Family Feud

RICHARD DAWSON (original run)

Arguably the best version.

Pilot ep.(#61)
Premiere- now with GREAT VIDEO(#208)
Eps. 2-4 (#539)
Boyd vs. Rasner(#636)
Rasner vs. Sparks(#637)
Rasner vs. Benson(#637)
Benson vs. Libby- the board malfunctions(#637)
Benson vs. Mc.Naughton(#637)
Benson vs. Grossman(#637)
Benson vs. Austin(#638)
Charles vs. Hughey(#638)
Charles vs. Yata(#638)
Yata vs. Duganne(#639)
Duganne vs. Oaxaca(#639)
Duganne vs. Baedeker(#639)
Baedeker vs. Silvers- tea bag ep.(#639)
Baedeker vs. Chamberlin(#639)
Baedeker vs. Zeitsoff(#639)
Zeitsoff vs. Sliter(#639)
Zeitsoff vs. Delnero(#641)
Zeitsoff vs. Pendergast(#641)
Zeitsoff vs. Burke(#641)
Zeitsoff vs. Penn(#641)
Zeitsoff vs. Carlson(#641)
Carlson vs. Christman(#641)
Carlson vs. Massery(#643)
Massery vs. Kaplan(#643)
Kaplan vs. Disterdick(#643)
Kaplan vs. Elton- Mark Goodson appears(#643)
Kaplan vs. Hailey(#643)
Kaplan vs. Lobosky(#644)
Lobosky vs. Bufalino(#644)
Lobosky vs. Piercy(#645)
Lobosky vs. Heaton(#645)
Heaton vs. Benson(#645)
Heaton vs. Lopez- first mention of Howard Felscher(#647)
Heaton vs. Contreras(#647)
Contreras vs. Duerner(#647)
Duerner vs. Clark(#647)
Clark vs. Preacely(#647)
Clark vs. Billings(#647)
Clark vs. Larkey- buzzer blooper(#648)
Larkey vs. Ross(#648)
Larkey vs. Brown(#648)
Larkey vs. Weiner- question about game show hosts(#649)
Larkey vs. Swisher(#649)
Larkey vs. Piper(#651)
Larkey vs. Dart(#651)
Larkey vs. Dart- Darts return due to audience member shouting answer, Larkey becomes the first retiring family(#651)
Foster vs. Krengel(#651)
Krengel vs. Watson- problem with a question about democrats(#652)
Watson vs. Walls- Richard kisses ALL of the ladies for the first time(#652)
Watson vs. Moltar(#652)
Moltar vs. Percy(#652)
Moltar vs. Herr(#653)
Moltar vs. Sardina(#653)
Sardina vs. Fraley(#653)
Sardina vs. Chitwood(#653)
Sardina vs. Mussack(#653)
Mussack vs. Medellin(#653)
Mussack vs. Urso(#653)
Manoff vs. DeVries(#654)
DeVries vs. Collen(#654)
DeVries vs. Case(#654)
DeVries vs. Redoglia(#654)
Redoglia vs. Thompson(#654)
Thompson vs. Williams(#656)
Williams vs. Mc.Creary(#656)
Mc.Creary vs. Quigley(#656)
Quigley vs. Bergher(#657)
Quigley vs. Carns(#657)
Quigley vs. Armas(#657)
Armas vs. Krouse(#657)
Krouse vs. Cabot(#657)
Krouse vs. Klein(#657)
Krouse vs. Ferrera(#657)
Ferrera vs. Ito(#657)
Ferrera vs. Graveline(#673)
Ferrera vs. Higgins(#658)
Higgins vs. Dominy- Howard Felscher's birthday(#658)
Dominy vs. Felando(#658)
Felando vs. Pain(#659)
Pain vs. Denmark(#659)
Pain vs. Poseley(#659)
Poseley vs. Piazza(#659)
Poseley vs. Staggs(#661)
Staggs. vs. Smith(#661)
Smith vs. Morfin(#661)
Morfin vs. Anderson(#661)- Richard's birthday
Morfin vs. Royea(#662)
Royea vs. Tucker(#662)
Tucker vs. Bowden(#662)
Bowden vs. Sperry(#662)
Bowden vs. Ballton- a question is thrown out(#662)
Ballton vs. Reynolds(#662)
Reynolds. vs. Dunnagan(#663)
Reynolds vs. Hornung(#664)
Hornung vs. Buchan(#664)
Hornung vs. Mc.Dade(#665)
Hornung vs. Smith(#665)
Smith vs. Mullet(#665)
Mullet vs. Neal(#707)
Brooks vs. Noble(#707)
Noble vs. Paquette(#707)
Cooper vs. Meares(#666)
Sublette vs. Sijder(#668)
Sijder vs. Friedrich(#668)
Sijder vs. Aschenbrener(#668)
Aschenbrener vs. Thompson(#668)
Thompson vs. Tooley(#668)
Thompson vs. Stemp(#668)
Stemp vs. Graf(#670)
Graf vs. Tullis(#670)
Tullis vs. Brown(#670)
Tullis vs. Vaught(#671)
Vaught vs. Popkess(#674)
Popkess vs. Raymond(#672)
Ling vs. Hansen(#674)
Hansen vs. Ray- opening missing(#675)
Ray vs. Hughes(#676)
Hughes vs. Bryan(#676)
Hughes vs. Curry(#677)
Curry vs. Hoffman(#677)
Curry vs. Ames(#678)
Curry vs. Nichol(#679)
Curry vs. Bullen(#679)
Curry vs. Askay(#680)
Askay vs. Payne(#680)
Askay vs. Minor(#681)
Minor vs. Askay- Askays are brought back due to answer being shouted out(#681)
Minor vs. Curci(#682)
Curci vs. Petersen(#683)
Petersen vs. Wilson(#683)
Wilson vs. Cato(#684)
Cato vs. Chapin(#686)
Cato vs. Chapin(Chapins return due to answer being shouted out)(#686)
Chapin vs. Miller(#686)
Dieterle vs. Frazee(#687)
Dieterle vs. Dulan(#687)
Dulan vs. Swanner(#687)
Swanner vs. Lopez(#689)
Lopez vs. Wooley(#689)
Wooley vs. Hindson(#689)
Wooley vs. Goode(#690)
Goode vs. Setting(#690)- A question gives Dawson the giggles
Setting vs. Carrasco(#690)
Carrasco vs. Bridegum(#690)
Bridegum vs. Dobyns(#690)
Dobyns vs. Scheinblum(#691)
Scheinblum vs. Osburn(#691)
Osburn vs. Wade(#691)
Wade vs. Linder(#691)
Wade vs. Green(#691)
Green vs. Otey(#691)
Otey vs. Johnson(#691)
Johnson vs. Rivera(#691)
Johnson vs. Smith(#692)
Smith vs. Cullen(#692)
Cullen vs. Follico(#692)
Follico vs. Perpich(#693)
Follico vs. Edwards(#693)
Edwards vs. Thobe(#693)
Edwards vs. Wakefield(#693)
Edwards vs. Willoughby(#693)
Edwards vs. Pickett(#694)
Pickett vs. Martz(#694)
Martz vs. Mc.Lachlin(#694)
Martz vs. Page(#694)
Page vs. Brown(#694)
Brown vs. Bryan(#695)
Bryan vs. Lewis(#695)
Bryan vs. Beaupit(#695)
Bryan vs. Barich(#695)
Barich vs. Backer(#695)
Barich vs. Thiele(#699)
Barich vs. Matheney(#699)
Matheney vs. Blackburn(#699)
Matheney vs. Lawson(#699)
Lawson vs. Whitcomb(#699)
Lawson vs. Zamoiski(#700)
Zamoiski vs. Bowman(#700)
Bowman vs. Bills(#701)
Bowman vs. Lawyer(#701)
Bowman vs. DeGaetano(#701)
Bowman vs. Johnson(#701)
Johnson vs. Daywalt(#701)
Daywalt vs. Cluberton(#701)
Cluberton vs. Vogel(#702)
Vogel vs. Lawrence(#703)
Vogel vs. Conrad(#703)
Conrad vs. Krondak(#703)
Krondak vs. Conrad- Conrads return due to judgment error(#703)
Krondak vs. Seltzer(#703)
Krondak vs. White(#704)
White vs. Welch(#704)
White vs. Nogy(#704)
White vs. Davis(#704)
White vs. Lindgren- 5 rounds played(#704)
White vs. Young(#704)
