness

from the sleep of her afterglow




The Touch (Rejecta) (1997) 152



Healing and slaying

coupled organs

breed my special joy without reflection


slashing of throats

becomes heavenly decapitation

a mixture of mythos insubstantial


as I over the one's body

breaking its living pulse

I'm ever turned inward from out


part of the mob of killing men

straying into a village of souls

claim our evil lord a bug



Particularity (1997) 153 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



If he saw the wind it would be shadowed

fan of Japan

arcing round

against the puff of clouds

against the grey blue sky

balloon of dots

wingspread blots

as if they're drunk on the air

bedazzled by the glare

when the fierce sun strikes the

land's things motley

with their colors and the

all-over black

till the lover with a face blocks all




Corn's grey sentinels stand along a tear's trail (1997) 154 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Corn's grey sentinels stand along a tear's trail

wherein the shadows gleam expecting

harvests of hopes' burials

so that the graves limn stone histories

of the white men


burning suns of days after days

vanishing nights upon nights of the stars' wheels

across the prairie to the Great father's seed-water

we were drunk around the people's story-fire

dancing of our puny glory

we are rivers dry blood congealed

for our Father's breakfast




The green glass cries when the sun (Rejecta) (1997) 155



The green glass cries when the sun

strikes it in the late noon

squares of glass which are trapped in steel

upreaching from the place of gray

where midst of ribbons of roads

cars for nightfall dash



Lazy hands float sky whence (Rejecta) (1997) 156



Lazy hands float sky whence

in the gray of the wet evening

their ice fingers shriveled in the collapse of their fathers' branches

all the black road aswirl with their walking zombie dance

of the Fall of the year





Fire. (1998) 157  (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




It crackles and the wood sticks are murdered in it.

They turn and snap, sparks upward streaming.

They are red and quickly vanish but

their burnt dust catches in my nose-hairs.

Like with spring sap, I get high on this smokiness,

which makes my in-breath of air deadly stale.

Into my ears comes a roaring, is it my blood-pulse?

The dense song of my father's last breath,

or the fit-sleep I'm wakened from by my wife's poke.  You're snoring.







Pixels white and black nearly hum. (1998) 158 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Pixels white and black nearly hum.

Smooth the naked skin on rocks so rough.

Piece by piece the silent program plies its moves.

For smooth my flesh on flesh which grayly

limns the dirty fabric of the chair

whose wheels squeak so.

In the soft white light of the black pixels,

with the toneless click the next image loads.

For the still splashing of the waves,

on the rock unwet for now,

the water sprays silver arcs of droplets never falling

on his smooth skin.

Aghast at the sudden wet.






The looks show that I've lost it, (Rejecta) (1998) 159 (Sun Times January, 2001)



The looks show that I've lost it,

my explanations bumble as the spring-heat

over rotting daffodils.

A rasping snore breaks wind intermittently.

They all look like their foreheads will hit the table.

Merciless and bored, I too want to fall asleep.

Traffic noise from the streams of cars below

push up against the pane of glass boxing

the air of the room in here.

No birds float in the dead blue,

the road-ribbons, the traffic, intertwine, over and over,

to the limit of the land with the sky beyond.












At the kitchen table the young male's (1998) 160 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


At the kitchen table the young male's

screams from the front yard

wash with the morning light over the newsprint,

word by word, as the sun removes the nightshade.

His sister's teasings are the pleading I can't hear

of the new bird-babes in the backyard.

The foreign photos printed on the paper

receive this day's dust particles,

drifting down from the night through the light

from out the sky through the screened window

through which the children's playtime seeps.

Spring-sap of the trees, some of whose branches

ache across the window light with naked, crooked limbs,

others lush the day-green of twittering leaves.

I stretch over the editorial,

searching for the end word to the front word

of the bumpy sentence of up and down letters

in black-type Garamond 10.

She's almost ten, smarter and older, free and cruel, longwinding,

and he is mad and happy in a flash after flash.







There are shadows in the water-world (1998) 161 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



There are shadows in the water-world

where the soda's edge seeps across the table.

Also between the sky of stars and the yard's night-gloom

grey cloudlands drift above our eyes.

The stars are too dim and distant, too few by the city's glare.

When I point out the brightest it seems unsure in its twinkling.

For now the mosquitos' arm-pricks

bring little lumps to swell on our arms,

like the morning's neck crick

is birthed by the tangle-feet of the nite-wraps.

