
Justin Taylor

I'd like to briefly share with you a little of who I am and some of the steps upon my spiritual journey, taking me to where I am today.

I've been blessed to have grown up within a great Christian family. I was taught upon an early age who God was, what Jesus did, and all the other main points. However, as I've grown older, I've tended to refer to myself as a "Christian Skeptic." What do I mean by that strange phrase? Precisely this: I am a Christian, but I don't like to accept things just upon "blind faith." Don't tell me there's a God: Show Me. Don't just say that Jesus is the only way: Try proving it. Give me something that my heart and my mind can sink into.

When I got to college, my dormant questions and doubts and uncertainties began to surface. As I sat in Humanities classes and became a Religion major, I began to question everything: Is the Bible really without error--all of it? Is there really a God? Perhaps my prayers are just psychological utterances in my head? Perhaps I'm just being arrogant or naive in saying that Jesus is the only way? Where would I go? What would I do?

There was one point in which I felt so entirely frustrated. I was trying to pray, but the doubts would not relent. I'd try to seek answers, but they never fully satisfied my mind and heart. On the way home from a night class, I stopped by the Capanile. It was a very chilly, starry night. I can still see myself, sitting beneath that great big tree, and asking with a choking voice:

"God, are you up there? I want to believe! O' how I want to believe? Are you real? O' Lord, help me with my unbelief."

It wasn't in one moment...and perhaps not even fully that night....but I did really that God is a God who is there....and he is not silent. In one sense, the immenseness of the starry universe looked so bare and alone; in another, however, I began to see the great artwork and glory that God had performed.

As I continued on in the school year, I continued to struggle. But in this struggle, this wrestling like Jacob did with God, I began to discover a number of things. First, that there really are great answers out there! Answers that satisfied my soul and that gave my mind something to chew on. I discovered that some of the most brilliant philosophers working today are Christian philosophers; that there are brilliant particle physicists love the same God that we all worship; and that Christianity has incredible answers--to my hardest questions! Secondly, I discovered that it's OK to ask the questions. In fact, to my amazement, I saw that God Himself is a Socratic God! David continually asks questions to and of God, and Jesus primarily taught and interacted using the method of questioning and answering. Thirdly, God showed me that while I may be embarrassed by some biblical passages, He is not. I may be afraid of a question, but He never has . God loves to answer my questions, and he always seems to in His time. Not all of them are answered, but He hasn't let me down yet.

Through it all, God has pulled me through some trying times, and has shown me the joy of my salvation. I have also learned that God is the great "all-satisfier." I am a Struggler. I'm a Skeptic. But I'm also a Pleasure-seeker. I love to experience happiness and fulfillment and joy and pleasure; I think that we all do! But, lately, God has also impressed upon me a great discovery: That my pursuit of pleasure and joy, and God's pursuit of His own glory are not at odds with each other, but the very same goal. When I am SATISFIED in God, He is most glorified in my life. When I sin, I'm telling God that he doesn't do it for me.

As I've learned this, and tried to increasingly desire Him, I've noticed that a joy pervades my life like no other. No other avenue for happiness could do it! He, and He alone, has given me a joy that is big enough to satisfy my deepest longings. He, and He alone, has been lasting enough to trust in. He, and He alone, has been real enough for me to give my life to.

He is a glorious God. He has changed me from within. He's answered my toughest questions, dealt with my greatest needs, and He--He alone--has been the fountain of joy for a very thirsty man.

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