White vs. Kazarian(#706)- trouble with Sinatra question
White vs. Kaylor(#706)
White vs. Fraley- Max Fraley was on TJW and Hollywood Game(#706)
Fraley vs. Green(#706)
Fraley vs. Garcia(#707)-Mark Goodson appears to reveal the results of the kissing survey
Camerota vs. Gazin(#708)
Camerota vs. Devincenzi(#708)
Camerota vs. Whittaker(#708)
Camerota vs. Howell(#709)
Howell vs. Villani(#709)
Villani vs. Johnson(#709)
Villani vs. Gauthier(#709)
Gauthier vs. Fountain(#709)
Gauther vs. Madron(#710)
Madron vs. Gerhard(#710)
Madron vs. Halonen(#710)
Halonen vs. Mellert(#710)
Holonen vs. DeClercq(#710)
DeClercq vs. Marks(#710)
DeClarcq vs. Dagucon(#711)
Dagucon vs. Ryan(#711)
Dagucon vs. O'Briant(#711)
Dagucon vs. Kellerman(#712)
Kaniewski vs. Gorski(#712)
Kaniewski vs. Lucas(#712)
Kaniewski vs. Bradshaw(#713)
Vance vs. Fitch(#713)
Fitch vs. Genter(#713)
Genter vs. Vernon(#713)
Genter vs. Adler(#713)
Genter vs. Magdeleno(#714)
Magdeleno vs. Farnsworth(#714)
Farnsworth vs. Woods(#714)
Farnsworth vs. Dunn(#715)
Dunn vs. Finn(#715)
Finn vs. Huse- The Finns break the buzzer(#715)
Finn vs. Huse- Finns return due to buzzer breakage(#715)
Huse vs. Nolin- New buzzers(#715)
Nolin vs. Berry(#716)
Nolin vs. Vander Dussen(#716)
Vander Dussen vs. Robertson(#716)
Vander Dussen vs. Murrey(#716)
Murrey vs. Baker- One year anniversary(#717)
Baker vs. Mac.Namara(#717)
Mac.Namara vs. Woods(#717)
Mac.Namara vs. Fischer(#717)
Fischer vs. Augusta(#717)
Augusta vs. Anderson(#718)
Anderson vs. Chambry(#718)
Anderson vs. Kawai(#719)
Kawai vs. Curran(#719)
Curran vs. Braun(#719)
Braun vs. Coop(#719)
Braun vs. Austin(#719)
Braun vs. Tracey(#720)
Tracey vs. Weidman(#720)
Tracey vs. Derr(#720)
Derr vs. Jefferson(#720)
Derr vs. Sanchez(#720)
Sanchez vs. Movsesian(#720)
Sanchez vs. Coop (Coops return due to error)(#721)
Hayes vs. Young(#721)
Young vs. Luce(#721)
Young vs. Quirk(#721)
Quirk vs. Gallagher(#722)
Quirk vs. Reed(#722)
Quirk vs. Stern(#722)
Quirk vs. Jones(#722)
Quirk vs. York(#722)
York vs. Windes(#722)
York vs. Lewis- featuring infamous 3 letter animal answer(#723)
York vs. Walsh(#723)
York vs. Santana(#723)- the Santana's get very romantic with Richard!(#723)
York vs. Courtney(#723)
York vs. Tyler(#723)
Tyler vs. Cullen(#724)
Tyler vs. Zukerman(#724)
Tyler vs. Myers(#724)
Myers vs. Mc.Donald(#724)
Myers vs. Reddien(#724)
Reddien vs. Longshore(#725)
Reddien vs. Pieper(#725)
Pieper vs. Telles(#725)
Telles vs. Mc.Donald(#726)
Telles vs. Holland(#727)
Telles vs. Janess(#727)
Telles vs. Stone(#727)
Telles vs. Sparks(#727)
Sparks vs. Morris(#727)
Sparks vs. Hill(#727)
Sparks vs. Arden(#728)
Arden vs. Goulsby(#728)
Goulsby vs. Arterberry- audience is unusually quiet!(#728)
Arterbery vs Ascosta(#728)
Ascosta vs. Balla(#728)
Balla vs. Gaddis(#729)
Sanders vs. Starks(#729)
Sanders vs. Fox(#729)
Sanders vs. Balak(#729) Bruce vs. Neill(#729)
Bruce vs. Scharff(#730)
Bruce vs. Masters- Richard reveals where he gets his suits(#730)
Masters vs. Sweeney(#730)
Linton vs. Speir- The Speirs appeared in the pilot(#730)
Speir vs. Sweeney- One of the Sweeneys got lost in traffic, and now they're back(#730)
Sweeney vs. Callen- Richard boxes with the head of the Callen family(#731)
Sweeney vs. Coop- Coops return after illness(#731)
Coop vs. Cooke(#731)
Cooke vs. Kinsman- The Kinsman family were later on FF 94(#731)
Kinsman vs. Perry(#734)
Kinsman vs. Price- Richard is wearing glasses(#734)
Kinsman vs. Carli(#734)
Carli vs. Norton(#734)
Norton vs. Walters(#734)
Walters vs. Kaneshige(#735)
Walters vs. Muller(#735)
Muller vs. Rodheim(#735)
Rodheim vs. Jones(#735)
Rodheim vs. Richards(#735)
Richards vs. Hundley(#736)
Richards vs. Walker(#737)
Richards vs. Cushman(#737)
Richards vs. Spivack(#737)
Richards vs. Lunsford(#737)
Lunsford vs. Kleins(#737)
Lunsford vs. Fitch- Richard's birthday(#738)
Lunsford vs. Dulgarian(#738)
Lunsford vs. Howard(#738)
Howard vs. Dietle(#738)
Dietle vs. Farrell(#738)
Farrell vs. Kent(#738)
Farrell vs. Gardner(#738)
Farrell vs. Sheehan(#738)
Farrell vs. Stayboldt(#740)
Stayboldt vs. Pommerville(#740)
Stayboldt vs. Lawrence(#740)
Lawrence vs. Starks(#740)
Starks vs. Wilcox(#740)
Starks vs. Arrigo(#741)
Starks vs. Bradshaw(#741)
Starks vs. Phillips(#741)
Starks vs. Lindley(#741)
Lindley vs. Keswick(#741)
Keswick vs. Roski- audio and video problems in the beginning(#742)
Keswick vs. Sobolik(#742)
Sobolik vs. Garrett(#742)
Garrett vs. Jones(#742)
Jones vs. Cardwell- Richard lets Buck act as "host", and fun with asparagus(#742)
Jones vs. Moya- More fun with asparagus(#742)
Moya vs. Aldrich(#743)
Adrich vs. Jimerson(#743)
Jimerson vs. Foster(#743)
Jimerson vs. Lee- the Lees brought a frog(#743)
Jimerson vs. Kearns(#744)
Kearns vs. Oettinger(#744)
Kearns vs. Zimmermann(#744)
Zimmermann vs. Curtis(#744)
Curtis vs. James(#745)
Curtis vs. Smith(#745)
Curtis vs. Lindberg(#745)
Curtis vs. Oates(#746)
Curtis vs. Bailey(#746)
Bailey vs. Pettitt- Richard's son Gary juggles(#746)
Pettitt vs. Monahan(#746)
Monahan vs. Welsh- a cop gives Richard a parking ticket, with hilarious results!(#746)
Monahan vs. Brown(#747)
Monahan vs. Krajcir(#747)
Monahan vs. Godkin(#747)
Godkin vs. Crouse(#747)
Godkin vs. Burton(#749)
Burton vs. Bennett(#749)
Bello vs. Alexander(#749)
Bello vs. Colbert(#753)
Bello vs. Witt- Mark Goodson's mom is in the audience, and a male member of the Witts tries to kiss Richard!(#753)
Witt vs. Fulton(#753)
Witt vs. Durek(#753)
Witt vs. Mugnaini(#753)
Keggy vs. Hinckley(#754)
Hinckley vs. Howard(#754)
Hinckley vs. Defani(#754)
Hinckley vs. Bert(#754)
Bert vs. Mc.Laughlin(#754)
Bert vs. Webster(#755)