Peace is the jolt of grownup conversation,

know-it-all and know nothing.

The dog akimbo launches the jumpy lawn chair

and we laugh.  Restless peaceless night.

Hums and shadows and the great wheel overhead unclear

in its counter reflection in the spill below.











There the conic shades where the walls meet, (1998) 162 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


There the conic shades where the walls meet,

where the corner line props the ceiling

behind our palpable bodies

lumped around the floating, motionless table.

Hear our breaths urgent,

the drone of our speech irritant,

from out of our massive bodies

pooled around the floating table.

We colored balloons before the flat canvas beyond,

where the light and the shade demarcate each other's bound,

as we cower on the motionless table.











Even in sun I see the dark side of things, (1998) 163 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)


Even in sun I see the dark side of things,

piercing pinprick of sunlight beaming off cars,

wash of grey of highway,

flat pale blue sky

like the chemicals chemism that wash my brain,

intra-somatically produced,

the masque of death at the end of trivial--

beauty becomes trite

anguish compression pressing me--

but what is this pain?

then sudden this too fades,

there's a fence around my peril,

bluebells and whitefluffs in green and black

away on both sides of me,

behind only null warmth where the embers cool.






Those silk-hairs bend down coyly (1998) 164 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Those silk-hairs bend down coyly

as my breath strolls across

the motley islands of her skin.

An aroma wells about my face

as intimate sighs undulate across

this rhythmic vibrata of her taut flesh.

When my blood thickens and my mucous drains

from my temples,

when the sharpest proximity distends

and our souls overreach and retract,

the shells reclose so that the clammid pall of

our bodies' lumpinesses are one on one.

Then a sigh I hear,

whispers not mine,

and out of syncopation

that wayward respiration.





I once thought of (1998) 165 (Sun Times January, 2001; Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



I once thought of

a white lake as white as the moon on a cloudy nite

where overhead were bishop's birds in rising spears of red

as I felt it must be so

but what was odd was that the sky was black, black behind

these words spread as stars in rigid arcs on the surface of it all

because once before, a while ago,

that blue-white sky loomed voraciously

over water, deeper than the purple of its waves;

would I be imagining then green-entwining weeds

or panfish of soft pewter

just beneath a glassy membrane,

on which the savagery beats its wings?





So gray are the billous clouds (Rejecta) (1998) 166



So gray are the billous clouds

hanging, no drooping as if a shroud

adumbrated the earthenware of small works,

whence the passacaglia's theme repeated

drops gray cadenzas of its obvious beat.

If there's a striation in the sky

and the music plies and separates,

if filaments' withered leaves avoid,

as the slicing time denotes,

then coverlets suppress all this green

and this cloudy comforter sur-sumes our ball.






Where the lush ferns bristle (Rejecta) 1999 167 (Sun Times January,)



Where the lush ferns bristle

in the wafting day-steam,

The dreamt of,

When the gray sky-bowl nestles

the black-white of the all-froze,

concave steamed convex

as clarity exudes the red-blue fruit of poison-berries,

This dream,

When the slush secretes over eyes

and the road's foot-sounds be distant muffled.









If I were my brother (1999) 168 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



If I were my brother

and my father's skin hung loose about me,

if he could see his son's supple flesh

or the skin-line marking pale from burnt.


If my twin hovered airily

and smote me in anger

and I could wash

and the lake-rocks broke enkinetic

befriend my thousand pores and wear me like a coat

and the air my aromas

and the water my seed.


If I could turn in and in and in

and I and my brother rush into the free

of the sky of my head,

If I could pass over the beauty and the wanting,

and penetrate my inner self with

my own scythe and strew at last.









Down a deep well (Rejecta (1999) 169



Down a deep well

then out to the garden

where all wildness swoons


From aromatic species

knifed across the flat sky

curved inward on the inner eye


Semblances of hue

for the knot

of every dripping leaf


For the riot of the cacaphony







All the flat world underlines the gray mass (Rejecta) (1999) 170



All the flat world underlines the gray mass

where gauzy billows of white smoke traverse.

This weight presses on the surfaces of glass

making opaque the starry universe beyond.

But the still air is cool and distinctly wraps in silence

the ambient sounds that sneak through

of flying creatures and mechanic rovers.

Their headlights attempt an illumination

of the separate beauties of an inner life.








