You Will Need / Templates / Making the Puppets / Manipulating the Puppets
Japanese Doll Theatre Puppets
These puppets are not intended to duplicate any kind of Japanese puppet.  Rather, they are similar in CONCEPT to the puppets used in Bunraku and other Japanese "doll theatres."  They are incredibly simplified compared to these puppets, which can take a lifetime to learn to make, but they allow students to begin to understand some of the ideas of this kind of puppetry.  Central to the project is the fact that, as in Bunraku, the puppeteers are always plainly visible--indeed, as a friend of mine put it, in a way the puppeteer IS the puppet.  Also important is the idea of creating a puppet whose character is clearly delineated by its dress and apppearance.  I usually show my students lots of pictures of Bunraku puppetry before we begin, but they are not required to try and make their puppets "look like" the puppets in the pictures.  (Although I see no reason you couldn't do that if you wanted to.)  Rather, they are asked to imitate the level of detail (many students refuse to believe, at first, that they are looking at puppets rather than real people) and the way that the puppets' dress and appearance define them.  When it comes time to manipulate the puppets, we again imitate concept rather than actual story.  Instead of acting out "Japanese" stories with the puppets, we concentrate on making the movements of the puppets lifelike, on convincing interaction between puppets, and on the way that the body of the puppeteer reflects the affect of the puppet.

You Will Need:

Print these so that each just fits an 8.5x11 sheet.  (Or you can just draw your own.)  Photocopy on card stock enough for everyone to have one "torso/arms" sheet and every two people can share one "legs" sheet.  (I usually cut the "legs" sheets in half ahead of time to avoid acrimony.)  Everyone's browser and printer combo handles scale differently.  If you click on the images below, they'll take you to images that should just fit on 8.5x11 sheets, but you may not be able to print them that size--it'll depend on your printer.  Otherwise you can print them any size and enlarge them on a photocopier, or draw your own, using these as models.

Making the Puppets

Manipulating the Puppets
Real Bunraku puppeteers spend years learning their craft.  They use their whole bodies to manipulate their puppets.  Obviously we can't really approach this level of skill in a single drama lesson.  But my students are usually able to get facile enough with these enormously simplified puppets to make them move fairly naturally, and interact with each other.  I stress that, as in Japanese puppetry, there is no need to hide the presence of the puppeteer.  Rather than putting handles or something on the backs of the puppets, I demonstrate manipulating the puppets by simple moving their various parts with my hands, in plain sight.  The children quickly perceive that they are able, as audience, to watch the puppets while ignoring my hands, and after that they have no difficulty doing it themselves.  Since these puppets are mostly about moving bodies rather than talking, we do mostly "pantomime" stories.  One student might narrate a familiar story, while two or three others' puppets "act it out."  Try to leave time for the manipulation, or the lesson becomes simply and arts-and-crafts project.  (Nothing inherently wrong with that, but if you're the drama teacher, you want to go beyond it.)

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