Webster vs. Costigan(#755)
One Life to Live vs. General Hospital- Valentine's Day special(#755)
Webster vs. Banner(#755)
Banner vs. Green(#756)
Banner vs. White(#756)
White vs. Witt- Witts return after illness(#756)
Witt vs. Montag(#756)
Montag vs. Cockrell(#758)
Montag vs. Sabbagh(#758)
Sabbagh vs. Stone(#758)
Sabbagh vs. Ferguson- Richard shows a can of Dawson beer(#760)
Sabbagh vs. Montgomery(#760)
Sabbagh vs. Odom(#760)
Odom vs. Stuebs- first family to score 200 points solo in FM(#760)
Stuebs vs. Morrison(#760)
Morrison vs. Rodriguez(#760)
Morrison vs. Rodriguez(again)(#760)- Rodriguez family returns due to judgment error(#761)
Rodriguez vs. Freitas(#761)
Rodriguez vs. Rogers(#762)
Rodriguez vs. Trujillo(#762)
Trujillo vs. Davis(#763)
Davis vs. Horzen(#763)
Davis vs. Rappe(#763)
Davis vs. Medina(#763)
Medina vs. Matthew(#763)
Brubaker vs. Phillips(#764)
Brubaker vs. O'Day(#764)
Brubaker vs. Reynolds(#764)
Brubaker vs. Neilsen(#764)
Brubaker vs. Mc.Cue(#764)
Brubaker vs. Wheeler(#765)
Wheeler vs. Silliman(#765)
Silliman vs. Pickens(#765)
VanBentham vs. Silliman(#765)- Sillimans return due to error(#765)
Namkung vs. Sleight(#766)
Sleight vs. Stanbury(#766)
Stanbury vs. Noto(#766)
Noto vs. Darnell(#766)
Darnell vs. Ryan(#766)
Darnell vs. Woods(#766)
Darnell vs. Friedman(#767)
Darnell vs. Thompson(#767)
Darnell vs. Moore(#767)
Darnell vs. Linn(#767)
Linn vs. Rowe(#767)
Rowe vs. Kelford(#768)
Rowe vs. Lindau(#768)
Lindau vs. Wiley(#768)
Wiley vs. Wagner(#768)
Wagner vs. Linscott(#768)
Wagner vs. Conticchio(#768)
Wassell vs. Hodge(#770)
Wassell vs. Keller(#770)
Wassell vs. Bartek(#770)
Wassell vs. Tucker(#771)
Tucker vs. Leonardi(#771)
Tucker vs. Young(#771)
Young vs. Blakely(#771)
Blakely vs. Melendez- Gary Dawson appears(#771)
Melendez vs. Carrico(#772)
Carrico vs. Favour(#772)
Favour vs. Strand(#772)
Strand vs. Grier(#772)
Strand vs. DePaola(#772)
Strand vs. Huffmon(#773)
Huffmon vs. Fischer(#773)
Fischer vs. Taisch(#773)
Fischer vs. Psomas(#773)
Fisher vs. George(#773)
George vs. Weinstein(#773)
Weinstein vs. Van Anda(#773)
Zenter vs. Manoguerra(#774)
Zenter vs. Ries(#774)
Zenter vs. Horinouchi(#774)
Horinouchi vs. Strunk(#774)
Horinouchi vs. Winter(#774)
All My Children vs. One Life to Live(#774)
All My Children vs. Ryan's Hope(#775)
Horinouchi vs. Weirich(#775)
Horinouchi vs. Jones(#775)
Jones vs. Jordan(#775)
Jones vs. Worch- Howard Felscher appears, and the classic bathroom moment(#775)
Worch vs. Jackson(#775)
Worch vs. Kakos(#775)
Worch vs. Kaplan- head of Worch family tries to top Richard with Groucho impressions(#775)
Worch vs. Hill(#776)
Worch vs. Erickson(#776)
Worch vs. Cooper(#776)
Cooper vs. Graham(#776)
Graham vs. North(#776)
Graham vs. Gronauer(#777)
Graham vs. Proffitt(#777)
Graham vs. Proffitt- Proffitts return due to bicycle/tricyle controversy, and Howard appears again(#777)
Proffitt vs. Williams- Member of Williams family plays the piano(#777)
Williams vs. Fox(#777)
Fox vs. Houston(#777)
Fox vs. Clifton(#777)
Fox vs. Rogers(#778)
Fox vs. Valentine(#778)
Fox vs. Irelan(#778)
Irelan vs. Noggle- 2nd anniversary. Richard gets emotional(#779)
Noggle vs. Alexander(#779)
Alexander vs. Patricca(#779)
Patricca vs. Risser- strike buzzer doesn't work in the first round(#779)
Risser vs. Erdos(#779)
Erdos vs. Walter(#779)
Erdos vs. Whiting(#780)
Whiting vs. Langham(#780)
Langham vs. Beckett(#780)
Beckett vs. Gardner(#780)
Gardner vs. Hartling(#780)
Gardner vs. Zobrist(#780)
Zobrist vs. Bauer(#780)
Zobrist vs. Dietrich(#781)
Dietrich vs. Stephenson(#781)
Dietrich vs. Kennedy(#781)
Kennedy vs. Van Dyk(#781)
Kerwin vs. Avery- Richard is wearing shades due to a viral infection(#781)
Kerwin vs. Dantona(#781)
Dantona vs. Bray(#781)
Bray vs. Timmons(#784)
Timmons vs. Williams(#784)
Timmons vs. Kennedy- All the family members are wearing sunglasses in the intro(#784)
Timmons vs. St. Clair(#784)
Timmons vs. Covell(#784)
Timmons vs. Prewitt(#784)
Prewitt vs. Castille(#784)
Prewitt vs. Lorenz(#787)
Prewitt vs. Meyers(#787)
Prewitt vs. Mulhern(#787)
Mulhern vs. Mc.Cauley(#787)
Mc.Cauley vs. Alban(#787)
Mc.Cauley vs. Clarke- audio/video is screwed up for half the show, but it's a rare 5 round game(#789)
Mc.Cauley vs. Keene(#789)
Keene vs. Thometz(#789)
Thometz vs. Taylor(#789)
Thometz vs. Guglielmo(#789)
Schroeder vs. Reznack(#790)
Schroeder vs. Kamel(#790)
Kamel vs. Della Panna- a question is thrown out(#790)
Della Panna vs. Sawyer- problem with a bath question(#790)
Della Panna vs. Robertson(#790)
Robertson vs. Allen(#790)
Robertson vs. Hester- Pigs are on the set(#790)
Hester vs. Whipp(#790)
Whipp vs. Zemliak(#790)
Whipp vs. Young(#791)
Whipp vs. Young(again)- Youngs return because Richard inadvertantly tipped off an answer(#791)
Whipp vs. Senuta- The Whipps lose a "P", Richard proposes to Norma, and home video footage of a family is shown(#791)
Whipp vs. Staton- Richard is given an award for best daytime show(#791)
Whipp vs. Stock- Richard's son Mark makes an appearance(#791)
Stock vs. Buffone- Norma gives her answer(#792)
Stock vs. Cleaver- The fast money podium gets a beating(#792)
Stock vs. Barei(#792)
Barei vs. Griffith- The Griffiths were the family featured in the home video(#792)
Griffith vs. Grouzard(#792)
Grouzard vs. Morris(#792)
Grouzard vs. Tabari(#792)
Grouzard vs. Ward(#793)
Grouzard vs. Adams(#793)
Adams vs. Flores(#793)
Adams vs. Washington(#793)
Washington vs. Stanhill(#793)
Washington vs. Christ(#793)
Christ vs. Miyake(#793)
Christ vs. Stong(#794)
Christ vs. Mitchell(#794)
Mitchell vs. Young(#794)
Young vs. Yanagi(#794)
Young vs. Longstreth(#794)
Young vs. Juarez(#795)
