The Excellencies of God


*Understanding the Trinity by MP: It is of the highest importance that any Christian gain an understanding of how God is tripersonal, yet one being. This is an essential truth for any Christian to know because it directly affects how we relate to God, how we worship God, how we view God, and also has a direct bearing on every biblical truth.

*The Holiness of God in Heaven and Hell by MP: Examines how both heaven and hell display the glorious perfections of God and His infinite value.

*Is God for us or for Himself? by Dr. John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist in Minneapolis. This article shows that God's top priority is to bring glory to Himself. This is not at odds with His love, however, because He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

*God is Love! by John Piper. For me, this addressed the unanswered questions I had from the previous article.

* God's Passion for His Glory by Dustin Shramek. Another look at the top priority on God's heart.

*The Godness of God by Dustin Shramek. This is a talk that inspires deep worship.

*The Banquet Table of God: BEHOLD THE BEAUTY OF GOD! by Dustin Shramek: This is part one of a series of two talks given at a prayer and fasting weekend. This talk surveys the wonderful greatness of God's various attributes displayed through His acts in redemptive history from creation to Christ.

* The Banquet Table of God: The Cross of Shame; the Cross of Glory by DS: Part two of the series. This talk examines the glories of Christ revealed in His cross. The beautiful and diverse excellencies that meet in Christ, as shown through His death, are set forth for us to marvel at. Let your meditation on the truth in this talk enhance your love for the Savior.

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