From Matt's Desk

— Matthew McNutt

As winter rapidly approaches we at TreeWorks find ourselves enjoy the nice brisk weather! I personally love it when the temperature drops below 40 degrees and it is time to start bundling up. I also like the fact that I can save money on buying ice lol. Speaking of ice, be aware that with the dropping temperature, ice can build up on weakened limbs and cause them to break and fall.

After the storm

— Matthew McNutt

If you have lived in Birmingham for any amount of time, chances are that you have been through the wonderful storm season. Even during mild seasons, there is often damage from trees falling on homes,roads and utility lines. If you are like me you immediately set your alarm on your phone during severe weather just in case you lose power during the night. Here are a few recommendations to keep in mind.

  • Have a plan One of the most important things you can do to prepare your family is to have an evacuation plan in place and for your family to know it. Communication before a natural disaster strikes helps things to run smoothly during emergency situations.
  • Keep a storm inventoryEveryone should keep a weeks worth of non perishable food in stock, it will not help to have a full refrigerator if you are going to be with out power for a week.If you have time before a storm hits, fill a bathtub up with water. This can be used for flushing toilets, washing and cleaning. Keep at least a four day supply of water, or two gallons per family member.Keep a stock of batteries and flash lights as well as important documents such as ID cards, insurance cards, cash, and home-owners insurance information in an easily accessible place. Remember after a storm hits,the less moving around you have to do the safer you will be.
  • Bug out bag
    Keep important things together and easily portable!