Jaurez vs. Miley(#795)
Juarez vs. Jambazian(#795)
Jambazian vs. Harris(#795)
Jambazian vs. Masden(#795)
Masden vs. O'Neil(#796)
O'Neil vs. Amritraj(#796)
Amritraj vs. Fowler(#796)
Fowler vs. Richardson(#796)
Richardson vs. Connolly(#796)
Connolly vs. Nassardeen(#796)
Connolly vs. Castaneda(#796)
Connolly vs. Odum(#797)
Connolly vs. Mc.Kniff(#797)
Connolly vs. Yero- Richard's birthday, Dick Martin presents a cake(#797)
Yero vs. Teel(#797)
Teel vs. Sloan(#797)
Sloan vs. Adam(#797)
Adam vs. Solis- head of Solis family does a couple impressions(#797)
Solis vs. Blagg(#798)
Blagg vs. Wright(#798)
Wright vs. Skov(#798)
Wright vs. Bosic(#798)
Wright vs. Jones- member of Jones family is blind(#798)
Jones vs. Badgett(#800)
Badgett vs. Henry- "Sparkle" of the Henry family is a stripper(#800)
Henry vs. Prough(#800)
Henry vs. Layne- Richard "collapses" during commercial break, and Sparkle revives him(#800)
Layne vs. Dawson(#801)
All My Children vs. One Life to Live(#801)
General Hospital vs. Ryan's Hope(#801)
Edge of Night vs. All My Children(#801)
General Hospital vs. Edge of Night(#803)
One Life to Live vs. Edge of Night(#803)
Dawson vs. Schrader(#803)
Dawson vs. Tyra(#803)
Tyra vs. DuRoss(#804)
Tyra vs. Robbins(#804)
Robbins vs. Froke(#804)
Robbins vs. Coomer(#778)
Robbins vs. DelParal(#778)
Robins vs. Brown(#778)
Brown vs. Brown(#778)
Brown vs. Smith(#779)
Morris vs. Jacobs(#807)
Jacobs vs. Sutton(#807)
Sutton vs. Beard(#807)
Sutton vs. Jarvis(#807)
Sutton vs. Hom(#808)
Sutton vs. Ramirez(#808)
Ramirez vs. Stevens(#808)
Stevens vs. Sibley(#808)
Sibley vs. Riley(#808)
Riley vs. Czuleger(#810)
Riley vs. Williams(#810)
Riley vs. Moreau(#810)
Moreau vs. Riley- Rileys return due to an error(#810)
Riley vs. Chandler(#812)
Riley vs. Meche(#812)
Riley vs. Scoggin(#812)
Riley vs. Smola(#812)
Smola vs. Shepard(#812)
Shepard vs. Lawrence(#812)- Lawrences return due to error
Lawrence vs. Hook(#814)
Lawrence vs. Chism(#814)
Chism vs. Fortlage(#814)
Chism vs. Furillo(#814)
Chism vs. Bowling(#814)
Bowling vs. Houston(#814)
Bowling vs. Ugolini(#814)
Bowling vs. Genevro(#818)
Genevro vs. French(#818)
Genevro vs. Watson(#818)
Watson vs. Moore(#818)
Moore vs. Benson(#818)
Benson vs. Crowell(#818)
Benson vs. Moerschebauer(#819)
Moerschebauer vs. Smith(#821)
Moerschebauer vs. Hernandez(#821)
Hernandez vs. Haymond(#821)
Haymond vs. Mellican(#821)
Haymond vs. Holmes(#821)
Holmes vs. Lindquist(#816)
deCiutiis vs. Lovett(#823)
deCiutiis vs. Krug(#823)
deCiutiis vs. Leotti- first 300 point ep(#823)
deCiutiis vs. Keough(#823)
Keough vs. Wiesjahn(#823)
Wiesjahn vs. MacPhee(#823)
MacPhee vs. Whitesides(#823)
MacPhee vs. Moore(#825)
Moore vs. Marquez(#825)
Moore vs. Morrow(#825)
Moore vs. Blagg- Blaggs return due to an error(#825)
Blagg vs. Pyle(#825)
Blagg vs. Wolin(#827)
Blagg vs. Wolin(again)- Wolins return because Richard inadvertantly tips off an answer(#827)
Blagg vs. Montgomery(#827)
Blagg vs. Camp(#827)
Blagg vs. Sled(#827)
Sled vs. Sexton(#829)
Sled vs. Young(#829)
Sled vs. Alston(#829)
Alston vs. Mooradian- partial(#829)
Hedley vs. Waldron(#833)
Hedley vs. Hall(#833)
Hedley vs. Wade(#833)
Wade vs. Saltzberg(#833)
Saltzberg vs. Pitter- Richard gets Howard Felscher to host(#497)
Saltzberg vs. Vitovich(#833)
Saltzberg vs. Allen(#835)
Saltzberg vs. Malais(#835)
Malais vs. Pitts(#835)
Pitts vs. Mc.Afee(#835)
Pitts vs. Stodieck(#835)
Stodieck vs. Mc.Kinney(#835)
Mc.Kinney vs. Best(#840)
Mc.Kinney vs. Arno(#840)
Arno vs. Burkheimer(#840)
Arno vs. Brautigan(#840)
Brautigan vs. Davis(#840)
Brautigan vs. Richardson(#838)
Richardson vs. Nixon(#838)
Nixon vs. Davis- Davis' return due to judgment error(#838)
Nixon vs. Humberger(#839)
Nixon vs. Humberger(again)(#839)- Nixons return due to judgment error
Humberger vs. Acosta(#845)
Humberger vs. Perkins(#839)
Perkins vs. Warren(#845)
Perkins vs. Zar(#845)
Zar vs. Williams(#845)
Williams vs. Edmunds(#846)
Edmunds vs. Tobin(#846)
Edmunds vs. Perron(#846)
Perron vs. Flansberg(partial)(#848)
Flansberg vs. Brown(#848)
Brown vs. Dunn(#848)
Dunn vs. Maule(#849)
Dunn vs. Conway(#849)
Dunn vs. Wilkins- cuts of at FM(#849)
Wilkins vs. Bradford(#852)
Wilkins vs. Chatigny(#852)
Wilkins vs. Skiles- member of Skiles family has a bigfoot doll(#852)
Wilkens vs. Marshall(#853)
Wilkens vs. Frelo(#853)
Wilkins vs. Freitas(#853)- Wilkens retire with over $25k
Tevere vs. Haeckel(#853)
Tevere vs. Corbett(#855)
Tevere vs. Green(#855)
Green vs. Doherty(#855)
Manos vs. Irvin(#857)
Irvin vs. Blair(#857)
Blair vs. Zelin(#857)
Zelin vs. Clem(#858)
Clem vs. Lopez(#858)
Clem vs. Lucas(#858)
Clem vs. Mc.Kay(#861)
Clem vs. Hartzheim(#861)
Clem vs. Steubbe(#861)
Fell vs. Richardson- Celebs and real families play- 3 eps(#859)
Van Patten vs. Viscuso- 3 eps(#860)
Richardson vs. Viscuso- finals(#863)
Clem vs. Jarvis(#863)
Clem vs. O'Dell(#863)
O'Dell vs. Gutierrez(#865)
O'Dell vs. Hines(#865)
O'Dell vs. Yee- 3rd anniversary. Yees later were on FF94(#865)
O'Dell vs. Madden- Gil Fates appears to plug his What's My Line book(#866)
Madden vs. Jenkins(#866)
Jenkins vs. Haggard(#866)
Haggard vs. Tabscott- an emotional FM win(#866)
Haggard vs. Washington(#867)
Washington vs. Vander Stelt(#867)
Vander Stelt vs. Villarino(#867)
Willarino vs. Tape- Richard has fun with balloons(#868)
Tape vs. Romano- more fun with balloons(#868)
Tape vs. Glenn(#868)
Glenn vs. Aldridge(#871)
Aldridge vs. Mishkin(#871)
Aldridge vs. Hier(#871)
Aldridge vs. Bath(#871)
Bath vs. Ohde- Sammy Davis Jr. appears(#872)
Ohde vs. Blower(#872)
Blower vs. Arriola(#872)
Blower vs. Emanuel(#873)
Blower vs. Frey(#873)
Frey vs. Dickerson- 2 triple rounds played(#873)