Winter Coat (Rejecta) (1999) 171



Pins are


on my cheek

so they dry

in the mid-air that

traps the light

from my blindness

as the white


I urge

goes blue

then gray.


In my ear

the blade-scrapes

are muffled,

the tapping

of the ice-drips

forget the loom

of the evening's

heavy fall.


In such exertion,

my heart


and my sweat exudes,

while the zipper

that I finger

bodes my disgarbment.



Adventure (1999) 172 (The Alsop Review February 2001; (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Snap-twigs and thorn-spikes slap against me

as I ramble the tumbled creek-edge

in search of a play-lost shoe.


There a half-mile rising

my son and daughter huddle as color-specks

against the hill's green.


Their shared topic is what?

A silly obsession that after-years

will call silent reflection?


Red-wings among flit-weeds

each-to-each bring screech-calls

and over our heads summer clouds be calmed


in the late noon sky.

Why has the west-sun flattened our

dimensions into primal colors


whose brilliancy nears overwhelming?

My son jumps up and when he dashes into the dark green creek-cover

what swells in me suddenly is this loss-pain.





Looking for Something to Read (2000) 173 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Line by line wiggle-words weave

Scanned images float to the backs of the eyes

Vocalized mummery

slush-slides thru the ears.


The needlepoint fonts sewn on acid and acid-free

Pages of white or off-white

Bound in cardboard or laminated

Tossed from book to book in sloppy piles.


Piles of words piles of books

Here on the wobbly sidetable

There on the thin carpet of the bedroom


--Impatient with the waiting

In a conveyance that might give a jiggle

Under the mood-blanket the legs ache to dance.




The Church Organ Plays While He, Watched, Prays (2000) 174 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Pure son of an awful virgin

Who with careful eyes caress

The crushed velvet of his headshape

Whose aches unmuscle along his limbs.


While the turgid mass congeals in flow

And serpents writhe in dismal urge

That pierced heart within lip-wound void

Blows breath of innocent capitulation.


The host muzzled in a still piety

Raised once across the plain of penitents

Of whom one makes inward journey


That this day turn dream and sun to moon

Sickle-west to crown the sky,

Cloud to hide that watcher's lust.




March Grey Bodes Winter's Last Storm, to a Student's Notice (2000) 175 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)




Frost-breath blood-dread below exhaling


Into a greyness in the short distance

Which begins to form

A nimbus barely permitting


This soup, and immersed in it

Cube-lines lapping the surface

Of clay-lumps dully protruding,


--To congeal in eye-waters

--As hard frozen husks

--Spread out from a central pupil


While like a god dangling down

To scoop empiric remnants

From the existent scum


Rain-black cloud-bank above impaling.





An Incident of Road Rage, interrupted by a Sky Object suddenly seen (2000) 176 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Foam of fury, rushed madness,

When that hulk-block is the path,

Spun velocity is the passage,

And head-dashed collision weaves forgotten pain?


Behind cloud-strips in a sky bereft

Of moorings to where the morn-sun seethes

Atomic pinpoints must encapse this moment

As delicate crossings of a lace-net.


Then silence implied in a distant motor-roar,

While subsonic swoosh of cars beside,

So clear in the blue-cirrus sky,

Of an orange blimp whose rocking yaw

Not mechanically gleams pins of sunlight

Glancing now on its tip-turns.








The Rain as I Drift Asleep seems Sad to me (2000) 177 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Tonite I seek to box my opponent in

With the day-joy that plays a melody

On the base line of black sadness.


But quickly like a shadow in a day-mirror

It trails along its black cape and

Drops fierce bulletins of dreary news.


All its droplets on the upper sides of

All the ceilings crackling afire as twigs'

Tiny vein-straws in their murmurous turning.


As a dropped plate on the kitchen floor

That earlier in the day pinged echoes

About the still of my watching --

This is the crying shame of naked incandescence

Which is the beauty held by no one save its lover.







Shale-grey the sky that hangs (2000) 178 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Shale-grey the sky that hangs

Stare-black the passers eyes:

Uncolored frieze of marbled fauns

Memphis faces turned aside

Whose liquid metal eyes reflect the sky's

Quiet tumultuous rolls,

All spaced on sunlight's color negative

Rouge and verdant on azure.

Would a lascivious twist undo the knot

Of giant mass releasing

Bees' hums in crescendos,

And this fury will bury

With loud noise

And shout aside the old for new story.




