The Reading of the Stranger
The Tower represents you. Fate works for you, or against you, in this time of great upheaval.

The 7 of Wands crosses you, in a reversed position. You fight a battle against powerful forces, and you are losing.

The 6 of Wands crowns you. You seek victory against these hidden forces, and small victories have yet been won against your enemy.

The Devil is behind you. While you fight enemies without, you battle yourselves within. Your hearts hold secrets that bar the way.

The 5 of Wands is beneath you. You shall face a test soon, one that may tip the balance towards victory or defeat.

Death is before you. For good or ill, the coming battle shall change you and everything that you touch.

But I have not said all there is to say. Tests you shall face, and to stand a chance of passing you must prepare yourselves.

For the Heir a test in gloom and mud.
For the Champion a test in steel.
For the Blood a test in Blood.
For the Avenger a dark ordeal.
For the Fated a test you must fortell.
For the Chosen a test in hell.
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