Frey vs. Vossler(#874)
Vossler vs. Patterson(#874)
Vossler vs. DeYoung(#874)
Vossler vs. Westpahln(#875)
Westpahln vs. Berlin(#875)
Berlin vs. Hollenbeck(#875)
Hollenbeck vs. Carter(#876)
Hollenbeck vs. Spamer(#876)
Hollenbeck vs. Adamo(#877)
Hollenbeck vs. Brox(#877)
Hollenbeck vs. Maloney(#877)
Maloney vs. Cali(#882)
Cali vs. Mc.Kellogg(#882)
Cali vs. Wilmann(#882)
Cali vs. Louder(#883)
Cali vs. Vasquez(#883)
Cali vs. Dodge(#883)
Dodge vs. Peloquin(#884)
Dodge vs. Mc.Lean(#884)
Dodge vs. Berry(#884)
Dodge vs. Torey(#885)
Dodge vs. Gaines(#885)
Dodge vs. Arakelian(#885)
Dodge vs. Farris(#886)
Dodge vs. Lidell(#886)
Dodge vs. Neal- bell problems- Dodges retire(#886)
Farrens vs. Strom(#887)- Cathy is asked to sub for Richard
Farrens vs. Breitenback(#887)
Breitenback vs. Featherstone(#887)
Featherstone vs. Glaser(#888)
Glaser vs. Yeager- Steve Yeager was a baseball player(#888)
Glaser vs. Yeager- Yeagers return(#888)
Yeager vs. Maes(#889)
Yeager vs. Carter(#889)
Yeager vs. Bastig(#889)
Yeager vs. Sullivan(#890)
Sullivan vs. Johnson(#890)
Sullivan vs. Johnson- different family of Johnson(#890)
Sullivan vs. Johnson- above Johnsons return(#891)
Johnson vs. Johnson(#891)
Johnson vs. Connolly(#891)
Johnson vs. Jones(#892)
Johnson vs. Berger(#892)
Kelley vs. Baleigh(DVD 893)
Kelley vs. Tebbenkamp(DVD 893)
Kelley vs. Nelson(DVD 893)
Kelley vs. Roberson(DVD 893)
Kelley vs. Lindner(DVD 893)
Kelley vs. Gannon(DVD 893)
Lopes vs. Battle(DVD 893)
Battle vs. Chesnutt(DVD 894)
Chesnutt vs. Donnolly(DVD 894)
Chesnutt vs. Hayden(DVD 894)
Hayden vs. Geter(DVD 894)
Hayden vs. Thomas(DVD 894)
Hayden vs. Frelinger(DVD 894)
Hayden vs. Bratlien(DVD 894)
Hatfield vs. Mc.Coy #1-#3(DVD 894)
Hatfield vs. Mc.Coy #4 and #5(DVD 896)
Bratlien vs. Terry(DVD 896)
Terry vs. Mazzarelli(DVD 896)
Terry vs. Fellman(DVD 896)
Terry vs. Gardner(DVD 896)
Gardner vs. Neau(DVD 896)
Neau vs. Galati(DVD 898)
Galati vs. Woo- Richard's birthday(DVD 898)
Woo vs. Chenoeth(DVD 898)
Woo vs. Thomas(DVD 898)
Thomas vs. East(DVD 898)
East vs. Wills(DVD 898)
East vs. Tyler(DVD 899)
East vs. Thomas(DVD 899)
East vs. Matthews(DVD 899)
One Life vs. General Hospital(DVD 899)
East vs. Ross(DVD 899)
East vs. Moraga(DVD 899)
Moraga vs. Shea- banjo is played(DVD 900)
Moraga vs. Russon(DVD 900)
Russon vs. Hanna-Feather(DVD 900)
Russon vs. Mack(DVD 900)
Russon vs. Cantos(DVD 900)
Cantos vs. Gibson(DVD 900)
Gibson vs. Davis(DVD 901)
Davis vs. Daughterty(DVD 901)
Daugherty vs. Chretien(DVD 901)
Chretien vs. Legeman(DVD 901)
Chretien vs. Cusick(DVD 901)
Cowboys vs. Country- 4 eps(DVD 901,902)
Unruh vs. Tookey(DVD 902)
Tookey vs. Lee(DVD 902)
Lee vs. Tookey(DVD 903)
Lee vs. Jacob(DVD 903)
Jacob vs. Sollars(DVD 903)
Jacob vs. Metcalf(DVD 903)
Metcalf vs. Brower(DVD 903)
Brower vs. Serata(DVD 903)
Serata vs. Okada(DVD 904)
Serata vs. Elrod(DVD 904)
Elrod vs. Porcelli(DVD 904)
Elrod vs. Belarde(DVD 904)
Elrod vs. Kimball(DVD 904)
Elrod vs. Lee(DVD 904)
Elrod vs. Talleda(DVD 905)
Talleda vs. Cleary(DVD 905)
Talleda vs. Ryan(DVD 905)
Talleda vs. Gustafson(DVD 905)
Talleda vs. Graeber(DVD 905)
Graber vs. Giles(DVD 905)
Giles vs. Palmer(DVD 906)
Giles vs. Tack(DVD 906)
Tack vs. Sitzmann(DVD 906)
Tack vs. Gideon(DVD 906)
Tack vs. Barba(DVD 906)
Tack vs. Hunter(DVD 906)
Tack vs. Bravin(DVD 908)
Tack vs. Ward(DVD 908)
Hoshi vs. Hanes(DVD 908)
Hoshi vs. Schiffer(DVD 908)
Hoshi vs. Schiffer(again)(DVD 908)
Schiffer vs. Bex(DVD 908)
Bex vs. Fincher(DVD 909)
Bex vs. Mulle(DVD 909)
Bex vs. Sunderland(DVD 909)
Bex vs. Goldman(DVD 909)
Goldman vs. Wall(DVD 909)
Wall vs. Bower(DVD 909)
Bower vs. Dawson(DVD 910)
Bower vs. Cagle(DVD 910)
Cagle vs. Artiano(DVD 910)
Cagle vs. Alex(DVD 910)
Alex vs. Lacey(DVD 910)
Alex vs. Kenworthy(DVD 910)
Kenworthy vs. Lacey(DVD 911)
Lacey vs. Hatley(DVD 911)
Hatley vs. Smith(DVD 911)
Hatley vs. Henrie(DVD 911)
Hatley vs. Rozzen(DVD 911)
Hatley vs. Bugbee(DVD 911)
Bugbee vs. Watson(DVD 912)
Watson vs. Hagele(DVD 912)
Hagele vs. Jones(DVD 912)
Jones vs. Martin(DVD 912)
Jones vs. Miller(DVD 912)
Jones vs. Tanaka(DVD 913)
Tanaka vs. Sullivan(DVD 913)- Head of family is Karen of PYL fame, who is all over Richard
Sullivan vs. White(DVD 914)
Sullivan vs. Delgado(DVD 914)
Delgado vs. Super(DVD 914)
Super vs. Russo(DVD 914)
Super vs. Noakes(DVD 914)
Super vs. Drummond(DVD 914)
Drummond vs. Manoukian(DVD 915)
Manoukian vs. Stevens(DVD 915)
Manoukian vs. Hughes(DVD 915)
Manoukian vs. Guice(DVD 915)
Guice vs. Woods(DVD 915)
Guice vs. Erselius(DVD 915)
Guice vs. Prosa(DVD 916)
Guice vs. Snell(DVD 916)
Guice vs. Sollars- Sollars return due to an error- Guice family retires (DVD 916)
Staudigal vs. Roach(DVD 916)
Roach vs. Harm(DVD 916)
Roach vs. Erickson(DVD 916)
Bosheff vs. Murphy- Christmas show(#696)
Vallance vs. Curry- Gene Wood appears(#481)
Buttice vs. Johnson- Richard's future wife Gretchen is a contestant(#481)
5 eps. featuring "Heavenly Hosts vs. Magnificent MCs"- Jim Perry, Tom Kennedy, Bert Parks, Betty White, Bob Eubanks, Bill Cullen, Jim Lange, Peter Marshall, and Leslie Uggams (#100,#369)
The classic "September" ep.(#490)
From 81- Barker vs. Lawson(#674)
Brady Bunch vs. Petticoat Junction(#497)
Brady Bunch vs. Hit Parade(#497)
Entire week of Super Teen Week with Peter Billingley, Glenn Scarpelli, Kim Fields, Missy Gold, Adam Rich, and others(#51)
Ep. from 85 (#497)
From 85, Richard hasn't lost control this much since "September"(#646)
Monday ep. of final week, with a cameo by Alex Trebek(#646)
Final ep., primarily in black and white, VERY emotional(#72) GSN copy from 25 anniversary marathon also available (#481)


