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It has given me great pleasure to embark on this voyage of Discovery. I would be glad to hear from anyone who has any information regarding the Fosberry and Fernandez family trees.

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Fosberry - The Name
The Fosberry family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of England between the 11th and 12th centuries. The Fosberry family traces their ancestral roots back to Norman origin. The Fosberry name first appeared in ancient medieval records in Northamptonshire, located in England. From very early on, the Fosberry family, not only held lands and estates in Northamptonshire, but, were also actively allied with other influential families. There are several variations to the family name including Fosbery, Fosbury, Fosberry, Fossbury, Folberry, Fosbrey. They also branched out into other territories and holdings, before taking the long voyage to various ports of the World. There is a Fosbery village in Wiltshire, about a dozen houses or so.

Fernandez - The Name

The German and French surname was originally from a Spanish personal name composed of the elements FARO (Journey, expedition) and NANO (daring and brave). The surname is of comparatively recent origin in German speaking countries, and in France, for the given name was not introduced from Spain until the late 15th century. It was brought to Austria by the Halsburg Dynasty among whom it was a hereditary surname, and from Austria it spread to France.

The name was much favoured in the royal house of Castille and it owes its popularity in large to King Ferdinand III of Carlile and Leon (1198 - 1252) who recaptured large areas of Spain from the Moors and was later canonized. When the first immigrants from Europe went to America the only names current in the new land were Indian names which did not appeal to Europeans vocally, and the Indian names did not influence the surnames or Christian names already possessed by the immigrants. Mostly the immigrant could not read or write and had little or no knowledge as to the proper spelling and their names suffered at the hands of the government officials. The early town records are full of these misspelled names most, of which gradually changed back to a more conventional spelling as education progressed. It has long been a matter of doubt when the bearing of court of arms first became hereditary and it was not until the Crusades that Heraldry came into general use. Men went into battle heavily armed and were difficult to recognize. It became the custom for them to adorn their helmets with distinctive crests, and paint their shields with the animals and the like. Coat of arms accompanied the development as surnames becoming hereditary in the same way.

Most of the European surnames were formed in the 13th and 14th centuries. The process had started somewhat earlier and had continued in some places into the 19th century, but the norm is that the tenth and the eleventh century's people did not have surnames whereas by the 15th century most of the population had acquired a second name. The other name has numerous variant spellings, which include Hernando, Herman and Hernanz.


To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.
A Time to be born, and a Time to die?
A Time to weep, and a Time to laugh,
A Time to mourn and a Time to dance?

This Genealogy line has been traced by the careful efforts of the Author. Any Omissions, Errors or non-conformance may please be brought to the attention of the Author! 
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Created on 10 Dec, 2001, © Maureen Buckley, 2001. Updated on 21 Feb, 2002.

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