Shadows do not play (2000) 179 (Kenyon Review April 15 2001)



Shadows do not play

But flat lay along the street

Or bar their way obliquely across a path

Like blades black but not the blackest,

Not the sharpest, and yet this play

Is beauty where the thinnest line

Reflecting pole by pole

Points away from the light

That smarts the eyes or seems soft

Along the edges

like lashes on the eye.


Where a bright glass is sharp:

Along each side is drawn a curtain

Whose lace-edge is a net for the light--

By the blade of black edge it seems less bright.




At the Ice Rink (2001) 180



Ahead, a daughter sweeps on skates while I

a slim sword or a flame following near,

The icy oval rounding,

The strict barrier of wood avoiding,


Ice slits scraped in counter-rhythm

To the rock mix playing loud,

Ice-curves white against gray

Like our fingernails' cuticles,


So when we fall, our splayed fingers

Reflect our roundings and we laugh;


Then she arises and my shadow presence

Realigns with her

On mere darkened ice (for lights are low)

And in such gray expanse.



The Cashier at the Check-out Line (2001) 181



I know this man beside me forever,

His gangly presence I got hold of once

So that his loins into days of childhood

Got twisted around my wifely fingers.


I'm the shell he cast out of a plowed row,

The tiny ice-slit whitewashed on the ice,

Which is like a grey concave cuticle

That grows expressed by one of my fingers.


Digital, distal passing familiar ways,

The outstreched arms of his peace signal,

Plunged to any fathom,

She salient in her charms,

He to any else than me,

What youth attracts detracts from me.


Not Afraid of Flying (2001) 182



Coiled inwardly - to spring - at the ready -

a breath is held - tight, tight in its shallows

like a fist clenched - stomachward.


An inner calm - coolly repressing, waiting -

deeply permitting - exhalation is a release.


Flush-swirl of the toilet - vomitorium.


For a touch so soft on the cold steel fixture -

cheek pressed up on the plastic veneer, when I kiss the door -

in a middle ear the engine's roar.


There is my fear.


Pep Talk (2001) 183



Cylinders of light paid by green,

Bills whose terms have been discounted,


In this cube-space our meeting holds,


Where the bright bigness

Bears fruit of essence,

Red urgencies as the net emerges,


Not the whispers that I hear,


Our keyboard fingers hack and back

The hearing-notes,

Our pens scratch curves

Heard sliding on the tiny desktop polygons


On the pre-printed page,

Jutlands of ink, inlets of white.



Waiting Room (2001) 184



Stretched out legs on a fatuous carpet

Across the lobby a love-seat of blue-worn fabric

Next a gold-colored can for the wasted tissue.


Strike-note forte and piano trills

And the cadences of a march.


Agony of perplexity, struggle of choices.


What figures for the ground are intercepted

Tremendous in their breathings

With hooded fast escapes.


Melody and Rhythm (2001) 185



Incessant repetitions only cascading

Sweet themes of praise just releasing

Paid for dearly in fees laid down

Flat on a green felt table.



Dark Presence of the Sharpest Eyes (2001) 186



Dark presence of the sharpest eyes

Whose attendance weighs in heavy discomfort

Who traps the self in static orbit

Observes compulsion with amorality.


No voice exudes from the dark mass,

No cautions, no heartiness, no whispered hushes,

The silence itself repeats

Like a loud moan from a painted scream.


Its furnace heat is like

The winter's sun against the cheek

So no the head would turn

To see the blinding black.


Lightless heat won't close the lidless eyes

To all the voiceless urgings of the night.


Entrants  (2001) 187



A brash syllable escapes from hushed phrases

Entwining minarets of personality.


Misled the child reads its name

From the list of contestants posted.



Child Care (2001) 188



Every toddler needs so much

Be fed and entertained

Every disarray madde right

Of stockings and barettes.


The center of the world I

make obeisance to.



Dusky Afternoon (2001) 189



Dusky afternoon,

Gray-cloud sky without a star,

Distant line of twig-topped trees,

Houses of brown and yellow in a vale -

This tarnished memory of a golden day.


Heavy syrup of the coming spring

While winter's last sharpness slicing

Tiny cuts on the reddened cheek

Which in a snap of monochromes:

Burnished silver out of pewter gray.