First ep.(#233)
Finkel vs. Schwinn(#525)
Guymon vs. Housley(#526)
Lambie vs. Gire(#640)
Casey vs. Knauf(#640)
Kasai vs. MacVean(#640)
Hegstrom vs. Gaylord(#640)
Cooper vs. Brown(#640)
Mc.Farland vs. Gunther(#640)
Jensen vs. Ayers(#640)
Wang vs. Spirtos(#640)
Estevez vs. Oliverstone(#528)
Montano vs. Pohl(#643)
Lindsay vs. Gordon(#643)
Mitchell vs. Perkins(#643)
Wright vs. Logan(#643)
Gallagher vs. Warde- first 300 point ep. for Nighttime(#643)
Mardin vs. Watkins(#643)
Vassar vs. LaBarber(#645)
Bosdon vs. Coppi(#645)
Perrotta vs. Hyde(#645)
Connell vs. Peterson(#645)
Patton vs. Heim(#645)
Corso vs. Davis(#645)
Gandy vs. Gillette(#648)
Nguyen vs. Bartz(#648)
Turner vs. Sanchez(#648)
Funes vs. Schell(#648)
Crutchfield vs. Boyle(#648)
Mc.Natt vs. Davis(#648)
Mumford vs. Smith(#649)
Massa vs. Boehm(#649)
Begley vs. Garces(#649)
Teller vs. Olsby(#649)
Rockwell vs. Rowell(#649)
Russell vs. Bellis(#649)
Kanne vs. Miller(#652)
Montejaro vs. Williams(#652)
Smith vs. Bridges(#652)
Matin vs. Morrison(#652)
O'Doherty vs. Yelonosky(#652)
Sullivan vs. Cann(#652)
Gates vs. Hill(#654)
Whitmore vs. Ebling(#654)
Seibert vs. Henley(#654)
Fidler vs. Greenup(#654)
Verhoeven vs. Gausepohl(#654)
Peoples vs. Harden(#654)
Gausepohl vs. Brown- Gausepohl's return due to an error(#656)
Ridinger vs. Keene(#656)
Dollar vs. Garcia(#656)
Wilson vs. Gibson(#656)
Curtis vs. Badger(#656)
Cochran vs. Grimes(#656)
Hayes vs. Acurso(#658)
Hamamoto vs. Ruso(#658)
Martinez vs. Minters(#658)
Hall vs. Van Dam(#658)
Antoncich vs. Ghiglia(#658)
Flournoy vs. Mc.Bride(#658)
Peterson vs. Farah(#659)
Rendell vs. Nassi(#659)
Kutzner vs. Snyder(#659)
Collins vs. Bogan(#659)
Brown vs. Anderson(#659)
Rutenbar vs. Dustin(#659)
Brawders vs. Lewis(#661)
Gonzalez vs. Santy(#661)
Anderson vs. Hoffman(#661)
Hinzo vs. Brennan(#661)
Beckerman vs. White(#661)
Bowdan vs. Lynch(#661)
Vander Tuig vs. Goldman(#663)
Schmidt vs. Allen(#663)
England vs. Mc.Kay(#663)
Prior vs. Clift(#663)
Taufer vs. Williams(#663)
Hokanson vs. Westhoff(#663)
Maher vs. Mendenhall(#669)
Taylor vs. Brem(#669)
Vander Woude vs. Alexander(#669)
Fischer vs. Mac.Namara(#669)
Bodenberg vs. Tubaugh- A question is thrown out... and it's Howard's fault!(#669)
Jarvis vs. Varellas(#669)
Carter vs. Davis(#671)
Wood vs. Gallupi(#671)- Woods sing for Richard
Olshansky vs. Smith(#671)
Robley vs. Payne(#671)
Van Dyk vs. Williams(#671)
Stout vs. Winton(#671)
Howard vs. Pescetti(#672)
Brown vs. Mc.Carthy(#674)
Van Woerkam vs. Howard(#674)
Holm vs. Roberts(#675)
Hamilton vs. Lee- Gene Wood appears(#675)
Louie vs. Manchester(#676)
Brox vs. Brewer(#676)
Lemmon vs. Pratt- Richard tries to explain where babies come from(#676)
DeBeikes vs. Doughty(#677)
Gilner vs. Johnson(#677)
Shaeper vs. Turner(#678)
Brown vs. Carter(#678)
Fisher vs. Wingate(#679)
O'Donnell vs. Coppock(#679)
Covington vs. Carter- Fast Money loss reversed(#679)
Lichtl vs. Long(#680)
Clement vs. Gulley- Richard mentions Jeopardy! being cancelled(#680)
Collazo vs. Muse(#681)
Gleason vs. Murray(#681)
Mann vs. Real(#682)
Hall vs. Conklin(#682)
Shirey vs. Nikolakopulos(#683)
Phillips vs. Kljunkak- The latter family is fun to watch!(#683)
Erickson vs. Scott(#684)
Tripodes vs. Foltz(#684)
Berry vs. Lepisto(#686)
Samokish vs. Ohilwiler(?)- intro cut off, FM loss reversed(#686)
Mann vs. Luna(#686)
Kean vs. Honda- partial ep(#686)
O'Brien vs. Neuman(#685)
Jigamian vs. Lovic(#685)- John of the Jigamians was later on PYL, and he's HILARIOUS
Rose vs. Bethea(#687)
Easter vs. Sheehan(#687)
Shaw vs. Carr(#689)
Lomasney vs. Porras(#690)
Weaver vs. Martinez(#690)
Holtrust vs. Booker- Holtrusts were later on Combs' version(#690)
Struck vs. Gozawa(#690)
Escueta vs. Steffens(#690)- New 3rd edition of Feud homegame introduced
White vs. Mansfield(#692)
Luyben vs. Rimmon- Richard does a mindreading trick(#692)
Schmid vs. Jaco(#692)
Knee vs. Gamboa(#693)
Marks vs. Sullivan(#693)
Beaver vs. Wenzel(#694)
Terry vs. Padilla(#694)
Ali vs. Dummit(#694)
Apffel vs. Ward- Richard puts Gene on the spot at the end(#694)
Bryant vs. Blado(#694)
Coleman vs. Kehrberg(#695)
Evangelista vs. Henteleff(#695)
Allen vs. Srour(#695)
Van Zitter vs. Decker(#695)
Gibson vs. Webb(#699)
Olsen vs. Dankowski(#699)
Dawson vs. Murray(#699)- Dawson end credits!
Ishikawa vs. Woods(#699)
Jennings vs. Jacobs(#700)
Aston vs. Buehler(#700)
Flanigan vs. Owens(#701)
Franklin vs. Mullins(#701)
Zuaro vs. Martin(#701)
Starr vs. Ujazdowski(#702)
Vanderheyden vs. Hunter(#703)
Case vs. Ford(#703)
