Other Stuff

Family Vacation

Family Occasions

Family Jokes


A brother is someone
with fun-loving ways
with wit and good humor
to spare.

He does thoughtful things
without any fuss
and when you're in trouble
he's there.

A brother is more
than just part of the family..
he's also a friend
through and through.

And that's a description
that certainly fits
a wonderful brother like you.

My brother is Strong, when I am Weak
Courageous when I am scared
Funny when I am sad
He is there when I need him
He is there when I don't

He is the one that needs no introduction
He is the one that is Priceless
The one that is Sincere
He is the coolest
If I ever needed him, you know whom I am going to call

January 25, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Family All rights reserved