Down to the shore where the water is (2001) 190



Down to the shore where the water is

Where traffic slides by on silent wheels

The concrete edge of the road is hard

And all night leaks long into day.


I drove with a purpose without regret

Moment by moment condensing

And parked beside a meter in a park by the lake

To catch this edge and water perplexing.


This night’s moistness over the road

Is like a jelly seeping slowly down,

Or the tongue slid across the teeth

With saliva and breath intermixed.


So parked and watching pinpoint sky,

I slip into sleep as the engine cools.



I make a slice of time (2001) 190



I make a slice of time

And there sits personality.

While you, like rain-taps on a mask,

Crawl down distractedly.


Both the shy-smart and the glad-hand,

Recalled from dank memory,

Stand before the gathered hosts.


Thus we exhale our spirit-selves

In column-clouds

To empty ghosts arraigned afield.



Down to a place in the street I pass (2001) 191



Down to a place in the street I pass

Full of worry with all concerns a-row

I tumble forward at the wheel.


A maniac who would shoot fast

Determined to get as good as give.


Strapped sacrificially or,

Helmsman bound to mast.



Mimic lines splay from out (2001) 192



Mimic lines splay from out

Of a mass of collusion.


Rose-red blanches to pink

Of a soft circulation.


The meaning of a word is unrealized,

But continues a force the rhythm  discerned.








In a murky scene (2001) 193



In a murky scene

Two medics shade the mound

And cut the skin cleanly with knife.


What was once afloat

Is now beaten to ground

Attached by the red tube to life.



What is the purposelessness of it (2001) 194



What is the purposelessness of it?

What furious fever encoils the brow?

What lone figure is there to guess at anything?

What hope from a sleeper who needs his peace?


Beaten and heated iron to steel is forged.

Somnolent exasperations sweeten the mid night.

Vigils are kept by a single self.

Aimless awandering ahidden meaning.





Culled together gathering dust (2001) 195



Culled together gathering dust

Liquidly subsumes the must

Sweet sick smell in the heat of the night.


Lobes adamantine fierce in the light

Radiate the blur of the longest dream;

The questions are uttered in a quiet scream.



Lip-limned with saintly nimbus (November 16, 2001) 196



Lip-limned with saintly nimbus

Body caressed with an errant hand

Two naked eyes aglint,

A mouth of salty spit.



Like a train in a nimble line (2001) 197



Like a train in a nimble line

Sinuous suggestion beaten to time

Slakes the fury of the iron track

Buries its meaning intact.


This once I capture this time

When the brisk air is murky autumn

And I am left without green shoots alive.


So aches caress my body

As my stilled walk looks like I stumble

And thus unbent the meter of my rhyme.



Somnolence enwraps me (September 11, 2002) 198



Somnolence enwraps me

Thru a sleep of reconciling


The whirr of thick fluttering

Comes the blank breath of sudden stopping


 - A start arising

But crude existence covers over


Black flies buzz the trash heap

And monks’ hoods blacken against the night’s sky.



End of desiring, end of manic seeking (December 27, 2002) 199



End of desiring, end of manic seeking,

End of awakening and resurrection,

End of lost places and empty spaces.


This motion comes into visibility,

This aural piercing overwhelms,

This oral emptiness speaks nothing.


A wood from out emerges sensitivity

Sunlight squints the eyes -

The gold-blue horizon is limitless.


Then night and wheel of stars,

City-lites and roaring,

Sleep soaking, dreams altering.


Punishment of hope, charity of pain,

Faith in torturous pleading.

Unreality the refuge of loss.





Believe the line that marks (2003) 200



Believe the line that marks,

The line that subliminates.

Into a nether-world numinescent,

A hinter-world below the gray,

Beyond become becalmed.





“Out of the depths I cry out” (2003) 201



“Out of the depths I cry out.”

This desperation of my desire

Mirrors the depth of my loneliness

And from the rush of madness of ultimate love

Comes the brink of utter loathing.


The centered power of virility

Liquidates into just nothing, nothing.


For a thought for human intimacy

Is not the act of other-pleasuring.





So the splash of our togetherness (2003) 202



So the splash of our togetherness

Recedes from the blank wall where

The stone house does stand.


In this, then, is all we hope for

But washing away into a night

Of forgetfulness and love passes on.





Jewel (2003) 203




Absorbing the organic frailties

And beckoning other Magi seeking

Respite from the churning never-ending cycle.



