"The Self" refers to the individual's sense of personal identity and individuality. It encompasses a person's beliefs, values, thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and the way they see themselves in relation to others and the world around them. The self is often seen as a central aspect of human psychology and is a key focus of study in fields such as philosophy, psychology, and sociology. "The Vast" can refer to the immensity, greatness, or enormity of something, such as the vastness of space, the vastness of the ocean, or the vastness of time. It can also refer to something that is all-encompassing or all-embracing, such as the vastness of knowledge or the vastness of the universe. In a philosophical or spiritual context, the vast can refer to the sense of the infinite or the absolute, and the experience of feeling small and insignificant in comparison. The concept of the vast can evoke feelings of awe, wonder, and humility, and can provide a perspective on the individual self and the world.