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Maya, before and after her training in the Creating Wellness System

Maya is a certified wellness coach in The Creating Wellness System at Rossi Family Chiropractic, A Creating Wellness Center in Stirling, NJ. Maya began her work with Dr. Rossi in early August of 2003 as a chiropractic assistant, and was certified as a personal wellness coach in January 2004.

Becoming a wellness coach has made Maya more focused in her daily activities. It has given her the opportunity to participate in a wellness program that has not only enhanced her health and self-image, but allowed her to pass that new awareness onto her friends and family. As a wellness coach, Maya assists clients to reclaim their lives and begin to transform their future.

One of the Center's clients, who has been on high blood pressure medication for years, experienced such positive results from the wellness program that, under her doctor's supervision, was able to cut her medication by half the dosage, even while reducing her blood pressure. Other progress reported by the Center's clients includes improved sleep, better relationships with family and co-workers, as well as maintaining a healthier life style through a personalized food and exercise plan.

Another client recently was unexpectedly given double responsibilities at work, and stated that participation in the wellness program provided the stamina and focus needed to get through this stressful time. The Center has several clients who have significantly reduced their weight and body fat, while increasing their muscle mass, resulting in a leaner, stronger physique.

One client literally could not make it through the day without taking a nap. For years she would completely run out of energy during the late afternoon. After the first few weeks of The Wellness System, this client realized she had not taken a nap in several days. Upon completing Phase 1 and progressing to Phase 2 of the program, naps are no longer a necessary part of her daily routine, a practice which had been consistent for 30 years!

Some clients who would typically wake up multiple times during the night with trips to the bathroom, now sleep soundly with only an occasional need to get up. All of these clients agree that having a personal wellness coach guide them through the various stages of improvement, motivates them to continue toward achieving optimum health, vitality, and well-being.

Click here for more information about the Chiropractic Center.

Click here for more information about the Creating Wellness System.

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This page was last updated on 09/25/05.

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