Norman Geisler

* "Answering Islam: An Interview with Norman Geisler"

*Any Absolutes? Absolutely! This is Geisler at his best--highly recommended!

* "The Battle for the Resurrection: An Interview with Norman Geisler"

* "Forbidden Fruit: The Ethics of Humanism by Paul Kurtz (a book review )"

* "I the Resurrection of the Flesh"

*"Miracles and Modern Thought" Renowned logician I.M. Bochenski calls this the most cogent defense of Miracles that he's ever seen.

* "What Think Ye of Rome?: An Evangelical Appraisal of Contemporary Catholicism (Part One)" by Kenneth R. Samples. Though not a work of Geisler's, this link and the next one chronologically preceed the following final two links by Geisler.

* "What Think Ye of Rome? An Evangelical Appraisal of Contemporary Catholicism (Part Two)" by Kenneth R. Samples.

* "What Think Ye of Rome? Part Three: The Catholic-Protestant Debate on Biblical Authority" by Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie.

* "What Think Ye of Rome? Part Four: The Catholic-Protestant Debate on Papal Infallibility" by Geisler and MacKenzie.

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