Upon a boiling surface here and there

Evanescent whose deaths are unremarkable.



Violent pain passes as it enslaves and saves

With no intermediation of a Saviour who cares.









Night and a soft breathing (2003) 204



Night and a soft breathing

Is her human essence absorbing mine

And my forgetfulness is the cost.


Morning becomes a mixture of solitudes

When she turns a glinting knife-edge

Toward the bread and fruit.


Alone on the high way of altered consciousness

 - it’s the pain of reconciling myself

To the earthen humus all around.


Evening when a lone star beams westernly

She pours the coffee and its slurps drown

Images of daydream labor.


Night then and her anxious temples relax,

Her fragile hairline blurs into the darkening mass,

Her fingers cup my fever and the air is still.






Overadumbrate the clouds (4-5-2003) (Baghdad) 205


Overadumbrate the clouds

While the mechanized horde at the gates,

At black noom the city weathersthe storm

Of blasts of glory in pinpricks.


From the other world, seen, wave-crests split

Rising the next one sanctifies

Falling this ocean solidifies -

Last syllable’s awesome await.


In the shadows of faces in unmasked leaves  206


In the shadows of faces in unmasked leaves

Of the trees whose limbs branch in the noon sun

And where wind breathes over thye green-black forms

So that oak-ridge and elm-ridge rise and swoon -


Over and under the pierce of light interpenetrates

The overabundance of the multifarious, the innumerable

Of all on the surface of the mirror of the flat dimension,

Looking-glass of a child of a god indifferent and bored -


Don’t know that I can forget (7-1-2003) (Magnolia) 207


Don’t know that I can forget

Knowledge of my banal regrets

Deciduous leaves will spring back

Trivial surface boils on the deepest stack -


Fear and boredom and all the loss

Wet-rain dry-snow slaps and bites

That is the only hope which is it is

And there the tall blank untried walls -


One terribly yet common courtesy webs

A silent talky movie between two

The drama never resolves still we

Will pass into a great dark sea -


Very intricate yet quite hard,

Delicacy of intervention yet solid nothing



This end of a built crudescence 208


This end of a built crudescence

This end of breath

Which I take as the over-abundance of triggered desire -

Desire what sense of this need.


The Wait  209


Passing softly amongst the biers

Of old dead princes and priests

Who claimed everlasting peace at the end -


But this middle way we’re bound bound

Into a lover-rush of insatiable lust


When can I silently sigh?


Urge or demi-urge compress particulate sand

Into an hourglass of this moment.

Every now completes without me.

All my will is cybernetic by a cipher.


My walk slides into a run but for what do I hurry?

Tomorrow-day’s funeral will this night’s wake bury.


From dry words on a yellow page 210


From dry words on a yellow page

Or a glimpse of ephemeral smoothness

Or the drrop-thought unwinding of wake to sleep,


A rush excites a rage.


To the influential wine I praise 211


To the influential wine I praise

All its trickling warmth

How the fever maddens me and its rush

Dissipates into cold sweat.


Dry or sweet aromatic piney

Semablance of my inner fluid beginning.


Anguished what is throw

Sterilized what is lost.


Crazed unknowing pleasure in the pain 212


Crazed unknowing pleasure in the pain

Where my skinned head raps against the wall

Shorn of feminine tresses and bare

Beneath a bulb of incandescent light.


Cuts across the surface of my skin

My back reddened with your bites

Each mouth of bleeding oozes cream of red

Each slap, each hit, seeming to demean.


Your eye unblinking, your one-eyed stare

Ropes twisted till they’re not too tight

I think about where I’ve been

Read the handwriting, be forever tame.


Reach out to where there is no warmth 213


Reach out to where there is no warmth

From where the beathing does not disturb

Gross grunts out of the darkness

But none.


The lie untrue of soft allure

Recumbant upon a bed,

But cold, clammy, spiritless.


Out of a clay lump a voice

In silence clamps down

An acclaim of struggle.


A dance cavorts across a scene 214


A dance cavorts across a scene

Whose linked chain unwinds along,

Merry paper-dolls whose child’s song

Swims into a dreamless nap.


It it freeze, then the cold snap

Of silent breath

Suddenly kills

The go-round weary broil.


Within tumultuous storm rewinds

Clouds of smoke about an empty eye

Gathering and looming nigh a balding hill

Whose dry packed dirt waits for rain.













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