Brewington vs. Saccone(#703)
Hamerdinger vs. MacIntyre(#703)
Okerblom vs. Scarpetta(#704)
Sharp vs. Devcich(#704)
Lambourne vs. Plenys(#704)
Hartford vs. Moseley(#704)
Johnson vs. Dominguez(#704)
Wilkerson vs. Rutledge(#706)
Williams vs. Devers(#706)
Butler vs. Tomes(#706)
Hall vs. Paxton(#708)
Rickett vs. Kovatch(#709)
Livingston vs. Lee(#709)
Dillehay vs. Cheek(#709)
Bailey vs. Alena(#709)
Hickman vs. Lampert(#709)
Nicassio vs. Wallace(#710)
Steinback vs. Alden(#710)
Frensley vs. Keifer(#710)
Cordo vs. Shryrock- Richard arm wrestles(#710)
Willard vs. Dyer(#710)
Guttromson vs. DeFazio- Mark of the DeFazios does the "Ray Jay" routine(#711)
Mc.Goldrick vs. Jones(#711)
Strickland vs. Cruze(#712)
Wright vs. Oveson(#712)
Hilbert vs. Bartholomew(#712)
DeMeyer vs. Moritz(#713)
Boyer vs. Conn(#713)
Stutes vs. Bentley(#714)
Key vs. Larsen(#714)
Soboleski vs. Webb(#714)
Green vs. Leger(#715)
Morey vs. Ferguson(#715)
Weatherly vs. Pierose(#715)
Carlton vs. Ness(#715)
Flores vs. Rollnick(#715)
Blake vs. Faust(#716)
Enomoto vs. Schifman(#716)
Wojahn vs. Smith(#716)
Cober vs. Bray(#717)
Crowley vs. Barreras(#717)
Castelanelli vs. Kavari(#717)
Landers vs. Lau(#717)
Lavelle vs. Pugh(#718)
Hansen vs. Jensen(#718)
Mattelig vs. Oliver(#718)
Hurley vs. Johansen(#719)
West vs. Lopes(#719)
Vyskocil vs. Walker(#719)
Lawrence vs. Jefferson(#719)
Worthy vs. Schroeder(#720)
Glomb vs. Lew(#720)
Magdael vs. Freeman(#720)
Braxton vs. Mc.Donald(#721)
Russell vs. Mann(#721)
Chapman vs. Lewis(#721)
France vs. MacWilliams(#721)
Jackson vs. Youngren(#722)
Stubblefield vs. Harrison(#722)
Skiffington vs. Hertford(#722)
Dwiggins vs. Han(#723)
Flocken vs. Duff(#723)
Greer vs. Denkensohn(#723)
Pagano vs. Marsalli(#723)
Broughton vs. Benedict(#723)
Nelson vs. Baguley(#724)
Vine vs. Warkentin(#724)
Carter vs. Sanders- The Carters give Richard Billy Beer and a member of the Sanders family plays with his hands(#724)
Blewett vs. Develle(#725)
Nemrow vs. Short(#725)
Lubeck vs. Mc.Loud(#726)
Stewart vs. Chapman(#727)
Parnell vs. Findley(#727)
Dane vs. Boyd(#727)
Russell vs. Cracknell(#727)
Yates vs. Giet(#728)
Jaffe vs. Cunningham(#728)
Maloney vs. Crezee(#728)
Lee vs. Metkovich(#728)
Phillies vs. KC Royals- Game 1(#728), Games 2-4(#729)- In the second game, Richard tries Skoal and nearly gets sick., Game 5(#730)
Borrel vs. Brooks- The head of the Borrel family showers Richard with gifts and a song(#730)
Gomez vs. Dirksen(#731)
Dentt vs. Humber(#731)
Dudley vs. Nanniga(#731)
Stokke vs. Tonti(#731)
Haas vs. Swensen(#734)
Dudley vs. Campell(#734)
Mc.Kerren vs. Warthen(#734)
Chan vs. Wrage(#734)
Winstead vs. Ferraris(#734)
Ford vs. Sims(#735)
Taylor vs. Dixon(#735)
Allen vs. Toland(#737)
Montague vs. Haywood(#737)
Fermil vs. Sauls- the Sauls are funny!(#737)
Fractious vs. Ranson(#737)
Quintana vs. Middleton(#738)
Herz vs. Gribin(#604)
Logan vs. Pleiss(#738)
Kines vs. Samaniego(#738)
Manachio vs. Sable(#738)
Kilgore vs. Phillips(#740)
Norris vs. Wilson(#740)
Meyer vs. Ranson- Ranson's return due to error(#740)
Gonsalves. vs. Trujillo(#741)
Dole vs. Andrews(#741)
Sutton vs. Kern- Richard breaks up again during fast money(#741)
Shaw vs. Forsberg- The Forsbergs give Richard a bus stop sign(#741)
D'Acquisto vs. Vollmer(#741)
Patterson vs. Claar(#742)
Shrader vs. Glover(#742)
Hurth vs. Rollings(#742)
Green vs. Feenstra(#743)
Mc.Donnell vs. Carter(#743)
Sciuto vs. Jordan- Richard has fun with the head of the Scuito family(#743)
Stokes vs. Kilgore(#743)
Palin vs. Gold(#744)
Parole vs. Mc.Intosh(#744)
Horgan vs. Rose(#744)
Lillywhite vs. Sanders(#745)
Puffer vs. Vito- funny answers with "name a bill that's larger than you expect"(#745)
Pappas vs. Kinard(#745)
Smith vs. Browning- classic "name something made of leather" moment(#745)
Angula vs. Zarecky(#746)
O'Mara vs. Aronson(#746)
Narasimhan vs. Brown(#746)
Crickard vs. Anderson(#746)
Swaving vs. Weidner- Richard tries on wooden shoes(#746)
Josephson vs. Knox(#747)
Yamamoto vs. Foister(#747)
Fice vs. Miller(#747)
Ticich vs. Riessen(#747)
Sable vs. Smith- Richard involves the audience in singing(#749)
Hamlin vs. Hoscik(#749)
Andrews vs. Sammaritano(#749)
Guest vs. Stephens(#749)
James vs. Holmes- The Holmes give Richard a Sherlock hat(#753) Denison vs. Imbler(#753)
Bonaparte vs. Giles(#753)
Delaney vs. Jackson(#753)
Haarer vs. Ambrose(#754)
Steele vs. Poyner(#754)
Carney vs. Hanna(#754)
Reed vs. Kelford(#815)
From '80, Kathy Najimy, of Sister Act, is a contestant
Kiloh vs. Puett(#838)


