Fighting for Joy in God with Scripture

Fighting for Joy in God with Scripture

"The preservation of our joy in God takes work. It is a fight. Our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, and he has an insatiable appetite to destroy one thing: the joy of faith. But the Holy Spirit has given us a sword called the Word of God for the defense of our joy" (John Piper, Desiring God, 123).

The Importance of Scripture[1]

The Word of God revives us: Psalm 19:7.
The Word of God is our life: Deuteronomy 32:46-47
����� Our physical life depends upon God's word:
����������He created us by His word: Psalm 33:6 and Hebrews 11:3
����������He keeps us in existence by His word: Hebrews 1:3
�����Our spiritual life depends upon God's word:
����������We are born again by God's word: James 1:18 and 1 Peter 1:23
����������We go on living spiritually by God's word: Matthew 4:4
The word of God causes faith: Romans 10:17 and John 20:31.
�����Faith produces joy: Romans 15:13 and Philippians 1:25.
�����Thus, the Scriptures also bring us joy: Psalm 19:8
�����Further, the Scriptures should be our joy: Psalm 1:2 and Psalm 119.
God gives His Spirit through His Word: Galatians 3:2 and Romans 8:5.
The word of God gives hope: Romans 15:4 and Psalm 78:5, 7.
The word of God makes us free: Psalm 119:45 and John 8:32
The word of God makes us wise: Psalm 19:7-8 and 119:98.
�����Wisdom brings joy: Proverbs 3:13.
The word of God gives assurance: 1 John 5:13
The word of God overcomes the evil one: Ephesians 6:17

Meditating on the Scriptures with Faith Unlocks its Benefits[2]

Meditating on God's word is the way we proceed from merely knowing about God to actually knowing God more deeply. We must "turn each truth that we learn about God into matter for meditation before God, leading to prayer and praise to God" writes J.I. Packer in Knowing God. In this way we will experience the benefits of Scripture listed above and thus win our fight for joy in God.

To meditate we must:
1. Know Scripture (this means having much of it memorized and being familiar with it as a whole).
2. Call Scripture to mind and think about what it means--ponder it and dwell upon it.
3. Compare Scripture with Scripture, seeing how things fit together.
4. Apply God's word to ourselves and our everyday situations.
5. This will lead to acting upon God's word. Acting upon God's word means conforming our behavior to be in accordance with His word, and also praising and worshiping and rejoicing in God for what we learn about Him and His ways. Scripture should not only affect our actions; it should also ignite our affections.
6. We are to meditate on God's word constantly: Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2.

As we come to know God more fully through His word we will:
1. Have a greater passion for God.
2. Have greater thoughts and therefore affections of God.
3. Have greater boldness for God.
4. Have a greater satisfaction in God.

Challenge: Meditate on Psalm 1 and the effects it says that delight in God's word will have in us.


1. The following is an outline of chapter 5 in Desiring God by John Piper, called "Scripture: The Kindling of Christian Hedonism."
2. The information in this section is largely from Knowing God by J.I. Packer.

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