From:       [email protected] 
To:         [email protected]
Date:       Friday - July 16, 2004 2:56 PM 
Subject:    Re: Hey Christy 

Nooooooo... don't YOU start in with the frickin' cell phone toooooo....

I put it in my first aid kit last time I went out and forgot it was there, and the battery charged out... rrrrrrrrr... anyway Margo and I agreed that I'd take it along when Becca's with me and the rule is she cannot call ME, it's only to be used to call OUT in emergencies. God, I had visions of being up on Pole Steeple or clambering up Lewis Rocks and hearing the theme from Mozart's symphony number 40 beeping in my daypack... I hate those %&*(_#!! things.

Margo told me that Maura was there with you... they talked a little bit yesterday. I always figured that Maura was looking for a father figure and kind of wondered if Tom wasn't making it out like you didn't want to be with HIM when it was really the other way around. I mean those years you two were at odds, it was more than just distance... it was kind of resentment. I just always think probably some things were said on his end that she took and ran with... I can't see any other reason why she went around as "Maura Stewart" for five years... except that those five years were ages 12-16, which are tough enough anyway without all those issues, questions about who's her Dad, why isn't he here, how can I get close to him, why isn't Mom with him?

I just always think of Scott Perry... he used to tell Margo "Do you think Mom intercepts letters from Dad? Do you think she gave him our new address?" All that. And finally Margo said to him, "Scott, you know you always say maybe it's your Mom intercepting letters and postcards, maybe your Mom didn't do this or that, but did it ever occur to you that maybe it's your DAD? That he just doesn't want to be involved and he's keeping his distance. After all, HE left HER, not the other way around." And he didn't like hearing that but after a bit he came to accept it, because that's the way it was. I don't know how you handled it the way you did, except that you're a sweetheart and you LOVE Maura, REALLY love her, but I could tell that whole time it must have been SO hard for you. I'm glad it's finally come around to this now... you earned it.

I have to write Marty about a few things (or call him... I tried him once today already; out of the office)... but I NEED A COPY OF THAT SMILE CD!!!

I'd LOVE to do both the cabin AND the Penn State game... but I think Margo might have spoken a little ahead of herself... not to say NO but I'm kind of up for playing the whole September Visit To Lake Opinicon thing by ear, since after all Fran and Tom are, uhhhh, moving then. When we MIGHT go up is Labor Day weekend... they're going to need to move furniture around (they have a bunch of stuff in the attic-garage-basement-etc that they're going to move back into the house and some of it they're going to take along) plus will need help boxing stuff up etc... it wont be much of a cavation if we go. I'll let you know but right now I wouldn't count on it.

BUT let's get together on a PSU game!!!

And Margo's making the raspberry pie today... she said that Becca kept eating the sour underripe berries and she'd make this face like they were SOOOOO sour, but then pop another one in her mouth... and then of course she had a little bit of a tummy ache last nite before dinner... so she got to take a Pepto... "Can I eat one of those pink mints?"

I will indeed say HI to Becca and to my wench wife, and I'm gonna tell her those were your EXACT words, hahahah... hope you have a good weekend Christy... xoxoxoxox bri

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