8 is Enough vs. Love Boat, 3's Company vs. Soap (#665)
One ep. with Heroes vs. Heroines (Batman vs. Batwoman)(#356)

Family Fortunes- British Family Feud(#151)

All Star Family Fortunes- Game Show hosts vs. Chefs (you wouldn't recognize them)

Familien Duelle- German Family Feud(#159)


Ray was a great replacement

Army vs. Navy Gulf war vets(#469)
Martinez vs. Piibe- Ray's birthday(#497)
TPIR vs. Y&R- 4 eps. from the first tourney(#662, #663, #664)
TPIR vs. Young and the Restless. Funny intro!(#216)
Another ep. with TPIR vs. Y&R (#551)
Roseanne vs. The Jackie Thomas Show(#293)
Final ep. (#160)

RICHARD DAWSON- 94 revival

Richard's back, and as good as ever, but it's too late.

Hourlong premiere, featuring a MG 77 contestant(#227)
Someone vs. Fisher, Fisher vs. Yee(#77)
Redd vs. DeLeon, DeLeon vs. Reinking(#646)
Barnes vs. Black(#497)
Barnes vs. Trejo- Featuring "September" clip(#497)
2 eps. with the Milner family(#673)
Wilder vs. Thomas(#673)
Alford vs. Moore- Richard hints at cancellation(#769)
One ep- Carol Burnett and Family vs. Betty White and Friends(#769)
NEW!!! Davis vs. Llorens- Halloween ep(#770)


Same Feud... with a new attitude!

First 10 episodes!(#283)
Another 7 eps
8 eps. from week #3(#288)
10 more eps. from the 4th week(#301,#302)
10 eps. from week #5(#303)
8 eps. from week #6(#303)
10 eps. from week #7(#307)
10 eps from week #8(#309,#312,#315,#317,#319)
10 eps. from week #9- including Y&R vs. General Hospital(
8 eps. from week #10- including Playboy bunnies vs. WCW(#321)
10 eps. from week #11
3rd season prem- with $20k at stake!(#485)
4 eps- Muppets vs. Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Dixie Chicks(#506)


Now with the format that's worked for 15 years!

1st ep- Rico vs. Kloppenstein(#565)
2nd ep- Rico vs. Kloppenstein(#555)
Ospina vs. Rogers(#555)
Ospina vs. Stavridis(#555)
Weirenga vs. Smith(#558)
Greer vs. Rounds(#558)
Smith vs. Cole(#558)
Greer vs. Bekmezian(#558)
Cole vs. Gotcher(#558)
Bekmezian vs. Delgado(#558)
Rodriguez vs. Rubey(#560)
Floyd vs. Gutierrez(#560)
Stokes vs. Champion(#561)
Wilson vs. Chang (#561)
Snyder vs. Smith(#565)
Crawford vs. Speek(#569)
Speek vs. Evans(#570)
Chase vs. Blanks- original theme returns!(#572)
Blanks vs. Ortiz(#572)
Ray vs. Blain(#590)
Lew vs. Fate(#590)
Blain vs. Streeter(#590)
Lew vs. Hagood(#590)
Blain vs. Gatti(#592)
Lew vs. Farrell(#592)
Blain vs. Williams(#592)
Lew vs. Cardenas(#592)
Blain vs. Arzuman(#592)
Cardenas vs. Ballou(#592)
Poland vs. Mallor(#593)
Ballou vs. Rutledge(#593)
Poland vs. Herbert(#593)
Ballou vs. Abdul(#593)
Poland vs. Meinhardt(#594)
Ballou vs. Magnusen(#594)
Poland vs. Steig(#594)
Magnusen vs. Corona(#594)
Poland vs. Grijalva(#595)
Corona vs. Braxton(#595)
5 eps- Village People vs. Disco Divas(#596, #597, #599) Braxton vs. Steed(#596)
Braxton vs. Pecina(#597)
Pecina vs. Snavely(#597)
Pecina vs. Mattison(#599)
Pecina vs. Louis(#599)
5 eps.- Champions On Ice(#600, #601, #604) Pecina vs. Luce(#600)
Jordan vs. Reuben(#601)
Reuben vs. Walker(#601)
Walker vs. Jackson(#604)
Jackson vs. Tsiakos(#604)
5th Season prem- Johnson vs. Johnson(#664)
Grable vs. Davis(#664)
Johnson vs. Richmond(#664)
Davis vs. Hardey(#664)
Hardey vs. Guzman(#665)
Johnson vs. Reis(#666)
Hardey vs. Taylor(#666)
Robinson vs. Sciarrino(#678)
Robinson vs. Huynh(#666)
Rodriguez vs. Gilman(#666)
Robinson vs. Rudolph(#666)
Gilman vs. Burnett(#666)
Robinson vs. Marquez(#667)
Burnett vs. Radford(#667)
Limon vs. Culpepper(#667)
Radford vs. Chavarin(#667)
Limon vs. Mann(#667)
Chavarin vs. Erickson(#667)
Limon vs. Zambrano(#667)
Erickson vs. Zubieta(#667)
Zambrano vs. Klocker(#669)
Zubieta vs. Norman(#669)
Zambrano vs. Spry(#669)
Zubieta vs. Hill(#669)
Spry vs. Cauffiel(#669)
Hill vs. Brown(#669)
Spry vs. Zecevich(#670)
Hill vs. Puentes(#670)
Zecevich vs. Walsh(#670)
Hill vs. Chapman(#670)
Zecevich vs. Fylpaa(#670)
Hill vs. Sullivan(#670)
Fylpaa vs. Prescott(#672)
Jackson vs. Casas(#672)
Prescott vs. Vineyard(#672)
Casas vs. Sanford(#672)
Prescott vs. Mc.Kosato(#672)
Casas vs. Davis(#672)
Mc.Kosato vs. Larsen(#672)
Davis vs. Pryor(#672)
Mc.Kosato vs. Sapiga(#674)
Pryor vs. Loizzo(#674)
Sapiga vs. Howes(#675)
Loizzo vs. Johnston(#675)
Sapiga vs. Thomas(#675)
Loizzo vs. Gonzales(#675)
Sapiga vs. Englehart(#676)
Englehart vs. Watkins(#676)
Englehart vs. Griffiths(#676)
Englehart vs. Mc.Call(#677)
Mc.Call vs. Poli(#677)
Mc.Call vs. Shakoor(#678)
Mc.Call vs. Zerby(#679)
Corbert vs. Winchester(#679)- Halloween ep. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
FDNY vs. Chicago Fire Dept(#680)
Loizzo vs. Dove(#680)
FDNY vs. LAFD(#681)
Dove vs. Wade(#681)
LAFD vs. Chicago Fire Dept(#681)
Dove vs. Ude(#681)
LAFD vs. FDNY(#681)
Ude vs. Dada(#681)
FDNY vs. Chicago Fire Dept(#682)
Ude vs. Carter(#682)
Celeb Lookalikes Week- featuring Madonna, J-Lo, Ben Affleck, Tim Allen, Michael Jackson, Jack Nicholson, Tiger Woods, Sophia Loren, Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, Barbra Streisand and Whoopi Goldberg- 5 eps (#682, #683, #684)
Carter vs. Campos(#682)
Carter vs. Lee(#683)
Lee vs. Walker(#684)
Walker vs. Brambila(#684)
Brambila vs. Hassan(#684)
Winchester vs. Kelly(#685)
Mangum vs. Horne(#685)
Winchester vs. Smith(#687)
Mangum vs. Rodriguez(#687)
Winchester vs. Gainer(#687)
Paez vs. Tait(#687)
Gainer vs. Jusi(#689)
Tait vs. Daniels(#689)
NEW!!! From Season 6- Smith vs. Pitter(#760)
Graham vs. Ahn(#760)
From Season 7- Smith vs. Butcher(#860)
Maceo vs. Freed(#860)

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